over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

Mac, as usual you won't answer a simple question. Staying on topic, in a thread where a poll is saying 60% of white Republicans think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, how are both sides equal? Bet you still won't answer the question.

Although you lied about it earlier in the thread, I've never said Hussein wasn't born in the United States....

....but I do so enjoy making you dolts hop around, stamp your weedle feet, and foam at the mouth.

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Sooo......what's the beef?????

You're a birther and you keep reposting the same debunked lies and won't even bother to challenge any of them, you simply pretend they don't exist and keep repeating yourself. You're credibility is zero.

Nothing I post is untrue....as proven by you Three Stooges....

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

So.....what's the beef???

1. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. Since you're using Snopes (incorrectly) as a source then certainly you'll accept them here:
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Don't worry, nobody expects you to directly respond to the info in the link, you're not honest enough to.

2. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

Nope, nowhere in your link (Snopes) is there a claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya, you are simply lying. In fact your own link specifically says it was the agent who edited the bio to include Kenya. So, you're simply just lying again. Basically, you proved you're a liar.

Now, if you're looking for a reason why Kenya instead of another location, most likely it's because Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. But no, you insist that Kenya was so random. You're intellectually dishonest and kind of stupid.

3. Changing the goal posts now are we? First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie. And now you're simply hanging onto semantics and using logic that doesn't make any sense.

You say you never said Obama was born in Kenya, but you offer nothing but birther conspiracies, you're a birther. Either that or you are claiming Michelle Obama is a birther. You lack common sense and yes, you're very much a liar.

" The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement."


Then, perhaps you'd be able to identify the employer of Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn,...

and the staffer mentioned here:
"the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, ..."

While you're stuttering and mumbling......see if you can come up with that apology you owe me for claiming that I said Obama was born in Kenya.

Sweetheart, your link goes to several stories on ABC News that disagree with you. What is your problem? A volunteer forwarded an email, she was fired. The Clinton campaign did not promote your idiotic conspiracies.

Are you this dense that your links always seem to disprove your lies?

From the link you provided:

Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy. But she said that person was immediately fired and that the birther conspiracy theory was never promoted by Clinton herself.

And another fact, pumpkin. Even if Clinton pushed this stupid conspiracy it still wouldn't make it true.
Mac, as usual you won't answer a simple question. Staying on topic, in a thread where a poll is saying 60% of white Republicans think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, how are both sides equal? Bet you still won't answer the question.

Although you lied about it earlier in the thread, I've never said Hussein wasn't born in the United States....

....but I do so enjoy making you dolts hop around, stamp your weedle feet, and foam at the mouth.

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Sooo......what's the beef?????

You're a birther and you keep reposting the same debunked lies and won't even bother to challenge any of them, you simply pretend they don't exist and keep repeating yourself. You're credibility is zero.

Nothing I post is untrue....as proven by you Three Stooges....

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

So.....what's the beef???

1. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. Since you're using Snopes (incorrectly) as a source then certainly you'll accept them here:
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Don't worry, nobody expects you to directly respond to the info in the link, you're not honest enough to.

2. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

Nope, nowhere in your link (Snopes) is there a claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya, you are simply lying. In fact your own link specifically says it was the agent who edited the bio to include Kenya. So, you're simply just lying again. Basically, you proved you're a liar.

Now, if you're looking for a reason why Kenya instead of another location, most likely it's because Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. But no, you insist that Kenya was so random. You're intellectually dishonest and kind of stupid.

3. Changing the goal posts now are we? First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie. And now you're simply hanging onto semantics and using logic that doesn't make any sense.

You say you never said Obama was born in Kenya, but you offer nothing but birther conspiracies, you're a birther. Either that or you are claiming Michelle Obama is a birther. You lack common sense and yes, you're very much a liar.

. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

How did the agent/publisher know he was born in Kenya?

Already answered, dumbass, do you even bother to read?

By the way, weren't you calling me a liar because you said you never made the claim that Obama was born in Kenya?
OK, so we can both agree, Birtherism is not a one sided issue and that the right is absolutely wrong and the left is correct. Right? No problem agreeing with that?
Yes, birthers are silly conservative talk radio goofballs.

Yeah, didn't think you could do it. I'm not talking about talk radio, I'm talking about the 60% of white Republcians who believe in birtherism. I'm talking about the wingnuts on this very board who are birthers.

Say it with me, the majority of white Republicans and the conservative birthers on this board are wrong and the left/liberals are correct. Can you bring yourself to posting that? Or are you stuck on bothsiderism so much that you can't even bring yourself to agreeing with me on this?
I think you're trying far too hard here. I really thought my response was clear, but your perception appears to be distorted by your ideology.

