Oxford Vaccine Trial On Hold Because Of Safety Issue

This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.

We don't need it.
Fascinating when people post links to articles without providing any sense that they have any idea why the paper is relevant.
Read then dumb ass.............it shows older strains of even colds give people limited to immunity in their T-cells.......this research is from PROFESSIONALS who do this for a living..............who are looking for a vaccine.........

They found that 40 to 60 % tested ALREADY HAD T-CELLS that recongnized the virus and why people walked right through this.

Add in those who got it since this began and we are getting close to HERD IMMUNTIY.

We don't need the Vaccine.........HCL has been proven to help prevent you from getting it from studies via even FAUCI......i 2005

To hell with this nonseinse.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Bill Gates is injecting Africans and they're getting pneumonia.
What's a few thousand dead African?
Bill gates isn't injecting anyone. Can you please stop the crazy conspiracy theory bullshit for one day? Just one?
Like you have an ounce of credibility.

He owns one of the largest "pharmaceutical" companies in Africa since around 2000 and only uses humans.
He didn't want to do it in the US because he doesn't want to waste time on rats.
Less conspiracy, not more.

Translation...You never followed his activities since the early 2000s.
I did because I knew what he was doing.
Today, on the well scrubbed search engines, most, if not all, of which BG invests in, he comes off like Mother Mary.
The fact is that I know people in the industry and people who have visited his hospitals in Africa, and the hospitals are more like outdoor latrines.

Not that I really give a shit about what you think because you're incapable of thinking.
What I get outta that nonsense is that you've been a conspiracy theorist for almost 20 years.

It's sad, really.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.
Nope. She always posts negative crap. She is a downer. But you’re free to believe what you choose. Free country. I know You hate that.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Bill Gates is injecting Africans and they're getting pneumonia.
What's a few thousand dead African?
Bill gates isn't injecting anyone. Can you please stop the crazy conspiracy theory bullshit for one day? Just one?
Like you have an ounce of credibility.

He owns one of the largest "pharmaceutical" companies in Africa since around 2000 and only uses humans.
He didn't want to do it in the US because he doesn't want to waste time on rats.
Less conspiracy, not more.

Translation...You never followed his activities since the early 2000s.
I did because I knew what he was doing.
Today, on the well scrubbed search engines, most, if not all, of which BG invests in, he comes off like Mother Mary.
The fact is that I know people in the industry and people who have visited his hospitals in Africa, and the hospitals are more like outdoor latrines.

Not that I really give a shit about what you think because you're incapable of thinking.
What I get outta that nonsense is that you've been a conspiracy theorist for almost 20 years.

It's sad, really.
Tell me that BG hasn't been bribing Congress since 1998 for Indian Business Visas which caused over 3 million Americans to lose their careers.
Notice BG will never hire a Black American.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Bill Gates is injecting Africans and they're getting pneumonia.
What's a few thousand dead African?
Bill gates isn't injecting anyone. Can you please stop the crazy conspiracy theory bullshit for one day? Just one?
Like you have an ounce of credibility.

He owns one of the largest "pharmaceutical" companies in Africa since around 2000 and only uses humans.
He didn't want to do it in the US because he doesn't want to waste time on rats.
Less conspiracy, not more.

Translation...You never followed his activities since the early 2000s.
I did because I knew what he was doing.
Today, on the well scrubbed search engines, most, if not all, of which BG invests in, he comes off like Mother Mary.
The fact is that I know people in the industry and people who have visited his hospitals in Africa, and the hospitals are more like outdoor latrines.

Not that I really give a shit about what you think because you're incapable of thinking.
What I get outta that nonsense is that you've been a conspiracy theorist for almost 20 years.

It's sad, really.
Tell me that BG hasn't been bribing Congress since 1998 for Indian Business Visas which caused over 3 million Americans to lose their careers.
Notice BG will never hire a Black American.
You're gonna hafta back that up with some documentation. And not from the Timcast, either.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Bill Gates is injecting Africans and they're getting pneumonia.
What's a few thousand dead African?
Bill gates isn't injecting anyone. Can you please stop the crazy conspiracy theory bullshit for one day? Just one?
Like you have an ounce of credibility.

He owns one of the largest "pharmaceutical" companies in Africa since around 2000 and only uses humans.
He didn't want to do it in the US because he doesn't want to waste time on rats.
Less conspiracy, not more.

Translation...You never followed his activities since the early 2000s.
I did because I knew what he was doing.
Today, on the well scrubbed search engines, most, if not all, of which BG invests in, he comes off like Mother Mary.
The fact is that I know people in the industry and people who have visited his hospitals in Africa, and the hospitals are more like outdoor latrines.

