Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Imagine the meetings in the county clerk's office after Fields and his lawyers sign the structured settlement agreement for 800K. That's a lot of colored pencils.
I bet the school board and county officials and sheriff's office are going to exchange some 'heated' words. HAAA HAAA
The fucking County and the school board ASKED for LEO's to be put in the schools.
They just didn't bother to tell the LEO's they could not do their job.
No one is going to be paying this dirtbag off, no one...
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands UP Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAA HAAAA!
Aren't you the one who claimed Zimmerman's "cheap gun" recoiled and caused his broken nose?
Nope. And dumbass, the word is "loser", not looser.
UPDATE: Cop Who Slammed Black Student Gets Good News as New Video Reveals What We DIDN’T See Before.





Yeah... as was noted MANY TIMES over the last 242 pages, the highest probability for the Cops response recorded on the video, was that the 18 year old black female had initiated the violence... and sure enough, as nature required it must, the evidence is in... she did just that.

UPDATE: Cop Who Slammed Black Student Gets Good News as New Video Reveals What We DIDN'T See Before
Imagine the meetings in the county clerk's office after Fields and his lawyers sign the structured settlement agreement for 800K. That's a lot of colored pencils.
I bet the school board and county officials and sheriff's office are going to exchange some 'heated' words. HAAA HAAA
The fucking County and the school board ASKED for LEO's to be put in the schools.
They just didn't bother to tell the LEO's they could not do their job.
No one is going to be paying this dirtbag off, no one...
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands UP Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAA HAAAA!
Aren't you the one who claimed Zimmerman's "cheap gun" recoiled and caused his broken nose?
Nope. And dumbass, the word is "loser", not looser.
As in 'looooser' dumb ass.
Answer the question about your "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" T-shirt.
Imagine the meetings in the county clerk's office after Fields and his lawyers sign the structured settlement agreement for 800K. That's a lot of colored pencils.
I bet the school board and county officials and sheriff's office are going to exchange some 'heated' words. HAAA HAAA
The fucking County and the school board ASKED for LEO's to be put in the schools.
They just didn't bother to tell the LEO's they could not do their job.
No one is going to be paying this dirtbag off, no one...
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands UP Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAA HAAAA!
Aren't you the one who claimed Zimmerman's "cheap gun" recoiled and caused his broken nose?
Nope. And dumbass, the word is "loser", not looser.
As in 'looooser' dumb ass.
Answer the question about your "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" T-shirt.
Don't have one, but I would like whitey cops to stop shooting unarmed *******.
Look what is being described as a "punch to the chest"...she is being thrown back by tyhe Gorilla which causes her to flail her hands [if one is sitting and starts to fall backwards one extends the hand seeking to avoid falling] trying to avoid falling over...that is called now a "punch to the chest"
I still haven't seen one lib on here explain how to remove the student. So all you sharp minded folks, what was proper procedure? He got fired because he didn't follow procedure. What is it?
I'm a lib. Drag the desk with the girl in it out of the room.

From some teachers of other students.

Video Shows Cop Rip Female Student Out of Desk in South Carolina Classroom | VICE News

  • Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    Why not just drag the desk into the hallway? That's what I've done in the past for students disrupting a class then refusing to leave.

    Apparently I didn't get the proper training of "smash their head into the ground".
  • Joe Manzella Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    I know, right? I was a substitute teacher while in grad school. Not gonna lie, I definitely thought about this once... or twice. But there are WAAAYYYY better ways at besting a mouthy middle schooler.

    I once pulled the push-the-desk-not-the-kid into the hallway move too. Made sure to make putter-putter sounds like a tug boat while scooting him along. Ended up finishing the whole lesson that day, and then caught the troublemaker up over his next 5 lunches. Nothing worse than eating with teachers and doing times tables.

    Probably should've been fired for that, but it was an $8/hr job so... yeah.

Teach your people to do what they're told by a police officer having the authority to tell them. It's that easy.


specially if you are one of those Freedom loving Narcissistic white Government hating gun clinger in case the Government attacks them

It's completely fine and even patriotic to ask questions of authority.

However...there's a time for it. When a cop is putting hands on and detaining you....do not physically resist. It's that simple. If you avoid that....99.999999999999999999999% chance you will not be harmed at all.

But...CHOOSE to resist? I'd say it's about a 50% chance you're gonna get a foot in the ass.
Those stupid *******, no better than animals eh?

Not all just the n*ggers and there is a difference.
Not to you there isn't, obviously. We can all read what you write, and any darkie who doesn't act or believe as you want them to is a ******. House *******. like Justice Thomas, you give a pass to, maybe, but he married whitey...

