over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

I don't know if the Barrypuppet was born in the United States or not....but his certificate of live birth has been proven to be a fraudulent document that was a poor attempt to legitimize his contention that he was......and that is an undeniable fact.

An undeniable fact is that Birthers like Dale are liars and idiots.

The State of Hawaii says its legitimate.

Who says it isn't? A used car salesman who has never seen the actual birth certificate.

Of course Birthers believe the used car salesman.
Why are you so wedded to lying about Barack Obama? (and FDR and well anyone to the left of Attila the Hun)

I never lie.

All of my posts are linked, sources and documented.

You realize you lie every time you claim you never lie- right?

Or maybe not- maybe you are so completely delusional that you keep telling falsehoods because you can't tell the real from the unreal?

So if you are not mentally ill- you are lying.
If you are mentally ill- well you are mentally ill.

But either way- your posts are continually filled with false claims.

Starting with your claim that Barack Obama told someone he was born in Kenya.

195 countries

There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.
How many countries are there in the world? (2017) - Worldometers

How did the name 'Kenya" just happen to turn up in Obama's blurb?

Certainly you can come up with the answer.....
Why are you so wedded to lying about Barack Obama? (and FDR and well anyone to the left of Attila the Hun

Certainly you can come up with the answer......

Did you want that list of books for your remediation?
Do you want a list of websites other than Stormfront to get your 'facts' from?
Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

Hillary's campaign found this truth....

"...first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review,...."

I wonder how many know that he was selected for that position due to his skin color, rather than his achievements?

I'd be happy to document that for any who didn't know it.
Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

I love making you jump through hoops!

I got you writing 'laughing' again.....and everyone recognizes it as 'lying'!

Don't ever change.

Your victory laps are as empty as your lies. However at least Mac thinks you're being honest, so you can always hang your hat on that.

Shuckin' and jivin'????


I simply asked you to define the term that Michelle Obama used for Hussein..."home country.'

And...liar....it doesn't mean his 'roots.'

Yeah, I've already answered this, dipshit.

Now, why are you calling Michelle Obama a birther? Doesn't even make sense.

I never use gutter language....but then, I'm never wrong, and have no need to allow some atavistic rage to build up in myself.

Your language is the least of your fucking problems. Really, you should give it a try.

But....I love poking the beast: I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????

I've already answered this question, multiple times.

Can you tell me the logic you used where it remotely makes sense that Michelle Obama is a birther?
What is the time stamp for where Michelle says Obama was born in Kenya.

Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Why are you so wedded to the most abject of failures, Hussein Obama?

Is it an association based on your failures in life?

I'm wedded to the truth. Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya. Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Then admit that you lied about Obama telling his publisher he was born in Kenya.

Then admit you lied about Hillary's team starting the Birther conspiracy.

"Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya."


Michelle never says Obama was born in Kenya in that video.

You're a liar.

Does she say Kenya was his 'home country'?

Does she say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya?


You are just a liar- which is redundant because you are always a liar.
Ultimately the argument you two are having is incredibly stupid. There is nothing to gain from it for either of you. Various click bait websites put out stupid inflammtory bullshit that means NOTHING to anyone yet some moron shares the link and the race to the bottom of the barrel is off.
As with a lot of other things, I wonder what people think is being gained by this shit.

Oh, there we go again.

Birther conspiracy theory idiots claiming a former President was not a natural born citizen and therefore illegitimate vs. The truth being debated on a political discussion forum and your conclusion is just grouping both sides of the argument together as though they are equal?

Good one, Mac, thanks for wasting your time adding your 2 cents.
Oops, struck a nerve again.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors. I wonder what it's like being so similar to those you loathe.

If you don't like that I point it out, too bad. You'll just have to live with it.

How are they similar? For once in your life try to answer a question. One side lies about the birth place of a former President and the other side has the truth on it's side. How are they comparable? I bet as usual you won't answer.
I've gone over this many times, and I'll be more than happy to go over it again.

Similar behaviors of the Left and the Right:
  1. Spin
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Distortion
  4. Deflection
  5. Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Denial
  8. Tunnel Vision
  9. Straw Man Arguments
  10. Outright Lies
Now, if you want to pretend that the Left does not engage in those behaviors, great. That would be an example of #7.

Persons of all persuasions do such things.

But when it comes to Birthers- they are exclusively on the Right.
I never lie.

All of my posts are linked, sources and documented.

You realize you lie every time you claim you never lie- right?

Or maybe not- maybe you are so completely delusional that you keep telling falsehoods because you can't tell the real from the unreal?

So if you are not mentally ill- you are lying.
If you are mentally ill- well you are mentally ill.

But either way- your posts are continually filled with false claims.

Starting with your claim that Barack Obama told someone he was born in Kenya.