Calm down a bit.

Yes, of course, birthers are wrong, and those who disagree with them are correct. The left/liberals are correct. "Yes" was the first word in my answer.

I know you don't like being compared to those you loathe. That's not my problem. Take a breath. Decaf, maybe.

I don't really consider what you say about me at all, its irrelevant. I get tired of the 'both sides do it' mantra. When actually, everybody even you has their own biases and that's why debate should be decided with facts and not some pre-canned response that has nothing to do with the debate at hand.

Thank you for your reply, it's like pulling teeth but hey, you actually were able to call right wingnuts the liars that they are.
You folks absolutely fascinate me.

I said they were "wrong", and in your mind, you think I was calling them "liars". You equate the two. You don't see a difference.

This is why I have such respect for the power of partisan ideology. It literally warps perceptions and thought processes.

Always interesting. This place is like a mental Petri dish for me.

No, they're liars.

For example, PC said that Obama told his publishers that he was born in Kenya. But his publisher explicitly contradicted that saying that Obama NEVER told them he was born in Kenya.

Yet PC has repeated that claim dozens of times. That's not a mistake. That's a lie. There is nothing to support the claim. There is overwhelming evidence contradicting it. Including the publisher.

PC has said that Hillary's camp started the birther conspiracy. Yet she has nothing to back this, with her own sources affirming that Mr. Penn (her source in Hillary's camp) NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy.

Yet PC has repeated that debunked claim a dozen times. That's not a mistake either. That's a lie.
Mac, as usual you won't answer a simple question. Staying on topic, in a thread where a poll is saying 60% of white Republicans think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, how are both sides equal? Bet you still won't answer the question.

Although you lied about it earlier in the thread, I've never said Hussein wasn't born in the United States....

....but I do so enjoy making you dolts hop around, stamp your weedle feet, and foam at the mouth.

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Sooo......what's the beef?????

You're a birther and you keep reposting the same debunked lies and won't even bother to challenge any of them, you simply pretend they don't exist and keep repeating yourself. You're credibility is zero.

Nothing I post is untrue....as proven by you Three Stooges....

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

So.....what's the beef???

1. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. Since you're using Snopes (incorrectly) as a source then certainly you'll accept them here:
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Don't worry, nobody expects you to directly respond to the info in the link, you're not honest enough to.

2. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

Nope, nowhere in your link (Snopes) is there a claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya, you are simply lying. In fact your own link specifically says it was the agent who edited the bio to include Kenya. So, you're simply just lying again. Basically, you proved you're a liar.

Now, if you're looking for a reason why Kenya instead of another location, most likely it's because Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. But no, you insist that Kenya was so random. You're intellectually dishonest and kind of stupid.

3. Changing the goal posts now are we? First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie. And now you're simply hanging onto semantics and using logic that doesn't make any sense.

You say you never said Obama was born in Kenya, but you offer nothing but birther conspiracies, you're a birther. Either that or you are claiming Michelle Obama is a birther. You lack common sense and yes, you're very much a liar.

" First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie."

Clearly it's no lie....or, will you define the term 'home country'?


Keep running.

Home country she is obviously referring to Barack's roots, it's pretty obvious. Unless you think Michelle Obama is a birther and if you are then you're nuts.
Oh, there we go again.

Birther conspiracy theory idiots claiming a former President was not a natural born citizen and therefore illegitimate vs. The truth being debated on a political discussion forum and your conclusion is just grouping both sides of the argument together as though they are equal?

Good one, Mac, thanks for wasting your time adding your 2 cents.
Oops, struck a nerve again.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors. I wonder what it's like being so similar to those you loathe.

If you don't like that I point it out, too bad. You'll just have to live with it.

How are they similar? For once in your life try to answer a question. One side lies about the birth place of a former President and therefore his legitimacy while the other side has the truth. How are they comparable? I bet as usual you won't answer.

More than half of Democrats believed Bush knew

Add to that the percentage of Democrats that think Bush stole the 2000 election and then again in the 2004 election.

Both extremes are absolutely nuts, I see no real difference.

This was the question asked:

How likely is it that people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?

That is a poorly written question that should have been broken down into three parts.

Did the federal government assist in the 9/11 attacks?

Did the federal government take no action to stop the 9/11 attacks?

Did the federal government want to go to war in the Middle East?

First question, no.

