OWS: Too Big to Fail


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Occupy Wall Street, like all radical movements, will not make concessions with corrupt systems of corporate power. This is why corrupt Democratic politicians from Obama to Pelosi know their foundations of power are shaking.

Martin Luther King saw it 43 years ago:

"King too was a radical. He would not compromise on nonviolence, racism or justice. He understood that movements—such as the Liberty Party, which fought slavery, the suffragists, who fought for women’s rights, the labor movement and the civil rights movement—have always been the true correctives in American democracy...

"'For years, I labored with the idea of reforming the existing institutions in the South, a little change here, a little change there,' King said shortly before he was assassinated. 'Now I feel quite differently. I think you’ve got to have a reconstruction of the entire system, a revolution of values.'”

Were he still alive, King would echo the questions Chris Hedges raises in his recent post:

"What kind of nation is it that spends far more to kill enemy combatants and Afghan and Iraqi civilians than it does to help its own citizens who live below the poverty line?

"What kind of nation is it that permits corporations to hold sick children hostage while their parents frantically bankrupt themselves to save their sons and daughters?

"What kind of nation is it that tosses its mentally ill onto urban heating grates?

"What kind of nation is it that abandons its unemployed while it loots its treasury on behalf of speculators? What kind of nation is it that ignores due process to torture and assassinate its own citizens?

A nation where Wall Street owns a controlling interest in both major political parties.
FLUSH Democrats AND Republicans from DC in November 2012!

A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams
Get rid of the government and install a tribal council. This is the SURVIVOR generation.
Our current economic system was put in place because the rich colonists were concerned about black slaves and white indentured servants teaming up and overthrowing the 1% that owned everything. The decided to creat a middle class, and pit the population agianst each other. The 'middle class' were given petty positions in society with no real power, and they were paid for by taxes on the poor.

Since then poor and middle class pit agianst each other in a endless left vs right battle over nothing!

I am not calling for a reversal of our system, or a new system. I am saying that it is high time we adhear to the rule of law and the constitution! If our government was looking to serve the population then it would use the tax system to promote equality, and yes transfer wealth from the rich to the poor. It would not be used as a tax shield and as a instrument to expand riches.

Its time to elect a new continental congress.
Our current economic system was put in place because the rich colonists were concerned about black slaves and white indentured servants teaming up and overthrowing the 1% that owned everything. The decided to creat a middle class, and pit the population agianst each other. The 'middle class' were given petty positions in society with no real power, and they were paid for by taxes on the poor.

Since then poor and middle class pit agianst each other in a endless left vs right battle over nothing!

I am not calling for a reversal of our system, or a new system. I am saying that it is high time we adhear to the rule of law and the constitution! If our government was looking to serve the population then it would use the tax system to promote equality, and yes transfer wealth from the rich to the poor. It would not be used as a tax shield and as a instrument to expand riches.

Its time to elect a new continental congress.
A Second Constitutional Convention?

One that meets in public and not secretly?

With women and people of color serving as delegates?

Get rid of the government and install a tribal council. This is the SURVIVOR generation.
Prosecute corrupt politicians and bankers.
See how long they survive in prison.

The game is rigged.

Sandy the burgler stealing secrets from the archive. Slap on wrist.

Obama admin running guns to felons. Perps promoted.

Good luck with that.
Do you get the feeling Democrats and Republicans are setting up the next US invasion and occupation of Mexico?
The left taking steps to create a method of governing themselves after the eventual breakup of the country is probably a wise move.
Prosecute corrupt politicians and bankers.
See how long they survive in prison.

The game is rigged.

Sandy the burgler stealing secrets from the archive. Slap on wrist.

Obama admin running guns to felons. Perps promoted.

Good luck with that.
Do you get the feeling Democrats and Republicans are setting up the next US invasion and occupation of Mexico?