195 countries

There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.
How many countries are there in the world? (2017) - Worldometers

How did the name 'Kenya" just happen to turn up in Obama's blurb?

Certainly you can come up with the answer.....
Why are you so wedded to lying about Barack Obama? (and FDR and well anyone to the left of Attila the Hun

Certainly you can come up with the answer......

Did you want that list of books for your remediation?
Do you want a list of websites other than Stormfront to get your 'facts' from?

I've never used that site....perhaps you can report on it.

How about these?
1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

Why are you so wedded to the most abject of failures, Hussein Obama?

Is it an association based on your failures in life?

I'm wedded to the truth. Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya. Show us the time stamp or admit that you lied, liar.

Then admit that you lied about Obama telling his publisher he was born in Kenya.

Then admit you lied about Hillary's team starting the Birther conspiracy.

"Show us where in the video Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya."


Michelle never says Obama was born in Kenya in that video.

You're a liar.

Does she say Kenya was his 'home country'?

Does she say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya?


You are just a liar- which is redundant because you are always a liar.

I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????
Oh, there we go again.

Birther conspiracy theory idiots claiming a former President was not a natural born citizen and therefore illegitimate vs. The truth being debated on a political discussion forum and your conclusion is just grouping both sides of the argument together as though they are equal?

Good one, Mac, thanks for wasting your time adding your 2 cents.
Oops, struck a nerve again.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors. I wonder what it's like being so similar to those you loathe.

If you don't like that I point it out, too bad. You'll just have to live with it.

How are they similar? For once in your life try to answer a question. One side lies about the birth place of a former President and the other side has the truth on it's side. How are they comparable? I bet as usual you won't answer.
I've gone over this many times, and I'll be more than happy to go over it again.

Similar behaviors of the Left and the Right:
  1. Spin
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Distortion
  4. Deflection
  5. Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Denial
  8. Tunnel Vision
  9. Straw Man Arguments
  10. Outright Lies
Now, if you want to pretend that the Left does not engage in those behaviors, great. That would be an example of #7.

Mac, as usual you won't answer a simple question. Staying on topic, in a thread where a poll is saying 60% of white Republicans think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, how are both sides equal? Bet you still won't answer the question.

Although you lied about it earlier in the thread, I've never said Hussein wasn't born in the United States....

....but I do so enjoy making you dolts hop around, stamp your weedle feet, and foam at the mouth.

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

You never provide facts- you always provide lies.

1) Hillary Clinton's campaign never told anyone that Barack Obama was born elsewhere. You just are lying.

2) Barack Obama never told his publisher he was born in Kenya- we know this because his publisher explicitly told you that he never said that- you know this- so you are lying.

3) You claimed that Michelle Obama said Barack Obama was born in Kenya- now you have changed your story to cover up for your lie.

Lying is what you do.
You realize you lie every time you claim you never lie- right?

Or maybe not- maybe you are so completely delusional that you keep telling falsehoods because you can't tell the real from the unreal?

So if you are not mentally ill- you are lying.
If you are mentally ill- well you are mentally ill.

But either way- your posts are continually filled with false claims.

Starting with your claim that Barack Obama told someone he was born in Kenya.

195 countries

There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.
How many countries are there in the world? (2017) - Worldometers

How did the name 'Kenya" just happen to turn up in Obama's blurb?

Certainly you can come up with the answer.....
Why are you so wedded to lying about Barack Obama? (and FDR and well anyone to the left of Attila the Hun

Certainly you can come up with the answer......

Did you want that list of books for your remediation?
Do you want a list of websites other than Stormfront to get your 'facts' from?

I've never used that site....perhaps you can report on it.

How about these?
1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.
Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'


Why do you keep posting this and then ignore anyone who demonstrates how you are wrong? You literally just ignore there posts and go on and on and pretend this hasn't been debunked. What is wrong with you?
I love making you jump through hoops!

I got you writing 'laughing' again.....and everyone recognizes it as 'lying'!

Don't ever change.

Your victory laps are as empty as your lies. However at least Mac thinks you're being honest, so you can always hang your hat on that.

Shuckin' and jivin'????


I simply asked you to define the term that Michelle Obama used for Hussein..."home country.'

And...liar....it doesn't mean his 'roots.'

Yeah, I've already answered this, dipshit.

Now, why are you calling Michelle Obama a birther? Doesn't even make sense.

I never use gutter language....but then, I'm never wrong, and have no need to allow some atavistic rage to build up in myself.

Your language is the least of your fucking problems. Really, you should give it a try.

But....I love poking the beast: I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????

I've already answered this question, multiple times.

Can you tell me the logic you used where it remotely makes sense that Michelle Obama is a birther?

Calm down......the fact that you lack upbringing is one you can work on.

