Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

We are still better off without Trump. And Biden is not near as bad as the right is making him out to be. He is a good guy and not the despicable human being that Trump is.
Biden is as bad as I am making him out to be and if all the failures that have happened on Biden watch would have happened on Trump watch you would be calling for Impeachment or invoking the 25th amendment and I would agree on the invoking part!
I fully supported Trump when he said he was going to withdraw the troops. I said I didn't believe he would actually do it and he didn't as he isn't so good at actually following through with the hard stuff but I most certainly would have considered the exact same thing under Trump as a success.

I've argued for 18 years to get the troops out but I should now condemn the one that did that because it was messy? We knew all along it was which is why Bush, Obama and Trump failed to do it. I didn't even vote for Biden.

Biden withdrawal of Afghanistan was a failure and yes we should have left under Obama watch and Trump also failed to do the withdrawal but Biden own his own mess and no one else.
This whole Right v Left thing is just a divider...

We are independent thinking people...

I am sorry but some of the especially RWers here are just robots, they tow the tribal line, if Trump wanted communism they would say 'Hello Comrade'... There is LWers like that as well but they don't have the even a fraction of the same hold on the party...

People have a duty to be properly informed and not go to areas which doesn't challenge you tribal views..

By the way you might like this:

Eye opener to the Fox/Trump relationship... Austrialian crew, done some great investigative journalism in the past..

You people are beyond help. Liberalism really is a mental illness
"Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.

Ummmm…Biden has nothing to do with any of that
Actually it is bad in many places and we have yet to hit rock bottom!

People will be evicted soon and during a pandemic, so we have yet to see the bottom yet!
Cheeto Jesus' hand pick supreme court did that, not President Joe.

The poor woman is in her first stage of grief, where it is common to strike out at anyone in an attempt to come to terms with such a drastic loss. It's pretty disgusting for rightwing crazies to take advantage of her pain for political purposes. I hope she gets through her pain as soon as possible.
Biden withdrawal of Afghanistan was a failure and yes we should have left under Obama watch and Trump also failed to do the withdrawal but Biden own his own mess and no one else.
There are no US service members in Afghanistan. We are out. That’s a success.
You posted an article you are unable to defend and then want to condemn others for their choices?

Where is this $5 gas? If you want me to look around at something and I do not see it, why should I believe anything else stated?

$4.39 per gallon in Los Angeles, CA is for all practical purposes, $5. I noticed that you and several others couldn't get past the first line of the article. Apparently you have the attention span of an 8 year-old kid who missed his Attention Deficit Disorder medications. One statement that wasn't 100% accurate doesn't negate the entire article, and gasoline prices are higher than they were under President Trump.

The article wasn't about the higher gasoline prices we're seeing because of Joe Biden's disastrous energy policies. It's about the overall clusterfuck this administration has wreaked upon the American people, and how those of you who are responsible, should own up to it and admit their failure.
Ummmm…Biden has nothing to do with any of that
You’re delirious, Dumbass. JoeXi is a liberal-minded dem whore, now trafficking untested members of his own protection racket across the Mexican border, in lieu of drug-money benefits his family will get when Gwadar port is up and running on Chinese communist-assisted direction. Was Floyd’s fentanyl also Chinese?
Own Your Failure, Biden Voters
This comes close to an actual admission of the truth - that the American electorate chose the President over the Cry Baby Loser who has raged that he won in an inexplicable "Landslide!" and incited goons to attack Congress with his lie.

Fox's Mike Wallace has pointed out that a number of critics have said that Trump cutting a deal with the Taliban without the Afghan government even being involved (and releasing 5,000 prisoners to appease the Taliban) was “hugely demoralizing” and led to the current chaos.

