Oxford Bans Christian Group Because It Might Melt the Snowflakes

But not homos. He created man and woman. Come on bro, try to use that noggin of yours! Lol
If god didn't create homosexuality then someone did and god is not alone. Is that your contention?
What do you even mean when you say "create homosexuality"?
God created the universe and everything in it. EVERYTHING!
God didn't create sin. Please see the article I posted for you earlier today for reference.
Then if god didn't create sin, He is not alone. Pretty simple really.
No. The article I posted for you to read explains it loud and clear. Once again, I suggest you go read it so we don't have to keep talking in circles.

Yeah those signs are a lot worse than what Islamic extremeist did to this guy accused of being gay.

They're both bad. The less bad one shouldn't be let on campus either.
But atheists for pedophilia is OK.
According to you? I would suggest that more Christians are pedophiles then Atheists are (of which I am not one of them, Atheist, OR pedophile, lol).
If 15 Westboro cult members represents 2.8 billion Christians, then the pedophilia group represents the 3 million leftists.
Forgot the Louisiana senator and the con bathroom guy?
All the abusers are leftists?
Even you can't believe that
But maybe you can
Don't believe there are more divorces and porn in confed states?
If god didn't create homosexuality then someone did and god is not alone. Is that your contention?
What do you even mean when you say "create homosexuality"?
God created the universe and everything in it. EVERYTHING!
God didn't create sin. Please see the article I posted for you earlier today for reference.
Then if god didn't create sin, He is not alone. Pretty simple really.
No. The article I posted for you to read explains it loud and clear. Once again, I suggest you go read it so we don't have to keep talking in circles.
Taz has admitted in other threads his love for remaining ignorant.
Yes, but mooslims might get away with it because they don't usually say it out loud that they want to kill gays, whereas Christians have no shame whatsoever.
Yes, Christians are screaming for homos to be murdered.

The stupid is strong in you.

Yeah those signs are a lot worse than what Islamic extremeist did to this guy accused of being gay.

Well, when ISIS tries to have a booth at the fair, we'll discuss that.
Not every muslim who supports throwing fags off of rooftops is a member of ISIS. A good portion support the death penalty for faggotry right here in the US.
"A good portion"

Haha, it's always easy to tell when someone pulls something right out of his ass. Thus the noncommittal language.

I'm not defending the treasure trove of bad ideas that is Islam, and I certainly am not trying to legitimize your special, nasty little brand of cultism. Just so we are clear.

Yeah those signs are a lot worse than what Islamic extremeist did to this guy accused of being gay.

They're both bad. The less bad one shouldn't be let on campus either.
But atheists for pedophilia is OK.
According to you? I would suggest that more Christians are pedophiles then Atheists are (of which I am not one of them, Atheist, OR pedophile, lol).
If 15 Westboro cult members represents 2.8 billion Christians, then the pedophilia group represents the 3 million leftists.
That doesn't make any sense, as the views of Westboro stem directly from their religion, while pedophia does not follow from liberalism. Stupid analogy.
Yeah those signs are a lot worse than what Islamic extremeist did to this guy accused of being gay.

They're both bad. The less bad one shouldn't be let on campus either.
But atheists for pedophilia is OK.
According to you? I would suggest that more Christians are pedophiles then Atheists are (of which I am not one of them, Atheist, OR pedophile, lol).
If 15 Westboro cult members represents 2.8 billion Christians, then the pedophilia group represents the 3 million leftists.
Forgot the Louisiana senator and the con bathroom guy?
All the abusers are leftists?
Even you can't believe that
But maybe you can
Don't believe there are more divorces and porn in confed states?
Yes, the homosexual perversion does cross party lines. But a majority of the mentally ill perverts are leftists.
Yeah those signs are a lot worse than what Islamic extremeist did to this guy accused of being gay.

