Outrageous! House Approves Bill To Expand Homosexual Rights

Gays need to be confronted to ton down there hate towards straight white makes
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
Homosexuals should be considered third class Citizens and a diseased biological threat to society.
Well, that's not going to happen...Sorry. You will not be getting your christian sharia law.

They do seem to long for a "Christian Caliphate", don't they?

They have so much in common with Islamic fundamentalists. You'd think the two groups would get along better than they do.
/——/ Sure, Christians are famous for beheading non believers and stoning women for minor offenses. BTW how many babies do you libtards murder every year?
Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
Homosexuals should be considered third class Citizens and a diseased biological threat to society.
Well, that's not going to happen...Sorry. You will not be getting your christian sharia law.

They do seem to long for a "Christian Caliphate", don't they?

They have so much in common with Islamic fundamentalists. You'd think the two groups would get along better than they do.
/——/ Sure, Christians are famous for beheading non believers and stoning women for minor offenses. BTW how many babies do you libtards murder every year?

There are many forms of violence. It can been seen as a continuum. All genocide begins with hateful words and ostracizing those who are hated, and scapegoated, The next step is to marginalize them by chipping away at rights and denying them full participation in society. That begins the dehumanizing process, casting them as "the others- not like me," After that it's open season. If the violence is not officially sanctioned it is, at minimum condoned and encouraged. Do you have any fucking idea how many gay and trans people are murdered each year in this country. ? They only difference between Christian Fundies and Islamic extremism is the method of inflicting pain and suffering and that fact that killing LGBT people in the Muslim majority countries is often officially sanctioned so they can get away with it. There are many Christians in this country who have advocated the killing of gays but don't because they could not easily get away with it. Instead, they inspire and incite others to do their dirty work.

Oh and by the way, how often do you hear Muslims IN THIS COUNTRY, spewing hate and bigotry against gays? Rarely if ever. They have more respect to the rule of law and our constitution then the Fundies ever had or will have.
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Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .

And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

You're the one here crying because your LIE got exposed. What part of sexual orientation being part of anti-discrimination laws do you not seem to understand? Now you deflect to blacks and women. Just pathetic. Those groups have record low unemployment under TRUMP, destroying another of your lies. By the way, you are not a big dog. You're a liar who attributes statements to people that they never made. run along liar. You are dismissed.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
Homosexuals should be considered third class Citizens and a diseased biological threat to society.
Well, that's not going to happen...Sorry. You will not be getting your christian sharia law.

They do seem to long for a "Christian Caliphate", don't they?

They have so much in common with Islamic fundamentalists. You'd think the two groups would get along better than they do.
/——/ Sure, Christians are famous for beheading non believers and stoning women for minor offenses. BTW how many babies do you libtards murder every year?

There are many forms of violence. It can been seen as a continuum. All genocide begins with hateful words and ostracizing those who are hated, and scapegoated, The next step is to marginalize them by chipping away at rights and denying them full participation in society. That begins the dehumanizing process, casting them as "the others- not like me," After that it's open season. If the violence is not officially sanctioned it is, at minimum condoned and encouraged. Do you have any fucking idea how many gay and trans people are murdered each year in this country. ? They only difference between Christian Fundies and Islamic extremism is the method of inflicting pain and suffering and that fact that killing LGBT people in the Muslim majority countries is often officially sanctioned so they can get away with it. There are many Christians in this country who have advocated the killing of gays but don't because they could not easily get away with it. Instead, they inspire and incite others to do their dirty work.

Oh and by the way, how often do you hear Muslims IN THIS COUNTRY, spewing hate and bigotry against gays? Rarely if ever. They have more respect to the rule of law and our constitution then the Fundies ever had or will have.

Words are not violence

Marginalization is not violence

Hays and others have the same rights as everyone else

The number of hay murder victims is proportional to their percentage within the general population

They spew worse hatred here all the time

You are out of touch with reality boy.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .

