Over 500 Violent Attacks Against Trump Supporters Since 2016

Trump’s policies so far are massive tariffs and subsidies.
You mean like the massive tariffs and trade imbalances that were already levied against America by other nations... like those?

So you mean when we put tariffs on nations, that's bad, but when other nations have them on us, that's good?

Uuuum... are you retarded or what, or maybe you just hate America and love to see us suffer?
How stupid. You think the U.S. is being taken advantage of by countries whose polices have left them weaker, and poorer than us; so you want to adopt those policies. You turn against your own party’s core principles in order to do so. Sooooo stupid.
Trump’s policies so far are massive tariffs and subsidies.
You mean like the massive tariffs and trade imbalances that were already levied against America by other nations... like those?

So you mean when we put tariffs on nations, that's bad, but when other nations have them on us, that's good?

Uuuum... are you retarded or what, or maybe you just hate America and love to see us suffer?
How stupid. You think the U.S. is being taken advantage of by countries whose polices have left them weaker, and poorer than us; so you want to adopt those policies. You turn against your own party’s core principles in order to do so. Sooooo stupid.
You can't even form a coherent response.

It's a KNOWN FACT that other nations around the world have been treating the US as their PIGGY BANK, milking us with huge tariffs on OUR goods, and even not allowing us to ship our goods to their nation while imposing huge tariffs on the goods they do allow. But when America seeks to level the playing field, you think we're TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THEM?

What kind of a fucking MORON are you? Your HATE for America must be so deep that you can't even THINK.
Trump’s policies so far are massive tariffs and subsidies.
You mean like the massive tariffs and trade imbalances that were already levied against America by other nations... like those?

So you mean when we put tariffs on nations, that's bad, but when other nations have them on us, that's good?

Uuuum... are you retarded or what, or maybe you just hate America and love to see us suffer?
How stupid. You think the U.S. is being taken advantage of by countries whose polices have left them weaker, and poorer than us; so you want to adopt those policies. You turn against your own party’s core principles in order to do so. Sooooo stupid.
You can't even form a coherent response.

It's a KNOWN FACT that other nations around the world have been treating the US as their PIGGY BANK, milking us with huge tariffs on OUR goods, and even not allowing us to ship our goods to their nation while imposing huge tariffs on the goods they do allow.

But for some reason, you think we DESERVE THAT? What kind of a fucking MORON are you? Your HATE for America must be so deep that you can't even THINK.
Christ, all you can do is speak in slogans and talking points. You are literally cheering to enact policies of countries that are weaker and poorer than us, acting jealous of how weak and poor they are. Don’t be such a sheep! Your entire life you supported fiscally conservative policies; aren’t you a little surprised at how quickly you obeyed instructions to support massive government intervention and liberal wet dream fiscal policy? Wtf is wrong with you?
So, I followed the link to the Breitbart article that lists the 500 "violent attacks against Trump supporters". Shall we take a look at some of these (I would say most but I have neither the time to list them all):

July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed … again. Is this a violent attack against his supporters?
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain..looks like a political protest to me
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul...not even Trump byt far from a call to violence, if even true
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender...Snowflake?
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee....This is just plain stupid.

and on and on it goes.

All the links on these so-called acts of violence are from Breitbart articles BTW. Breitbart as we know is a sensationalist right-wing rag.

Take it for what it is worth, which is not a whole lot.
Let them have their fantasies. This is the last gasp of their movement.
how's that "impeach trump" effort going?

About as well as the impeach Bush II and the impeach Obama movements went

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I’d have to argue that things are looking better in the “impeach Trump” arena than those other two. There is an actual crime having been committed and we keep catching the Trump campaign lying about the extent of their involvement.

I’d argue this is going as well as the “Impeach Nixon” movement.
yea, we never caught the obama camp lying about shit.
Oh please. Every whitehouse tells a lie or two or three. The Donald whitehouse lies at least several times per week. And they lie about stuff that can be easily disproven. Constantly. So, they’re not even good liars.
Trump’s policies so far are massive tariffs and subsidies.
You mean like the massive tariffs and trade imbalances that were already levied against America by other nations... like those?

So you mean when we put tariffs on nations, that's bad, but when other nations have them on us, that's good?

Uuuum... are you retarded or what, or maybe you just hate America and love to see us suffer?
How stupid. You think the U.S. is being taken advantage of by countries whose polices have left them weaker, and poorer than us; so you want to adopt those policies. You turn against your own party’s core principles in order to do so. Sooooo stupid.
You can't even form a coherent response.

It's a KNOWN FACT that other nations around the world have been treating the US as their PIGGY BANK, milking us with huge tariffs on OUR goods, and even not allowing us to ship our goods to their nation while imposing huge tariffs on the goods they do allow.

