Outrageous & Sickening: Gay Veterans Allowed To March In Boston's St. Patrick's Day Parade

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She is a proud resident of La La Land.
Many young folks live in fantasyland, it helps them cope with what is not..

That would be the Leftist one's, that's because they have been brainwashed to hate themselves and feel guilty about everything, it would be better if they put themselves out of their misery and just killed themselves.

It's the parents fault, they took too many drugs and absorbed all that idiocy about the Guilt Complex.
And again with the thoughts of death...Just because someone maybe ghey..

No that was about young Leftists and not about gays. The SJWs are full of self hate, what is the point of them living, their lives are just one big misery of hating themselves and feeling guilty for everything, nobody can be happy living in that situation.
Your lack of personal happiness evidences itself in the above comment. I suggest politely you need to be concerned with where you are at before worrying about others.

I am very happy, I have no self hate and especially I have no Guilt Complex about anything and I mean anything.
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!

If you've ever been with a woman, you have thought about sodomy...It is normal..

"you have thought about sodomy...It is normal.."

Why do you consider that normal? Also any woman who lets a man shaft her up the buttocks has no self-respect she is only doing that to keep the man. It is a completely abnormal happening, not to say degrading to the woman.

Women from Polite Society do not allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a way. If a man wants that sort of thing, he'd have to indulge in it with a common prostitute, who by the the nature of their um profession, for the right price will allow a man to do anything to her, even perhaps half murder her.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!

If you've ever been with a woman, you have thought about sodomy...It is normal..

"you have thought about sodomy...It is normal.."

Why do you consider that normal? Also any woman who lets a man shaft her up the buttocks has no self-respect she is only doing that to keep the man. It is a completely abnormal happening, not to say degrading to the woman.

Women from Polite Society do not allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a way. If a man wants that sort of thing, he'd have to indulge in it with a common prostitute, who by the the nature of their um profession, for the right price will allow a man to do anything to her, even perhaps half murder her.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...

Def, since you are online, and able to look up the definition yourself, without cost or even leaving your computer, there really is no excuse for such ignorance.
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!

If you've ever been with a woman, you have thought about sodomy...It is normal..

"you have thought about sodomy...It is normal.."

Why do you consider that normal? Also any woman who lets a man shaft her up the buttocks has no self-respect she is only doing that to keep the man. It is a completely abnormal happening, not to say degrading to the woman.

Women from Polite Society do not allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a way. If a man wants that sort of thing, he'd have to indulge in it with a common prostitute, who by the the nature of their um profession, for the right price will allow a man to do anything to her, even perhaps half murder her.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...

Def, since you are online, and able to look up the definition yourself, without cost or even leaving your computer, there really is no excuse for such ignorance.
Look up what? The word "sodomy" is derived from the word "sodomites" from the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah, remember? The sodomites were faggots and wanted to "do" the angels of the Lord. So, there. Look it up starting with Genesis 19. From there, there are cross references to other verses about how faggotism is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. It is the Torah...look it up.
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It's a shame that all the left posters in this thread have been seduced by Satan in their support of homosexuality. They truly need God in their hearts and souls.

This is hilarious. One of the biggest hate mongers on these forums, and you say the left posters need God in their hearts? Truly hilarious.
If you've ever been with a woman, you have thought about sodomy...It is normal..

"you have thought about sodomy...It is normal.."

Why do you consider that normal? Also any woman who lets a man shaft her up the buttocks has no self-respect she is only doing that to keep the man. It is a completely abnormal happening, not to say degrading to the woman.

Women from Polite Society do not allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a way. If a man wants that sort of thing, he'd have to indulge in it with a common prostitute, who by the the nature of their um profession, for the right price will allow a man to do anything to her, even perhaps half murder her.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...