And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

You're the one here crying because your LIE got exposed. What part of sexual orientation being part of anti-discrimination laws do you not seem to understand? Now you deflect to blacks and women. Just pathetic. Those groups have record low unemployment under TRUMP, destroying another of your lies. By the way, you are not a big dog. You're a liar who attributes statements to people that they never made. run along liar. You are dismissed.
Holy shit! You do sound rattled. Sorry, I didn't mean to push you off of the deep end , but you are blathering incoherently. For the record, I stated that there are no federal protection for LGBT people( Except for same sex marriage) and that many states do no include sexual orientation or gender identity in their anti discrimination laws. Where is the fucking lie? What statements have I attributed to you that you did not make?
Homosexuals should be considered third class Citizens and a diseased biological threat to society.
Well, that's not going to happen...Sorry. You will not be getting your christian sharia law.

They do seem to long for a "Christian Caliphate", don't they?

They have so much in common with Islamic fundamentalists. You'd think the two groups would get along better than they do.
/——/ Sure, Christians are famous for beheading non believers and stoning women for minor offenses. BTW how many babies do you libtards murder every year?

There are many forms of violence. It can been seen as a continuum. All genocide begins with hateful words and ostracizing those who are hated, and scapegoated, The next step is to marginalize them by chipping away at rights and denying them full participation in society. That begins the dehumanizing process, casting them as "the others- not like me," After that it's open season. If the violence is not officially sanctioned it is, at minimum condoned and encouraged. Do you have any fucking idea how many gay and trans people are murdered each year in this country. ? They only difference between Christian Fundies and Islamic extremism is the method of inflicting pain and suffering and that fact that killing LGBT people in the Muslim majority countries is often officially sanctioned so they can get away with it. There are many Christians in this country who have advocated the killing of gays but don't because they could not easily get away with it. Instead, they inspire and incite others to do their dirty work.

Oh and by the way, how often do you hear Muslims IN THIS COUNTRY, spewing hate and bigotry against gays? Rarely if ever. They have more respect to the rule of law and our constitution then the Fundies ever had or will have.

Words are not violence

Marginalization is not violence

Hays and others have the same rights as everyone else

The number of hay murder victims is proportional to their percentage within the general population

They spew worse hatred here all the time

You are out of touch with reality boy.
I made my case as to how and why words are indeed part of the continuum of violence. Just stating that no, it is not is not much of an argument. It is nothing more than and appeal to ignorance logical fallacy .
Well, that's not going to happen...Sorry. You will not be getting your christian sharia law.

They do seem to long for a "Christian Caliphate", don't they?

They have so much in common with Islamic fundamentalists. You'd think the two groups would get along better than they do.
/——/ Sure, Christians are famous for beheading non believers and stoning women for minor offenses. BTW how many babies do you libtards murder every year?

There are many forms of violence. It can been seen as a continuum. All genocide begins with hateful words and ostracizing those who are hated, and scapegoated, The next step is to marginalize them by chipping away at rights and denying them full participation in society. That begins the dehumanizing process, casting them as "the others- not like me," After that it's open season. If the violence is not officially sanctioned it is, at minimum condoned and encouraged. Do you have any fucking idea how many gay and trans people are murdered each year in this country. ? They only difference between Christian Fundies and Islamic extremism is the method of inflicting pain and suffering and that fact that killing LGBT people in the Muslim majority countries is often officially sanctioned so they can get away with it. There are many Christians in this country who have advocated the killing of gays but don't because they could not easily get away with it. Instead, they inspire and incite others to do their dirty work.

Oh and by the way, how often do you hear Muslims IN THIS COUNTRY, spewing hate and bigotry against gays? Rarely if ever. They have more respect to the rule of law and our constitution then the Fundies ever had or will have.

Words are not violence

Marginalization is not violence

Hays and others have the same rights as everyone else

The number of hay murder victims is proportional to their percentage within the general population

They spew worse hatred here all the time

You are out of touch with reality boy.
I made my case as to how and why words are indeed part of the continuum of violence. Just stating that no, it is not is not much of an argument. It is nothing more than and appeal to ignorance logical fallacy .
You did not make a case

You simply posted an out right falsehood which is absolutely destroyed by facts.

