Overwhelming racist society: Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support genocidal October 7th attack


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
The day after the war.





Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support October 7th attack.
A Palestinian-run survey found that 71% of Palestinians see the decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a good one. 93% do not (want to say they) believe terror organization committed war crimes.
Yitz Goldberg, Mar 20, 2024m

A new poll found that an overwhelming majority of Palestinian Arabs both in Gaza and Judea and Samaria see Hamas's decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a correct one.

The poll, run by Dr. Khalil Shikaki or Walid Ladadweh of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research Ramallah, asked respondents if, In their view, Hamas's decision to launch its offensive against Israel on October 7th was a correct or incorrect one. 71% of Gazans answered yes, 23% answered no, and 6% did not know.

In Judea and Samaria, the answers were similar, with 71% answering yes, 16% answering no, and 13% saying they did not know.

The survey compared the answers to those in a similar poll taken in December, then only 57% of Gazans believed that the massacre was correct and 82% of Judea and Samaria Arabs supported the attack.

The survey also asked whether the respondents believed that Hamas committed war crimes during the attack. While the overwhelming majority of respondents answered "no," those who were exposed to footage from the massacre were slightly more likely to answer "yes" (17%) than those who did not (2%).

With this, only a small majority (52%) would prefer to see Hamas in control of the Gaza Strip.

The poll also asked Gazans about the distribution of humanitarian aid. 90% said that the distribution of aid by local Palestinian organizations was discriminatory on political grounds, while 70% said the aid distributed by UNRWA was.

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The day after the war.





Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support October 7th attack.
A Palestinian-run survey found that 71% of Palestinians see the decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a good one. 93% do not (want to say they) believe terror organization committed war crimes.
Yitz Goldberg, Mar 20, 2024m

A new poll found that an overwhelming majority of Palestinian Arabs both in Gaza and Judea and Samaria see Hamas's decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a correct one.

The poll, run by Dr. Khalil Shikaki or Walid Ladadweh of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research Ramallah, asked respondents if, In their view, Hamas's decision to launch its offensive against Israel on October 7th was a correct or incorrect one. 71% of Gazans answered yes, 23% answered no, and 6% did not know.

In Judea and Samaria, the answers were similar, with 71% answering yes, 16% answering no, and 13% saying they did not know.

The survey compared the answers to those in a similar poll taken in December, then only 57% of Gazans believed that the massacre was correct and 82% of Judea and Samaria Arabs supported the attack.

The survey also asked whether the respondents believed that Hamas committed war crimes during the attack. While the overwhelming majority of respondents answered "no," those who were exposed to footage from the massacre were slightly more likely to answer "yes" (17%) than those who did not (2%).

With this, only a small majority (52%) would prefer to see Hamas in control of the Gaza Strip.

The poll also asked Gazans about the distribution of humanitarian aid. 90% said that the distribution of aid by local Palestinian organizations was discriminatory on political grounds, while 70% said the aid distributed by UNRWA was.

These people need to be informed they have been beaten.

The rest of the world is complicit in giving them the false idea that Hamas can and is winning.
The day after the war.





Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support October 7th attack.
A Palestinian-run survey found that 71% of Palestinians see the decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a good one. 93% do not (want to say they) believe terror organization committed war crimes.
Yitz Goldberg, Mar 20, 2024m

A new poll found that an overwhelming majority of Palestinian Arabs both in Gaza and Judea and Samaria see Hamas's decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a correct one.

The poll, run by Dr. Khalil Shikaki or Walid Ladadweh of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research Ramallah, asked respondents if, In their view, Hamas's decision to launch its offensive against Israel on October 7th was a correct or incorrect one. 71% of Gazans answered yes, 23% answered no, and 6% did not know.

In Judea and Samaria, the answers were similar, with 71% answering yes, 16% answering no, and 13% saying they did not know.

The survey compared the answers to those in a similar poll taken in December, then only 57% of Gazans believed that the massacre was correct and 82% of Judea and Samaria Arabs supported the attack.