Second question, depends. We know that the government and the current administration didn't take OBL threats seriously, they didn't even bother to meet about it. However I don't believe they had intel on anything specific either.

Third question - Yes, absolutely they wanted to go to war in Iraq and 9/11 was a great excuse.

So, sorry, I don't trust the poll question.

I expect nothing different from you. Again, both extremes are nuts.

Tons of evidence points to it, however partisans won’t see it that way.

I agree the far left and far right are nuts, doesn't change the fact that the poll question is confusing. I very well might answer yes to it because I think the Bush administration wanted a war with Iraq. However I don't think they were involved in 9/11 at all.
OK, so we can both agree, Birtherism is not a one sided issue and that the right is absolutely wrong and the left is correct. Right? No problem agreeing with that?
Yes, birthers are silly conservative talk radio goofballs.

Yeah, didn't think you could do it. I'm not talking about talk radio, I'm talking about the 60% of white Republcians who believe in birtherism. I'm talking about the wingnuts on this very board who are birthers.

Say it with me, the majority of white Republicans and the conservative birthers on this board are wrong and the left/liberals are correct. Can you bring yourself to posting that? Or are you stuck on bothsiderism so much that you can't even bring yourself to agreeing with me on this?
I think you're trying far too hard here. I really thought my response was clear, but your perception appears to be distorted by your ideology.

Calm down a bit.

Yes, of course, birthers are wrong, and those who disagree with them are correct. The left/liberals are correct. "Yes" was the first word in my answer.

I know you don't like being compared to those you loathe. That's not my problem. Take a breath. Decaf, maybe.

I don't really consider what you say about me at all, its irrelevant. I get tired of the 'both sides do it' mantra. When actually, everybody even you has their own biases and that's why debate should be decided with facts and not some pre-canned response that has nothing to do with the debate at hand.

Thank you for your reply, it's like pulling teeth but hey, you actually were able to call right wingnuts the liars that they are.
You folks absolutely fascinate me.

I said they were "wrong", and in your mind, you think I was calling them "liars". You equate the two. You don't see a difference.

This is why I have such respect for the power of partisan ideology. It literally warps perceptions and thought processes.

Always interesting. This place is like a mental Petri dish for me.

Yes, one side has the facts and the other doesn't. So, yeah the right is lying on this one. Who put together the crazy 'layers' conspiracy around the birth certificate? Who claimed the Clinton campaign was behind birtherism? Who is saying Michelle Obama stated Barack was born in Kenya? Who is misconstruing facts about the bio that said Obama was born in Kenya? All lies, all started by the right and all continuing to promote birtherism inspite of the obvious truth.

But yeah, the wingnuts are totally about telling the truth here. :badgrin:
Although you lied about it earlier in the thread, I've never said Hussein wasn't born in the United States....

....but I do so enjoy making you dolts hop around, stamp your weedle feet, and foam at the mouth.

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Sooo......what's the beef?????

You're a birther and you keep reposting the same debunked lies and won't even bother to challenge any of them, you simply pretend they don't exist and keep repeating yourself. You're credibility is zero.

Nothing I post is untrue....as proven by you Three Stooges....

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

So.....what's the beef???

1. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. Since you're using Snopes (incorrectly) as a source then certainly you'll accept them here:
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Don't worry, nobody expects you to directly respond to the info in the link, you're not honest enough to.

2. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

Nope, nowhere in your link (Snopes) is there a claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya, you are simply lying. In fact your own link specifically says it was the agent who edited the bio to include Kenya. So, you're simply just lying again. Basically, you proved you're a liar.

Now, if you're looking for a reason why Kenya instead of another location, most likely it's because Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. But no, you insist that Kenya was so random. You're intellectually dishonest and kind of stupid.

3. Changing the goal posts now are we? First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie. And now you're simply hanging onto semantics and using logic that doesn't make any sense.

You say you never said Obama was born in Kenya, but you offer nothing but birther conspiracies, you're a birther. Either that or you are claiming Michelle Obama is a birther. You lack common sense and yes, you're very much a liar.

" The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement."


Then, perhaps you'd be able to identify the employer of Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn,...

and the staffer mentioned here:
"the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, ..."

While you're stuttering and mumbling......see if you can come up with that apology you owe me for claiming that I said Obama was born in Kenya.

Sweetheart, your link goes to several stories on ABC News that disagree with you. What is your problem? A volunteer forwarded an email, she was fired. The Clinton campaign did not promote your idiotic conspiracies.

Are you this dense that your links always seem to disprove your lies?