Def, since you are online, and able to look up the definition yourself, without cost or even leaving your computer, there really is no excuse for such ignorance.
Look up what? The word "sodomy" is derived from the word "sodomites" from the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah, remember? The sodomites were faggots and wanted to "do" the angels of the Lord. So, there. Look it up starting with Genesis 19. From there, there are cross references to other verses about how faggotism is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. It is the Torah...look it up.

...unfucking believable!!!!
"you have thought about sodomy...It is normal.."

Why do you consider that normal? Also any woman who lets a man shaft her up the buttocks has no self-respect she is only doing that to keep the man. It is a completely abnormal happening, not to say degrading to the woman.

Women from Polite Society do not allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a way. If a man wants that sort of thing, he'd have to indulge in it with a common prostitute, who by the the nature of their um profession, for the right price will allow a man to do anything to her, even perhaps half murder her.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...

Def, since you are online, and able to look up the definition yourself, without cost or even leaving your computer, there really is no excuse for such ignorance.
Look up what? The word "sodomy" is derived from the word "sodomites" from the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah, remember? The sodomites were faggots and wanted to "do" the angels of the Lord. So, there. Look it up starting with Genesis 19. From there, there are cross references to other verses about how faggotism is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. It is the Torah...look it up.

...unfucking believable!!!!
You didn't know that, did you? Now you know it. Did you know that the Torah consists of the Five Books of Moses? It is the Law expounded.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...

Def, since you are online, and able to look up the definition yourself, without cost or even leaving your computer, there really is no excuse for such ignorance.
Look up what? The word "sodomy" is derived from the word "sodomites" from the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah, remember? The sodomites were faggots and wanted to "do" the angels of the Lord. So, there. Look it up starting with Genesis 19. From there, there are cross references to other verses about how faggotism is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. It is the Torah...look it up.

...unfucking believable!!!!
You didn't know that, did you? Now you know it. Did you know that the Torah consists of the Five Books of Moses? It is the Law expounded.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sad result of homeschooling in America......
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...

Def, since you are online, and able to look up the definition yourself, without cost or even leaving your computer, there really is no excuse for such ignorance.
Look up what? The word "sodomy" is derived from the word "sodomites" from the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah, remember? The sodomites were faggots and wanted to "do" the angels of the Lord. So, there. Look it up starting with Genesis 19. From there, there are cross references to other verses about how faggotism is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. It is the Torah...look it up.

...unfucking believable!!!!
You didn't know that, did you? Now you know it. Did you know that the Torah consists of the Five Books of Moses? It is the Law expounded.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sad result of homeschooling in America......
Whassa matter??? Why it is a sad result? I thought it displayed knowledge you imbecile, what you lacked.

You don't like the Torah? You asked about the word "sodomy" and I showed you the origin of it. Now you don't like it. You are fucking nuts. Here is something I just found for you since the Torah is not convincing enough, I guess. Faggots don't like a reminder how the word came about.

"The term is derived from the Ecclesiastical Latin peccatum Sodomiticum or "sin of Sodom", which in turn comes from the Ancient Greek word Σόδομα (Sódoma).[8] Genesis (chapters 18–20) tells how God wished to destroy the "sinful" cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Two angels are invited by Lot to take refuge with his family for the night. The men of Sodom surround Lot's house and demand that he bring the messengers out so that they may "know" them (the expression includes sexual connotations). Lot protests that the "messengers" are his guests and offers the Sodomites his virgin daughters instead, but then they threaten to "do worse" with Lot than they would with his guests. Then the angels strike the Sodomites blind, "so that they wearied themselves to find the door." (Genesis 19:4-11, KJV)"
Sodomy - Wikipedia
Def, did you know that Oral Roberts University is now offering a Master's in Bible Stories for the Undereducated? I read about it on the back of a matchbook cover. If you have a total lack of knowledge in anything secular, and have $2,000, you meet their entrance qualifications!
Being that there are far more left handers than gays, what is the biggee here? Gays have more money and get lawyers and buy out the media? Please, like the auto or the tobacco didn't buy popular opinions? Don't pretend to be naïve. Homosexuality IS what THEY say it is. Not common sense, ignore THAT.
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!