Not really. both parties just pay it lip service as they both profit from inaction. Until some amendments come forward that prohibit congressional insider trading, selling votes and bribing members. While they have complete immunity. Nothing much will change, Of course this only leads to tyranny which we already have seen the beginning of the unraveling.

As the Country goes so go it its "Revolutionaries"
Does this fit your definition of revolution:

"King called at the end of his life for massive federal funds to rebuild inner cities, what he called 'a radical redistribution of economic and political power,' a complete restructuring of 'the architecture of American society...'

"On the eve of King’s murder he was preparing to organize a poor people’s march on Washington, D.C., designed to cause 'major, massive dislocations,' a nonviolent demand by the poor, including the white underclass, for a system of economic equality.

"It would be 43 years before his vision was realized by an eclectic group of protesters who gathered before the gates of Wall Street."

A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams
Obama and Pelosi and the entire Democrat Party has tied themselves to OWS. WOOT!!
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Our current economic system was put in place because the rich colonists were concerned about black slaves and white indentured servants teaming up and overthrowing the 1% that owned everything. The decided to creat a middle class, and pit the population agianst each other. The 'middle class' were given petty positions in society with no real power, and they were paid for by taxes on the poor.

Since then poor and middle class pit agianst each other in a endless left vs right battle over nothing!

I am not calling for a reversal of our system, or a new system. I am saying that it is high time we adhear to the rule of law and the constitution! If our government was looking to serve the population then it would use the tax system to promote equality, and yes transfer wealth from the rich to the poor. It would not be used as a tax shield and as a instrument to expand riches.

Its time to elect a new continental congress.

I'm sorry but the tax system should not be used to promote equality or transfer wealth from the rich to the poor. We've reached a tipping point in American history...when far more people collect from the government then pay into the government. Be very careful what you ask for now because sucking the wealthy dry to pay for unsustainable entitlements is NOT going to return the Middle Class to prosperity. We've lost the high paying jobs that created the Middle Class in America to other countries because like it or not we're now in a global economy. We need to focus on what will reverse that trend not engage in class warfare.
The game is rigged.

Sandy the burgler stealing secrets from the archive. Slap on wrist.

Obama admin running guns to felons. Perps promoted.

Good luck with that.
Do you get the feeling Democrats and Republicans are setting up the next US invasion and occupation of Mexico?

Not really. both parties just pay it lip service as they both profit from inaction. Until some amendments come forward that prohibit congressional insider trading, selling votes and bribing members. While they have complete immunity. Nothing much will change, Of course this only leads to tyranny which we already have seen the beginning of the unraveling.
Very little changes in this country if voters continue to "choose" between Democrat OR Republican.

Why not use established third parties like Greens and Libs and Independents to FLUSH a few dozen (hundred?) incumbents from the US Congress?

As the Country goes so go it its "Revolutionaries"
Does this fit your definition of revolution:

"King called at the end of his life for massive federal funds to rebuild inner cities, what he called 'a radical redistribution of economic and political power,' a complete restructuring of 'the architecture of American society...'

"On the eve of King’s murder he was preparing to organize a poor people’s march on Washington, D.C., designed to cause 'major, massive dislocations,' a nonviolent demand by the poor, including the white underclass, for a system of economic equality.

"It would be 43 years before his vision was realized by an eclectic group of protesters who gathered before the gates of Wall Street."

A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams

Did we re-evolve....not hardly.

Bring it.
Get rid of the government and install a tribal council. This is the SURVIVOR generation.
Prosecute corrupt politicians and bankers.
See how long they survive in prison.

How long has Tom Delay survived on appeal?
Far too long.

Phil Gramm and Bill Clinton are two more miscreants that will never see the inside of a prison cell until US voters stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat.

There are enough established third party options appearing on ballots right now to remedy that situation. If a grass-roots FLUSHING of the US Congress begins in November of 2012, thousands of rich parasites could find themselves in courtrooms and federal prisons.

That would be revolutionary.
Without any violence/

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