From the link you provided:

Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy. But she said that person was immediately fired and that the birther conspiracy theory was never promoted by Clinton herself.

And another fact, pumpkin. Even if Clinton pushed this stupid conspiracy it still wouldn't make it true.

"Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy."

Exactly as I said.

The 'birther' thing began with the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Although you lied about it earlier in the thread, I've never said Hussein wasn't born in the United States....

....but I do so enjoy making you dolts hop around, stamp your weedle feet, and foam at the mouth.

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Sooo......what's the beef?????

You're a birther and you keep reposting the same debunked lies and won't even bother to challenge any of them, you simply pretend they don't exist and keep repeating yourself. You're credibility is zero.

Nothing I post is untrue....as proven by you Three Stooges....

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

So.....what's the beef???

1. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. Since you're using Snopes (incorrectly) as a source then certainly you'll accept them here:
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Don't worry, nobody expects you to directly respond to the info in the link, you're not honest enough to.

2. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

Nope, nowhere in your link (Snopes) is there a claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya, you are simply lying. In fact your own link specifically says it was the agent who edited the bio to include Kenya. So, you're simply just lying again. Basically, you proved you're a liar.

Now, if you're looking for a reason why Kenya instead of another location, most likely it's because Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. But no, you insist that Kenya was so random. You're intellectually dishonest and kind of stupid.

3. Changing the goal posts now are we? First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie. And now you're simply hanging onto semantics and using logic that doesn't make any sense.

You say you never said Obama was born in Kenya, but you offer nothing but birther conspiracies, you're a birther. Either that or you are claiming Michelle Obama is a birther. You lack common sense and yes, you're very much a liar.

" First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie."

Clearly it's no lie....or, will you define the term 'home country'?


Keep running.

Home country she is obviously referring to Barack's roots, it's pretty obvious. Unless you think Michelle Obama is a birther and if you are then you're nuts.

Shuckin' and jivin'????


I simply asked you to define the term that Michelle Obama used for Hussein..."home country.'

And...liar....it doesn't mean his 'roots.'
Yes, birthers are silly conservative talk radio goofballs.

Yeah, didn't think you could do it. I'm not talking about talk radio, I'm talking about the 60% of white Republcians who believe in birtherism. I'm talking about the wingnuts on this very board who are birthers.

Say it with me, the majority of white Republicans and the conservative birthers on this board are wrong and the left/liberals are correct. Can you bring yourself to posting that? Or are you stuck on bothsiderism so much that you can't even bring yourself to agreeing with me on this?
I think you're trying far too hard here. I really thought my response was clear, but your perception appears to be distorted by your ideology.

Calm down a bit.

Yes, of course, birthers are wrong, and those who disagree with them are correct. The left/liberals are correct. "Yes" was the first word in my answer.

I know you don't like being compared to those you loathe. That's not my problem. Take a breath. Decaf, maybe.

I don't really consider what you say about me at all, its irrelevant. I get tired of the 'both sides do it' mantra. When actually, everybody even you has their own biases and that's why debate should be decided with facts and not some pre-canned response that has nothing to do with the debate at hand.

Thank you for your reply, it's like pulling teeth but hey, you actually were able to call right wingnuts the liars that they are.
You folks absolutely fascinate me.

I said they were "wrong", and in your mind, you think I was calling them "liars". You equate the two. You don't see a difference.

This is why I have such respect for the power of partisan ideology. It literally warps perceptions and thought processes.

Always interesting. This place is like a mental Petri dish for me.

No, they're liars.

For example, PC said that Obama told his publishers that he was born in Kenya. But his publisher explicitly contradicted that saying that Obama NEVER told them he was born in Kenya.

Yet PC has repeated that claim dozens of times. That's not a mistake. That's a lie. There is nothing to support the claim. There is overwhelming evidence contradicting it. Including the publisher.

PC has said that Hillary's camp started the birther conspiracy. Yet she has nothing to back this, with her own sources affirming that Mr. Penn (her source in Hillary's camp) NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy.

Yet PC has repeated that debunked claim a dozen times. That's not a mistake either. That's a lie.
The two things are mutually exclusive, though.

So sure, repeating something that you know is untrue is a lie.

But talking yourself into believing something that isn't true, even if you realize that at some subconscious level, is one of the symptoms of partisan ideology. When afflicted with an ideology, a partisan automatically tunes out and/or distorts input that is contrary to their beliefs.

So in the case of birthers, for example, they may allow themselves to be talked into the story (whatever the hell it is). When confronted with contrary information, they put up a subconscious intellectual roadblock in front of it so that they just don't have to consider it.

