Over-Population Mythology

Alexander Pope wrote "A little learning is a dangerous thing"

Wow does that apply to environmentalists/Liberals!

7. One of the ironies of Liberalism....rife with inconsistencies.....is that they rely on Malthus to inform their environmental policies, and the view that mankind is incapable of taking care of it's problems without those brilliant elites using coercion, regulation, gulags, etc.....

But they overlook the fact that Malthus was totally opposed to welfare policies that support the poor. He claimed that by doing so, we ensure that the poor will have more children....leading to the worst sort of overpopulation.

Malthus wrote:
"The poor laws of England tend to depress the general conditions of the poor. ... Their first obvious tendency is to increase population without increasing the food for its support. A poor man may marry with little or no prospect of being able to support a family without parish assistance. They may be said, therefore, to create the poor which they maintain. . . .

If it be taught that all who are born have a right to support on the land, whatever be their number, and that there is no occasion to exercise any prudence in the affair of marriage so as to check this number, the temptations, according to all the known principles of human nature, will inevitably be yielded to, and more and more will gradually become dependent on parish assistance."
Malthus, Essay on Population, Book III, Ch. VI and VII.

More evidence of stupidity .....beyond who Liberals voted for.
You're talking about liberals I've never met, and the liberals in positions of government obviously don't listen to his insanity on poor people.
NOt because of waste of resources.
Because of failed distribution methods, and yes, capitalists waste resources in mass.

Most poverty in this nation is caused by the decline of the family and poor trade policy.

NOt any flaw of capitalism.
Decline of the family? It's capitalism you idiot. Look at how it works.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

NOt because of waste of resources.
Because of failed distribution methods, and yes, capitalists waste resources in mass.

Most poverty in this nation is caused by the decline of the family and poor trade policy.

NOt any flaw of capitalism.
Decline of the family? It's capitalism you idiot. Look at how it works.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Mothers by the Numbers

There are 10 million single moms right now. So, yes. Just millions and millions, not tens of millions.

Criminals produce drugs. Criminals are not a special feature of Capitalism.
Because of failed distribution methods, and yes, capitalists waste resources in mass.

Most poverty in this nation is caused by the decline of the family and poor trade policy.

NOt any flaw of capitalism.
Decline of the family? It's capitalism you idiot. Look at how it works.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Because of failed distribution methods, and yes, capitalists waste resources in mass.

Most poverty in this nation is caused by the decline of the family and poor trade policy.

NOt any flaw of capitalism.
Decline of the family? It's capitalism you idiot. Look at how it works.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Mothers by the Numbers

There are 10 million single moms right now. So, yes. Just millions and millions, not tens of millions.

Criminals produce drugs. Criminals are not a special feature of Capitalism.
Ten million single moms who all had children on purpose when they were single?
Most poverty in this nation is caused by the decline of the family and poor trade policy.

NOt any flaw of capitalism.
Decline of the family? It's capitalism you idiot. Look at how it works.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Most poverty in this nation is caused by the decline of the family and poor trade policy.

NOt any flaw of capitalism.
Decline of the family? It's capitalism you idiot. Look at how it works.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Mothers by the Numbers

There are 10 million single moms right now. So, yes. Just millions and millions, not tens of millions.

Criminals produce drugs. Criminals are not a special feature of Capitalism.
Ten million single moms who all had children on purpose when they were single?

On purpose? Depends what you mean.

Plenty of birth control, plenty of abortionists, plenty of childless couples looking to adopt.
Decline of the family? It's capitalism you idiot. Look at how it works.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Decline of the family? It's capitalism you idiot. Look at how it works.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Mothers by the Numbers

There are 10 million single moms right now. So, yes. Just millions and millions, not tens of millions.

Criminals produce drugs. Criminals are not a special feature of Capitalism.
Ten million single moms who all had children on purpose when they were single?

On purpose? Depends what you mean.

Plenty of birth control, plenty of abortionists, plenty of childless couples looking to adopt.
You stated that tens of millions of women start families without anyone else. All you responded with is ten million single moms right now, assuming they all started single. Nice straw man.
Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Yes. You have tens of millions of women starting families without primary breadwinners.

It does tend to impact their finances.

ALso, lots of drug addition.

Also, crazy people who should be locked up for their own good, but lawyers.

NOne of this is a result of Capitalism.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Mothers by the Numbers

There are 10 million single moms right now. So, yes. Just millions and millions, not tens of millions.

Criminals produce drugs. Criminals are not a special feature of Capitalism.
Ten million single moms who all had children on purpose when they were single?

On purpose? Depends what you mean.

