Oversight Committee Details State Dept. Efforts to Obstruct Benghazi Investigation...


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Amazing! This fucking Regime has a AG held in Contempt of Congress, and the fucking POTUS covers his ass with a E.O., you got an IRS official now going to COURT to produce those e-mails, OR will undoubtedly go to jail! There are so many other ROADBLOCKS this "MOST TRANSPARENT" regime has done, that books will be written about them, AFTER the regime is gone, due to the WORRY of being harassed and/or arrested for them.... Freedom don't come cheap with this bunch... now this....

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today, in a 37 page letter to House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy, detailed State Department efforts to obstruct the Congressional investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attacks. “In response to your request, I am providing detailed background information regarding the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s outstanding Benghazi-related document requests to the Executive Branch, as well as the status of any Benghazi-related production and compliance issues,” wrote Issa to Gowdy. “To be precise, the Department has not provided a full and complete response to two subpoenas,...

Oversight Committee Details State Department Efforts to Obstruct Benghazi Investigation in 37 Page Letter to Select Committee | Committee on Oversight & Government Reform
I wonder if they can successfully drag this out for another 4 months until November comes around
I wonder if they can successfully drag this out for another 4 months until November comes around

I'm hoping until early 2017, where a Republican president, Senate and House can work with an HONEST AG and have the whole mess of corrupt, unethical, and LYING administration officials, including the current POTUS taken to court!
Oversight Committee Details State Dept. Efforts to Obstruct Benghazi Investigation...

This too will be proven to be lies and conjured up bullshit like all the other Issa lies and conjured up bullshit.

I wonder if they can successfully drag this out for another 4 months until November comes around

I'm hoping until early 2017, where a Republican president, Senate and House can work with an HONEST AG and have the whole mess of corrupt, unethical, and LYING administration officials, including the current POTUS taken to court!

Because the last time that happened things turned out so well :laugh:
Oversight Committee Details State Dept. Efforts to Obstruct Benghazi Investigation...
This too will be proven to be lies and conjured up bullshit like all the other Issa lies and conjured up bullshit.


Please list all the other LIES... Thanks in advance!
Trey Gowdy is going to be far more difficult for you Loons and Socialists and Homosexuals to trash.

He is going to be quiet until he has put together his case...and then he is going to demonstrate how an incompetent and corrupt Administration lead by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, first, negligently failed to provide adequate protection for whatever they were doing in Benghazi, and then, with our men under attack, cowardly failed to defend them....and then most shamefully of all; lied like dogs to cover their own negligence and cowardice.

And the nadir of this shameful episode is our Secretary of State...Bill Clinton's bogus wife...standing in front of the caskets of dead heroes, and telling their parents that they would get the man who made that video...that got their sons killed...knowing that to be a bald faced lie.

The history of our country has seldom shown our leaders engaged in behavior more despicable than that.
The problem is that no one cares except for may 15-20% of the people.

This administration let guns walk across the border which ended up being used to murder Mexicans and a US Border agent. No one cared.

This administration lied to the people trying to build outrage against certain groups by blaming the murder of four US citizens on a video and to not lose an election. No one cared.

This administration most likely told, though there's no proof since some emails are missing, those who run the IRS to target certain political adversaries, to hold them off, to make them go away. No one cared.

This administration lied to the citizens of this great country, to get them behind an unconstitutional law, saying the ACA was perfect. Now the government has the power and will eventually be able to control everything and everyone. All they have to do is call it a "Tax" and they can tell you what to eat, drive, where to live and work. Guess what? No one cares.

You know what's even worse? The media, the socalled "Watchdogs", the protectors of the Constitution of the United States, apparently, they don't care either and most likely want this great country to die. Crazy I know, but the people don't care about that either.

Every last son of a bitch in Washington D.C. Needs to be voted out...everyone! Republican, Democrat and Independant...all of them, but it won't happen since while the people may hate Congress, they sure do love their guy.

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