Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

We are still better off without Trump. And Biden is not near as bad as the right is making him out to be. He is a good guy and not the despicable human being that Trump is.
I have plenty of disagreements with the Democrats and the Left, but this is something outside of the traditional Left/Right paradigm. This is literally an alternate reality, and I'm convinced that a Republic simply cannot continue to exist in that condition. Worst of all, it's a self-inflicted wound.

I'd much rather vote third party. But this is unfortunately a unique moment.
You display the fairness, logic, and reasoning ability of an ex-mother in law.
Was that supposed to be a serious contribution to the intellectual conversation, snowflake? If so, do us a favor and go back to the Kiddie table & let the grown-ups talk.
You know that sounds like the dystopian America Trump was describing in 2016. You know 20, 30 35% unemployment and all.....Hyper-hyperbole.
I suggest you find another hobby besides Biden as an obsession.
I suggest you quit taking the stupid pill.

Was that supposed to be a serious contribution to the intellectual conversation, snowflake? If so, do us a favor and go back to the Kiddie table & let the grown-ups talk.
I stand by my evaluation of your childish posting style.
I found this for you..............

Another article claimed some places in NY are hitting $5 a gallon now because of Bidens tax in creases.
~2.60 in Houston
Hell if it was!

If the same shit happened when Trump was President you would have called it a failure and I still will call it a failure!

So cut the bullshit Biden has failed!

It was more successful than the 19+ years we spent building up the Afghan Army and Government.

Shouldn't we start asking why those two failed so miserably and so suddenly?

But then those two were left out of the withdrawal negotiations weren't they?
You’re delirious, Dumbass. JoeXi is a liberal-minded dem whore, now trafficking untested members of his own protection racket across the Mexican border, in lieu of drug-money benefits his family will get when Gwadar port is up and running on Chinese communist-assisted direction. Was Floyd’s fentanyl also Chinese?

May I introduce you to Q?
13 of them in body bags. With success like this, who needs failure?
Sadly they represent a half a percent of all service members we lost in that war. Sadder still is that it was the same ideology that killed those kids on the way out, in a terrorist attack, that got us into Afghanistan in the first place.
Your 'nuh-uh' is duly noted...and you seat at the Kiddie table is still waiting for your return...
It's a little late for you to try to portray yourself as anything but a batshit crazy trump supporter, but I understand why you might want to try.
Sadly they represent a half a percent of all service members we lost in that war. Sadder still is that it was the same ideology that killed those kids on the way out, in a terrorist attack, that got us into Afghanistan in the first place.

Defending your country is not terrorism. We had NO business being there.
It's a little late for you to try to portray yourself as anything but a batshit crazy trump supporter, but I understand why you might want to try.
That the best you can do, snowflake, to defend your f*-up President whose failures you can neither acknowledge nor come to grips with.

Trump is gone and needs no defending from me....but Biden IS President and needs all the apologists and deniers, like you, he can get.

'The buck stops....ANYWHERE BUT HERE.'


Feel free to take that weak-ass, reality-denying shit back to the Kiddie table with you, snowflake.
Own it.

"Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.


This is your failure.

Own it.

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country..."

Own Your Failure Biden Voters
Trump's fault!!!
I have plenty of disagreements with the Democrats and the Left, but this is something outside of the traditional Left/Right paradigm. This is literally an alternate reality, and I'm convinced that a Republic simply cannot continue to exist in that condition. Worst of all, it's a self-inflicted wound.

I'd much rather vote third party. But this is unfortunately a unique moment.
I agree. There are many things the Democrats do that I do not like, but they are by far the best of the two choices.
Defending your country is not terrorism. We had NO business being there.

The Suicide attack killed nearly two hundred Afghan civilians. It was terrorism regardless of whether or not we should have been there.
I paid $2.70 in Neosho, Mo, the question you should ask is,"why do I live where gas is so high?".

I've been paying above $3 for the past few weeks. I never paid above $3 under President Trump living in the same area. The OP makes a good point.

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