Plenty of birth control, plenty of abortionists, plenty of childless couples looking to adopt.
You stated that tens of millions of women start families without anyone else. All you responded with is ten million single moms right now, assuming they all started single. Nice straw man.

I admitted my number was high. Did you miss that?

THe problem is still large and growing, and leads directly to poverty for the women and the children in question and indirectly increases issues in the children that leads to adult poverty for them.
Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Tens of millions? I seriously doubt that, give me your information. Yeah, finances suck when healthcare isn't provided by the state, wages are stagnant... Drug addiction? Who do you think produces the drugs and farms them, etc... Crazy people? Yeah, millions are crazy now.. Idiot.

Mothers by the Numbers

There are 10 million single moms right now. So, yes. Just millions and millions, not tens of millions.

Criminals produce drugs. Criminals are not a special feature of Capitalism.
Ten million single moms who all had children on purpose when they were single?

On purpose? Depends what you mean.

Plenty of birth control, plenty of abortionists, plenty of childless couples looking to adopt.
You stated that tens of millions of women start families without anyone else. All you responded with is ten million single moms right now, assuming they all started single. Nice straw man.

I admitted my number was high. Did you miss that?

THe problem is still large and growing, and leads directly to poverty for the women and the children in question and indirectly increases issues in the children that leads to adult poverty for them.
And most of the time, the women doesn't intentially start it that way, there's a thing called divorce, death...
8. Malthus, Ehrlich, Holdren.....Obama: fear of overpopulation and mass starvation.

And some moron posted " ...as of now we produce enough food, the distribution is failed, millions starve to death every year, ..."

Starvation has not proven the bane of society.

"It is not that there have ceased to be droughts, pests, plant diseases, and crop failures in the modern Western world, but that when they occur there is no famine, because the stricken countries are quickly able to import foodstuffs from abroad, not only because the modern means of transport exist, but because, out of their industrial production, these countries have the means to pay for such foodstuffs."
Hazlitt, Op. Cit.

That's thanks to capitalism.

And, technology and changing methods have kept food supply outstripping world population growth.

And...with a population of over six billion.....is the earth overpopulated?

Of course not!

9. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!
There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source
8. Malthus, Ehrlich, Holdren.....Obama: fear of overpopulation and mass starvation.

And some moron posted " ...as of now we produce enough food, the distribution is failed, millions starve to death every year, ..."

Starvation has not proven the bane of society.

"It is not that there have ceased to be droughts, pests, plant diseases, and crop failures in the modern Western world, but that when they occur there is no famine, because the stricken countries are quickly able to import foodstuffs from abroad, not only because the modern means of transport exist, but because, out of their industrial production, these countries have the means to pay for such foodstuffs."
Hazlitt, Op. Cit.

That's thanks to capitalism.

And, technology and changing methods have kept food supply outstripping world population growth.

And...with a population of over six billion.....is the earth overpopulated?

Of course not!

9. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!
There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source
You fail to understand anything, and your logic regarding the Columbia river is fucking hilarious, how long do you think the river would last? Fresh water is a problem we need to address, whether you believe it or not. Yeah, we're not overpopulated, I agree. Haha, you do know about the millions who starve to death worldwide, when capitalists could easily end it all right now, they just don't give a fuck, it's why governments and charities have to try to alleviate the problem. Yes, a first world imperialist country can import food quickly, tell me more. You also fail to realize how idiotic your assessments are, and you need to be laughed off of this forum.
8. Malthus, Ehrlich, Holdren.....Obama: fear of overpopulation and mass starvation.

And some moron posted " ...as of now we produce enough food, the distribution is failed, millions starve to death every year, ..."

Starvation has not proven the bane of society.

"It is not that there have ceased to be droughts, pests, plant diseases, and crop failures in the modern Western world, but that when they occur there is no famine, because the stricken countries are quickly able to import foodstuffs from abroad, not only because the modern means of transport exist, but because, out of their industrial production, these countries have the means to pay for such foodstuffs."
Hazlitt, Op. Cit.

That's thanks to capitalism.

And, technology and changing methods have kept food supply outstripping world population growth.

And...with a population of over six billion.....is the earth overpopulated?

Of course not!

9. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!
There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source
Also, the means to pay, which is another fucking thing, the capitalists love to sell food to those who can they profit off of, you fucked yourself in your own post, do you really think third world countries can afford the prices set by capitalist pigs,?
8. Malthus, Ehrlich, Holdren.....Obama: fear of overpopulation and mass starvation.

And some moron posted " ...as of now we produce enough food, the distribution is failed, millions starve to death every year, ..."

Starvation has not proven the bane of society.

