Over 200 Lawmakers Ask SCOTUS to Reconsider Roe v Wade

Look, overturning RvW would be bad.You religious wacks think you have a monopoly on morals and ethic. Fact is you don’t. You’re not going to stop women from getting abortions, and banning abortions will just make some abortion providers criminals while endanger young women. Why don’t you put your efforts to making adoption more prevalent?

Because the goal isn't to stop women from having abortions. The goal is to punish women for having sex. To shame them for having their birth control fail.

Abortion shaming is the continuation of a long, long history of slut shaming by the male heirarchy which celebrates male sexual predators as heroes and role models for their nation, elevating them to the highest offices in the land, while saying that a woman who once had an affair with a much older man was unfit for public office.

If they truly cared about the children, the USA wouldn't have the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world.

Wow.....sounds like somebodies had more than a few abortions after drunken sex with strangers.

Never had an abortion, and I have never been pregnant outside of marriage.

But thank you for proving what a misogynistic piece of shit you are for trying to slut shame a Presbyterian Church Elder and former Sunday School teacher.
Look, overturning RvW would be bad.You religious wacks think you have a monopoly on morals and ethic. Fact is you don’t. You’re not going to stop women from getting abortions, and banning abortions will just make some abortion providers criminals while endanger young women. Why don’t you put your efforts to making adoption more prevalent?

Because the goal isn't to stop women from having abortions. The goal is to punish women for having sex. To shame them for having their birth control fail.

Abortion shaming is the continuation of a long, long history of slut shaming by the male heirarchy which celebrates male sexual predators as heroes and role models for their nation, elevating them to the highest offices in the land, while saying that a woman who once had an affair with a much older man was unfit for public office.

If they truly cared about the children, the USA wouldn't have the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world.

Wow.....sounds like somebodies had more than a few abortions after drunken sex with strangers.

Never had an abortion, and I have never been pregnant outside of marriage.

But thank you for proving what a misogynistic piece of shit you are for trying to slut shame a Presbyterian Church Elder and former Sunday School teacher.

Oh please you are one of the worst at going after people. Don't try and hide behind a God you have never known.

BTW- 207 lawmakers is less than half of the 535 members of congress. Apparently most lawmakers don’t want RvW overturned.
Democrats love dead babies.
Wrong! I am a democrat and would be over joyed to see roe v wade overturned. I am not alone. It will not happen the republicans are not truely interested in doing it. We will see what happens.

This is indeed little more than a campaign stunt.
Thanks for acknowledging Americans are disgusted with the baby killing.
No one is killing babies....except for this current Administration...with your blessing.
Look, overturning RvW would be bad.You religious wacks think you have a monopoly on morals and ethic. Fact is you don’t. You’re not going to stop women from getting abortions, and banning abortions will just make some abortion providers criminals while endanger young women. Why don’t you put your efforts to making adoption more prevalent?
Overturning Roe vs Wade would not ban abortions.
Look, overturning RvW would be bad.You religious wacks think you have a monopoly on morals and ethic. Fact is you don’t. You’re not going to stop women from getting abortions, and banning abortions will just make some abortion providers criminals while endanger young women. Why don’t you put your efforts to making adoption more prevalent?

Because the goal isn't to stop women from having abortions. The goal is to punish women for having sex. To shame them for having their birth control fail.

Abortion shaming is the continuation of a long, long history of slut shaming by the male heirarchy which celebrates male sexual predators as heroes and role models for their nation, elevating them to the highest offices in the land, while saying that a woman who once had an affair with a much older man was unfit for public office.

If they truly cared about the children, the USA wouldn't have the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world.

Wow.....sounds like somebodies had more than a few abortions after drunken sex with strangers.

Never had an abortion, and I have never been pregnant outside of marriage.

But thank you for proving what a misogynistic piece of shit you are for trying to slut shame a Presbyterian Church Elder and former Sunday School teacher.