It's not a matter of what I believe but of what the law said in this case. I didn't make the rules she was asked to follow.

Clarence Thomas is an honorable black because of what he's achieved. I doubt he acted like that when in school.

There is a difference. I call whites those acting like this girl white trash. There's a difference.
As I said, when the ******* act and think as you want them to, they're okay, otherwise they are *******.

It's not a matter of how I think they should act. In this case, it was the school policy and state law. She chose to disobey. I had nothing to do with writing either one or in HER choice to not follow them. It's all on her. I'm simply an observer identifying she didn't do what she was told.
When a cop is putting hands on and detaining you....do not physically resist. It's that simple. If you avoid that....99.999999999999999999999% chance you will not be harmed at all.

detaining a student for being uncooperative...what the fuck are you drinking Moonshine?


specially if you are one of those Freedom loving Narcissistic white Government hating gun clinger in case the Government attacks them

It's completely fine and even patriotic to ask questions of authority.

However...there's a time for it. When a cop is putting hands on and detaining you....do not physically resist. It's that simple. If you avoid that....99.999999999999999999999% chance you will not be harmed at all.

But...CHOOSE to resist? I'd say it's about a 50% chance you're gonna get a foot in the ass.
Those stupid *******, no better than animals eh?

Not all just the n*ggers and there is a difference.
Not to you there isn't, obviously. We can all read what you write, and any darkie who doesn't act or believe as you want them to is a ******. House *******. like Justice Thomas, you give a pass to, maybe, but he married whitey...

It's not a matter of what I believe but of what the law said in this case. I didn't make the rules she was asked to follow.

Clarence Thomas is an honorable black because of what he's achieved. I doubt he acted like that when in school.

There is a difference. I call whites those acting like this girl white trash. There's a difference.
As I said, when the ******* act and think as you want them to, they're okay, otherwise they are *******.

It's not a matter of how I think they should act. In this case, it was the school policy and state law. She chose to disobey. I had nothing to do with writing either one or in HER choice to not follow them. It's all on her. I'm simply an observer identifying she didn't do what she was told.

The officer chose not to comply with either his department's or the district's policy.
He now has been dismissed and banned for life from district properties.
Whatever actions the girl took are irrelevant to that.
UPDATE: Cop Who Slammed Black Student Gets Good News as New Video Reveals What We DIDN’T See Before.





Yeah... as was noted MANY TIMES over the last 242 pages, the highest probability for the Cops response recorded on the video, was that the 18 year old black female had initiated the violence... and sure enough, as nature required it must, the evidence is in... she did just that.

UPDATE: Cop Who Slammed Black Student Gets Good News as New Video Reveals What We DIDN'T See Before
Must be a fake link. I think you got fooled. What a fucking idiot. :laugh:


specially if you are one of those Freedom loving Narcissistic white Government hating gun clinger in case the Government attacks them

It's completely fine and even patriotic to ask questions of authority.

However...there's a time for it. When a cop is putting hands on and detaining you....do not physically resist. It's that simple. If you avoid that....99.999999999999999999999% chance you will not be harmed at all.

But...CHOOSE to resist? I'd say it's about a 50% chance you're gonna get a foot in the ass.
Thats because at least 50% of cops are pussies with power issues and a gun. Very dangerous mix. No people will not cower because of your psychosis.
He'll be back on patrol within 2 years....but with a house paid off by his settlement check. Wanna make a bet on it??

Sure. Why not?

This guy will never work in law enforcement again. He will receive not a dime from anyone.

Someone honorable, unlike Leon Lott, will realize he did his job and not cave to politics.
No. Your hero who attacks female teenagers will not get a single cent unless you donated to his gofundme account.
Fields has the best lawyers in the country working on his behalf.........'pro-bono'.
They are 100% reimbursed from Police Union funds set aside for just such a case as this one.
Fields is going to settle with the county for close to one million dollars.
The negro bitch can look forward to a lifetime, however short it will be, of praying she never needs to call LE. She'll have a list of felony crimes which will mean she won't even be able to get a job at a fucking FF take-out.
Welfare and food stamps. What a lovely way to spend the rest of one's pathetic loser life.

guy, Fields will be lucky if he stays out of prison.

Not with his previous uses of excessive force against children. Not with this video. No one other than a hateful klansman could look at this video and not say, "Damn!"

He'll be back on patrol within 2 years....but with a house paid off by his settlement check. Wanna make a bet on it??

I'll take that bet. I guess that within 2 years he will be a year into his prison term.

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