Outrageous! House Approves Bill To Expand Homosexual Rights

Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
I’m happy Democrats are showing true leadership in keeping women out of their silly sports and putting them back in the kitchen where they belong.
A queer should have the right to be butt fucked and have his dick sucked by another guy.

If this is really a free country then I should have the right to ridicule the pathetic piece of shit.

I don't need the fucking oppressive hate filled government telling me how I should treat queers. It is none of their damn business.
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
Do you feel the same way about laws that prohibit religious and racial discrimination?
You mean the religious right the baker had? Seems gay rights exceeded his right. Before you say anything, the baker would sell them anything in the store. He just didn't want to make their wedding cake.
How the fuck does that answer the question that I posed to the coward OP who has, apparently fled the scene of its latest moronic bullshit?
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
They can have butt sex. What could be more important than that?
That is about as stupid as stupid get . It reduces gay people to sex machines with no understanding of the fact that they are HUMAN Beings that are -in most ways-just like you. Oh wait . Did I liken you to a human being? My bad.
You don'' t like butt sex?! I am surprised you don't think it's human, at least when people do it.
Thank you once again for your brilliant and eloquent commentary on an important matter concerning civil and human rights. You should be commended for raising the bar on the level of intellectual discourse and facilitating the exchange of ideas on the USMB. You are a valued and indispensable contributor who we can all learn so much from. FUCKING MORON
Now gay rights? Bad idea! How do you know my sexual orientation walking around on the street UNLESS I MAKE A SHOWCASE OF IT? Keep it to yourself and no one knows much less can "discriminate" against you. Again, such crap it ALREADY against the law.

The House Democrats: almost a year since they took control and this is the FIRST thing they've produced, to take a minor minority of misfits and freaks and elevate them to a protected status and we all know FOR ONE REASON ALONE: TO USE LGBTQ PEOPLE TO GARNER THEIR VOTES.

The democrats don't give a SHIT about you other than the lever you will pull for them.

Democrats cannot get the vote of normal everyday Americans so they play favor to every fringe group they can find, then hope they can fill the rest in with fraudulent votes and illegals.
Gay people are routinely discriminated against in employment , housing. places of public accommodation and financial matters such as getting a mortgage. Again only the stupidest people don't know that.

What is "making a show" of being gay mean? Being seen with your partner? Posting you wedding pictures on social media or putting it on your desk? Brining your partner to an office party. You can do all of that without fear of reprisals. Gays STILL cannot. And your remarks about Democrats are over the top bizarre

That's because homosexuality, even if shared by a significant number of people in a society, is a perversion, an aberration, a disorder needing analysis and (hopefully effective) treatment, not to be dismissed as a harmless natural choice. That we are choosing the latter is both an admission of defeat to liberal pressures and the beginnings of the decay of our society.
More moronic histrionics and paranoia that in no way addresses the point that I made
So, because of his religion, baker didn't have to follow the state business laws that he got a business license from?

So I suppose you also supported those taxi drivers in the Mid-west who were "unfairly" fired for refusing to take passengers with dogs or with alcohol for religious reasons.
The baker would've sold them anything off the shelf. He didn't want to make them a wedding cake. I didn't hear you blab about Sanders rights when she was chased out of the restaurant and across the street.
And why did the baker refuse to follow the business laws in the state he had a business license in? IMO, just pull the license if someone can't follow business law. Easy peasy.
Well then, maybe a group of white supremacist should make a black baker cater their meetings. You know, for shits and giggles. Just like the gay couple did.
Which PA catagory would white supremacists be under? Race? Gender? Religion? Sexual Orientation?
A member of a group.
And? Is that group one of the ones covered by PA laws? Race? Gender? Religion? Sexual Orientation? Would a group of white supremicists be denied because they were one of those groups listed? Which one?
And why did the baker refuse to follow the business laws in the state he had a business license in? IMO, just pull the license if someone can't follow business law. Easy peasy.
Well then, maybe a group of white supremacist should make a black baker cater their meetings. You know, for shits and giggles. Just like the gay couple did.
Which PA catagory would white supremacists be under? Race? Gender? Religion? Sexual Orientation?
A member of a group.
Hate groups don't get protections.
Then the baker should've just said he wouldn't bake the cake, because they were liberals. Y'all are the biggest hate group around. You're pick to be president called almost half of Americans deplorable. I can't think of a hate group
Was that a legal issue? I too would like someone to stand up for my right to a quiet dinner with family when I go to Buffalo Wild Wings.
So if a gay couple got treated the same, you attitude would be the same?
Was Sanders treated a certain way because of what group she is a member of?
Was she treated that way because of her religion?
Was she treated that way because of her gender?
Was she treated that way because of her race?
Was she treated that way because of her sexual orientation?