They're both bad. The less bad one shouldn't be let on campus either.
But atheists for pedophilia is OK.
According to you? I would suggest that more Christians are pedophiles then Atheists are (of which I am not one of them, Atheist, OR pedophile, lol).
If 15 Westboro cult members represents 2.8 billion Christians, then the pedophilia group represents the 3 million leftists.
That doesn't make any sense, as the views of Westboro stem directly from their religion, while pedophia does not follow from liberalism. Stupid analogy.
Oh sure it does, Mr Theologian.
OP is off the pace as usual.
The Students had a rethink and offered the CU a compromise and the CU refused. Case closed.

I think that the youngsters have handled it very well.

Anger as Oxford college bans Christian group from freshers' fair

Fundie homophobes (see above postings) are giving Christians a bad name. You run the risk of them upsetting youngsters at the event.

Would they have behaved themselves ?
Saying I’m sorry for violating basic human rights only means something to Leftards.

The fascists behind the decision should be publicly humiliated and fired.

Instead, they are left in charge of shaping young minds.
What an old tired expression
"Educating libs" and he doesn't even know the def of classical liberal
No Latin in college I guess.
Takes away ones argument.
Give a bit of credit to my young medical students who are smart enough to worry about other things than ideology
You are dumber than a brick.

My apologies to bricks.
Nice educational post as usual.
Thanks for adding to my knowledge
Well we can get into my multi millionaire dollar wealth and my ranch in San Diego county and you can brag about what your kids do and the things they buy all day long.
Real mature of you to try to put people down in such a manner.
And you still post such juvenile.material?
Never did post your PhD
Maybe time to go to college.
John Wayne and other racists were wealthy too
They're both bad. The less bad one shouldn't be let on campus either.
But atheists for pedophilia is OK.
According to you? I would suggest that more Christians are pedophiles then Atheists are (of which I am not one of them, Atheist, OR pedophile, lol).
If 15 Westboro cult members represents 2.8 billion Christians, then the pedophilia group represents the 3 million leftists.
That doesn't make any sense, as the views of Westboro stem directly from their religion, while pedophia does not follow from liberalism. Stupid analogy.
Oh sure it does, Mr Theologian.
They say it does. Go argue with them.
But christianity was the anti christs mockery of the religions.
Christianity was made anti the anointed Temple Priests by Rome who was swallowing up all religions to come under their one world religious authority..
Hence the term the anti christs existed in the era of John of Patmos, present tense not future tense.
Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 and history of that era show that
Revelation 11:1-3 occurred already in aprox 70 ad.

If you look at emulations today at how today's Satanists mock the church and it's rituals and holidays, then you get an idea at what Rome created was liken to Anton Lavey satanic church(snide mockery of religion).
Mocking the faith of the revolters they were opposition to and trying to squelch:
1)calling their christ Jesus, steming from the enscribed Greek IeSous (the swine).
Swine are forbidden especially in the temple.
So was a bastard child (in Deut), so they used the Illigitimate son of the 100bc
Harlot Mary as the main image of the satanic idol.
2)calling him the lamb of passover which was the Egyptian idol god, that label is also a bad thing and mockery.
3)creating a new non Jewish name for a claimed Jewish messianic character, SIMILAR to calling a messianic figure by a non Hebrew term Christos (predated word used for Krishna).
4)placing the figure's lineage through all the harlots of the Bible.
Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1-(Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2-(Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3- (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4-(2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.

5)claiming Jesus the nemesis of God- Lucifer the morning star son of Baal
in Rev 22:16.
All jokes have their punchline at the end.