Not that I really give a shit about what you think because you're incapable of thinking.
What I get outta that nonsense is that you've been a conspiracy theorist for almost 20 years.

It's sad, really.
Tell me that BG hasn't been bribing Congress since 1998 for Indian Business Visas which caused over 3 million Americans to lose their careers.
Notice BG will never hire a Black American.
You're gonna hafta back that up with some documentation. And not from the Timcast, either.
IBM and MS refuse to post the national/racial profile of their employees or consultants.

Let me guess...you never worked for Fortune 500 company.
I have...all the America minorities and non-minorities were fired and replaced by Indian Business Visas.
Please tell us how many Black Americans you know who are programmers.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Bill Gates is injecting Africans and they're getting pneumonia.
What's a few thousand dead African?
Bill gates isn't injecting anyone. Can you please stop the crazy conspiracy theory bullshit for one day? Just one?
Like you have an ounce of credibility.

He owns one of the largest "pharmaceutical" companies in Africa since around 2000 and only uses humans.
He didn't want to do it in the US because he doesn't want to waste time on rats.
Less conspiracy, not more.

Translation...You never followed his activities since the early 2000s.
I did because I knew what he was doing.
Today, on the well scrubbed search engines, most, if not all, of which BG invests in, he comes off like Mother Mary.
The fact is that I know people in the industry and people who have visited his hospitals in Africa, and the hospitals are more like outdoor latrines.

Not that I really give a shit about what you think because you're incapable of thinking.
What I get outta that nonsense is that you've been a conspiracy theorist for almost 20 years.

It's sad, really.
Tell me that BG hasn't been bribing Congress since 1998 for Indian Business Visas which caused over 3 million Americans to lose their careers.
Notice BG will never hire a Black American.
You're gonna hafta back that up with some documentation. And not from the Timcast, either.
By the way, your buddy JoeB will admit this H1-B issue is true.
He's proud of it because that's how he makes his money.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Bill Gates is injecting Africans and they're getting pneumonia.
What's a few thousand dead African?
Bill gates isn't injecting anyone. Can you please stop the crazy conspiracy theory bullshit for one day? Just one?
Like you have an ounce of credibility.

He owns one of the largest "pharmaceutical" companies in Africa since around 2000 and only uses humans.
He didn't want to do it in the US because he doesn't want to waste time on rats.
Less conspiracy, not more.

Translation...You never followed his activities since the early 2000s.
I did because I knew what he was doing.
Today, on the well scrubbed search engines, most, if not all, of which BG invests in, he comes off like Mother Mary.
The fact is that I know people in the industry and people who have visited his hospitals in Africa, and the hospitals are more like outdoor latrines.

Not that I really give a shit about what you think because you're incapable of thinking.
What I get outta that nonsense is that you've been a conspiracy theorist for almost 20 years.

It's sad, really.
Tell me that BG hasn't been bribing Congress since 1998 for Indian Business Visas which caused over 3 million Americans to lose their careers.
Notice BG will never hire a Black American.
You're gonna hafta back that up with some documentation. And not from the Timcast, either.

Why I'm a fan of Jeff Sessions.
Gates is a complete scumbag and his software sucks.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Bill Gates is injecting Africans and they're getting pneumonia.
What's a few thousand dead African?
Bill gates isn't injecting anyone. Can you please stop the crazy conspiracy theory bullshit for one day? Just one?
Like you have an ounce of credibility.

He owns one of the largest "pharmaceutical" companies in Africa since around 2000 and only uses humans.
He didn't want to do it in the US because he doesn't want to waste time on rats.
Less conspiracy, not more.

Translation...You never followed his activities since the early 2000s.
I did because I knew what he was doing.
Today, on the well scrubbed search engines, most, if not all, of which BG invests in, he comes off like Mother Mary.
The fact is that I know people in the industry and people who have visited his hospitals in Africa, and the hospitals are more like outdoor latrines.

Not that I really give a shit about what you think because you're incapable of thinking.
What I get outta that nonsense is that you've been a conspiracy theorist for almost 20 years.

It's sad, really.
Tell me that BG hasn't been bribing Congress since 1998 for Indian Business Visas which caused over 3 million Americans to lose their careers.
Notice BG will never hire a Black American.
You're gonna hafta back that up with some documentation. And not from the Timcast, either.

Yep! Only Indians, and perhaps Muslims, are smart enough to write code.