The survey also asked whether the respondents believed that Hamas committed war crimes during the attack. While the overwhelming majority of respondents answered "no," those who were exposed to footage from the massacre were slightly more likely to answer "yes" (17%) than those who did not (2%).

With this, only a small majority (52%) would prefer to see Hamas in control of the Gaza Strip.

The poll also asked Gazans about the distribution of humanitarian aid. 90% said that the distribution of aid by local Palestinian organizations was discriminatory on political grounds, while 70% said the aid distributed by UNRWA was.

20% or more were lying. Palestinians support HAMAS.
It is time - long past the time - when the United States must formally state that it no longer supports the so-called "Two-State Solution." It can NEVER happen.

When asked whether "Palestinians" can ever foresee a time when they could live side-by-side, in peace with a Jewish state, 90% of them answer in the negative.

The Two-State Solution MUST BE DISCLAIMED.

Overwhelming racist society: Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support genocidal October 7th attack​

SUBTOPIC: Political-Military Reality
※→ et al,
It is time - long past the time - when the United States must formally state that it no longer supports the so-called "Two-State Solution." It can NEVER happen.

When asked whether "Palestinians" can ever foresee a time when they could live side-by-side, in peace with a Jewish state, 90% of them answer in the negative.

The Two-State Solution MUST BE DISCLAIMED.

◆ The consideration is: No Two-State Solution is a viable option at this time.

This is a nice idea, being a politically-practically notion that has • embedded in itself • no way of implementing the proposal without a further conflict erupting.

◆ The Fact on the Matter: The Hostile Arab Palestinians cannot meet the criteria.
UNSC Resolution 242 of 1967 said:
The Excerpt: from UNSCR 242:
  1. (ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;

◆ The Demand: Reject the Two-State Solution.

◈ Back in 1967, when the Resolution was first published, Israel could not have withdrawn back to the point of departure (the previous Modified 1949 Armistice Lines) without placing its territorial integrity in further jeopardy from the principal Arab aggressors. Remember, what we call the Palestinian West Bank and Jerusalem today was a Sovereign Jordanian Territory annexed in 1950. And while many political entities voiced their objection, not one made any effort to reverse the development.

Article 3 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention'] in part:[/INDENT]<break /><break /> [INDENT][/INDENT]<break /><break /> [INDENT]The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. [/quote][/INDENT]<break /><break /> <break /><break /> And it is a matter of record that the Hostile Arab Palestinians reject any notion of side-by-side peaceful accommodations.<break /><break /> <break /><break /> [INDENT][quote=Excerpt from HAMAS Principles and Policies said:
A real state of Palestine is a state that has been liberated. There is no alternative to a fully sovereign Palestinian State on the entire national Palestinian soil, with Jerusalem as its capital.​
Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people.​

It is not realistic at this time to assume there can be any peaceful Two-State outcome. And if this is true, what does Israel gain in any further withdrawals?


Most Respectfully,
Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was an UNRWA teacher – former agency official.
Tzvi Joffre, Jerusalem Post, March 19, 2024.
Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh worked as a teacher for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the past, former UNRWA official Ahmad Oueidat revealed in an interview with the London-based Al-Hiwar TV channel last week, according to footage translated by MEMRI.

“First and foremost, we can mention Ismail Haniyeh, who was an UNRWA teacher, and so was Dr. Talal Naji, Secretary-General of the PFLP-GC,” said Oueidat.

The former UNRWA official said that UNRWA has tried “to constitute a national platform and a long arm, which would enable the Palestinian refugees to obtain their rights and first and foremost – the Right of Return.”

“There used to be quality in [UNRWA’s] education. The teaching cadres really embraced their profession. However, the Americans and the Zionists did not look at this favorably. This is why they insisted on interfering. We, as UNRWA employees, had to deal with that interference. My final position was head of the Professional Development and Curriculum Unit, so I had to deal with it directly. They forced us to remove pictures and various topics….

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