Words are not violence plain and simple and that is the end .

Logical fallacy is what you are engaging in not me

You are just projecting because you claim is rooted in fiction and defeated by facts.

You are not very bright
And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

You're the one here crying because your LIE got exposed. What part of sexual orientation being part of anti-discrimination laws do you not seem to understand? Now you deflect to blacks and women. Just pathetic. Those groups have record low unemployment under TRUMP, destroying another of your lies. By the way, you are not a big dog. You're a liar who attributes statements to people that they never made. run along liar. You are dismissed.
Holy shit! You do sound rattled. Sorry, I didn't mean to push you off of the deep end , but you are blathering incoherently. For the record, I stated that there are no federal protection for LGBT people( Except for same sex marriage) and that many states do no include sexual orientation or gender identity in their anti discrimination laws. Where is the fucking lie? What statements have I attributed to you that you did not make?

And as another poster pointed out, you are a liar. Federal anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation. Your own fault you can't read. You are the one screaming incoherently. Crying the loudest does not make you right. It just makes calmly destroying your lies that much easier. Now go away, adults are speaking.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.

Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

You're the one here crying because your LIE got exposed. What part of sexual orientation being part of anti-discrimination laws do you not seem to understand? Now you deflect to blacks and women. Just pathetic. Those groups have record low unemployment under TRUMP, destroying another of your lies. By the way, you are not a big dog. You're a liar who attributes statements to people that they never made. run along liar. You are dismissed.
Holy shit! You do sound rattled. Sorry, I didn't mean to push you off of the deep end , but you are blathering incoherently. For the record, I stated that there are no federal protection for LGBT people( Except for same sex marriage) and that many states do no include sexual orientation or gender identity in their anti discrimination laws. Where is the fucking lie? What statements have I attributed to you that you did not make?

And as another poster pointed out, you are a liar. Federal anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation. Your own fault you can't read. You are the one screaming incoherently. Crying the loudest does not make you right. It just makes calmly destroying your lies that much easier. Now go away, adults are speaking.

Bullshit Post the law

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gays need to be confronted to ton down there hate towards straight white makes
Give us some examples of gays expressing unprovoked hate towards straight people. Then I will give you examples of allegedly straight people expressing hatred for gays.
It’s openly displaying they suck cock,, no one needs to know that..

Is that suppose to be an answer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gays need to be confronted to ton down there hate towards straight white makes
Give us some examples of gays expressing unprovoked hate towards straight people. Then I will give you examples of allegedly straight people expressing hatred for gays.
It’s openly displaying they suck cock,, no one needs to know that..

Is that suppose to be an answer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I live in a urban town.. most gays are not good people.. just being honest.. I’m not going to describe what I mean.. get some diversity in your life
Be advised that YOU were warned about personal insults. Debunking your lies is not mocking you crybaby. Read the anti-discrimination laws (or have mommy read them to you). Laws against disrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Now run along liar. You lose again.
What lies have I told slick.? I have read the laws? What is you point? That anti discrimination laws are a jihad on America,? That they promote inequality? You don't give a shit about equality. That line is just a smoke and mirrors horseshit fallacy that you bigots promote. Try telling that to blacks or women and get ready for the blow back, if you can take it, which I doubt. Can't take personal insults ? Too bad. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

You're the one here crying because your LIE got exposed. What part of sexual orientation being part of anti-discrimination laws do you not seem to understand? Now you deflect to blacks and women. Just pathetic. Those groups have record low unemployment under TRUMP, destroying another of your lies. By the way, you are not a big dog. You're a liar who attributes statements to people that they never made. run along liar. You are dismissed.
Holy shit! You do sound rattled. Sorry, I didn't mean to push you off of the deep end , but you are blathering incoherently. For the record, I stated that there are no federal protection for LGBT people( Except for same sex marriage) and that many states do no include sexual orientation or gender identity in their anti discrimination laws. Where is the fucking lie? What statements have I attributed to you that you did not make?