Now...enough chit chat and lifestyle advice: I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????
Oops, struck a nerve again.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors. I wonder what it's like being so similar to those you loathe.

If you don't like that I point it out, too bad. You'll just have to live with it.

How are they similar? For once in your life try to answer a question. One side lies about the birth place of a former President and the other side has the truth on it's side. How are they comparable? I bet as usual you won't answer.
I've gone over this many times, and I'll be more than happy to go over it again.

Similar behaviors of the Left and the Right:
  1. Spin
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Distortion
  4. Deflection
  5. Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Denial
  8. Tunnel Vision
  9. Straw Man Arguments
  10. Outright Lies
Now, if you want to pretend that the Left does not engage in those behaviors, great. That would be an example of #7.

You tell 'em, FenceSitter!!!!!!

Observing the marvelous consistency of all of your posts is exhilarating.

Happy New Year!
And PC comes along to provide yet another beautiful example of the first line of my sig.

The two ends are SO DAMN SIMILAR in their behaviors.

All of my posts are linked, sourced, and documented, resulting in 100% accuracy.

All your posts are lies, unsourced and undocumented and frankly just a figment of your twisted imagination.
Oops, struck a nerve again.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors. I wonder what it's like being so similar to those you loathe.

If you don't like that I point it out, too bad. You'll just have to live with it.

How are they similar? For once in your life try to answer a question. One side lies about the birth place of a former President and the other side has the truth on it's side. How are they comparable? I bet as usual you won't answer.
I've gone over this many times, and I'll be more than happy to go over it again.

Similar behaviors of the Left and the Right:
  1. Spin
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Distortion
  4. Deflection
  5. Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Denial
  8. Tunnel Vision
  9. Straw Man Arguments
  10. Outright Lies
Now, if you want to pretend that the Left does not engage in those behaviors, great. That would be an example of #7.

Mac, as usual you won't answer a simple question. Staying on topic, in a thread where a poll is saying 60% of white Republicans think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, how are both sides equal? Bet you still won't answer the question.

Although you lied about it earlier in the thread, I've never said Hussein wasn't born in the United States....

....but I do so enjoy making you dolts hop around, stamp your weedle feet, and foam at the mouth.

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

You never provide facts- you always provide lies.

1) Hillary Clinton's campaign never told anyone that Barack Obama was born elsewhere. You just are lying.

2) Barack Obama never told his publisher he was born in Kenya- we know this because his publisher explicitly told you that he never said that- you know this- so you are lying.

3) You claimed that Michelle Obama said Barack Obama was born in Kenya- now you have changed your story to cover up for your lie.

Lying is what you do.

I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????

I inspire fear in you, do I not?
Who cares. If you're not part of that 60% why do you care? The time to prove he was ineligible to serve has passed. Move the fuck on, both trolls & conspiricy nuts. Get over it.

That’s what I was thinking when I saw the thread, the article is over five years old.

So, the OP digs up an old dead article and posts it. Obama is gone, Trump is President and the world continues to move on.

Oh....c'mon.....watching the Leftists take more twists and turns than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine is a blast!!!

"To raise hospital income, London’s Bedlam Asylum allowed, for a penny, public and casual visitors to stare at caged patients"
To raise hospital income, London's Bedlam Asylum allowed, for a penny, public and casual visitors to stare at caged patients

And I get to do it for free!!!

Thank you for sharing your experiences as a patient at Bedlam Asylum.
How are they similar? For once in your life try to answer a question. One side lies about the birth place of a former President and the other side has the truth on it's side. How are they comparable? I bet as usual you won't answer.
I've gone over this many times, and I'll be more than happy to go over it again.

Similar behaviors of the Left and the Right:
  1. Spin
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Distortion
  4. Deflection
  5. Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Denial
  8. Tunnel Vision
  9. Straw Man Arguments
  10. Outright Lies
Now, if you want to pretend that the Left does not engage in those behaviors, great. That would be an example of #7.

You tell 'em, FenceSitter!!!!!!

Observing the marvelous consistency of all of your posts is exhilarating.

Happy New Year!
And PC comes along to provide yet another beautiful example of the first line of my sig.

The two ends are SO DAMN SIMILAR in their behaviors.

All of my posts are linked, sourced, and documented, resulting in 100% accuracy.

All your posts are lies, unsourced and undocumented and frankly just a figment of your twisted imagination.


1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hat?
"A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

That middle one is Snopes.....a Leftwing site.

The top one is ABC News....another Leftiwng site.

And Michelle....well...you know.
How are they similar? For once in your life try to answer a question. One side lies about the birth place of a former President and the other side has the truth on it's side. How are they comparable? I bet as usual you won't answer.
I've gone over this many times, and I'll be more than happy to go over it again.