6)claiming him the gatekeeper of hell in
Rev 1 & 9.
7)claiming his kingdom in death not in life.
8)using the mithraic and the baal crosses,
Mithras who's enemy was
the Night (Evening Star) so they call Jesus the thief of the Night (Shalem the Evening Star=Archangel Michael).
9)calling him the scarab (dung beetle).
10) calling him the Apollyon not to bring peace, but to bring division and burning up of our planet.
11)breaking all 10 commands through the image.
12)reinventing the holidays
13)creating new book and new God in place of. Suddenly YHWH wasn't good enough they tried converting people already in YHWH to Jesus even as they claimed them the same.
14)made the anointed priests and leaders the bad guys in the twisted accounts.
15)made Jesus the responsible accessory to the killing of righteous John the Baptist.
16)used the offshoot cult (hanotzrim) to create the satanic church-which had the same luciferous rays of light sun worship.
17)used underworld death cult teachings opposing the God of Life & his messenger of life-creating the opposition to life for their kingdom in death.
18) claiming the scattering and slaughtering of the flock as being a "good shepherd" is total mockery.
Clearly they created an opposite-adversary(sawtawn) version in mockery liken to today's satanist.
Always good to hear from Beelzebub now and then.
You gave me
19) they made Jesus The flying out of the sky lord -Beelzebub(lord of the air/fly)
and forgot 20)the forbidden asherah the Vatican uses those forbidden persian twisted pillars and Baal sun symbols, but also the Isis godess statue at the altar called Mary.
Interesting. What else are the demons telling you?
You just poked fun of Christians, they are the ones who believed demons came out your nose when you sneezed, and possessed disabled people. That's just outright insulting and cruel.
Lol...those are not biblical teachings, Numbskull. Come on now, troll harder.
Deflect much? Weatherman is the one trolling, and now you are, everything I post is archeological and Biblical sourced.
hates people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14)
They're both bad. The less bad one shouldn't be let on campus either.
But atheists for pedophilia is OK.
According to you? I would suggest that more Christians are pedophiles then Atheists are (of which I am not one of them, Atheist, OR pedophile, lol).
If 15 Westboro cult members represents 2.8 billion Christians, then the pedophilia group represents the 3 million leftists.
Forgot the Louisiana senator and the con bathroom guy?
All the abusers are leftists?
Even you can't believe that
But maybe you can
Don't believe there are more divorces and porn in confed states?
Yes, the homosexual perversion does cross party lines. But a majority of the mentally ill perverts are leftists.
And you have link proof?
Of course not, just wingeing
Saying I’m sorry for violating basic human rights only means something to Leftards.

The fascists behind the decision should be publicly humiliated and fired.

Instead, they are left in charge of shaping young minds.
What an old tired expression
"Educating libs" and he doesn't even know the def of classical liberal
No Latin in college I guess.
Takes away ones argument.
Give a bit of credit to my young medical students who are smart enough to worry about other things than ideology
You are dumber than a brick.

My apologies to bricks.
Nice educational post as usual.
Thanks for adding to my knowledge
Well we can get into my multi millionaire dollar wealth and my ranch in San Diego county and you can brag about what your kids do and the things they buy all day long.
Real mature of you to try to put people down in such a manner.
And you still post such juvenile.material?
Never did post your PhD
Maybe time to go to college.
John Wayne and other racists were wealthy too
There goes Dufus again, claiming material wealth and degrees mean something.
You have to take into account that Oxford is very advanced in theological studies and Biblical history, not mythology and propaganda. So when you have scholars that can just walk into the Brittish museum to find out first hand that the Jesus story is borrowed /stolen mythology (because the ancient predated tablets are housed there) then you tend to not see Christianity as scholarly nor worthy of Oxford academia.
Furthermore Geza Vermes was/still is? a theology professor there and after deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls and writing his book on the scrolls, it became clear the Biblical Moshiach was Michael and not Jesus and even he converted to Judaism.
Why would a very Michaeline unitarian /universalist region and school give Luciferians a platform anymore then you expect Bob Jones University to let Lavey Satanists to waltz in?
The story of Jesus is not borrowed/stolen mythology. You are an idiot.
Of course it is....similar to Gilgamesh, Hercules, Apollo, Mithras, Hiawatha, Odin, Arthur......
Why would being who god made you be rejecting god? That doesn't even make any sense.
God did not make anyone to be homosexual. The opposite sexes are physiologically designed to compliment each other and to reproduce with one another. Your butthole was not made to be used as an artificial vagina. If you claim you were "born gay", you are calling God a liar and rejecting how and what God made you for. It is not that hard to understand.
God made homosexuality, if he didn't want it here, he wouldn't have made it.
You are extremely bullheaded. No, God did not make homosexuality, it is a perversion (literally) of our natural sexuality, which is what God gave you your sexual organs for...and your anus doesn't count as a sexual organ.

