Outrageous: Sasha And Malia Obama Wear $20,000 Dresses To State Dinner Paid For By You, The Taxpayer

He takes office with $9-10 trillion in debt and currently he owes us and China $19.5 trillion.

That's stealing from our retirement, stealing from our future.

So you've just abandoned that 42 million dollar estate horseshit entirely, I see. After using it as evidence that he's 'robbing us blind'.

It doesn't take much to send you running from your claims.
Nope. He has an estate that was purchased for him in Oahu that costs $42 million. The property taxes alone is more than he earns.

And who says that he had an estate purchased for him in Oahu?

There's you, apparently citing yourself. And who else?

Obama doesn't even own an estate in Oahu. He rents a winter home in Oahu for about $3,500 a night, but pays out of pocket.

Inside the Obama's luxurious Hawaii vacation rental

sheeeesh $3,500 per NIGHT? I have a house------can I rent it out for
$ 3,500 per NIGHT------I would recover the WHOLE cost of the house in less
thana month------way less

It says a two week stay can cost Obama about $56,000. As long as I'm not paying for it to each his own. :D
Translation - "I was wrong and made a dumb statement. Never mind."

Not sure if that's accurate. Campaigning Obama convinced his minions when he was running for election that he would do so much for the public school system. New programs. More teachers. Better curriculum. Safer schools. Blah blah blah blah. You know, the same old shit Democratic voters are fed by every one of their nominees, who when elected, never accomplish shit in terms of education, civil rights, other things they promise.

So here we have a selected resident (Obama) of the District of Columbia who knows, statistically, that the nation's capitol has THE WORST public school system in the country and it hasn't improved one bit under his watch. Fucked up so badly, that he sends his kids to private school while the residents of DC - who elected this jackass - send their kids into a rat infested gun zone every day.

That help?
Translation - "I was wrong and made a dumb statement. Never mind."

Not sure if that's accurate. Campaigning Obama convinced his minions when he was running for election that he would do so much for the public school system. New programs. More teachers. Better curriculum. Safer schools. Blah blah blah blah. You know, the same old shit Democratic voters are fed by every one of their nominees, who when elected, never accomplish shit in terms of education, civil rights, other things they promise.

So here we have a selected resident (Obama) of the District of Columbia who knows, statistically, that the nation's capitol has THE WORST public school system in the country and it hasn't improved one bit under his watch. Fucked up so badly, that he sends his kids to private school while the residents of DC - who elected this jackass - send their kids into a rat infested gun zone every day.

That help?

Idiot has no clue about federal powers
Show me

If the average woman at a state dinner wears a dress that costs less than $200, you may have a case that they are being ostentatious

If the average woman wears a designer dress, why shouldn't the first family dress accordingly?

If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses. Nevermind all the other expenses he charged to the taxpayers over the years. I can see tailoring a couple of dresses on loan to the girls so they can act richer than they are. But don't try feeding me this bullshit that Obama can afford this extravagance, and then tell me he isn't living beyond his means.
What jobs are you more likely to get killed on? There have only been 44 presidents. Four of them were assassinated, 2 more wounded.
I realize you're VAPID but I know you can't be so deranged as to think that comparing Presidents in the 19th Century to Presidents of today is an apples to apples comparison, not to mention completely ignoring the reality that the current imbecile in the White House is the most closely protected and monitored human being on the face of the planet.

Tell me what 6 year jobs have a higher death rate.
Death rate? way to change the goal posts, you said dangerous... how many Presidents have had their limbs blown off, or IED's go in their faces, or died of black lung disease, or lost an eye to a shell fragment? We need to get you down to the VA hospital so you can explain to all the combat vets how much safer their jobs are than that of the CIC in the rear with gear, maybe that little field trip will bring you back from politician worship land to reality where the rest of us live.

I cannot believe that you think President Obama's job is more dangerous than that of a cop working a beat in Inner City Chicago or a soldier patrolling the front lines in a combat zone or a fisherman risking life and limb at the mercy of mother nature, what happened? did they up your dosage from 3 tabs of LSD a day to 6?

Do 1 in 10 Chicago cops get murdered on the job?
*YAWN* let me help you out before you go on making a complete fool of yourself:

The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In the US | Bankrate.com
Show me

If the average woman at a state dinner wears a dress that costs less than $200, you may have a case that they are being ostentatious

If the average woman wears a designer dress, why shouldn't the first family dress accordingly?

If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses. Nevermind all the other expenses he charged to the taxpayers over the years. I can see tailoring a couple of dresses on loan to the girls so they can act richer than they are. But don't try feeding me this bullshit that Obama can afford this extravagance, and then tell me he isn't living beyond his means.

