Over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 30,000 Ukrainian civilians have died thanks to the US extending the war as of 3 months ago, obviously higher now.


I didn't read every post in this busy thread. So maybe I missed it, but.....

But what deal in Turkey?
Does Angus have details that he can share?
I think Angus forgot his med
Well, I dunno about that. Either Democrats nor war, but......
But the Wall Street Journal's reportage hints that Russia (or Putin?)....'loves war.'

After all, you gotta love it if you are willing to contribute 200,000 citizens to starting it. Fighting it. Recruiting for it. Re-enforcing it.

It's gotta be 'love', or.......you are fighting off a vicious invasion of your homeland.
Which, it seems, did not happen to Russia?
So it must be love of war. What else could it be?
Why would Russia (or Putin?) WANT to kill off so many of their own citizens?

(Wall Street Journal, February 4, 2023):

"MOSCOW—Close to 200,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded in the war in Ukraine, according to estimates from U.S. and European officials, a toll that is likely to continue to rise as the Kremlin readies a fresh offensive in the coming weeks.

The U.S. military, which keeps rough estimates on Russian casualties in Ukraine, puts the figure for wounded and dead at roughly 180,000, though officials stressed such figures aren’t precise, a U.S. defense official said.

The tally matched assessments by Norway’s defense chief Gen. Eirik Kristoffersen, who said last week that the number of Russian soldiers killed or injured was approaching 180,000. Mr. Kristoffersen estimated that 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded, in line with an estimate Pentagon officials put out in November."
You forgot to mention that Ukraine can't retreat back their country..
Please show us the proof of the US attacking?
The US overthrew a democratically elected government in Ukraine and installed Zelensky as their anti-Democratic puppet. That is an attack.
I said Russia are war criminals and you ..... tried to pull the US in to the same hole...
The US has no business in Ukraine. Russia created Ukraine from nothing and it is affected by what happens in its neigbour. The US destroyed Democracy in Ukraine just like it did in Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc.
For the record, the world would be a better place if Poot took 2 shots to the temple years ago.

To be so fucking bilateral to claim that if you do not want the war to continue, you are a Putin toady, is fucking retarded.

Why do you cult fucks avoid discussing the CIA coup of 2014 over Yanukovych?

Is it because the Pfizer media doesn’t talk about it?

You can learn all about it in about 20 minutes if you bothered to look.

It says something about you that you ignore it.
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Why do you cult fucks avoid discussing the CIA coup of 2014 over Yanukovych.
I'm guessing that it is because this is now.....that was then. That was then----9 years ago.
Life moves.
Events change.
Gotta run harder, swim faster, be better.....than just sticking in the waybacktimes.
Is it because the Pfizer media doesn’t talk about it?

Ummm? WTH?

I looked up Angus' "Pfizer media".
This is what I found.
Ad frankly, is poor Angus is all aflutter over their retiree news? Jeeeez! Much ado over nothing. A small ball, peanut gallery, wading pool level of snowflakery. IMO. C'mon Angus. This end of your pool is a bit deeper. Just sayin'.

The US overthrew a democratically elected government in Ukraine and installed Zelensky as their anti-Democratic puppet. That is an attack.
When? Show the evidence...
Zelensky won an election in 2019, the Corrupt Russian Puppet was thrown out in 2014...
The US has no business in Ukraine. Russia created Ukraine from nothing and it is affected by what happens in its neigbour. The US destroyed Democracy in Ukraine just like it did in Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc.
Ukraine is an independent country.. Russia killed 1/5th of its population in the Holodomor genocide...

Again show proof of your allegations, Russia invaded Ukraine... That is obvious..
Yes, and it's true.

Why does this confuse you? Are you not aware that there are many moves on the chess board before someone wins?
So without any proof you want people to believe your fanciful story...

Again you make allegations of America what Russia was doing all along...

We have clear proof of Russian interference in Ukraine...
Better red than dead, huh?

Thats what Kremlin apologists in the West said in the 1950’s and ‘60’s
You’re stuck in the 80s.

"The 80s called they want their foreign policy back."

You and Mitt Romney dumb and dumber.
You’re stuck in the 80s.

"The 80s called they want their foreign policy back."

You and Mitt Romney dumb and dumber.
Lets be clear, Russia invaded a country the US had the Budapest memorandum deal with...

Ukraine didn't invade, Russia did....

The Russian leader said he wants all USSR territory under Russia, which means he is going to continue unless stopped.

On top of that his soldier committed war crimes when they took a region as they are badly trained or worse convicts...

And you want to make US fault some how????

Here is the transcript of a leaked phone call from 2014 between Obama’s asistant SoS, Nuland, and the US ambassador to Ukraine, discussing how the US can install a puppet regime.

Read it.

How Many of you Ukraine honks actually read this transcript? We installed a puppet government led by Zelensky after the CIA threw out Yanukovych.

Its is all right there.

Ok, if you cant read, listen to the call.

This shit is almost a decade old. How do you not know this?
Lets be clear, Russia invaded a country the US had the Budapest memorandum deal with...

Ukraine didn't invade, Russia did....

The Russian leader said he wants all USSR territory under Russia, which means he is going to continue unless stopped.

On top of that his soldier committed war crimes when they took a region as they are badly trained or worse convicts...

And you want to make US fault some how????
Russia has always raped, murdered and pillaged their way across any conquered territory. Soviet East Germany would seem like a paradise compared with what Russia has in store for Ukraine should they prevail. The Putin fan club around here refuses to address The appalling history of Russian empire building.
democrats love war. what more can be said
they do have quite the history....
And since we shouldn't care what dictators and out enemies claim, that doesn't mean anything
we don't care Dudley , we still think we can carry the torch of freedom anywhere on this rock , yet wish to lead by exception, not example....
. Ukraine has significant strategic importance outside of their borders, not to mention opposing Russian imperialism is indeed in our interest as well as many of our markets
indeed the crux of the issue is who's 'market' the Ukraine will be....
the CIA coup
i'm loosing count Col....
Also could you offer proof of CIA involvement...

nothing to see here, move along.....
The US overthrew a democratically elected government in Ukraine and installed Zelensky as their anti-Democratic puppet. That is an attack.
ironically the dems here love the guy

i guess that says something about our dem party.....

This shit is almost a decade old. How do you not know this?
because it's opining against the narrative Col


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