Over 1,000 classified Clinton emails...agency misses court ordered release date


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
More than 1,000 emails from Hillary Clinton's private server during her time at the State Department have now been deemed classified, after the agency publicly released its eighth batch of the messages late Thursday.

The agency released roughly 5,500 more pages of emails from the private email account that Clinton exclusively used during her four years at Foggy Bottom, with an additional 275 messages now upgraded to classified, bringing the total number of classified emails that moved through Clinton’s unsecured server to 1,274.

Read more: More than 1,000 Clinton emails now deemed classified
While we discuss Affluenza...is rich and powerful Hillary Clinton above the law?


A few details about classified materials:

Information can only be classified if an official determination is made that its unauthorized release would damage the national security. Levels of classification correspond to levels of supposed damage.

CONFIDENTIAL materials may be sent via U.S. Postal Service certified, first class, express, or registered mail or government courier service.

SECRET materials may ONLY be sent via U.S. Postal Service express or registered mail or government courier service.

(never via Email)

Frequently Asked Questions on Identifying and handling Classified Records in Private Papers

Yet even if retroactive classification was applied only after Clinton hit “send” (and State’s own Inspector General says it wasn’t), she is not off the hook.

What matters in the world of secrets is the information itself, which may or may not be marked “classified.” Employees at the highest levels of access are expected to apply the highest levels of judgment, based on the standards in Executive Order 13526. The government’s basic nondisclosure agreement makes clear the rule is “marked or unmarked classified information.”

What everyone with a Top Secret security clearance knows – or should know

From the desk of President Barrack Obama:

Executive Order 13526- Original Classification Authority

Pursuant to the provisions of section 1.3 of the Executive Order issued today, entitled "Classified National Security Information" (Executive Order), I hereby designate the following officials to classify information originally as "Top Secret" or "Secret":


Departments and Agencies:

The Secretary of State


Executive Order 13526- Original Classification Authority

The officeholder of Secretary of State has ALWAYS been a Original Classification Authority...if the information wasn't marked classified...it was Clinton's responsibility to mark it classified...NOT send it out over am unsecured e-mail server.
Nobody cares except for desperate right wingers who are scared to death of Hillary. Fast forward to this time next year and that will be President Elect Hillary Clinton.
Nobody cares except for desperate right wingers who are scared to death of Hillary. Fast forward to this time next year and that will be President Elect Hillary Clinton.
That's MISTER desperate right winger to you, bitch. :slap:

If you gave a rat's ass about protocol and national security, maybe you'd give a shit.

Nobody cares except for desperate right wingers who are scared to death of Hillary. Fast forward to this time next year and that will be President Elect Hillary Clinton.
...and she is a loopy kunt
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....
Nobody cares except for desperate right wingers who are scared to death of Hillary. Fast forward to this time next year and that will be President Elect Hillary Clinton.
That's MISTER desperate right winger to you, bitch. :slap:

If you gave a rat's ass about protocol and national security, maybe you'd give a shit.


Agreed, it makes absolutely no difference, so move on and let's discuss issues that are truly important rather than yet another Clinton witch hunt driven by right wing cowards who can't compete with her on a level playing field. The fear is freakin' hilarious and sadly pathetic.
Hillary broke numerous kaws, jeopardized our bational security, and pathetic partisan Hillary apologists say, "No one cares", demonstrating their loyalty to party and criminals over the country.

1 classified document sent/received via un-secure e-mail, stored on an un-secure server, handled by anyone without required clearances....one instance of perjury...ONE violation of the Espionage Act and other laws / regulations regarding the storage, handling, and detruction of classified ... is enough to put any 'ordinary' citizen in jail.

Hillary has a THOUSAND such e-mails, aTHOUSAND of such violations of law, and she is not in jail YET....

Never say there isn't '2 Americas' and that criminals aren't running the country because you will be lying if you do.
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

Because she is rich and powerful.

If Your Name Isn't Hillary, the Hammer for Mishandling Secrets
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

Because she is rich and powerful.

If Your Name Isn't Hillary, the Hammer for Mishandling Secrets
When your husband is slick Willy, anything is possible
Hillary broke numerous kaws, jeopardized our bational security, and pathetic partisan Hillary apologists say, "No one cares", demonstrating their loyalty to party and criminals over the country.

1 classified document sent/received via un-secure e-mail, stored on an un-secure server, handled by anyone without required clearances....one instance of perjury...ONE violation of the Espionage Act and other laws / regulations regarding the storage, handling, and detruction of classified ... is enough to put any 'ordinary' citizen in jail.

Hillary has a THOUSAND such e-mails, aTHOUSAND of such violations of law, and she is not in jail YET....

Never say there isn't '2 Americas' and that criminals aren't running the country because you will be lying if you do.

Dear god, the drama is so laughable. Yeah, she screwed up and it's being looked into. Until then you drama queens should just let law enforcement handle it to avoid looking so pathetic and quite frankly damaging the party. You're all looking like the little boys who cried wolf and America no longer takes you seriously (not that they ever did).
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

Me thinks you love corruption as long as Clintons do it...they're so smart how did they stay out of jail for so long?
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

Because she is rich and powerful.

If Your Name Isn't Hillary, the Hammer for Mishandling Secrets
that's just a cop out...........

IF she committed a crime with these 1000 emails, she'd be charged....if 10 were a problem, she'd be charged, let alone the supposed 1000....

What she did was not a crime Missourian...if it were, Republicans on all those committees requesting her emails would have gotten or even requested that charges be brought...it's been a year....

And if they are purposely just waiting to do such closer to the primary and the election then they are simply slimy, slivering, scum of the Earth. :D
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

Me thinks you love corruption as long as Clintons do it...they're so smart how did they stay out of jail for so long?

Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

Because she is rich and powerful.

If Your Name Isn't Hillary, the Hammer for Mishandling Secrets
When your husband is slick Willy, anything is possible
Obama may or may not like Clinton, but he does support the party he's a member of, the DNC....and there is no way the DNC would allow Hillary to run if Obama had a whiff of criminal doings by her... and chance the DNC not having a viable candidate imo.... regardless of her being a ''Clinton''....
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

The FBI is compiling more evidence with every release, the last release is scheduled for Jan, I'd say they will have it all wrapped up by Apr or early May.
OVER 1,000 classified documents mis-handled, illegally sent/received/stored, destroyed, perjury, etc.... I just do not see how this can all be made to go away without criminal charges or some legal repercussions....or an Obama pen/phone pardon. Anythi g short of it all going away, though, damages her chances of winning in 2016.

No matter what, she has already proven she can't be trusted with classified / our national security. Even her own staff, at the very least, has described her as 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' .... just what we need as President.
Nobody cares except for desperate right wingers who are scared to death of Hillary. Fast forward to this time next year and that will be President Elect Hillary Clinton.

You are one of the ones that should be scared of a person who either didn't understand the law our flouted the law. How do you even begin to make an excuse for her lawlessness by saying people are scared of her? I am not scared of her I am scared of a country what would elect such a piece of work.
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

The FBI is compiling more evidence with every release, the last release is scheduled for Jan, I'd say they will have it all wrapped up by Apr or early May.

Prediction: They will report that there were some minor infractions but nothing worth pursuing. Mrs. Clinton is too big to fail.

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