Out of touch with reality

Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.

Unless something strange happens - a Ben Carson catches fire, or some other guy comes riding out of the clouds. There are too many good governors available -

He's not the ONLY republican that worries me but Jeb Bush is likely the only electable republican in 2014 that has a chance as of today. Clinton can self-destruct...no doubt...but one that could win it with all other things being equal...he's pretty much it.
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.

Without much thought, I'll be glad to take up your challenge ... let's start with Ryan.

Still crying from the debate with Biden where he was asking for pork in a letter
Austerity budgets aren't popular with anyone (especially folks like Romney it turned out)
Accomplishments...thin as are most in the Congress.

What? THAT is supposed to act as a counter-argument to the ineptitude as Secretary of State, her inability to respond in a crisis situation?

C'mon - you can do better than that .... can't you? PLEASE say yes ...
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.

Without much thought, I'll be glad to take up your challenge ... let's start with Ryan.

Still crying from the debate with Biden where he was asking for pork in a letter
Austerity budgets aren't popular with anyone (especially folks like Romney it turned out)
Accomplishments...thin as are most in the Congress.

What? THAT is supposed to act as a counter-argument to the ineptitude as Secretary of State, her inability to respond in a crisis situation?

C'mon - you can do better than that .... can't you? PLEASE say yes ...

I'll be happy to see Ryan's name on top of a ballot with just those 3 things hanging around his neck. We haven't even gotten to his ghastly record on women's choice issues. Don't worry, we'll get there.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
Walker no chance? Would that that be the Walker who won in Wisconsin took on the unions and won was then recalled won that and won reelection a week ago today?
Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.

Unless something strange happens - a Ben Carson catches fire, or some other guy comes riding out of the clouds. There are too many good governors available -

He's not the ONLY republican that worries me but Jeb Bush is likely the only electable republican in 2014 that has a chance as of today. Clinton can self-destruct...no doubt...but one that could win it with all other things being equal...he's pretty much it.

You're suffering from tunnel vision ... Kasich is electable, Walker has the right resume, but not enough national exposure, Huckabee has an established foundation ... Christie is a possibility, but I think he will self-destruct on the campaign (telling the national media to shut up and sit down, while gratifying, isn't a good political maneuver) ... Pence is a very viable candidate ... there are lots.

You can expect Hilary to self-destruct, as well ... she isn't quick enough on her feet, and all too often, reverts to what she really thinks (which won't sell well) ... frankly, she just can't keep her mouth shut.

It's gonna be interesting ... and I suspect Hilary will be the sacrificial lamb.
Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
Walker no chance? Would that that be the Walker who won in Wisconsin took on the unions and won was then recalled won that and won reelection a week ago today?

Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.
Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
Walker no chance? Would that that be the Walker who won in Wisconsin took on the unions and won was then recalled won that and won reelection a week ago today?

Walker sells well in the common citizen's house ... he just won't carry the 'intellectually elite' who manipulate the media message.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
Walker no chance? Would that that be the Walker who won in Wisconsin took on the unions and won was then recalled won that and won reelection a week ago today?

Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Now, see, you were doing so well .... and then you blow it.

You almost had some valid inputs to make to an intelligent discussion, and you go ruin it by an inane remark about GOP stupidity. Was that really necessary? If you believe it's true, then you don't even need to discuss the election, since clearly, the GOP isn't smart enough to mount a reasonable challenge.

You ought to be ashamed ...
Give us an official list of the above. Blumenauer, for instance, merely refused to give his position on ACA. That is not co-sponsorship.
I did give you the list, Blumenaur is on it, and here is the link.
Bill Summary Status - 111th Congress 2009 - 2010 - H.R.3590 - Cosponsors - THOMAS Library of Congress

And here is the link to Blumenaur giving his position on ACA, which was in the affirmative.
Bill Summary Status - 111th Congress 2009 - 2010 - H.R.3590 - Cosponsors - THOMAS Library of Congress
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.

Unless something strange happens - a Ben Carson catches fire, or some other guy comes riding out of the clouds. There are too many good governors available -

He's not the ONLY republican that worries me but Jeb Bush is likely the only electable republican in 2014 that has a chance as of today. Clinton can self-destruct...no doubt...but one that could win it with all other things being equal...he's pretty much it.