If it does make it into their thought processes, it gets distorted there by the ideology. So, even if something is wildly goofy or wrong or ridiculous, an ideologue can talk themselves into believing it.

I have a great deal of respect for how powerful ideology can be.
Yeah, didn't think you could do it. I'm not talking about talk radio, I'm talking about the 60% of white Republcians who believe in birtherism. I'm talking about the wingnuts on this very board who are birthers.

Say it with me, the majority of white Republicans and the conservative birthers on this board are wrong and the left/liberals are correct. Can you bring yourself to posting that? Or are you stuck on bothsiderism so much that you can't even bring yourself to agreeing with me on this?
I think you're trying far too hard here. I really thought my response was clear, but your perception appears to be distorted by your ideology.

Calm down a bit.

Yes, of course, birthers are wrong, and those who disagree with them are correct. The left/liberals are correct. "Yes" was the first word in my answer.

I know you don't like being compared to those you loathe. That's not my problem. Take a breath. Decaf, maybe.

I don't really consider what you say about me at all, its irrelevant. I get tired of the 'both sides do it' mantra. When actually, everybody even you has their own biases and that's why debate should be decided with facts and not some pre-canned response that has nothing to do with the debate at hand.

Thank you for your reply, it's like pulling teeth but hey, you actually were able to call right wingnuts the liars that they are.
You folks absolutely fascinate me.

I said they were "wrong", and in your mind, you think I was calling them "liars". You equate the two. You don't see a difference.

This is why I have such respect for the power of partisan ideology. It literally warps perceptions and thought processes.

Always interesting. This place is like a mental Petri dish for me.

No, they're liars.

For example, PC said that Obama told his publishers that he was born in Kenya. But his publisher explicitly contradicted that saying that Obama NEVER told them he was born in Kenya.

Yet PC has repeated that claim dozens of times. That's not a mistake. That's a lie. There is nothing to support the claim. There is overwhelming evidence contradicting it. Including the publisher.

PC has said that Hillary's camp started the birther conspiracy. Yet she has nothing to back this, with her own sources affirming that Mr. Penn (her source in Hillary's camp) NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy.

Yet PC has repeated that debunked claim a dozen times. That's not a mistake either. That's a lie.
The two things are mutually exclusive, though.

So sure, repeating something that you know is untrue is a lie.

But talking yourself into believing something that isn't true, even if you realize that at some subconscious level, is one of the symptoms of partisan ideology. When afflicted with an ideology, a partisan automatically tunes out and/or distorts input that is contrary to their beliefs.

So in the case of birthers, for example, they may allow themselves to be talked into the story (whatever the hell it is). When confronted with contrary information, they put up a subconscious intellectual roadblock in front of it so that they just don't have to consider it.

If it does make it into their thought processes, it gets distorted there by the ideology. So, even if something is wildly goofy or wrong or ridiculous, an ideologue can talk themselves into believing it.

I have a great deal of respect for how powerful ideology can be.

I can not agree with you more. The new tax plan is either genius or evil depending on your political view. The reality is, it is somewhere in the middle. The healthcare mandate was either genius or evil depending on your political view. Trump is either a genius or evil, Clinton is either evil or genius and so it goes.

If both sides don’t see it equally, it is because of political bias. It is this binary thinking that is hurting America.
I think you're trying far too hard here. I really thought my response was clear, but your perception appears to be distorted by your ideology.

Calm down a bit.

Yes, of course, birthers are wrong, and those who disagree with them are correct. The left/liberals are correct. "Yes" was the first word in my answer.

I know you don't like being compared to those you loathe. That's not my problem. Take a breath. Decaf, maybe.

I don't really consider what you say about me at all, its irrelevant. I get tired of the 'both sides do it' mantra. When actually, everybody even you has their own biases and that's why debate should be decided with facts and not some pre-canned response that has nothing to do with the debate at hand.

Thank you for your reply, it's like pulling teeth but hey, you actually were able to call right wingnuts the liars that they are.
You folks absolutely fascinate me.

I said they were "wrong", and in your mind, you think I was calling them "liars". You equate the two. You don't see a difference.

This is why I have such respect for the power of partisan ideology. It literally warps perceptions and thought processes.

Always interesting. This place is like a mental Petri dish for me.

No, they're liars.

For example, PC said that Obama told his publishers that he was born in Kenya. But his publisher explicitly contradicted that saying that Obama NEVER told them he was born in Kenya.

