Outrageous: Sasha And Malia Obama Wear $20,000 Dresses To State Dinner Paid For By You, The Taxpayer

Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses. Nevermind all the other expenses he charged to the taxpayers over the years. I can see tailoring a couple of dresses on loan to the girls so they can act richer than they are. But don't try feeding me this bullshit that Obama can afford this extravagance, and then tell me he isn't living beyond his means.

The Obama's are worth several million dollars

The designer dresses and accessories are loaned for the occasion according to existing protocols
Why even mention their net worth if they didn't buy the dresses as others have loudly professed?

Only because YOU made this statement

Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses

Not only. Mainly because your point was confused. You stated he was rich, but the dresses were loaned. If that's the case, why bring up that he's worth millions of its irrelevant?
Since the dresses WERE loaned the thread's irrelevant to anything but your blinding bigotry.
Actually this has zip to do with bigotry, bitch.

It has to do with hipocracy.

He lectures us about "There comes a time when you've made enough money".

He tells everyone we're greedy bastards who cling to our guns and our religion.

Then he lives high on the hog for the last 7 plus years. Lives like a king. Raises our taxes and depresses our wages.

The nerve of this fucking prick.
Oh, to comment on the dangerous job side bar, everyone arguing about it is being silly. It's subjective, there doesn't seem to have been any agreement about how to measure job danger, what's the point of arguing it anyway? Yes, a higher percentage of presidents have been killed than most, or perhaps any, other profession. No, the danger to a president is not the same now as it has been in the past for a number of reasons. Yes, there are almost certainly many more people targeting any given president for violence than a person in another profession. No, that does not mean that the day to day danger of being president is greater than, say, a soldier in a combat zone.

Who really gives a damn anyway? There is an inherent danger in being president. It is a very different kind of danger than faced by those in other professions. Isn't that enough?
You're less likely to be killed as a Navy Seal than as a president.
Really? how many Presidents have been killed in the last 15 years ? here's a list of Navy Seals that have been killed since the "War on Terror" began 15 years ago .. .

Navy SEAL Memorials - GWOT Memorial

I look forward to your next pronouncement with GREAT anticipation, after all it's not often that one gets the pleasure of witnessing a babbling idiot of your stature work in near real time ....


81 SEALS out of a total of 2500 active SEALS 3% fatality rate

The POTUS is at 9%
Okay....before it was 10%

Now it's 9%.

Make up your fucking mind.

Poor conservatives don't understand rounding off
SPEAKING of bigotry.....you cocksucker.

You claim a conservative doesn’t know about rounding off. As if none of us pay our taxes.....like Mitt Romney or something
Oh, to comment on the dangerous job side bar, everyone arguing about it is being silly. It's subjective, there doesn't seem to have been any agreement about how to measure job danger, what's the point of arguing it anyway? Yes, a higher percentage of presidents have been killed than most, or perhaps any, other profession. No, the danger to a president is not the same now as it has been in the past for a number of reasons. Yes, there are almost certainly many more people targeting any given president for violence than a person in another profession. No, that does not mean that the day to day danger of being president is greater than, say, a soldier in a combat zone.

Who really gives a damn anyway? There is an inherent danger in being president. It is a very different kind of danger than faced by those in other professions. Isn't that enough?
To some, obviously not.

Obama is surrounded by armed guards, and stands or travels surrounded by bullet-proof metal and glass. SEALS swim in the ocean at night. They jump out of aircraft above 20,000 feet with nothing but a sheet on their backs. Who are in firefights with nothing but a little Kevlar and the weapon to protect them.

It's no contest.
The Obama's are worth several million dollars

The designer dresses and accessories are loaned for the occasion according to existing protocols
Why even mention their net worth if they didn't buy the dresses as others have loudly professed?

Only because YOU made this statement

Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses

Not only. Mainly because your point was confused. You stated he was rich, but the dresses were loaned. If that's the case, why bring up that he's worth millions of its irrelevant?
Since the dresses WERE loaned the thread's irrelevant to anything but your blinding bigotry.
Actually this has zip to do with bigotry, bitch.

It has to do with hipocracy.

He lectures us about "There comes a time when you've made enough money".

He tells everyone we're greedy bastards who cling to our guns and our religion.

Then he lives high on the hog for the last 7 plus years. Lives like a king. Raises our taxes and depresses our wages.

The nerve of this fucking prick.

Fewest state dinners in 63 years

Under Obama, Fewer White House State Dinners

Obama has had 10 state dinners

By comparison:

Jimmy Carter had 28
Reagan had 52
LBJ had 54

Doesn't seem like Obama is living like a king
Why even mention their net worth if they didn't buy the dresses as others have loudly professed?

Only because YOU made this statement

Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses

Not only. Mainly because your point was confused. You stated he was rich, but the dresses were loaned. If that's the case, why bring up that he's worth millions of its irrelevant?
Since the dresses WERE loaned the thread's irrelevant to anything but your blinding bigotry.
Actually this has zip to do with bigotry, bitch.

It has to do with hipocracy.

He lectures us about "There comes a time when you've made enough money".

He tells everyone we're greedy bastards who cling to our guns and our religion.

Then he lives high on the hog for the last 7 plus years. Lives like a king. Raises our taxes and depresses our wages.

The nerve of this fucking prick.

Fewest state dinners in 65 years

Under Obama, Fewer White House State Dinners
Yeah, now list all of the parties, Hawaiian vacations, trips to Martha's Vinyard, golf trips, award ceremonies for Championship teams just so he can get a jersey, and all of the trips to give a speech about how wonderful he is
20k and Michelle still looks like crap. LMAO
I thought all this clothing was just loaned out for the free advertising? Hollywood does it all the time.

Besides, In a multi trillion dollar budget, 17 grand aint nothing.
Loaned them? I bet they gave them and then got a business tax write off. Then the girls donated them to charity. That's usually how it works.
Loaned them? I bet they gave them and then got a business tax write off. Then the girls donated them to charity. That's usually how it works.

It's illegal for gifts like that to be given to the politicians or members of their family.

If they are loaned they are returned.

If they are donated, then they are not donated to the politician, but to the government. In this case dresses for the ladies of the President's family would be donated to the Federal Government, they are then turned over to the National Archives for preservation.


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