You're suffering from tunnel vision ... Kasich is electable, Walker has the right resume, but not enough national exposure, Huckabee has an established foundation ... Christie is a possibility, but I think he will self-destruct on the campaign (telling the national media to shut up and sit down, while gratifying, isn't a good political maneuver) ... Pence is a very viable candidate ... there are lots.

You can expect Hilary to self-destruct, as well ... she isn't quick enough on her feet, and all too often, reverts to what she really thinks (which won't sell well) ... frankly, she just can't keep her mouth shut.

It's gonna be interesting ... and I suspect Hilary will be the sacrificial lamb.

Kasich has one thing going for him; Ohio. Beyond that...nothing. It benefited from a lot of TARP spending--you think he wants to run on that? I'll put it to you like this: In 2008, Obama and Hillary got over 2,000,000 votes. In 2010 when Kasich ran, he got fewer than that.

Hillary can self-destruct...no doubt. She is anything but a shoo-in for victory if she does get the nomination but As of today, I feel comfortable with her on the ticket against anyone from the GOP.
Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
Walker no chance? Would that that be the Walker who won in Wisconsin took on the unions and won was then recalled won that and won reelection a week ago today?

Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Now, see, you were doing so well .... and then you blow it.

You almost had some valid inputs to make to an intelligent discussion, and you go ruin it by an inane remark about GOP stupidity. Was that really necessary? If you believe it's true, then you don't even need to discuss the election, since clearly, the GOP isn't smart enough to mount a reasonable challenge.

You ought to be ashamed ...

Your #2 recipient of delegates last time out believes its "snobish" to want kids to go to college.

Look it up if you don't believe me.

This is your brain on Democrats...any questions?
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
Walker no chance? Would that that be the Walker who won in Wisconsin took on the unions and won was then recalled won that and won reelection a week ago today?

Walker sells well in the common citizen's house ... he just won't carry the 'intellectually elite' who manipulate the media message.


He won't play well when his lack of education is brought up. Mr. & Ms. Smith are sitting there in their media room and their daughter's picture in her cap and gown is on the mantle above the set. They are watching the GOP debates and someone brings it up...

"Phyllis...one of the men running for president has less education than our daughter."
"Herb...pretty unbelievable, right?"
Are you all saying that the new GOP majority in the Senate and the sustained majority in the House should try to ram through a GOP agenda regardless of what the President thinks and shouldn't compromise when they have their inevitable disagreements?

Hell NO
The people did the same thing that they did during FDR's 2nd term.
They put in the Republicans to stop his new 2nd New Deal big government programs.
Hardly none of them got passed.
The people had had enough of big government growth just like now.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
Walker no chance? Would that that be the Walker who won in Wisconsin took on the unions and won was then recalled won that and won reelection a week ago today?

Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.
Since I'm guessing he has defeated three college graduate Democrats I wouldn't be calling others stupid if I were you. On the subject of stupid yes by all means call people who are not college graduates stupid as part of a 2016 campaign strategy I'm sure that will be a big hit.
Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Bush, as of today, has the best chance of competing with HRC.

For those of you who think Elizabeth Warren is willing to wait, she is 65 now.

She will challenge HRC.
Dems put in 40% tax cuts in the stimulus. Put up the Pub plan for health care, talked for 6 months- all a ploy by Pubs, GOT NO VOTES. Pubs admitted they would not compromise, only wanted O to fail. In the middle of THEIR meltdown. Total a-holes with their brainwashed chumps- YOU. You're just incredible chumps of the greedy rich- always want Dem positions, but get snapped back by your shortsighted greed, racism and bigotry. Anti-minority, women, furriners- pathetic.

Wow --- sophomoric name calling is now a debate strategy?

You fail to acknowledge that the Dems put several no-go suggestions in the stimulus, and then refused to negotiate on those. "It's my way - or the highway" is not a compromising strategy.
BS- The stimulus was bi-partisan- the only Pubs who would do the right thing. And then THEY were done.
Bush, as of today, has the best chance of competing with HRC.

For those of you who think Elizabeth Warren is willing to wait, she is 65 now.

She will challenge HRC.
Personally I don't think there is any real excitement for another Bush or Clinton Presidency. If it does turn out to be a choice between Jeb or Hillary in 2016 I might have to sit that one out I really don't think I could cast a vote for either one.
Quite a few will be sitting with you, blackhawk, as many Americans do not want the "family" presidency to continue. That seems very South American to me.

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