"It is not that there have ceased to be droughts, pests, plant diseases, and crop failures in the modern Western world, but that when they occur there is no famine, because the stricken countries are quickly able to import foodstuffs from abroad, not only because the modern means of transport exist, but because, out of their industrial production, these countries have the means to pay for such foodstuffs."
Hazlitt, Op. Cit.

That's thanks to capitalism.

And, technology and changing methods have kept food supply outstripping world population growth.

And...with a population of over six billion.....is the earth overpopulated?

Of course not!

9. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!
There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source
Also, the means to pay, which is another fucking thing, the capitalists love to sell food to those who can they profit off of, you fucked yourself in your own post, do you really think third world countries can afford the prices set by capitalist pigs,?

You're not speaking to your family, you low-life.....watch your language.

Plus you're as dumb as they come...
....I have to school you on every one of your posts.

"... do you really think third world countries can afford the prices set by capitalist pigs,?"

"39 impoverished countries have recently received partial or full cancellation of loans from foreign governments and international financial institutions, such as the IMF and World Bank."
"Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative". International Monetary Fund (in English). 30 September 2014.

Clearly, you're the pig.....and an ignorant one, at that.
8. Malthus, Ehrlich, Holdren.....Obama: fear of overpopulation and mass starvation.

And some moron posted " ...as of now we produce enough food, the distribution is failed, millions starve to death every year, ..."

Starvation has not proven the bane of society.

"It is not that there have ceased to be droughts, pests, plant diseases, and crop failures in the modern Western world, but that when they occur there is no famine, because the stricken countries are quickly able to import foodstuffs from abroad, not only because the modern means of transport exist, but because, out of their industrial production, these countries have the means to pay for such foodstuffs."
Hazlitt, Op. Cit.

That's thanks to capitalism.

And, technology and changing methods have kept food supply outstripping world population growth.

And...with a population of over six billion.....is the earth overpopulated?

Of course not!

9. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!
There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source
Also, the means to pay, which is another fucking thing, the capitalists love to sell food to those who can they profit off of, you fucked yourself in your own post, do you really think third world countries can afford the prices set by capitalist pigs,?

You're not speaking to your family, you low-life.....watch your language.

Plus you're as dumb as they come...
....I have to school you on every one of your posts.

"39 impoverished countries have recently received partial or full cancellation of loans from foreign governments and international financial institutions, such as the IMF and World Bank."
"Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative". International Monetary Fund (in English). 30 September 2014.
I'm not going to watch my language, your dishonesty needs to be shamed. That is literally just referring to loans. Millions starve to death every year due to our shitty distribution methods, try again.
8. Malthus, Ehrlich, Holdren.....Obama: fear of overpopulation and mass starvation.

And some moron posted " ...as of now we produce enough food, the distribution is failed, millions starve to death every year, ..."

Starvation has not proven the bane of society.

"It is not that there have ceased to be droughts, pests, plant diseases, and crop failures in the modern Western world, but that when they occur there is no famine, because the stricken countries are quickly able to import foodstuffs from abroad, not only because the modern means of transport exist, but because, out of their industrial production, these countries have the means to pay for such foodstuffs."
Hazlitt, Op. Cit.

That's thanks to capitalism.

And, technology and changing methods have kept food supply outstripping world population growth.

And...with a population of over six billion.....is the earth overpopulated?

Of course not!

9. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!
There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source
Also, the means to pay, which is another fucking thing, the capitalists love to sell food to those who can they profit off of, you fucked yourself in your own post, do you really think third world countries can afford the prices set by capitalist pigs,?

You're not speaking to your family, you low-life.....watch your language.

Plus you're as dumb as they come...
....I have to school you on every one of your posts.

"39 impoverished countries have recently received partial or full cancellation of loans from foreign governments and international financial institutions, such as the IMF and World Bank."
"Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative". International Monetary Fund (in English). 30 September 2014.
I'm not going to watch my language, your dishonesty needs to be shamed. That is literally just referring to loans. Millions starve to death every year due to our shitty distribution methods, try again.

8. Malthus, Ehrlich, Holdren.....Obama: fear of overpopulation and mass starvation.

And some moron posted " ...as of now we produce enough food, the distribution is failed, millions starve to death every year, ..."

Starvation has not proven the bane of society.

"It is not that there have ceased to be droughts, pests, plant diseases, and crop failures in the modern Western world, but that when they occur there is no famine, because the stricken countries are quickly able to import foodstuffs from abroad, not only because the modern means of transport exist, but because, out of their industrial production, these countries have the means to pay for such foodstuffs."
Hazlitt, Op. Cit.

That's thanks to capitalism.

