Outrageous! House Approves Bill To Expand Homosexual Rights

Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.

Because if religious bigots aren't allowed to discriminate against their fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens in employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas....are any of us truly free?

But people are allowed to be bigoted against Christians, just look at the people Progressive organizations like CNN hire. I don't see any Evangelicals.

In fact, in Hollywood, God forbid you even utter the name of Jesus or say a nice thing about Trump. You have to say the right things politically and religiously to get hired in Hollywood.

The Left just wants access to those on the right is all in order to subvert them and dictate to them.

It's like gay marriage. Why not let polygamists marry? Answer: Because they are mostly religious right Mormons, that's why.

In reality, no group of people should obtain special rights over another, much like forcing Christians to compromise their faith by being forced to make a wedding cake.
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?

You forgot to say you are Jewish. That said, there is no comparison between gay rights and religious liberty.
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.

Because if religious bigots aren't allowed to discriminate against their fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens in employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas....are any of us truly free?

No one did that, especially not to you. You matter that little.
You did not make a case

You simply posted an out right falsehood which is absolutely destroyed by facts.

Words are not violence plain and simple and that is the end .

Logical fallacy is what you are engaging in not me

You are just projecting because you claim is rooted in fiction and defeated by facts.

You are not very bright
You damned sure are not making a case for anything. You are just hysterically bleating the some tired appeal to ignorance as before. Words are indeed a form of violence and history and common sense-which you obviously lack - clearly shows that words lead to physical violence .

Words are not violence and it is you appealing to ignorance

My case does not need to be made because it is factual and you cannot intelligently refute it.

History shows no such thing although you are an uneducated fool who does not know shit about it.
You haven't studied the Holocaust , have you?
Sure have and no one was killed with words

Words are not violence that is absolute fact
Thank you for proving that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed. You don't know or understand anything You just mindlessly bleat the same old crap about how words are not violence without ant real intellectual assessment of what your saying.
It does not require any such assessment

It is simple fact words are not violence

You can scream and screen and stomp your feet all you like nut the absolute fact is you are a very foolish and uneducated moron

This is reality boy and intellectual people know that violence and worse are two different things.

You are wrong and a liar and you know it
You're the one here crying because your LIE got exposed. What part of sexual orientation being part of anti-discrimination laws do you not seem to understand? Now you deflect to blacks and women. Just pathetic. Those groups have record low unemployment under TRUMP, destroying another of your lies. By the way, you are not a big dog. You're a liar who attributes statements to people that they never made. run along liar. You are dismissed.
Holy shit! You do sound rattled. Sorry, I didn't mean to push you off of the deep end , but you are blathering incoherently. For the record, I stated that there are no federal protection for LGBT people( Except for same sex marriage) and that many states do no include sexual orientation or gender identity in their anti discrimination laws. Where is the fucking lie? What statements have I attributed to you that you did not make?

And as another poster pointed out, you are a liar. Federal anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation. Your own fault you can't read. You are the one screaming incoherently. Crying the loudest does not make you right. It just makes calmly destroying your lies that much easier. Now go away, adults are speaking.

Bullshit Post the law

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No. I'm not a secretary crybaby. Learn to read liar. Seems you're getting your head handed to you by a lot of posters here. Maybe you'd best quit while you're only 6 feet deep in your own BS.
What you are is a pathetic nuisance. You made the stunningly idiotic claim that that gays are protected under Federal Civil Rights laws, (post 191) without even citing the law. You painted yourself into a corner and your making an ass of yourself. You try to cover your tracks by whining about not being a secretary when asked for documentation, and hurl childish insults at the same time.

What you are is a pathetic, uneducated, lying bigot who has been caught in his lies by more than one person here. You are just a braying jackass who has NOTHING. I don't need to cover any tracks just because you refuse to accept the truth. Now you're whining about insults when YOU do nothing but insult people when you get shown to be the liar you are. You obviously can't read and do not know what sexual orientation means. Now go away, adults wish to have an intelligent discussion.
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal.
Holy shit! You do sound rattled. Sorry, I didn't mean to push you off of the deep end , but you are blathering incoherently. For the record, I stated that there are no federal protection for LGBT people( Except for same sex marriage) and that many states do no include sexual orientation or gender identity in their anti discrimination laws. Where is the fucking lie? What statements have I attributed to you that you did not make?

