Outgoing repub warns of party extremist

Most Repub voters do not want McCarthy as Speaker. He may be another establishment RINO and he needs to deny it. More could have been done in Trump's first two years with someone not a RINO like Ryan. So, we will see the manly man votes the Repubs will take in Congress while knowing that Bidne will veto them. Of course, if they have complete control by pure dominance of the Congress, they may have to do the old sidestep to not get legislation passed by their own pure power.
It doesn’t matter what party controls Congress. The oligarchs, intelligence agencies and their minions run the show. The people are mere pawns.
MTG and the others like her are fine for America if they are against more US led wars. That's all that's important to the rest of the world now.

The fascism that's coming could be a peaceful fascism, if that's possible?

Are you kidding me? The repub party IS the party of trump and MTG. trump has the repub party cowering in the corner. The repub party asks trump when you take a dump....they are so afraid of him.
You know what, I'm tired of the talk like lock up Hillary, build the border wall, repeal and replace Obamacare, blah, blah, blah.

I will just assume we are all being played unless they actually put some action behind it, otherwise, I will believe none of it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey er, *Jim height 52"* look man, hey, dude, mmmm,...you are the one who is afraid of Trump.
2. Yes its you.
3. Now get out of your closet, stand up and face your fears dude.
4. Trumps busy now, being Trump, its ok, over time you will calm down a little.


Are you kidding me? The repub party IS the party of trump and MTG. trump has the repub party cowering in the corner. The repub party asks trump when you take a dump....they are so afraid of him.
That’s good; we need US citizens to be employed, not trespassers like you with free Internet.
The fringe crazies have taken over both parties. All the more reason to be an independent. I like the center, the normal people.
The GOP would be lucky to have "fringe crazies" (remembering that's what they call the likes of Ron & Rand Paul, Matt Gaetz, and Thomas Massie) take the party over, from the clutches of "mainstream" poseurs like Upton, Cheney, McTurtle, Romney, ad nauseum.

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