And, technology and changing methods have kept food supply outstripping world population growth.

And...with a population of over six billion.....is the earth overpopulated?

Of course not!

9. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!
There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source
Also, the means to pay, which is another fucking thing, the capitalists love to sell food to those who can they profit off of, you fucked yourself in your own post, do you really think third world countries can afford the prices set by capitalist pigs,?

You're not speaking to your family, you low-life.....watch your language.

Plus you're as dumb as they come...
....I have to school you on every one of your posts.

"39 impoverished countries have recently received partial or full cancellation of loans from foreign governments and international financial institutions, such as the IMF and World Bank."
"Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative". International Monetary Fund (in English). 30 September 2014.
I'm not going to watch my language, your dishonesty needs to be shamed. That is literally just referring to loans. Millions starve to death every year due to our shitty distribution methods, try again.

Millions don't starve to death every year???!!!
8. Malthus, Ehrlich, Holdren.....Obama: fear of overpopulation and mass starvation.

And some moron posted " ...as of now we produce enough food, the distribution is failed, millions starve to death every year, ..."

Starvation has not proven the bane of society.

"It is not that there have ceased to be droughts, pests, plant diseases, and crop failures in the modern Western world, but that when they occur there is no famine, because the stricken countries are quickly able to import foodstuffs from abroad, not only because the modern means of transport exist, but because, out of their industrial production, these countries have the means to pay for such foodstuffs."
Hazlitt, Op. Cit.

That's thanks to capitalism.

And, technology and changing methods have kept food supply outstripping world population growth.

And...with a population of over six billion.....is the earth overpopulated?

Of course not!

9. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!
There are 6.8 billion people on Earth. Calculations show that if we wanted to make everyone in Earth live on a space that had the same population density as New York City, we could fit everyone in about 666,265 square kilometers, which is less than the size of Texas!.

Not only does that leave the other 49 United States open, but it leaves all the other countries clear and open, too. So, it is pretty safe to say that we have enough space, the entire world except Texas, to farm and ranch for our food supply.

Would water be a problem, though? It's calculated that we need 350 billion liters of water per day to properly hydrate 6.8 billion people. It seems like a lot, but the Columbia River alone could produce that amount in less than a day.

By the way, the Columbia River is the U.S.’s fourth largest river. So, again, that leaves the rest of the world’s water supply open and ready to serve. So, we’re not really overpopulated." The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it d only have the population density of New York City - OMG Facts - The World s 1 Fact Source
Also, the means to pay, which is another fucking thing, the capitalists love to sell food to those who can they profit off of, you fucked yourself in your own post, do you really think third world countries can afford the prices set by capitalist pigs,?

You're not speaking to your family, you low-life.....watch your language.

Plus you're as dumb as they come...
....I have to school you on every one of your posts.

"39 impoverished countries have recently received partial or full cancellation of loans from foreign governments and international financial institutions, such as the IMF and World Bank."
"Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative". International Monetary Fund (in English). 30 September 2014.
I'm not going to watch my language, your dishonesty needs to be shamed. That is literally just referring to loans. Millions starve to death every year due to our shitty distribution methods, try again.

Millions don't starve to death every year???!!!

I should have said 'foul-mouthed liar," huh?
Also, the means to pay, which is another fucking thing, the capitalists love to sell food to those who can they profit off of, you fucked yourself in your own post, do you really think third world countries can afford the prices set by capitalist pigs,?

You're not speaking to your family, you low-life.....watch your language.

Plus you're as dumb as they come...
....I have to school you on every one of your posts.

"39 impoverished countries have recently received partial or full cancellation of loans from foreign governments and international financial institutions, such as the IMF and World Bank."
"Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative". International Monetary Fund (in English). 30 September 2014.
I'm not going to watch my language, your dishonesty needs to be shamed. That is literally just referring to loans. Millions starve to death every year due to our shitty distribution methods, try again.

Millions don't starve to death every year???!!!

I should have said 'foul-mouthed liar," huh?
Hunger Statistics WFP United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide
The crux of the matter is that, simply put, the world is not overpopulated.

The math may be over the heads of Liberals....but here it explodes another Liberal myth:

10. Using the square milage for Texas: 1 square mile = 5280 x 5280 square feet = 27,878,400 square feet. So 268,581 square miles = 7,487,608,550,400.

For simplicity say 7.5 x 10^12. That divided by 7 x 10^9 is indeed over 1000 square feet per person. So if we made one giant one-story compound over Texas, land, water, and all, we would each get a 1,000 square foot unit.