And as another poster pointed out, you are a liar. Federal anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation. Your own fault you can't read. You are the one screaming incoherently. Crying the loudest does not make you right. It just makes calmly destroying your lies that much easier. Now go away, adults are speaking.

Bullshit Post the law

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No. I'm not a secretary crybaby. Learn to read liar. Seems you're getting your head handed to you by a lot of posters here. Maybe you'd best quit while you're only 6 feet deep in your own BS.
What you are is a pathetic nuisance. You made the stunningly idiotic claim that that gays are protected under Federal Civil Rights laws, (post 191) without even citing the law. You painted yourself into a corner and your making an ass of yourself. You try to cover your tracks by whining about not being a secretary when asked for documentation, and hurl childish insults at the same time.

What you are is a pathetic, uneducated, lying bigot who has been caught in his lies by more than one person here. You are just a braying jackass who has NOTHING. I don't need to cover any tracks just because you refuse to accept the truth. Now you're whining about insults when YOU do nothing but insult people when you get shown to be the liar you are. You obviously can't read and do not know what sexual orientation means. Now go away, adults wish to have an intelligent discussion.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:
It's like gay marriage. Why not let polygamists marry? Answer: Because they are mostly religious right Mormons, that's why.
Actually, I would support the Mormons or anyone else who wished to enter into a plural marriage. But they need to make a case for it-on its own merits- just like same sex couples did.
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal.
Off your meds again?. So, the voices in your head are telling you that liberals want legally mandated personal relationships? Please do tell, where are you getting that bizarre crap from?
Last edited:
And as another poster pointed out, you are a liar. Federal anti-discrimination laws include sexual orientation. Your own fault you can't read. You are the one screaming incoherently. Crying the loudest does not make you right. It just makes calmly destroying your lies that much easier. Now go away, adults are speaking.

Bullshit Post the law

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No. I'm not a secretary crybaby. Learn to read liar. Seems you're getting your head handed to you by a lot of posters here. Maybe you'd best quit while you're only 6 feet deep in your own BS.
What you are is a pathetic nuisance. You made the stunningly idiotic claim that that gays are protected under Federal Civil Rights laws, (post 191) without even citing the law. You painted yourself into a corner and your making an ass of yourself. You try to cover your tracks by whining about not being a secretary when asked for documentation, and hurl childish insults at the same time.

What you are is a pathetic, uneducated, lying bigot who has been caught in his lies by more than one person here. You are just a braying jackass who has NOTHING. I don't need to cover any tracks just because you refuse to accept the truth. Now you're whining about insults when YOU do nothing but insult people when you get shown to be the liar you are. You obviously can't read and do not know what sexual orientation means. Now go away, adults wish to have an intelligent discussion.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

Nice. Yes we are laughing at you as you lose your shit and cry every day loser. Though admitting you piss yourself probably isn't very smart.
Bullshit Post the law

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No. I'm not a secretary crybaby. Learn to read liar. Seems you're getting your head handed to you by a lot of posters here. Maybe you'd best quit while you're only 6 feet deep in your own BS.
What you are is a pathetic nuisance. You made the stunningly idiotic claim that that gays are protected under Federal Civil Rights laws, (post 191) without even citing the law. You painted yourself into a corner and your making an ass of yourself. You try to cover your tracks by whining about not being a secretary when asked for documentation, and hurl childish insults at the same time.

What you are is a pathetic, uneducated, lying bigot who has been caught in his lies by more than one person here. You are just a braying jackass who has NOTHING. I don't need to cover any tracks just because you refuse to accept the truth. Now you're whining about insults when YOU do nothing but insult people when you get shown to be the liar you are. You obviously can't read and do not know what sexual orientation means. Now go away, adults wish to have an intelligent discussion.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

Nice. Yes we are laughing at you as you lose your shit and cry every day loser. Though admitting you piss yourself probably isn't very smart.
Once again allowing the fringe left drive policy.
The bill will (excuse me)...would... do anything but provide equality...as women will get hosed and even more lose any grip they have of their sex as sexualized panty wearers would get full "rights" to access all things woman.
It's fucking nuts. And will get shot down in flames.
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The protections would extend to employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas.

