Owner of restaurant that booted out Sara Huckabee Sanders speaks


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Owner of restaurant that booted out Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks | Daily Mail Online

The owner of The Red Hen restaurant that kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders has revealed why she refused to serve the White House Press Secretary.

On Friday night Sanders was asked to leave the Lexington, Virginia restaurant where she was dining with her seven family members.

Restaurant owner Stephanie Wilkinson said she took a staff vote before asking Sanders to leave. When they voted to boot her out, Wilkinson complied.

'Tell me what you want me to do. I can ask her to leave. They said "yes,"' Wilkinson said to the Washington Post.

Hahahh good this is what you get for being an ANTI AMERICAN fk, don't play with real Americans because OUR MONEY AND OUR PEOPLE DID BUILD THAT unlike the leftist screw ball Obama who tells the pathetic public " you didn't built that someone else did" ......... WELL WATCH HOW FAST OUR NOT SPENDING MONEY AT YOUR CRAP EATERY DOES FOR YOU LOSERS.

nazis will be nazis no matter how these idiots try spinning that title onto TRUMP they're so fkn stupid they don't even realize it is them who are the nazis.
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I'll be the first to smile upon hearing of that places demise. I wonder if her employees were illegals?
The whole mess started when a Red Hen employee took to Facebook to comment that Sanders showed up at the restaurant. “I just served Sarah huckabee sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members,” he initially wrote.

The employee has since walked back the language of the post. It now says that the owner “asked her to leave and she complied.” In his status, the employee wrote that Sanders and her family “left on their own accord” after being asked. “We didn’t actually refuse service or ‘kick her out,’” he wrote.


Surprising FB allows such hate on their site...
No one hates quite like the left. No one.

It is because the act solely on emotion. No logic, nor rational thought. That is why they get so angry, and sputter, scream and try to shout down others in which they disagree. They know they have no facts so use hate, and name calling.
The whole mess started when a Red Hen employee took to Facebook to comment that Sanders showed up at the restaurant. “I just served Sarah huckabee sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members,” he initially wrote.

The employee has since walked back the language of the post. It now says that the owner “asked her to leave and she complied.” In his status, the employee wrote that Sanders and her family “left on their own accord” after being asked. “We didn’t actually refuse service or ‘kick her out,’” he wrote.


Surprising FB allows such hate on their site...

I'm sure that is some spun bs to make them look like decent people. I say this is full of shit they did what htey did too bad to late.
Sanders' group elected to clear out with her, and offered to pay for their entrees, which were being prepared; Wilkinson opted not to charge the group. Usually, politics aren't on the menu at the Red Hen, Wilkinson says. "I’m not a huge fan of confrontation. I have a business, and I want the business to thrive. This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals." That business was mired firmly in controversy Saturday, with trolls of both flavors clogging the Red Hen's Yelp page (which now has two stars), its reservation line, and even shouting from the sidewalk in Lexington. The restaurant opted not to open Saturday night, writing in an email that "We would like to avoid exposing our patrons to any potential unpleasantness from outside entities."

Restaurant That Booted Sanders Closes the Next Night
I don't condone it but to be fair Sanders lies a lot so how can you ever figure out what she really wants off the menu. Then even when she seems truthful she is evasive. If I was the owner I wouldn't wan't to put my staff through figuring out her bs and wasting everyone's time like she does with the press.
I don't condone it but to be fair Sanders lies a lot so how can you ever figure out what she really wants off the menu. Then even when she seems truthful she is evasive. If I was the owner I wouldn't wan't to put my staff through figuring out her bs.

They had already ordered. You dizzy from the spin yet?
i'm sure the restaurant will weather the storm of all the people who never went there continuing to not go there.
I love the sign the owner put up. "Democracy requires principled Gov't". Yeah, only the principles in which SHE BELIEVES. All others are not TOLERATED. Democracy my ass, that is totalitarian hate of other's views.
I don't condone it but to be fair Sanders lies a lot so how can you ever figure out what she really wants off the menu. Then even when she seems truthful she is evasive. If I was the owner I wouldn't wan't to put my staff through figuring out her bs.

They had already ordered. You dizzy from the spin yet?
Yes but would you really trust Sanders to stand behind her order? I wouldn't.
I love the sign the owner put up. "Democracy requires principled Gov't". Yeah, only the principles in which SHE BELIEVES. All others are not TOLERATED. Democracy my ass, that is totalitarian hate of other's views.

why would anyone tolerate a liar?
just quit advertising that they are open to the general public and I have no problem.

This restaurant lured her in, then refused service.

They should be required to advertise only as a private club from here on
Owner of restaurant that booted out Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks | Daily Mail Online

The owner of The Red Hen restaurant that kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders has revealed why she refused to serve the White House Press Secretary.

On Friday night Sanders was asked to leave the Lexington, Virginia restaurant where she was dining with her seven family members.

Restaurant owner Stephanie Wilkinson said she took a staff vote before asking Sanders to leave. When they voted to boot her out, Wilkinson complied.

'Tell me what you want me to do. I can ask her to leave. They said "yes,"' Wilkinson said to the Washington Post.

Hahahh good this is what you get for being an ANTI AMERICAN fk, don't play with real Americans because OUR MONEY AND OUR PEOPLE DID BUILD THAT unlike the leftist screw ball Obama who tells the pathetic public " you didn't built that someone else did" ......... WELL WATCH HOW FAST OUR NOT SPENDING MONEY AT YOUR CRAP EATERY DOES FOR YOU LOSERS.

nazis will be nazis no matter how these idiots try spinning that title onto TRUMP they're so fkn stupid they don't even realize it is them who are the nazis.

The left clearly condones discrimination against political affiliation.

Good to know, now every business owner in the country can feel free to discriminate against Obama and Hillary voters.
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