Outrageous! House Approves Bill To Expand Homosexual Rights

Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?
I do.

Such laws are abominable and a violation of human rights.

The CRA is built on a foundation of lies and contradictions.

It violates the principle of equality under the law which and equal rights which is the only moral form of equality

You discriminate I discriminate we all do and it is a human right to discriminate for any reason

Most business owners will only discriminate in favor of money but when a few are racist or whatever they only hurt themselves

Let them but respect their right to do so
That is quite a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement .
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

Oh my God!!!! They are getting special rights and protections the rest of us don’t get? What the hell is going on?

Oh. Wait a sec. It says no discrimination based in sexual orientation...that means they can’t discriminate against heterosexuals.

So...what special protectections.....?

Why should sexual orientation get added to the list? I'm not saying it shouldn't, btw, just trying to a handle on which kinds of discrimination are allowed and which aren't. What's the criteria? Why are we targeting certain biases for suppression, but not others?

IMO, bias based on things a person can’t change such as race, gender, or sexual orientation should not be discriminated against. Neither should religion, but that is constitutionally protected.
I agree but no one least of all the government should be banning people especially business owners from engaging in such discrimination.
Yes well, we all know that you're a libertarian/anarchist with shades of social Darwinism. It must be nice to be at the top of the food chain, or at least to be able to delude yourself into believing that you are. Enjoy it while it lasts
I am no where near the top nor do I think I am

You know nothing whatsoever about me or my political lanlles etc.

That foolish description of yours comes from a delusional belief that you are insightful and intelligent but you are neither

The fact is I respect human rights you do not and instead you blindly support authoritarian tyranny
Hooray for decency!
Discrimination in the melting-pot USA against innocent people who look or act natural should not be tolerated in a civil society.
Republicans should value LIBERTY too!
Hooray for decency!
Discrimination in the melting-pot USA against innocent people who look or act natural should not be tolerated in a civil society.
Republicans should value LIBERTY too!
Yes it should be tolerated except when government does it.

A civil society is one where selective rights do not exist

People have the right to discriminate in whatever way they choose

Such discrimination harms no one

You advocate a regressive society with thought crime
Hooray for decency!
Discrimination in the melting-pot USA against innocent people who look or act natural should not be tolerated in a civil society.
Republicans should value LIBERTY too!
Yes it should be tolerated except when government does it.

A civil society is one where selective rights do not exist

People have the right to discriminate in whatever way they choose

Such discrimination harms no one

You advocate a regressive society with thought crime
I advocate HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL, which included FAIRNESS and not selective privileges for a special lucky group(s).
Hooray for decency!
Discrimination in the melting-pot USA against innocent people who look or act natural should not be tolerated in a civil society.
Republicans should value LIBERTY too!
Yes it should be tolerated except when government does it.

A civil society is one where selective rights do not exist

People have the right to discriminate in whatever way they choose

Such discrimination harms no one

You advocate a regressive society with thought crime
I advocate HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL, which included FAIRNESS and not selective privileges for a special lucky group(s).
Fairness is strictly subjective

No one has the privilege of demanding association from others or controlling their lives
Hooray for decency!
Discrimination in the melting-pot USA against innocent people who look or act natural should not be tolerated in a civil society.
Republicans should value LIBERTY too!
Yes it should be tolerated except when government does it.

A civil society is one where selective rights do not exist

People have the right to discriminate in whatever way they choose

Such discrimination harms no one

You advocate a regressive society with thought crime
I advocate HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL, which included FAIRNESS and not selective privileges for a special lucky group(s).
Fairness is strictly subjective

No one has the privilege of demanding association from others or controlling their lives
Fairness is not subjective when providing EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES to innocent citizens.
As an employer, if you have 2 resumes/references that are similar in strength, it is not fair to hire both applicants and pay one more than the other because of their skin color, gender, or unobtrusive personal lifestyle.
Hooray for decency!
Discrimination in the melting-pot USA against innocent people who look or act natural should not be tolerated in a civil society.
Republicans should value LIBERTY too!
Yes it should be tolerated except when government does it.

A civil society is one where selective rights do not exist

People have the right to discriminate in whatever way they choose

Such discrimination harms no one

You advocate a regressive society with thought crime
I advocate HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL, which included FAIRNESS and not selective privileges for a special lucky group(s).
Fairness is strictly subjective

No one has the privilege of demanding association from others or controlling their lives
Fairness is not subjective when providing EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES to innocent citizens.
As an employer, if you have 2 resumes/references that are similar in strength, it is not fair to hire both applicants and pay one more than the other because of their skin color, gender, or unobtrusive personal lifestyle.
Yes it is always subjective and no one can be provided equal opportunity.

We all have opportunities we miss and squander and others we exploit but there is no way to make them equal. Furthermore opportunity never involves forcing someone to give you something which is what you are advocating for.The person being forced to do something will not think it is fair which makes it subjective by definition

It is not fair to decide what an employer should value or even to claim that any two resumes/references are similar. You are no qualified judge of such things and neither am I, an employer is,
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
/——-/ I remember in the 60s gays said all they want is to be left alone. They never wanted special treatment, we all know they were lying,
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
/——-/ I remember in the 60s gays said all they want is to be left alone. They never wanted special treatment, we all know they were lying,
And now they are the establishment and the mainstream.