Because if religious bigots aren't allowed to discriminate against their fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens in employment, housing, loan applications, education, public accommodations and other areas....are any of us truly free?
As long as we tolerate compulsory association, instead of freedom of association... no. We aren’t truly free.
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal.
Off your meds again?. So, the voices in your head are telling you that liberals want legally mandated personal relationships? Please do tell, where are you getting that bizarre crap from?
From you

A private business and customer have a personal relationship and you are in favor of mandating who the business owner associates with.

Like any good fascist you wish to dictate to others how to live

And how to speak which is why you preach a massively stupid notion that words are violence
No. I'm not a secretary crybaby. Learn to read liar. Seems you're getting your head handed to you by a lot of posters here. Maybe you'd best quit while you're only 6 feet deep in your own BS.
What you are is a pathetic nuisance. You made the stunningly idiotic claim that that gays are protected under Federal Civil Rights laws, (post 191) without even citing the law. You painted yourself into a corner and your making an ass of yourself. You try to cover your tracks by whining about not being a secretary when asked for documentation, and hurl childish insults at the same time.

What you are is a pathetic, uneducated, lying bigot who has been caught in his lies by more than one person here. You are just a braying jackass who has NOTHING. I don't need to cover any tracks just because you refuse to accept the truth. Now you're whining about insults when YOU do nothing but insult people when you get shown to be the liar you are. You obviously can't read and do not know what sexual orientation means. Now go away, adults wish to have an intelligent discussion.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:

Nice. Yes we are laughing at you as you lose your shit and cry every day loser. Though admitting you piss yourself probably isn't very smart.

Overuse of emojis to cover your lack of any facts. We continue to laugh at you.
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal.
Off your meds again?. So, the voices in your head are telling you that liberals want legally mandated personal relationships? Please do tell, where are you getting that bizarre crap from?
From liberals. From liberals seeing hate speech in every form of dissent and disagreement.
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal.

Gays having gay sex does NOT make them perverts.

Trump had sex with prostitutes.....is he a pervert?

You have a very perverted opinion of homosexuals.


Gays are our family, our co-workers, our neighbors and our friends.
Only a daily bases they behave just like you and me; get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed.....

HATING decent people and trying to PERSECUTE them makes YOU a terrible person...a PERVERTED person.....perverted with hate....
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal.

Gays having gay sex does NOT make them perverts.

Trump had sex with prostitutes.....is he a pervert?

You have a very perverted opinion of homosexuals.


Gays are our family, our co-workers, our neighbors and our friends.
Only a dily bases they behave just like you and me; get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed.....

HATING decent people and trying to PERSECUTE them makes YOU a terrible person...a PERVERTED person....
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal.

"All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal. "

I am so thankful that I am a much better person than you are!

The things you think and believe are sickening and dangerous.

And the fact that so many conservatives think and believe these sick and dangerous things is frightening.
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?

Straw man. Homosexuality is not analogous to either religion or race (I'm a little surprised you want to compare it to religion. Makes it sound like homosexuality is a choice). Also, it sounds less like they're protecting people from anything they might have a reasonable right to be protected from, and more like they're giving activists special dispensation to use government to harass their enemies.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
All homosexuals are perverts. Are perverts decent people? We decide for ourselves what we let into our lives and to what extent we let them in. So far there are no laws mandating personal relationships. You would change that. No doubt you don't see legally mandated friendships as tyrannical. That's why conservatives disown liberal family members and refuse to dirty themselves shaking hands with a liberal.
Off your meds again?. So, the voices in your head are telling you that liberals want legally mandated personal relationships? Please do tell, where are you getting that bizarre crap from?
From you

A private business and customer have a personal relationship and you are in favor of mandating who the business owner associates with.

Like any good fascist you wish to dictate to others how to live

And how to speak which is why you preach a massively stupid notion that words are violence
A business and it's customers have a BUSINES relationship!

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