Oh please you are one of the worst at going after people. Don't try and hide behind a God you have never known.

Boy that is the truth. Dragonsnatch sure has filthy mouth for a church elder and a Sunday school teacher. Did you teach your students to use that language?
Look, overturning RvW would be bad.You religious wacks think you have a monopoly on morals and ethic. Fact is you don’t. You’re not going to stop women from getting abortions, and banning abortions will just make some abortion providers criminals while endanger young women. Why don’t you put your efforts to making adoption more prevalent?

What is it that you leftardz have against equal rights, children and the equal protections of our laws?

Do you disagree that human children are Constitutionally entitled to the equal protection of our laws?

Or, do you hold the ignorant and idiotic view that a child is not a child and doesn't have any rights until it lives too long and develops past some arbitrarily drawn point where after, you can't stomach or justify the denial of their rights any more?
You mean Roe v Wade installed by Republican Warren Burger?

Republicans have a nasty habit of shooting themselves in the foot.

Roe v Wade was the worst SCOTUS decision since Plessy v Ferguson (separate but equal). To reach that decision, the Court had to invent a phantom right to "privacy" and ignore medical evidence regarding the increasing viability of less-than-full-term babies. (The idiotic "trimester" analysis is now considered junk science and universally ignored.)

The bogus right to privacy rationale was only supported by four Justices; three Justices wrote concurring opinions based on other Constitutional arguments, while two dissented outright. As for Chief Justice Warren Burger, he wrote a concurrence in which he wrote that he thought it would be permissible to allow a state to require two physicians to certify an abortion before it could be performed.

The bottom line was that a group of would-be social scientists decided to override the right of individual states to write their own criminal statutes and replace them with one of their own.


Look, overturning RvW would be bad.You religious wacks think you have a monopoly on morals and ethic. Fact is you don’t. You’re not going to stop women from getting abortions, and banning abortions will just make some abortion providers criminals while endanger young women. Why don’t you put your efforts to making adoption more prevalent?
Great idea.

Apply that logic to rape, assault, and theft.
Overturning RvW doesnt make abortions illegal.

Wanna bet?

Read my signature.

The (anti-abortion) appellee and certain amici argue that the fetus is a "person" within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development. If this suggestion of personhood is established, the (pro-abortion) appellant's case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the (14th) Amendment. The appellant conceded as much on reargument. - Roe v. Wade
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You can't murder unborn babies and think God's going to let it slide because you support food stamps.

For the record, I am thankful that you oppose abortion as vehemently as you do.

I do wish you would keep religion out of it though.

I do respect your religion and your right to make your arguments any way you want too.

I just think bringing religion into the debate is counter productive.

I am not religious and I do not need "God" to know that an abortion kills a child and I doubt that anyone else does either.

Semper Fi.
I guess all these boobs crying for the overturning of Roe v. Wade don’t realize that nearly all our private rights stem from that case. If Roe falls, so will nearly all the cases that rely on Roe including those cases that protect our privacy from government intrusion. Roe found privacy in the “penumbra of rights” under the constitution, such as the fourth and fifth amendments.

As they say be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

We most certainly had privacy rights pre RvW.
There is no explicit right to privacy in the US Constitution. There are constitutional amendments that infer a right to Privacy. It was Roe that made a right to privacy a fundamental right.

Roe v. Wade in 1972 firmly established the right to privacy as fundamental, and required that any governmental infringement of that right to be justified by a compelling state interest. In Roe, the court ruled that the state's compelling interest in preventing abortion and protecting the life of the mother outweighs a mother's personal autonomy only after viability. Before viability, the mother's right to privacy limits state interference due to the lack of a compelling state interest.

Right to Privacy: Constitutional Rights & Privacy Laws | Live Science

The SCOTUS will inevitably agree that they were wrong to deny Constitutional rights and protections to children in the womb as they attempted to secure a woman's so called right to "privacy."
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