If you do not understand that, there is no helping you.
God made everything in the universe, yes or no? If yes, then he made homosexuality. If no, then god isn't alone. Which is it?
God did not create sin.

To save time, if you want to know why your argument just doesn't hold up from a christian viewpoint, read this article:
Did God create sin? | Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
But your god set up the so-called first man and woman.

"You can have everything but don't touch that tree right there....that tree right in the middle of your garden. Don't Touch It! Bye now......I've got things to do.........."
But atheists for pedophilia is OK.
According to you? I would suggest that more Christians are pedophiles then Atheists are (of which I am not one of them, Atheist, OR pedophile, lol).
If 15 Westboro cult members represents 2.8 billion Christians, then the pedophilia group represents the 3 million leftists.
Forgot the Louisiana senator and the con bathroom guy?
All the abusers are leftists?
Even you can't believe that
But maybe you can
Don't believe there are more divorces and porn in confed states?
Yes, the homosexual perversion does cross party lines. But a majority of the mentally ill perverts are leftists.
And you have link proof?
Of course not, just wingeing
Dufus thinks most homosexuals voted for Trump.
God did not make anyone to be homosexual. The opposite sexes are physiologically designed to compliment each other and to reproduce with one another. Your butthole was not made to be used as an artificial vagina. If you claim you were "born gay", you are calling God a liar and rejecting how and what God made you for. It is not that hard to understand.
God made homosexuality, if he didn't want it here, he wouldn't have made it.
You are extremely bullheaded. No, God did not make homosexuality, it is a perversion (literally) of our natural sexuality, which is what God gave you your sexual organs for...and your anus doesn't count as a sexual organ.

If you do not understand that, there is no helping you.
God made everything in the universe, yes or no? If yes, then he made homosexuality. If no, then god isn't alone. Which is it?
God did not create sin.

To save time, if you want to know why your argument just doesn't hold up from a christian viewpoint, read this article:
Did God create sin? | Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
But your god set up the so-called first man and woman.

"You can have everything but don't touch that tree right there....that tree right in the middle of your garden. Don't Touch It! Bye now......I've got things to do.........."
Free will comes with responsibility.
Always good to hear from Beelzebub now and then.
You gave me
19) they made Jesus The flying out of the sky lord -Beelzebub(lord of the air/fly)
and forgot 20)the forbidden asherah the Vatican uses those forbidden persian twisted pillars and Baal sun symbols, but also the Isis godess statue at the altar called Mary.
Interesting. What else are the demons telling you?
You just poked fun of Christians, they are the ones who believed demons came out your nose when you sneezed, and possessed disabled people. That's just outright insulting and cruel.
Lol...those are not biblical teachings, Numbskull. Come on now, troll harder.
Deflect much? Weatherman is the one trolling, and now you are, everything I post is archeological and Biblical sourced.
hates people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14)
Notice how Beezlebub never links to any of his sources? Hell has no internet service.
God made everything in the universe, yes or no? If yes, then he made homosexuality. If no, then god isn't alone. Which is it?
God did not create sin.

To save time, if you want to know why your argument just doesn't hold up from a christian viewpoint, read this article:
Did God create sin? | Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
God created everything in the universe in 6 days. First page, chapter one.
But not homos. He created man and woman. Come on bro, try to use that noggin of yours! Lol
If god didn't create homosexuality then someone did and god is not alone. Is that your contention?
Mr Theology never heard of Satan.
According to your religion, satan was one of god's angels......god didn't create his angels?

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