Yet PC has repeated that claim dozens of times. That's not a mistake. That's a lie. There is nothing to support the claim. There is overwhelming evidence contradicting it. Including the publisher.

PC has said that Hillary's camp started the birther conspiracy. Yet she has nothing to back this, with her own sources affirming that Mr. Penn (her source in Hillary's camp) NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy.

Yet PC has repeated that debunked claim a dozen times. That's not a mistake either. That's a lie.
The two things are mutually exclusive, though.

So sure, repeating something that you know is untrue is a lie.

But talking yourself into believing something that isn't true, even if you realize that at some subconscious level, is one of the symptoms of partisan ideology. When afflicted with an ideology, a partisan automatically tunes out and/or distorts input that is contrary to their beliefs.

So in the case of birthers, for example, they may allow themselves to be talked into the story (whatever the hell it is). When confronted with contrary information, they put up a subconscious intellectual roadblock in front of it so that they just don't have to consider it.

If it does make it into their thought processes, it gets distorted there by the ideology. So, even if something is wildly goofy or wrong or ridiculous, an ideologue can talk themselves into believing it.

I have a great deal of respect for how powerful ideology can be.

I can not agree with you more. The new tax plan is either genius or evil depending on your political view. The reality is, it is somewhere in the middle. The healthcare mandate was either genius or evil depending on your political view. Trump is either a genius or evil, Clinton is either evil or genius and so it goes.

If both sides don’t see it equally, it is because of political bias. It is this binary thinking that is hurting America.
And don't forget, anyone who disagrees with me is Hitler!

You're a birther and you keep reposting the same debunked lies and won't even bother to challenge any of them, you simply pretend they don't exist and keep repeating yourself. You're credibility is zero.

Nothing I post is untrue....as proven by you Three Stooges....

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

So.....what's the beef???

1. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. Since you're using Snopes (incorrectly) as a source then certainly you'll accept them here:
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Don't worry, nobody expects you to directly respond to the info in the link, you're not honest enough to.

2. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

Nope, nowhere in your link (Snopes) is there a claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya, you are simply lying. In fact your own link specifically says it was the agent who edited the bio to include Kenya. So, you're simply just lying again. Basically, you proved you're a liar.

Now, if you're looking for a reason why Kenya instead of another location, most likely it's because Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. But no, you insist that Kenya was so random. You're intellectually dishonest and kind of stupid.

3. Changing the goal posts now are we? First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie. And now you're simply hanging onto semantics and using logic that doesn't make any sense.

You say you never said Obama was born in Kenya, but you offer nothing but birther conspiracies, you're a birther. Either that or you are claiming Michelle Obama is a birther. You lack common sense and yes, you're very much a liar.

" The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement."


Then, perhaps you'd be able to identify the employer of Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn,...

and the staffer mentioned here:
"the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, ..."

While you're stuttering and mumbling......see if you can come up with that apology you owe me for claiming that I said Obama was born in Kenya.

Sweetheart, your link goes to several stories on ABC News that disagree with you. What is your problem? A volunteer forwarded an email, she was fired. The Clinton campaign did not promote your idiotic conspiracies.

Are you this dense that your links always seem to disprove your lies?

From the link you provided:

Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy. But she said that person was immediately fired and that the birther conspiracy theory was never promoted by Clinton herself.

And another fact, pumpkin. Even if Clinton pushed this stupid conspiracy it still wouldn't make it true.

"Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy."

Exactly as I said.

The 'birther' thing began with the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.
Yeah, didn't think you could do it. I'm not talking about talk radio, I'm talking about the 60% of white Republcians who believe in birtherism. I'm talking about the wingnuts on this very board who are birthers.

Say it with me, the majority of white Republicans and the conservative birthers on this board are wrong and the left/liberals are correct. Can you bring yourself to posting that? Or are you stuck on bothsiderism so much that you can't even bring yourself to agreeing with me on this?
I think you're trying far too hard here. I really thought my response was clear, but your perception appears to be distorted by your ideology.

Calm down a bit.

Yes, of course, birthers are wrong, and those who disagree with them are correct. The left/liberals are correct. "Yes" was the first word in my answer.

I know you don't like being compared to those you loathe. That's not my problem. Take a breath. Decaf, maybe.

I don't really consider what you say about me at all, its irrelevant. I get tired of the 'both sides do it' mantra. When actually, everybody even you has their own biases and that's why debate should be decided with facts and not some pre-canned response that has nothing to do with the debate at hand.

Thank you for your reply, it's like pulling teeth but hey, you actually were able to call right wingnuts the liars that they are.
You folks absolutely fascinate me.