Why do you care so much what folks do in their bedrooms?
Are you this concerned about those who use whipped cream, dress up in maid outfits, have anal sex, or do fantasy games between the two who love each other? Get your nose outta their business fercrissakes.
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!

Why do you care so much what folks do in their bedrooms?
Are you this concerned about those who use whipped cream, dress up in maid outfits, have anal sex, or do fantasy games between the two who love each other? Get your nose outta their business fercrissakes.

Steve is on a mission from god........
Keep trying to tell you people, you attempt to oppress a people and eventually you only make them stronger.
What the he'll are you talking about? Queers, most of them want you to know they are queer, and will go out of their way. To let you know. Why?
Hmmm, I've seen straights advertising also..
Lol, yes you do.

Jake and Moonglow have probably had their share of dicks in their mouths, it's why that type are so fanatically in support of the gay men in general.

Most Hetero men don't obsess about the Gay Agenda, it's not what Alpha Males do.

This idea that anyone who supports equality for homosexuals is automatically gay is ridiculous.

Were all the people who supported the Civil Rights movement black?

Some folk are only able to institutionally suppose so and never question further.
Straight people don't feel the need to announce they are Straight every five minutes, so I don't see why LGBTQ have to flaunt that they are LGBTQ every five minutes, they are NOT special, there is NOTHING special about them.

Keep trying to tell you people, you attempt to oppress a people and eventually you only make them stronger.
What the he'll are you talking about? Queers, most of them want you to know they are queer, and will go out of their way. To let you know. Why?
Hmmm, I've seen straights advertising also..
Lol, yes you do.

Jake and Moonglow have probably had their share of dicks in their mouths, it's why that type are so fanatically in support of the gay men in general.

Most Hetero men don't obsess about the Gay Agenda, it's not what Alpha Males do.

It is what you do however.
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!


Look, if you don't like the US Constitution and it's equality for all Americans, you can go live somewhere else, like Russia, or North Korea. No one is stopping you going.
What the he'll are you talking about? Queers, most of them want you to know they are queer, and will go out of their way. To let you know. Why?
Hmmm, I've seen straights advertising also..
Lol, yes you do.

Jake and Moonglow have probably had their share of dicks in their mouths, it's why that type are so fanatically in support of the gay men in general.

Most Hetero men don't obsess about the Gay Agenda, it's not what Alpha Males do.

This idea that anyone who supports equality for homosexuals is automatically gay is ridiculous.

Were all the people who supported the Civil Rights movement black?

I'm not refering to supporting equality for homosexuals, I'm referring to promoting the LGBTQ Agenda, there is a difference.

At the beginning of this thread I commented that the gay veterans were still veterans and they had a right to take part in the march, but I didn't think they should be allowed to parade with the LGBTQ Flag, this was termed I supported "oppressing" them, which is ridiculous, how is it "oppressing" them by saying they have a right as gay veterans to march but they cannot carry the LGBTQ Flag?

What is that about then? Is it about them being just veterans like every other veteran or is it about promoting the LGBTQ Agenda?

If it was a St Patty's Day Parade/March, why the fuck did veterans have any right to show up anyway given your reasoning? Furthermore, why the fuck should an american flag be allowed in an Irish tradition centered parade?
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!

Why do you care so much what folks do in their bedrooms?
Are you this concerned about those who use whipped cream, dress up in maid outfits, have anal sex, or do fantasy games between the two who love each other? Get your nose outta their business fercrissakes.
Their business is going to be in yet another parade.
Def, did you know that Oral Roberts University is now offering a Master's in Bible Stories for the Undereducated? I read about it on the back of a matchbook cover. If you have a total lack of knowledge in anything secular, and have $2,000, you meet their entrance qualifications!
Well, well. You are fascinated with Oral from your buddy PhantomLynn. :badgrin:
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