Outrageous! House Approves Bill To Expand Homosexual Rights

Gays are a minority of the day?[/quote=]

On the days they best serve the white liberal cause they are as is the case for all minorities

They don’t have a legitimate complaint?
You do not have a legitimate point, my post makes no such claim, in fact you are the only one making it and in true white liberal fashion attributing it to someone else thereby proving my point.
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?

Dear TheProgressivePatriot

1. I DO believe the equivalent approach is to treat LGBT orientation, beliefs, expression and practices
with the SAME respect as religious freedom and faith based beliefs about spiritual identity and process.

That being said, we don't have MUSLIMS demanding that ISLAM be specifically protected
because of backlash going on against MUSLISMS.

We don't have FEMINISTS or CONSTITUTIONALISTS demanding specific protections for
THAT line of faith or belief/identity because of harassment and oppression of THOSE group members.

All other BELIEFS are already protected and included under FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION.
Atheists, Buddhists, etc.

The problem is making a Protected CLASS out of a particular set of beliefs or cultural practices and identity.

When CIVIL RIGHTS laws were passed they were for people of ANY race, not just Black.
Laws on GENDER don't specify women only.
Harassing someone for their cultural identity doesn't apply only to Asians or Whites or Jews.

The problem with pinpointing beliefs about LGBT is that these laws are ONE SIDES
and not protecting ALL BELIEFS about LGBT orientation, only the BELIEFS THAT SUPPORT ONE SIDE.

How would you like it if laws were developed that only protected
people who BELIEVE in Christianity but not people who DON'T BELIEVE in it.

Would laws be fair if they only protecting "Pro-Buddhist" beliefs and practices
but didn't extend the same protections to "Anti-Buddhist" beliefs and practices??

I would think that a NEUTRAL law would clearly protect ANY person from discrimination
over their BELIEFS - REGARDLESS what is the subject of the belief or conflict over them.

If it's really deemed necessary to make laws regarding BELIEFS about sexual orientation and identity,
then these protective laws should be NEUTRALLY WRITTEN AND APPLY to ALL BELIEFS on this subject, either for or against,
where NOBODY should be subject to harassment or discrimination regardless what they believe!

TheProgressivePatriot that's what I find so conflicted
about such legislation - it is basically abusing govt to
ENDORSE ONE SIDE'S beliefs about LGBT orientation and identity
and discriminating against if not penalizing people of OTHER beliefs about this,

2. as for race

A. Race and PHYSICAL gender would both be determined by genetics.
Most people I know are not arguing over these distinctions because they are clearly not
a "choice of behavior"

B. Sexual orientation and INTERNAL gender/identity are not genetic like race is.
So this is why it is argued and based on faith whether this or not these are
a CHOICE of behavior that can change

C. Again, even if these can change, that is why I would categorize
and treat B as an extension of spiritual beliefs and religious freedom
so these are still protected from discrimination as a CREED.

I would make a clear distinction between A and B.

So no, I would NOT treat INTERNAL gender identity or sexual orientation
as the same level of RACE or PHYSICAL gender that is genetic and proven by science.

The Sexual orientation and INTERNAL gender identity are not proven scientifically
and thus remain FAITH BASED. So these would be more like protecting one's
"spiritual beliefs, expression and practice" from discrimination, harassment or denial of equal rights.

TheProgressivePatriot the beauty and advantage of
treating LGBT beliefs as a CREED, is that we
1. don't have to PROVE what is true or not by science to protect such beliefs
2. don't have to AGREE with each other's beliefs to protect them from each other
3. don't have to argue over creating new laws or a new class of protected status
for every type of variation that comes out, but can agree to use existing laws to protect people.

What's missing from protecting people from discrimination is

The same education and training it will take to teach RESPECT for people
of diverse beliefs can be done using the existing laws against discriminating
by religion, belief or creed. It's the same process of forgiving past conflicts
so we don't harass each other or other groups, back and forth, because of differences.

This is not something that can be legislated away, but is taught
by example and experience. Another reason to teach this mutual tolerance
as part of respect for beliefs and creeds of others; so it applies to all other situations,
not just to LGBT beliefs and not just one side!
Gays are a minority of the day?[/quote=]

On the days they best serve the white liberal cause they are as is the case for all minorities

They don’t have a legitimate complaint?
You do not have a legitimate point, my post makes no such claim, in fact you are the only one making it and in true white liberal fashion attributing it to someone else thereby proving my point.
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
Homos are currently not denied any rights. This is more homofascism bullshit.
So...if that's true, then this bill is just superfluous and won't effect anyone or anything....just confirming the equal rights that gays already have. What's the problem then?
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?

Did you ever get an answer to this?
No and I didn't expect to. The OP is a moron who drops these stink bombs and the goes into hiding because it can't deal with the blow back.