I said they were "wrong", and in your mind, you think I was calling them "liars". You equate the two. You don't see a difference.

This is why I have such respect for the power of partisan ideology. It literally warps perceptions and thought processes.

Always interesting. This place is like a mental Petri dish for me.

No, they're liars.

For example, PC said that Obama told his publishers that he was born in Kenya. But his publisher explicitly contradicted that saying that Obama NEVER told them he was born in Kenya.

Yet PC has repeated that claim dozens of times. That's not a mistake. That's a lie. There is nothing to support the claim. There is overwhelming evidence contradicting it. Including the publisher.

PC has said that Hillary's camp started the birther conspiracy. Yet she has nothing to back this, with her own sources affirming that Mr. Penn (her source in Hillary's camp) NEVER SUGGESTED the birther conspiracy.

Yet PC has repeated that debunked claim a dozen times. That's not a mistake either. That's a lie.
The two things are mutually exclusive, though.

So sure, repeating something that you know is untrue is a lie.

PC knows that the publisher has affirmed that Obama NEVER told them he was born in Kenya.

The first time PC uttered that nonsense, she was mistaken. After she knows that the publisher debunked her baseless nonsense and repeats it, that's a lie. There is such a thing as facts.

And she's repeated the same nonsense at least a dozen times after she discovered that the publisher affirmed Obama never told them he was born in Kenya. Thus, she's a liar.

But talking yourself into believing something that isn't true, even if you realize that at some subconscious level, is one of the symptoms of partisan ideology. When afflicted with an ideology, a partisan automatically tunes out and/or distorts input that is contrary to their beliefs.

Someone believing in something for which there is zero evidence? Sure. Someone spouting nonsense for which overwhelming evidence contradicts?

That's not a mistake. That's a lie. And they repeat these lies over and over again.
Last edited:
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.

Lefties tried and convicted Roy Moore on hearsay alone...right?
Is there a reason the evidence presented by independent forensic laboratories shouldn’t be considered as credible evidence?
(this is scary for LefTards...I’ll expect the resident wackos to steer clear of this one)
Nothing I post is untrue....as proven by you Three Stooges....

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

So.....what's the beef???

1. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. Since you're using Snopes (incorrectly) as a source then certainly you'll accept them here:
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Don't worry, nobody expects you to directly respond to the info in the link, you're not honest enough to.

2. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

Nope, nowhere in your link (Snopes) is there a claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya, you are simply lying. In fact your own link specifically says it was the agent who edited the bio to include Kenya. So, you're simply just lying again. Basically, you proved you're a liar.

Now, if you're looking for a reason why Kenya instead of another location, most likely it's because Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. But no, you insist that Kenya was so random. You're intellectually dishonest and kind of stupid.

3. Changing the goal posts now are we? First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie. And now you're simply hanging onto semantics and using logic that doesn't make any sense.

You say you never said Obama was born in Kenya, but you offer nothing but birther conspiracies, you're a birther. Either that or you are claiming Michelle Obama is a birther. You lack common sense and yes, you're very much a liar.

" The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement."


Then, perhaps you'd be able to identify the employer of Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn,...

and the staffer mentioned here:
"the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, ..."

While you're stuttering and mumbling......see if you can come up with that apology you owe me for claiming that I said Obama was born in Kenya.

Sweetheart, your link goes to several stories on ABC News that disagree with you. What is your problem? A volunteer forwarded an email, she was fired. The Clinton campaign did not promote your idiotic conspiracies.

Are you this dense that your links always seem to disprove your lies?

From the link you provided:

Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy. But she said that person was immediately fired and that the birther conspiracy theory was never promoted by Clinton herself.

And another fact, pumpkin. Even if Clinton pushed this stupid conspiracy it still wouldn't make it true.

"Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy."

Exactly as I said.

The 'birther' thing began with the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

I love making you jump through hoops!

I got you writing 'laughing' again.....and everyone recognizes it as 'lying'!

Don't ever change.
Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

Hillary's campaign found this truth....

1. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. Since you're using Snopes (incorrectly) as a source then certainly you'll accept them here:
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Don't worry, nobody expects you to directly respond to the info in the link, you're not honest enough to.

2. "Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?"

Nope, nowhere in your link (Snopes) is there a claim that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya, you are simply lying. In fact your own link specifically says it was the agent who edited the bio to include Kenya. So, you're simply just lying again. Basically, you proved you're a liar.