Similar behaviors of the Left and the Right:
  1. Spin
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Distortion
  4. Deflection
  5. Personal Insults
  6. Name Calling
  7. Denial
  8. Tunnel Vision
  9. Straw Man Arguments
  10. Outright Lies
Now, if you want to pretend that the Left does not engage in those behaviors, great. That would be an example of #7.

Mac, as usual you won't answer a simple question. Staying on topic, in a thread where a poll is saying 60% of white Republicans think Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, how are both sides equal? Bet you still won't answer the question.

Although you lied about it earlier in the thread, I've never said Hussein wasn't born in the United States....

....but I do so enjoy making you dolts hop around, stamp your weedle feet, and foam at the mouth.

I simply pointed out three facts...

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'

You never provide facts- you always provide lies.

1) Hillary Clinton's campaign never told anyone that Barack Obama was born elsewhere. You just are lying.

2) Barack Obama never told his publisher he was born in Kenya- we know this because his publisher explicitly told you that he never said that- you know this- so you are lying.

3) You claimed that Michelle Obama said Barack Obama was born in Kenya- now you have changed your story to cover up for your lie.

Lying is what you do.

I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

Demand away.

I just note that you have run away from your lie that Michelle Obama ever told anyone that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Little coward that you are.
Your victory laps are as empty as your lies. However at least Mac thinks you're being honest, so you can always hang your hat on that.

Shuckin' and jivin'????


I simply asked you to define the term that Michelle Obama used for Hussein..."home country.'

And...liar....it doesn't mean his 'roots.'

Yeah, I've already answered this, dipshit.

Now, why are you calling Michelle Obama a birther? Doesn't even make sense.

I never use gutter language....but then, I'm never wrong, and have no need to allow some atavistic rage to build up in myself.

Your language is the least of your fucking problems. Really, you should give it a try.

But....I love poking the beast: I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????

I've already answered this question, multiple times.

Can you tell me the logic you used where it remotely makes sense that Michelle Obama is a birther?

Calm down......the fact that you lack upbringing is one you can work on.

Now...enough chit chat and lifestyle advice: I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????

My parents didn't teach me to lie, what happened to you?

You demand? I've already answered this question of yours. Why do you not go and reply to that rather than starting from zero again?

It's like Ground Hog's Day with you.
Who cares. If you're not part of that 60% why do you care? The time to prove he was ineligible to serve has passed. Move the fuck on, both trolls & conspiricy nuts. Get over it.

That’s what I was thinking when I saw the thread, the article is over five years old.

So, the OP digs up an old dead article and posts it. Obama is gone, Trump is President and the world continues to move on.

Oh....c'mon.....watching the Leftists take more twists and turns than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine is a blast!!!

"To raise hospital income, London’s Bedlam Asylum allowed, for a penny, public and casual visitors to stare at caged patients"
To raise hospital income, London's Bedlam Asylum allowed, for a penny, public and casual visitors to stare at caged patients

And I get to do it for free!!!

Thank you for sharing your experiences as a patient at Bedlam Asylum.

Soooo.....you're afraid to define the term????

Why is that?
Shuckin' and jivin'????


I simply asked you to define the term that Michelle Obama used for Hussein..."home country.'

And...liar....it doesn't mean his 'roots.'

Yeah, I've already answered this, dipshit.

Now, why are you calling Michelle Obama a birther? Doesn't even make sense.

I never use gutter language....but then, I'm never wrong, and have no need to allow some atavistic rage to build up in myself.

Your language is the least of your fucking problems. Really, you should give it a try.

But....I love poking the beast: I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????

I've already answered this question, multiple times.

Can you tell me the logic you used where it remotely makes sense that Michelle Obama is a birther?

Calm down......the fact that you lack upbringing is one you can work on.

Now...enough chit chat and lifestyle advice: I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????

My parents didn't teach me to lie, what happened to you?

You demand? I've already answered this question of yours. Why do you not go and reply to that rather than starting from zero again?

It's like Ground Hog's Day with you.

I neither lie, nor use vulgarity.

I simply put the ignorant....you....in their place.

I demand that you define the term Michelle Obama used for Hussein's relationship with Kenya: his 'home country.'

What does 'home country' mean????????
Laughing.....how could the Hillary campaign be the 'beginning' of the birther conspiracy if they a volunteer coordinator forwarded an email that someone else wrote?

By your own logic, the person that wrote the email that was being forwarded was the beginning. And the volunteer coordinator was fired.

Try again, liar.

Hillary's campaign found this truth....

I wonder how many know that he was selected for that position due to his skin color, rather than his achievements?

I'd be happy to document that for any who didn't know it.

Go ahead- amuse us with your racist rants and lies.

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