The counter culture fighting for positive change against the elitists are those on the right.
Hooray for decency!
Discrimination in the melting-pot USA against innocent people who look or act natural should not be tolerated in a civil society.
Republicans should value LIBERTY too!
Yes it should be tolerated except when government does it.

A civil society is one where selective rights do not exist

People have the right to discriminate in whatever way they choose

Such discrimination harms no one

You advocate a regressive society with thought crime
I advocate HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL, which included FAIRNESS and not selective privileges for a special lucky group(s).
Fairness is strictly subjective

No one has the privilege of demanding association from others or controlling their lives
Fairness is not subjective when providing EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES to innocent citizens.
As an employer, if you have 2 resumes/references that are similar in strength, it is not fair to hire both applicants and pay one more than the other because of their skin color, gender, or unobtrusive personal lifestyle.
Yes it is always subjective and no one can be provided equal opportunity.

We all have opportunities we miss and squander and others we exploit but there is no way to make them equal. Furthermore opportunity never involves forcing someone to give you something which is what you are advocating for.The person being forced to do something will not think it is fair which makes it subjective by definition

It is not fair to decide what an employer should value or even to claim that any two resumes/references are similar. You are no qualified judge of such things and neither am I, an employer is,
UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION is reality, unfortunately.
I have hired dozens of professionals, and under one of my supervisors, after going through hundreds of resumes and interviews, I was told to hire applicants that were “like us”. It did not take long for me to change employers (their loss; I got a better job).
Yes it should be tolerated except when government does it.

A civil society is one where selective rights do not exist

People have the right to discriminate in whatever way they choose

Such discrimination harms no one

You advocate a regressive society with thought crime
I advocate HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL, which included FAIRNESS and not selective privileges for a special lucky group(s).
Fairness is strictly subjective

No one has the privilege of demanding association from others or controlling their lives
Fairness is not subjective when providing EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES to innocent citizens.
As an employer, if you have 2 resumes/references that are similar in strength, it is not fair to hire both applicants and pay one more than the other because of their skin color, gender, or unobtrusive personal lifestyle.
Yes it is always subjective and no one can be provided equal opportunity.

We all have opportunities we miss and squander and others we exploit but there is no way to make them equal. Furthermore opportunity never involves forcing someone to give you something which is what you are advocating for.The person being forced to do something will not think it is fair which makes it subjective by definition

It is not fair to decide what an employer should value or even to claim that any two resumes/references are similar. You are no qualified judge of such things and neither am I, an employer is,
UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION is reality, unfortunately.
I have hired dozens of professionals, and under one of my supervisors, after going through hundreds of resumes and interviews, I was told to hire applicants that were “like us”. It did not take long for me to change employers (their loss; I got a better job).
No it is not reality it is strictly subjective and based on those who wish to exercise government coercion and power over others,
I advocate HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL, which included FAIRNESS and not selective privileges for a special lucky group(s).
Fairness is strictly subjective

No one has the privilege of demanding association from others or controlling their lives
Fairness is not subjective when providing EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES to innocent citizens.
As an employer, if you have 2 resumes/references that are similar in strength, it is not fair to hire both applicants and pay one more than the other because of their skin color, gender, or unobtrusive personal lifestyle.
Yes it is always subjective and no one can be provided equal opportunity.

We all have opportunities we miss and squander and others we exploit but there is no way to make them equal. Furthermore opportunity never involves forcing someone to give you something which is what you are advocating for.The person being forced to do something will not think it is fair which makes it subjective by definition

It is not fair to decide what an employer should value or even to claim that any two resumes/references are similar. You are no qualified judge of such things and neither am I, an employer is,
UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION is reality, unfortunately.
I have hired dozens of professionals, and under one of my supervisors, after going through hundreds of resumes and interviews, I was told to hire applicants that were “like us”. It did not take long for me to change employers (their loss; I got a better job).
No it is not reality it is strictly subjective and based on those who wish to exercise government coercion and power over others,
There's a lot of that going around these days.
They can have butt sex. What could be more important than that?
That is about as stupid as stupid get . It reduces gay people to sex machines with no understanding of the fact that they are HUMAN Beings that are -in most ways-just like you. Oh wait . Did I liken you to a human being? My bad.

Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .

And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
That is about as stupid as stupid get . It reduces gay people to sex machines with no understanding of the fact that they are HUMAN Beings that are -in most ways-just like you. Oh wait . Did I liken you to a human being? My bad.

Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .

And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .

And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
Homosexuals should be considered third class Citizens and a diseased biological threat to society.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .

And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
Homosexuals should be considered third class Citizens and a diseased biological threat to society.
Well, that's not going to happen...Sorry. You will not be getting your christian sharia law.
And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
Homosexuals should be considered third class Citizens and a diseased biological threat to society.
Well, that's not going to happen...Sorry. You will not be getting your christian sharia law.

They do seem to long for a "Christian Caliphate", don't they?

They have so much in common with Islamic fundamentalists. You'd think the two groups would get along better than they do.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
Homosexuals should be considered third class Citizens and a diseased biological threat to society.
Well, that's not going to happen...Sorry. You will not be getting your christian sharia law.

They do seem to long for a "Christian Caliphate", don't they?

They have so much in common with Islamic fundamentalists. You'd think the two groups would get along better than they do.
This seems to be a common theme with you today.


Must be rough living in fear of the boogeyman
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
we need a "bear True Witness" bill.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

we know the right wing is true witness challenged.

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