But for some reason, you think we DESERVE THAT? What kind of a fucking MORON are you? Your HATE for America must be so deep that you can't even THINK.
Christ, all you can do is speak in slogans and talking points. You are literally cheering to enact policies of countries that are weaker and poorer than us, acting jealous of how weak and poor they are. Don’t be such a sheep! Your entire life you supported fiscally conservative policies; aren’t you a little surprised at how quickly you obeyed instructions to support massive government intervention and liberal wet dream fiscal policy? Wtf is wrong with you?
You are off on another PLANET here, skippy. It ain't my fuckin' PROBLEM if there's other nations that are POORER and WEAKER than America. There will ALWAYS be poorer and weaker nations than America, and it isn't OUR job to FIX IT. I don't give a RATS ASS how poor they are, and I also don't want them using MY country as their PIGGY BANK and WHIPPING POST. It is OUR job to look out for AMERICA.

How in the FUCK did your brain get so TWISTED? You really HATE America that much? Where do you get off with this, "FUCK AMERICA - GOOD"... "AMERICA FIGHTS BACK - BAD" crap? You're out of your fucking mind.
Video: ‘I Run This Country, You Guys Are Dead,’ Violent Trump Supporter Tells Black Man During Racist Tirade
"Is this the vision of 'Making America Great Again?'" Keoke Silvano, who captured the video, wrote on Instagram.

and as soon as he get his ass whooped -- people will be citing him as an example of a Trump supporter being unfairly attacked
Trump’s policies so far are massive tariffs and subsidies.
You mean like the massive tariffs and trade imbalances that were already levied against America by other nations... like those?

So you mean when we put tariffs on nations, that's bad, but when other nations have them on us, that's good?

Uuuum... are you retarded or what, or maybe you just hate America and love to see us suffer?
How stupid. You think the U.S. is being taken advantage of by countries whose polices have left them weaker, and poorer than us; so you want to adopt those policies. You turn against your own party’s core principles in order to do so. Sooooo stupid.
You can't even form a coherent response.

It's a KNOWN FACT that other nations around the world have been treating the US as their PIGGY BANK, milking us with huge tariffs on OUR goods, and even not allowing us to ship our goods to their nation while imposing huge tariffs on the goods they do allow.

But for some reason, you think we DESERVE THAT? What kind of a fucking MORON are you? Your HATE for America must be so deep that you can't even THINK.
Christ, all you can do is speak in slogans and talking points. You are literally cheering to enact policies of countries that are weaker and poorer than us, acting jealous of how weak and poor they are. Don’t be such a sheep! Your entire life you supported fiscally conservative policies; aren’t you a little surprised at how quickly you obeyed instructions to support massive government intervention and liberal wet dream fiscal policy? Wtf is wrong with you?
You are off on another PLANET here, skippy. It ain't my fuckin' PROBLEM if there's other nations that are POORER than America. There will ALWAYS be poorer nations than America, and it isn't OUR job to FIX IT. I don't give a RATS ASS how poor they, and I also don't want them using MY country as their PIGGY BANK and WHIPPING POST. It is OUR job to look out for AMERICA.

How in the FUCK did your brain get so TWISTED? You really HATE America that much? Where do you get off with this, "FUCK AMERICA - GOOD"... "AMERICA FIGHTS BACK - BAD" crap? You're out of your fucking mind.
You didn’t address a single thing I said. Too unhinged. Your programming is too strong.
You mean like the massive tariffs and trade imbalances that were already levied against America by other nations... like those?

So you mean when we put tariffs on nations, that's bad, but when other nations have them on us, that's good?

Uuuum... are you retarded or what, or maybe you just hate America and love to see us suffer?
How stupid. You think the U.S. is being taken advantage of by countries whose polices have left them weaker, and poorer than us; so you want to adopt those policies. You turn against your own party’s core principles in order to do so. Sooooo stupid.
You can't even form a coherent response.

It's a KNOWN FACT that other nations around the world have been treating the US as their PIGGY BANK, milking us with huge tariffs on OUR goods, and even not allowing us to ship our goods to their nation while imposing huge tariffs on the goods they do allow.

But for some reason, you think we DESERVE THAT? What kind of a fucking MORON are you? Your HATE for America must be so deep that you can't even THINK.
Christ, all you can do is speak in slogans and talking points. You are literally cheering to enact policies of countries that are weaker and poorer than us, acting jealous of how weak and poor they are. Don’t be such a sheep! Your entire life you supported fiscally conservative policies; aren’t you a little surprised at how quickly you obeyed instructions to support massive government intervention and liberal wet dream fiscal policy? Wtf is wrong with you?
You are off on another PLANET here, skippy. It ain't my fuckin' PROBLEM if there's other nations that are POORER than America. There will ALWAYS be poorer nations than America, and it isn't OUR job to FIX IT. I don't give a RATS ASS how poor they, and I also don't want them using MY country as their PIGGY BANK and WHIPPING POST. It is OUR job to look out for AMERICA.

How in the FUCK did your brain get so TWISTED? You really HATE America that much? Where do you get off with this, "FUCK AMERICA - GOOD"... "AMERICA FIGHTS BACK - BAD" crap? You're out of your fucking mind.
You didn’t address a single thing I said. Too unhinged. Your programming is too strong.
You didn't understand a single thing I said. You're brain washing is complete.
Mosquitos bite.
Snakes slither.

It's just what comes naturally.

So why be pissed at twisted-panty liberals for doing what, to them, comes naturally? Just treat 'em like mosquitos - SLAP.