The Obama's are worth several million dollars

The designer dresses and accessories are loaned for the occasion according to existing protocols
What jobs are you more likely to get killed on? There have only been 44 presidents. Four of them were assassinated, 2 more wounded.
I realize you're VAPID but I know you can't be so deranged as to think that comparing Presidents in the 19th Century to Presidents of today is an apples to apples comparison, not to mention completely ignoring the reality that the current imbecile in the White House is the most closely protected and monitored human being on the face of the planet.

Tell me what 6 year jobs have a higher death rate.
Death rate? way to change the goal posts, you said dangerous... how many Presidents have had their limbs blown off, or IED's go in their faces, or died of black lung disease, or lost an eye to a shell fragment? We need to get you down to the VA hospital so you can explain to all the combat vets how much safer their jobs are than that of the CIC in the rear with gear, maybe that little field trip will bring you back from politician worship land to reality where the rest of us live.

I cannot believe that you think President Obama's job is more dangerous than that of a cop working a beat in Inner City Chicago or a soldier patrolling the front lines in a combat zone or a fisherman risking life and limb at the mercy of mother nature, what happened? did they up your dosage from 3 tabs of LSD a day to 6?

Do 1 in 10 Chicago cops get murdered on the job?
*YAWN* let me help you out before you go on making a complete fool of yourself:

The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In the US | Bankrate.com

The most dangerous job had a rate of 1% fatalities....The presidency has almost 10% fatalities

Logging workers
Fatality rate: 109.5 per 100,000 workers, 77 total

Fatality rate: 4 per 44 workers
Show me

If the average woman at a state dinner wears a dress that costs less than $200, you may have a case that they are being ostentatious

If the average woman wears a designer dress, why shouldn't the first family dress accordingly?

If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses. Nevermind all the other expenses he charged to the taxpayers over the years. I can see tailoring a couple of dresses on loan to the girls so they can act richer than they are. But don't try feeding me this bullshit that Obama can afford this extravagance, and then tell me he isn't living beyond his means.

The Obama's are worth several million dollars

The designer dresses and accessories are loaned for the occasion according to existing protocols
I can buy that. Don't tell me he has the liquid assets or income to throw away on this sort of expenses. This is the point I've been making all morning, but many of you have been calling me a liar.
What jobs are you more likely to get killed on? There have only been 44 presidents. Four of them were assassinated, 2 more wounded.
I realize you're VAPID but I know you can't be so deranged as to think that comparing Presidents in the 19th Century to Presidents of today is an apples to apples comparison, not to mention completely ignoring the reality that the current imbecile in the White House is the most closely protected and monitored human being on the face of the planet.

Tell me what 6 year jobs have a higher death rate.
Death rate? way to change the goal posts, you said dangerous... how many Presidents have had their limbs blown off, or IED's go in their faces, or died of black lung disease, or lost an eye to a shell fragment? We need to get you down to the VA hospital so you can explain to all the combat vets how much safer their jobs are than that of the CIC in the rear with gear, maybe that little field trip will bring you back from politician worship land to reality where the rest of us live.

I cannot believe that you think President Obama's job is more dangerous than that of a cop working a beat in Inner City Chicago or a soldier patrolling the front lines in a combat zone or a fisherman risking life and limb at the mercy of mother nature, what happened? did they up your dosage from 3 tabs of LSD a day to 6?

Do 1 in 10 Chicago cops get murdered on the job?
*YAWN* let me help you out before you go on making a complete fool of yourself:

The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In the US | Bankrate.com

The most dangerous job had a rate of 1% fatalities....The presidency has almost 10% fatalities

Logging workers
Fatality rate: 109.5 per 100,000 workers, 77 total

Fatality rate: 4 per 44 workers

You math is worthless. Not only are the percentages off, but it doesn't take into account the risks over time. The last death was in 63'. It has been over 50 years since the last assassination. 3 assassinations over 250 years isn't much.
Show me

If the average woman at a state dinner wears a dress that costs less than $200, you may have a case that they are being ostentatious

If the average woman wears a designer dress, why shouldn't the first family dress accordingly?

If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses. Nevermind all the other expenses he charged to the taxpayers over the years. I can see tailoring a couple of dresses on loan to the girls so they can act richer than they are. But don't try feeding me this bullshit that Obama can afford this extravagance, and then tell me he isn't living beyond his means.

The Obama's are worth several million dollars

The designer dresses and accessories are loaned for the occasion according to existing protocols
I can buy that. Don't tell me he has the liquid assets or income to throw away on this sort of expenses. This is the point I've been making all morning, but many of you have been calling me a liar.