In 1984, it was proven by the economist Thomas Sowell that the entire world population (4.4 billion at the time) could live comfortably in the state of Texas. He wrote:
“Every human being on the face of the Earth could be housed in the state of Texas in one-story, single-family homes, each with a front and a back yard. A family of four would thus have 6,800 square feet- about the size of the typical middle-class American home with front and backyards.” According to more recent research on the topic, all of the world’s 1997 population (5.84 billion) could fit on the small Island of Bali in Indonesia.

....if we assume a world population of 6.7 billion, all the people in the world could fit into Texas and occupy an area of ~1,118 sq. ft. each.
The entire world population can fit into the state of Texas - snopes.com

For a family of four, that means a residence of some 4500 square feet....which is more than most living in the socialist haven known as the EU.

Hand-wringers unite!

Oh...wait....they already did....in the Democrat Party.
The crux of the matter is that, simply put, the world is not overpopulated.
Maybe, maybe not. [rhetorical questions ...] How many people do you think the earth can support, or should support? 3 billion? 3 trillion? 30 trillion? What ever number you care to think of would mean equilibrium – the rate people are dying is equal to the birth rate. How does that happen?

Are birth rates curbed? Voluntarily? Government mandate? Social pressure?

Death rates : Will equilibrium be reached though wars and genocide. Plagues? Starvation?

If I had to guess it would be some of each. Very similar to what it is today but on a larger scale.

What will be the quality of life? How much worse than it is today?
The crux of the matter is that, simply put, the world is not overpopulated.
Maybe, maybe not. [rhetorical questions ...] How many people do you think the earth can support, or should support? 3 billion? 3 trillion? 30 trillion? What ever number you care to think of would mean equilibrium – the rate people are dying is equal to the birth rate. How does that happen?

Are birth rates curbed? Voluntarily? Government mandate? Social pressure?

Death rates : Will equilibrium be reached though wars and genocide. Plagues? Starvation?

If I had to guess it would be some of each. Very similar to what it is today but on a larger scale.

What will be the quality of life? How much worse than it is today?

Well....luckily for you, you don't have to guess......I'm here to provide the facts.
Guessing results in acceptance of the fabricated crises that keep Liberals/Progressives/Democrats in office.

One might 'guess' that the real problem of overpopulation would be found in the third world....limited resources and rapidly increasing populations.....

....but...as is the case with so many Liberal myths, a lack of knowledge invests that view.

11. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are actually facing low fertility rates. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.

a. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/04/03/un-sees-big-drop-in-middle-east-fertility-rates/

b. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.

c. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!

12. While world fertility has fallen by about two children per woman in the past half century (from 4.5 to about 2.5), fertility in the Muslim world has fallen two to three times faster. [Arab, Persian, Turkish, Malay, and South Asian Muslims.]

a. Iranian, six children per woman; Turkish by five; Pakistan’s by more than three; Egypt and Indonesia by four. The single largest factor in birth rates in Muslim countries is literacy.

b. Most Muslim countries lack public pension or health care systems. (see http://www.adb.org/Documents/Brochu...riefs/PAK-Proj-Brief-on-Pension-Insurance.pdf
http://siteresources.worldbank.org/...ces/SP-Discussion-papers/Pensions-DP/0014.pdf for example) and rely on children.

See....now you'll be able to sleep at night.
The crux of the matter is that, simply put, the world is not overpopulated.

The math may be over the heads of Liberals....but here it explodes another Liberal myth:

10. Using the square milage for Texas: 1 square mile = 5280 x 5280 square feet = 27,878,400 square feet. So 268,581 square miles = 7,487,608,550,400.

For simplicity say 7.5 x 10^12. That divided by 7 x 10^9 is indeed over 1000 square feet per person. So if we made one giant one-story compound over Texas, land, water, and all, we would each get a 1,000 square foot unit.

In 1984, it was proven by the economist Thomas Sowell that the entire world population (4.4 billion at the time) could live comfortably in the state of Texas. He wrote:
“Every human being on the face of the Earth could be housed in the state of Texas in one-story, single-family homes, each with a front and a back yard. A family of four would thus have 6,800 square feet- about the size of the typical middle-class American home with front and backyards.” According to more recent research on the topic, all of the world’s 1997 population (5.84 billion) could fit on the small Island of Bali in Indonesia.

....if we assume a world population of 6.7 billion, all the people in the world could fit into Texas and occupy an area of ~1,118 sq. ft. each.
The entire world population can fit into the state of Texas - snopes.com

For a family of four, that means a residence of some 4500 square feet....which is more than most living in the socialist haven known as the EU.

Hand-wringers unite!

Oh...wait....they already did....in the Democrat Party.
We know it's not.

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