And as another poster pointed out, you are a liar. Federal anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation. Your own fault you can't read. You are the one screaming incoherently. Crying the loudest does not make you right. It just makes calmly destroying your lies that much easier. Now go away, adults are speaking.

Bullshit Post the law

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You need severe conversion therapy!
Gays need to be confronted to ton down there hate towards straight white makes
Give us some examples of gays expressing unprovoked hate towards straight people. Then I will give you examples of allegedly straight people expressing hatred for gays.
It’s openly displaying they suck cock,, no one needs to know that..

Is that suppose to be an answer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I live in a urban town.. most gays are not good people.. just being honest.. I’m not going to describe what I mean.. get some diversity in your life
That is still not an answer. You made the statement that gays are express hatred for straights. You were asked for examples. All that you came up with was some moronic reference to sucking cock. You fail!.
Okay, I have a mystery I want both sides of this issue to address.

Something weird happened this morning.

I viewed a video, and my good friend, who is crazy about LGBT issues, viewed the SAME video. BUT, I have a suspicioun we saw entirely different analytics and different comments.

I saw a show that looked like it was going to fail.

SHE saw a show that had more likes and positive comments. I'm like, wth? I don't get it.

Maybe we should have taken screen shots and sent them to each other? I think this show looks like it is going to fail miserably from where I am sitting, what do you see?

GO TO YouTube, and see how many likes and dislikes do you see?

Batwoman | First Look Trailer | The CW
They do seem to long for a "Christian Caliphate", don't they?

They have so much in common with Islamic fundamentalists. You'd think the two groups would get along better than they do.
/——/ Sure, Christians are famous for beheading non believers and stoning women for minor offenses. BTW how many babies do you libtards murder every year?

There are many forms of violence. It can been seen as a continuum. All genocide begins with hateful words and ostracizing those who are hated, and scapegoated, The next step is to marginalize them by chipping away at rights and denying them full participation in society. That begins the dehumanizing process, casting them as "the others- not like me," After that it's open season. If the violence is not officially sanctioned it is, at minimum condoned and encouraged. Do you have any fucking idea how many gay and trans people are murdered each year in this country. ? They only difference between Christian Fundies and Islamic extremism is the method of inflicting pain and suffering and that fact that killing LGBT people in the Muslim majority countries is often officially sanctioned so they can get away with it. There are many Christians in this country who have advocated the killing of gays but don't because they could not easily get away with it. Instead, they inspire and incite others to do their dirty work.

Oh and by the way, how often do you hear Muslims IN THIS COUNTRY, spewing hate and bigotry against gays? Rarely if ever. They have more respect to the rule of law and our constitution then the Fundies ever had or will have.

Words are not violence

Marginalization is not violence

Hays and others have the same rights as everyone else

The number of hay murder victims is proportional to their percentage within the general population

They spew worse hatred here all the time

You are out of touch with reality boy.
I made my case as to how and why words are indeed part of the continuum of violence. Just stating that no, it is not is not much of an argument. It is nothing more than and appeal to ignorance logical fallacy .
You did not make a case

You simply posted an out right falsehood which is absolutely destroyed by facts.

Words are not violence plain and simple and that is the end .

Logical fallacy is what you are engaging in not me

You are just projecting because you claim is rooted in fiction and defeated by facts.

You are not very bright
You damned sure are not making a case for anything. You are just hysterically bleating the some tired appeal to ignorance as before. Words are indeed a form of violence and history and common sense-which you obviously lack - clearly shows that words lead to physical violence .
Gays need to be confronted to ton down there hate towards straight white makes
Give us some examples of gays expressing unprovoked hate towards straight people. Then I will give you examples of allegedly straight people expressing hatred for gays.
It’s openly displaying they suck cock,, no one needs to know that..

Is that suppose to be an answer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I live in a urban town.. most gays are not good people.. just being honest.. I’m not going to describe what I mean.. get some diversity in your life
That is still not an answer. You made the statement that gays are express hatred for straights. You were asked for examples. All that you came up with was some moronic reference to sucking cock. You fail!.
Get some diversity

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