Might Americans some day treat the President with the contempt they have long felt for the Loser? Of course, that's possible, but they're from it:

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Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 8.08.53 AM.png
The poor woman is in her first stage of grief, where it is common to strike out at anyone in an attempt to come to terms with such a drastic loss. It's pretty disgusting for rightwing crazies to take advantage of her pain for political purposes. I hope she gets through her pain as soon as possible.
Otay Buckwheat. A libturd telling me about a persons pain for political purposes. You're vote caused that woman so much pain. 2 fathers were being interviewed. One refused to meet the Veg after the 3rd time he looked at his watch. My God what have you done??
This comes close to an actual admission of the truth - that the American electorate chose the President over the Cry Baby Loser who has raged that he won in an inexplicable "Landslide!" and incited goons to attack Congress with his lie.

Fox's Mike Wallace has pointed out that a number of critics have said that Trump cutting a deal with the Taliban without the Afghan government even being involved (and releasing 5,000 prisoners to appease the Taliban) was “hugely demoralizing” and led to the current chaos.

Might Americans some day treat the President with the contempt they have long felt for the Loser? Of course, that's possible, but they're from it:

Polls are the only thing you worry about. look at what you did to your country Fatty
From taking CCP & Russian Money DURING his campaign to breaking his promise and leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, Joe Biden has been a dementia-ravaged, enemy-compromised, law/Constitution-violating, lying, failed sack of shit flowing from 1 scandal to the next.

Everyone knew this about him before he was placed in office, & he has not failed to disappoint.

He makes Carter look like the White Obama.

$4.39 per gallon in Los Angeles, CA is for all practical purposes, $5. I noticed that you and several others couldn't get past the first line of the article. Apparently you have the attention span of an 8 year-old kid who missed his Attention Deficit Disorder medications. One statement that wasn't 100% accurate doesn't negate the entire article, and gasoline prices are higher than they were under President Trump.

The article wasn't about the higher gasoline prices we're seeing because of Joe Biden's disastrous energy policies. It's about the overall clusterfuck this administration has wreaked upon the American people, and how those of you who are responsible, should own up to it and admit their failure.

I posted a link to gas prices and they are $3.79 and what happens in one area is not indicative of an entire country. Gas prices have always been higher in California regardless of who is president.

And yes, I've long made the point that when you rely on lies and hyperbole to make a point people quit reading. Why should one read further when the person is wrong from the beginning?

Yes prices are higher but people who can critically think also understand that prices were so low because the world had shut down a good bit because of Covid. Could you make the argument that you believe fuel prices might be marginally lower under Trump than Biden all things equal? I suppose that argument could be made but that isn't the argument that was made.

Again, I did not vote for Biden but I understand the workings of the markets and I fully support our withdraw from Afghanistan.

Should I make the argument "Great now that Trump is no longer president maybe we won't have people crapping in other people's lawns?

‘Trump man’ guilty for pooping on Biden-supporting neighbor’s lawn

I understand the problem with homelessness FAR predates Biden and that is not a valid point either.
Otay Buckwheat. A libturd telling me about a persons pain for political purposes. You're vote caused that woman so much pain. 2 fathers were being interviewed. One refused to meet the Veg after the 3rd time he looked at his watch. My God what have you done??
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Keep trying. I'm sure you will eventually come up with a rant that doesn't make you look like a dishonorable idiot. This just isn't that time.
From taking CCP & Russian Money DURING his campaign to breaking his promise and leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, Joe Biden has been a dementia-ravaged, enemy-compromised, law/Constitution-violating, lying, failed sack of shit flowing from 1 scandal to the next.

Everyone knew this about him before he was placed in office, & he has not failed to disappoint.

He makes Carter look like the White Obama.

You display the fairness, logic, and reasoning ability of an ex-mother in law.
Polls are the only thing you worry about. look at what you did to your country Fatty
Trump bum kissers, after mewling for years that all the polls that confirmed Americans' contempt for the Loser were fake, suddenly embraced them with hysterical abandon when they showed the President's numbers falling to the highest level Loser ever achieved. - and you shouldn't call your lardass deity names. He has quite enough to whine about.

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