Now, if you're looking for a reason why Kenya instead of another location, most likely it's because Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya. But no, you insist that Kenya was so random. You're intellectually dishonest and kind of stupid.

3. Changing the goal posts now are we? First you claimed that Michelle said Barack was 'born in Kenya', that was an obvious lie. And now you're simply hanging onto semantics and using logic that doesn't make any sense.

You say you never said Obama was born in Kenya, but you offer nothing but birther conspiracies, you're a birther. Either that or you are claiming Michelle Obama is a birther. You lack common sense and yes, you're very much a liar.

" The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement."


Then, perhaps you'd be able to identify the employer of Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn,...

and the staffer mentioned here:
"the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, ..."

While you're stuttering and mumbling......see if you can come up with that apology you owe me for claiming that I said Obama was born in Kenya.

Sweetheart, your link goes to several stories on ABC News that disagree with you. What is your problem? A volunteer forwarded an email, she was fired. The Clinton campaign did not promote your idiotic conspiracies.

Are you this dense that your links always seem to disprove your lies?

From the link you provided:

Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy. But she said that person was immediately fired and that the birther conspiracy theory was never promoted by Clinton herself.

And another fact, pumpkin. Even if Clinton pushed this stupid conspiracy it still wouldn't make it true.

"Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy."

Exactly as I said.

The 'birther' thing began with the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

I love making you jump through hoops!

I got you writing 'laughing' again.....and everyone recognizes it as 'lying'!

Don't ever change.

Your victory laps are as empty as your lies. However at least Mac thinks you're being honest, so you can always hang your hat on that.
" The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement."


Then, perhaps you'd be able to identify the employer of Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn,...

and the staffer mentioned here:
"the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, ..."

While you're stuttering and mumbling......see if you can come up with that apology you owe me for claiming that I said Obama was born in Kenya.

Sweetheart, your link goes to several stories on ABC News that disagree with you. What is your problem? A volunteer forwarded an email, she was fired. The Clinton campaign did not promote your idiotic conspiracies.

Are you this dense that your links always seem to disprove your lies?

From the link you provided:

Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy. But she said that person was immediately fired and that the birther conspiracy theory was never promoted by Clinton herself.

And another fact, pumpkin. Even if Clinton pushed this stupid conspiracy it still wouldn't make it true.

"Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy."

Exactly as I said.

The 'birther' thing began with the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

I love making you jump through hoops!

I got you writing 'laughing' again.....and everyone recognizes it as 'lying'!

Don't ever change.

Your victory laps are as empty as your lies. However at least Mac thinks you're being honest, so you can always hang your hat on that.

Shuckin' and jivin'????


I simply asked you to define the term that Michelle Obama used for Hussein..."home country.'

And...liar....it doesn't mean his 'roots.'
Sweetheart, your link goes to several stories on ABC News that disagree with you. What is your problem? A volunteer forwarded an email, she was fired. The Clinton campaign did not promote your idiotic conspiracies.

Are you this dense that your links always seem to disprove your lies?

From the link you provided:

Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy. But she said that person was immediately fired and that the birther conspiracy theory was never promoted by Clinton herself.

And another fact, pumpkin. Even if Clinton pushed this stupid conspiracy it still wouldn't make it true.

"Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy."

Exactly as I said.

The 'birther' thing began with the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

I love making you jump through hoops!

I got you writing 'laughing' again.....and everyone recognizes it as 'lying'!

Don't ever change.

Your victory laps are as empty as your lies. However at least Mac thinks you're being honest, so you can always hang your hat on that.

Shuckin' and jivin'????


I simply asked you to define the term that Michelle Obama used for Hussein..."home country.'

And...liar....it doesn't mean his 'roots.'

Yeah, I've already answered this, dipshit.

Now, why are you calling Michelle Obama a birther? Doesn't even make sense.
"Sollis Doyle, in an interview on CNN, said a volunteer coordinator had forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy."

Exactly as I said.

The 'birther' thing began with the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

I love making you jump through hoops!

I got you writing 'laughing' again.....and everyone recognizes it as 'lying'!

Don't ever change.

Your victory laps are as empty as your lies. However at least Mac thinks you're being honest, so you can always hang your hat on that.

Shuckin' and jivin'????


I simply asked you to define the term that Michelle Obama used for Hussein..."home country.'

And...liar....it doesn't mean his 'roots.'

Yeah, I've already answered this, dipshit.

Now, why are you calling Michelle Obama a birther? Doesn't even make sense.

I never use gutter language....but then, I'm never wrong, and have no need to allow some atavistic rage to build up in myself.

But....I love poking the beast: I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????

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