I think it's the most important question raised by the topic. Why should some kinds of discrimination be prohibited, and others allowed?
Well then, maybe a group of white supremacist should make a black baker cater their meetings. You know, for shits and giggles. Just like the gay couple did.
Which PA catagory would white supremacists be under? Race? Gender? Religion? Sexual Orientation?
A member of a group.
Hate groups don't get protections.
Then the baker should've just said he wouldn't bake the cake, because they were liberals. Y'all are the biggest hate group around. You're pick to be president called almost half of Americans deplorable. I can't think of a hate group
So if a gay couple got treated the same, you attitude would be the same?
Was Sanders treated a certain way because of what group she is a member of?
Was she treated that way because of her religion?
Was she treated that way because of her gender?
Was she treated that way because of her race?
Was she treated that way because of her sexual orientation?

These are the catagories that most state PA laws cover. Which one was she discriminated under?
Being a member of the Republican party. That is a group.
That's a PA protected group? In which states? I know that ALL states have religion and race....there are other states that include gender and sexual orientation.
I saw a video of a store of a coffee shop throw out a table of pro life people. He was very vulgar while doing it. So where you sand on that one? I'm sure you can see it on you tube.
Was that the video where the pro-forced birth people were harassing customers and leaving their so-called literature all over the coffee shop without permission?
Nope just look at it.
They can have butt sex. What could be more important than that?
That is about as stupid as stupid get . It reduces gay people to sex machines with no understanding of the fact that they are HUMAN Beings that are -in most ways-just like you. Oh wait . Did I liken you to a human being? My bad.

Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .
I see the opposite, gays are infecting our schools promoting their lifestyle to elementary students. When they shouldn't be exposed to that being that young. I have no problems with gays. I just think live your life without affecting mine. Never done anything bad to a gay person.
You don't have a problem with gays....except you don't want it acknowledged that we exist.
I know you exist, and I have no problem with you. But don't make me go out of my way to make you feel good. I don't expect you to do the same for me.
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?

Did you ever get an answer to this?
No and I didn't expect to. The OP is a moron who drops these stink bombs and the goes into hiding because it can't deal with the blow back.

I think it's the most important question raised by the topic. Why should some kinds of discrimination be prohibited, and others allowed?
You're asking me? Did I suggest that any kind of discrimination is acceptable?
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?

Did you ever get an answer to this?
No and I didn't expect to. The OP is a moron who drops these stink bombs and the goes into hiding because it can't deal with the blow back.

I think it's the most important question raised by the topic. Why should some kinds of discrimination be prohibited, and others allowed?
You're asking me? Did I suggest that any kind of discrimination is acceptable?

Just asking in general, I'm curious - as you are - if those who don't want sexual orientation on the protected classes list are OK with the other protected classes. Why should only some kinds of discrimination be illegal?
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
They can have butt sex. What could be more important than that?
That is about as stupid as stupid get . It reduces gay people to sex machines with no understanding of the fact that they are HUMAN Beings that are -in most ways-just like you. Oh wait . Did I liken you to a human being? My bad.

Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .

And here we have one of the mos IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.
Didn’t answer my question

Do gays have a legitimate complaint?
about what? outside of the straight white liberal political arena gays do not complain about much, white liberals do all the complaining in their name, you're doing it now.
About their treatment in our society

Used to be gays didn’t complain. Keep quiet and maybe nobody will find out.
If they did find out you could be fired from your job, denied housing, kicked out of the military, disowned by your family.

Gays have come a long way. Your responses make it clear they have a long way to go
There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people.

"There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being disowned by his or her family. There is no law that prevents a homosexual from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend homosexuals.

They have what they can force. They don't have what's freely given to normal people."

There is no law that prevents a hate filled conservative from being disowned by his family. There is no law that prevents a right wing conservative from being ostracized by their neighbors. There is no law that mandates coworkers must befriend conservatives.

Since most homosexuals are decent people I have to ask.....

why do you want to ostracize them?

why do you want to be rotten to them?

is there something wrong with YOU?
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
They can have butt sex. What could be more important than that?
That is about as stupid as stupid get . It reduces gay people to sex machines with no understanding of the fact that they are HUMAN Beings that are -in most ways-just like you. Oh wait . Did I liken you to a human being? My bad.

Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .

And here we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades. You'd know this if you got past 2nd grade. The baker had rights too, as the courts said when your precious gays LOST their case against him. You want equality? Try getting jobs based on your education and qualifications, not your sexual depravity and mental issues.
Yes indeed HERE we have one of the most IDIOTIC posts of all time. Anti-discrimination laws have been on the books for decades.? How many address gay issues? None Bubba! You would know that if you were not expelled from special ed. You deflect to the case of the Baker, while ignoring the point that I made about the hypocrisy and stupidity of people who demand and expect rights for themselves while denying those rights to others

I see that you think that a lot of my posts are "funny" Be advised that there is a rule against the excessive use of " funny " as a way of mocking another poster. Now shut up.
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?
I do.

Such laws are abominable and a violation of human rights.

The CRA is built on a foundation of lies and contradictions.

It violates the principle of equality under the law which and equal rights which is the only moral form of equality

You discriminate I discriminate we all do and it is a human right to discriminate for any reason

Most business owners will only discriminate in favor of money but when a few are racist or whatever they only hurt themselves

Let them but respect their right to do so
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

Oh my God!!!! They are getting special rights and protections the rest of us don’t get? What the hell is going on?

Oh. Wait a sec. It says no discrimination based in sexual orientation...that means they can’t discriminate against heterosexuals.

So...what special protectections.....?

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