But don't slap snakes. Shoot 'em. It's safer.
How stupid. You think the U.S. is being taken advantage of by countries whose polices have left them weaker, and poorer than us; so you want to adopt those policies. You turn against your own party’s core principles in order to do so. Sooooo stupid.
You can't even form a coherent response.

It's a KNOWN FACT that other nations around the world have been treating the US as their PIGGY BANK, milking us with huge tariffs on OUR goods, and even not allowing us to ship our goods to their nation while imposing huge tariffs on the goods they do allow.

But for some reason, you think we DESERVE THAT? What kind of a fucking MORON are you? Your HATE for America must be so deep that you can't even THINK.
Christ, all you can do is speak in slogans and talking points. You are literally cheering to enact policies of countries that are weaker and poorer than us, acting jealous of how weak and poor they are. Don’t be such a sheep! Your entire life you supported fiscally conservative policies; aren’t you a little surprised at how quickly you obeyed instructions to support massive government intervention and liberal wet dream fiscal policy? Wtf is wrong with you?
You are off on another PLANET here, skippy. It ain't my fuckin' PROBLEM if there's other nations that are POORER than America. There will ALWAYS be poorer nations than America, and it isn't OUR job to FIX IT. I don't give a RATS ASS how poor they, and I also don't want them using MY country as their PIGGY BANK and WHIPPING POST. It is OUR job to look out for AMERICA.

How in the FUCK did your brain get so TWISTED? You really HATE America that much? Where do you get off with this, "FUCK AMERICA - GOOD"... "AMERICA FIGHTS BACK - BAD" crap? You're out of your fucking mind.
You didn’t address a single thing I said. Too unhinged. Your programming is too strong.
You didn't understand a single thing I said. You're brain washing is complete.
You yelled in caps and said “AMERICA FIGHTS BACK.” You’re like a drunk football fan defending your team as the management takes you to another 6-10 season.
Over 500 Violent Attacks Against Trump Supporters Since 2016


Tactics of the left............they have been using intimidation and violence for quite some time........

And the media whines when caught lying ...........:boo_hoo14:
Video: ‘I Run This Country, You Guys Are Dead,’ Violent Trump Supporter Tells Black Man During Racist Tirade
"Is this the vision of 'Making America Great Again?'" Keoke Silvano, who captured the video, wrote on Instagram.

Video: ‘I Run This Country, You Guys Are Dead,’ Violent Trump Supporter Tells Black Man During Racist Tirade
"Is this the vision of 'Making America Great Again?'" Keoke Silvano, who captured the video, wrote on Instagram.

Lots more of that to come as REAL Americans are finally pissed off and poised to take their country back.
The Black Lives Matter bullshit, anthem protests, wetback flags flying on our soil, the illegals over Americans rhetoric...etc etc
Good, productive people have been triggered, you woke the sleeping giant, now fucking deal with it.
And Sulzberger is whining about Journalists.

Not to mention, elected dimocraps are actually CALLING for these attacks.

You know what I think of dims, people.

They is what they is

NYT Publisher Complains to Trump About 'Potential' Violence Against Journalists - Ignores Over 500 Violent Attacks on Trump Supporters

Let's look at the first ten, shall we -

According the Breitbart list of VIOLENT ATTACKS AGAINST TRUMPIES.... (remember that would imply physical battery, aggravated assault, or bodily harm)

  1. July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed … again.
  2. July 24, 2018: Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) Says Brett Kavanaugh supporters are “complicit in evil”
  3. July 23, 2018: Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed
  4. July 23, 2018: Elizabeth Warren Supporter Shoves Challenger
  5. July 20, 2018: Green-Haired “Gender Fluid” Guy Spits All Over Teen’s MAGA Hat
  6. July 20, 2018: ‘Hang Trump’ Shirt Peddled on Facebook
  7. July 19, 2018: ‘New Yorker’ Kills Trump
  8. July 19, 2018: CA Anti-Trump Protesters Target Legal Immigrant’s Cafe Over Trump Support, Hurl Feces
  9. July 17, 2018: Uber Driver Refuses to Serve Black Conservatives Over MAGA Hat
  10. July 17, 2018: Gory Trump Throat-Cutting Art Decorates Portland Gallery
  11. July 16, 2018: House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To ‘Stop Trump’

#4 links to a Daily Caller piece with a man claiming he was shoved by small and thin Elizabeth Warren. No follow up piece.

#5 links to blog 'chicks on the right' that links to a twitter tweet. No police report or legit news link.

#8 again, no police report or legit news agency reporting facts of the real 'crime'. Story is more about them getting booted from Chamber of Commerce.

#9 I love this one because these ignorant tools think political party is a protected class. No, it's not.

The other six don't involve any violent attack on a person whatsoever. In fact most are just free speech. Do you support that?

So 6 out of 10 in are small sampling are outright lies (not violent attacks at all) and the 3 that did involve persons or property are dubious fringe media reports.

And the Uber driver that refused service to MAGA Hat fool. He lost money - but no attack, not discrimination. So lie.

Shall we keep going???

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