Didn't cost taxpayers a cent

Why the butthurt?
What jobs are you more likely to get killed on? There have only been 44 presidents. Four of them were assassinated, 2 more wounded.
I realize you're VAPID but I know you can't be so deranged as to think that comparing Presidents in the 19th Century to Presidents of today is an apples to apples comparison, not to mention completely ignoring the reality that the current imbecile in the White House is the most closely protected and monitored human being on the face of the planet.

Tell me what 6 year jobs have a higher death rate.
Death rate? way to change the goal posts, you said dangerous... how many Presidents have had their limbs blown off, or IED's go in their faces, or died of black lung disease, or lost an eye to a shell fragment? We need to get you down to the VA hospital so you can explain to all the combat vets how much safer their jobs are than that of the CIC in the rear with gear, maybe that little field trip will bring you back from politician worship land to reality where the rest of us live.

I cannot believe that you think President Obama's job is more dangerous than that of a cop working a beat in Inner City Chicago or a soldier patrolling the front lines in a combat zone or a fisherman risking life and limb at the mercy of mother nature, what happened? did they up your dosage from 3 tabs of LSD a day to 6?

Do 1 in 10 Chicago cops get murdered on the job?
*YAWN* let me help you out before you go on making a complete fool of yourself:

The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In the US | Bankrate.com

The most dangerous job had a rate of 1% fatalities....The presidency has almost 10% fatalities

Logging workers
Fatality rate: 109.5 per 100,000 workers, 77 total

Fatality rate: 4 per 44 workers

You math is worthless. Not only are the percentages off, but it doesn't take into account the risks over time. The last death was in 63'. It has been over 50 years since the last assassination. 3 assassinations over 250 years isn't much.

We have had four presidents killed, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan were shot, others were shot at and missed. 23% have had assassination attempts with guns. Doesn't count all the thwarted attempts

Not he safest job
Show me

If the average woman at a state dinner wears a dress that costs less than $200, you may have a case that they are being ostentatious

If the average woman wears a designer dress, why shouldn't the first family dress accordingly?

If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
If you mean dressing in quality clothing that your average American can afford is poverty, then so be it. All the more reason he should set an example. I'm sure whatever they pay was because of a name attached to the garments, not that it possesses magic threads. Neiman Markus, Macy's, or Nordstrom is good enough for the Obama kids in my opinion.
If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses. Nevermind all the other expenses he charged to the taxpayers over the years. I can see tailoring a couple of dresses on loan to the girls so they can act richer than they are. But don't try feeding me this bullshit that Obama can afford this extravagance, and then tell me he isn't living beyond his means.

The Obama's are worth several million dollars

The designer dresses and accessories are loaned for the occasion according to existing protocols
I can buy that. Don't tell me he has the liquid assets or income to throw away on this sort of expenses. This is the point I've been making all morning, but many of you have been calling me a liar.

Didn't cost taxpayers a cent

Why the butthurt?
What proof do you have of this?

The tailoring cost us at least a fucking cent or two.
Show me

If the average woman at a state dinner wears a dress that costs less than $200, you may have a case that they are being ostentatious

If the average woman wears a designer dress, why shouldn't the first family dress accordingly?

If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
If you mean dressing in quality clothing that your average American can afford is poverty, then so be it. All the more reason he should set an example. I'm sure whatever they pay was because of a name attached to the garments, not that it possesses magic threads. Neiman Markus, Macy's, or Nordstrom is good enough for the Obama kids in my opinion.

The President of the United States is not an average family.

State dinners have certain protocols and a dress from Macy's discount rack does not meet it
I realize you're VAPID but I know you can't be so deranged as to think that comparing Presidents in the 19th Century to Presidents of today is an apples to apples comparison, not to mention completely ignoring the reality that the current imbecile in the White House is the most closely protected and monitored human being on the face of the planet.

Death rate? way to change the goal posts, you said dangerous... how many Presidents have had their limbs blown off, or IED's go in their faces, or died of black lung disease, or lost an eye to a shell fragment? We need to get you down to the VA hospital so you can explain to all the combat vets how much safer their jobs are than that of the CIC in the rear with gear, maybe that little field trip will bring you back from politician worship land to reality where the rest of us live.

I cannot believe that you think President Obama's job is more dangerous than that of a cop working a beat in Inner City Chicago or a soldier patrolling the front lines in a combat zone or a fisherman risking life and limb at the mercy of mother nature, what happened? did they up your dosage from 3 tabs of LSD a day to 6?