These are the catagories that most state PA laws cover. Which one was she discriminated under?
Being a member of the Republican party. That is a group.
That's a PA protected group? In which states? I know that ALL states have religion and race....there are other states that include gender and sexual orientation.
I saw a video of a store of a coffee shop throw out a table of pro life people. He was very vulgar while doing it. So where you sand on that one? I'm sure you can see it on you tube.
Was that the video where the pro-forced birth people were harassing customers and leaving their so-called literature all over the coffee shop without permission?
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
They can have butt sex. What could be more important than that?
That is about as stupid as stupid get . It reduces gay people to sex machines with no understanding of the fact that they are HUMAN Beings that are -in most ways-just like you. Oh wait . Did I liken you to a human being? My bad.

Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .
I see the opposite, gays are infecting our schools promoting their lifestyle to elementary students. When they shouldn't be exposed to that being that young. I have no problems with gays. I just think live your life without affecting mine. Never done anything bad to a gay person.
You don't have a problem with gays....except you don't want it acknowledged that we exist.
Amazing and disgusting. You can’t have equality when you have classes of citizens with special protections.

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights

I'm Above the Law, AND Better Than You, sucker!

House approves sweeping bill to expand gay rights
I’m happy Democrats are showing true leadership in keeping women out of their silly sports and putting them back in the kitchen where they belong.
Right...because it's democrats all about controlling women.....* wink * wink
They can have butt sex. What could be more important than that?
That is about as stupid as stupid get . It reduces gay people to sex machines with no understanding of the fact that they are HUMAN Beings that are -in most ways-just like you. Oh wait . Did I liken you to a human being? My bad.

Problem is homosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding extra rights above those already afforded them by the Founders of our nation. They want to reproduce, can't biologically do it, so cultural war must be waged to spread their ideology, convincing others it's "normal" and "natural" to be as they are. Now they want to be classified as protected victims when they should not have initiated their "jihad" on America's young, impressionable minds to begin with. They opened that particular front in the culture war, now it is up to the thing they fear most to close it. What gets me, however, is how none of the homosexuals I know protest for extra rights or for anything, really. Most of them blend in quite well and leave their sexual lives at home, like the rest of us. No, the loudest voices in this protest are those of young, liberally educated twitter mob kids, college professors and politicians. The naïve, the brainwashed, and those seeking to exploit gays for political gain.
Problem is Heterosexuals make their entire existence about their fucking sexual preference, shoving it relentlessly into the face of society--demanding that they have rights while denying those same rights to others and lacking the intellectual acumen or insight into how fuck hypocritical they are .
I see the opposite, gays are infecting our schools promoting their lifestyle to elementary students. When they shouldn't be exposed to that being that young. I have no problems with gays. I just think live your life without affecting mine. Never done anything bad to a gay person.
You don't have a problem with gays....except you don't want it acknowledged that we exist.
Conservatives have no problem with gays
As long as they keep it to themselves
I am a heterosexual male who not only has no problem acknowledging gays exist [i'm not even sure how you would go about not acknowledging it] but also acknowledge that more than any other group in America they bring the most to the table...what all to often happens is that liberals take their "minority of the day" and weaponize them when they need a wedge issue so that everyone who looks like joe biden but is not as obedient can be tarred and feathered with the "ism" of the day.
A queer should have the right to be butt fucked and have his dick sucked by another guy.

If this is really a free country then I should have the right to ridicule the pathetic piece of shit.

I don't need the fucking oppressive hate filled government telling me how I should treat queers. It is none of their damn business.
^ This is what CRCs want to think about.....a lot. Way more than any gay person I know. This is it.
Bottom line, We should have kissed America as the land of the free goodbye at the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which forced associations against the will of its citizens.

You Goofy
I don't know what he is. I've never seen such a bigot in my life, to the point I suspect it's fake.

But then sometimes he seems so convinced it's real.....
Seems like one of those creeps posting from his moms basement

Internet bad ass
I am a heterosexual male who not only has no problem acknowledging gays exist [i'm not even sure how you would go about not acknowledging it] but also acknowledge that more than any other group in America they bring the most to the table...what all to often happens is that liberals take their "minority of the day" and weaponize them when they need a wedge issue so that everyone who looks like joe biden but is not as obedient can be tarred and feathered with the "ism" of the day.
Gays are a minority of the day?

They don’t have a legitimate complaint?

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