Do 1 in 10 Chicago cops get murdered on the job?
*YAWN* let me help you out before you go on making a complete fool of yourself:

The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In the US | Bankrate.com

The most dangerous job had a rate of 1% fatalities....The presidency has almost 10% fatalities

Logging workers
Fatality rate: 109.5 per 100,000 workers, 77 total

Fatality rate: 4 per 44 workers

You math is worthless. Not only are the percentages off, but it doesn't take into account the risks over time. The last death was in 63'. It has been over 50 years since the last assassination. 3 assassinations over 250 years isn't much.

We have had four presidents killed, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan were shot, others were shot at and missed. 23% have had assassination attempts with guns. Doesn't count all the thwarted attempts

Not he safest job
You fuckers set the goalpost, now you want to move it? Lincoln, JFK, and McKinley.
Show me

If the average woman at a state dinner wears a dress that costs less than $200, you may have a case that they are being ostentatious

If the average woman wears a designer dress, why shouldn't the first family dress accordingly?

If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
If you mean dressing in quality clothing that your average American can afford is poverty, then so be it. All the more reason he should set an example. I'm sure whatever they pay was because of a name attached to the garments, not that it possesses magic threads. Neiman Markus, Macy's, or Nordstrom is good enough for the Obama kids in my opinion.

The President of the United States is not an average family.

State dinners have certain protocols and a dress from Macy's discount rack does not meet it
Did I say discount rack?


Lying fuck
Then you're an idiot. Public servants who do nothing can afford $20,000 dresses? You don't see anything wrong with that, dingbat?

President Obama has the most dangerous job in America. Quit crying about dresses.
Yep......he might get hit by an errant golf ball. The guys in my old unit are risking their lives in Syria, but Obama needs hazardous duty pay for the risk he takes everyday on the golf course.

There are more people plotting his death than your buddies in Syria
I seriously doubt that.

10% of Presidents have been killed on the job. How many have we lost in Syria?

Last I checked we had ONE combat death in Iraq since the action against ISIS began.
Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
Excuse me. The point here is how can Obama afford to pay 10% of his net income on two dresses. Nevermind all the other expenses he charged to the taxpayers over the years. I can see tailoring a couple of dresses on loan to the girls so they can act richer than they are. But don't try feeding me this bullshit that Obama can afford this extravagance, and then tell me he isn't living beyond his means.

The Obama's are worth several million dollars

The designer dresses and accessories are loaned for the occasion according to existing protocols
I can buy that. Don't tell me he has the liquid assets or income to throw away on this sort of expenses. This is the point I've been making all morning, but many of you have been calling me a liar.

Didn't cost taxpayers a cent

Why the butthurt?
What proof do you have of this?

The tailoring cost us at least a fucking cent or two.

From post 138

Sasha & Malia Obama: Critics Slam $20,000 State Dinner Dresses

Sasha and Malia Obama last week attended their first White House State Dinner with their parents, President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama,to honor Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

While the First Lady wore a custom Jason Wu gown, the girls opted for age-appropriate Naeem Khan dresses.

They looked stunning in the dresses loaned to them —key word “loaned”— but somehow naysayers found a problem. The “issue” concerns the fact that their embroidered appliqué gowns cost an estimated $20,000 apiece.
Last edited:
Show me

If the average woman at a state dinner wears a dress that costs less than $200, you may have a case that they are being ostentatious

If the average woman wears a designer dress, why shouldn't the first family dress accordingly?

If the first family is using their own money then I don't care what they spend. If they are spending the taxpayers money then I don't care what other people there are spending on themselves, they need to be good stewards of our nation's finances. I don't believe we've yet established who paid for it. I would remind you that the largesse of the French monarchy is what kicked off the Revolution.

But again, none of this matters because I was addressing Dhara's claim that the choice is either one extreme or the other. Why you can't wrap your head around that is beyond me.

Who ever said the taxpayer foots the bill?

You attend a state dinner, designer fashions are the norm. Why would we expect the first family to dress like paupers?

For a historical perspective (just so we know you are not an ODS nutjob) show some instances where the president or first lady where off the rack fashion for a state dinner?
If you mean dressing in quality clothing that your average American can afford is poverty, then so be it. All the more reason he should set an example. I'm sure whatever they pay was because of a name attached to the garments, not that it possesses magic threads. Neiman Markus, Macy's, or Nordstrom is good enough for the Obama kids in my opinion.

The President of the United States is not an average family.

State dinners have certain protocols and a dress from Macy's discount rack does not meet it
Did I say discount rack?


Lying fuck

Well maybe not discount rack, but the Obama girls should look for something on sale don't you think? Maybe something discontinued from last year

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