Visit Quora sometimes and see why developers hate MS and love Apple and Amazon.
A really effective vaccine may never be developed, or it could a few more months or a few more years. No one knows. That is why we have to learn to live with COVID. If we get a vaccine that is wonderful, but we have to move forward either way.
The nanobots in the vaccine have achieved sentience and gone on strike...

This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.
Nope. She always posts negative crap. She is a downer. But you’re free to believe what you choose. Free country. I know You hate that.
Not to butt in Zog, as I said my bit, but you mentioned without quantifying other trials in progress. Did a cheap search earlier, but it kept coming back to this same story without answer what I was asking. How may Phase III trials (counting the one on temp hold) are going on right now? Anybody got this?
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.
Nope. She always posts negative crap. She is a downer. But you’re free to believe what you choose. Free country. I know You hate that.
Not to butt in Zog, as I said my bit, but you mentioned without quantifying other trials in progress. Did a cheap search earlier, but it kept coming back to this same story without answer what I was asking. How may Phase III trials (counting the one on temp hold) are going on right now? Anybody got this?
I believe three. J&J, Astra Zeneca and Moderna.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.
Nope. She always posts negative crap. She is a downer. But you’re free to believe what you choose. Free country. I know You hate that.
Not to butt in Zog, as I said my bit, but you mentioned without quantifying other trials in progress. Did a cheap search earlier, but it kept coming back to this same story without answer what I was asking. How may Phase III trials (counting the one on temp hold) are going on right now? Anybody got this?
Nothing matters until it becomes reality.
Israel said that would have a vaccine in May and I called bullshit.
If Israel says they'll have a device in a month I believe it.
A medication? Not so much.
All the people I know who work in the pharma industry are shrugging their shoulders and wearing masks.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.
Nope. She always posts negative crap. She is a downer. But you’re free to believe what you choose. Free country. I know You hate that.
Not to butt in Zog, as I said my bit, but you mentioned without quantifying other trials in progress. Did a cheap search earlier, but it kept coming back to this same story without answer what I was asking. How may Phase III trials (counting the one on temp hold) are going on right now? Anybody got this?
Nothing matters until it becomes reality.
Israel said that would have a vaccine in May and I called bullshit.
If Israel says they'll have a device in a month I believe it.
A medication? Not so much.
All the people I know who work in the pharma industry are shrugging their shoulders and wearing masks.
How about we return to our lives? This isn’t the Black Plague.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.
Nope. She always posts negative crap. She is a downer. But you’re free to believe what you choose. Free country. I know You hate that.
Not to butt in Zog, as I said my bit, but you mentioned without quantifying other trials in progress. Did a cheap search earlier, but it kept coming back to this same story without answer what I was asking. How may Phase III trials (counting the one on temp hold) are going on right now? Anybody got this?
Nothing matters until it becomes reality.
Israel said that would have a vaccine in May and I called bullshit.
If Israel says they'll have a device in a month I believe it.
A medication? Not so much.
All the people I know who work in the pharma industry are shrugging their shoulders and wearing masks.
How about we return to our lives? This isn’t the Black Plague.
If you're health isn't compromised, go for it.
To be honest, just hanging out with my wife has been beyond wonderful.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.
Nope. She always posts negative crap. She is a downer. But you’re free to believe what you choose. Free country. I know You hate that.
Not to butt in Zog, as I said my bit, but you mentioned without quantifying other trials in progress. Did a cheap search earlier, but it kept coming back to this same story without answer what I was asking. How may Phase III trials (counting the one on temp hold) are going on right now? Anybody got this?
Nothing matters until it becomes reality.
Israel said that would have a vaccine in May and I called bullshit.
If Israel says they'll have a device in a month I believe it.
A medication? Not so much.
All the people I know who work in the pharma industry are shrugging their shoulders and wearing masks.
How about we return to our lives? This isn’t the Black Plague.
If you're health isn't compromised, go for it.
To be honest, just hanging out with my wife has been beyond wonderful.
I have The Antibodies. I am a convalescent plasma donor.
This isn't good. They claim it's one person but a study doesn't get put on hold because of one person.

We will have to wait to see what happens.

Could be nothing or could be major. Like the guy quoted in the article said, we will hear more about the problem soon. It would be interesting to know how many had been vaccinated in the countries where the trial is underway and where the problem was. Guess we will hear that later also, as well as what the problem was.
Note how Leftists want the vaccine to fail. Terrible people.
There was nothing in this reply indicating anyone wants the vaccine to fail.
Yeah...says captain literal. All of her posts are negative. Including this one. Note, she didn’t state that others are progressing well.
Sorry, but this reflects your prejudice against the “leftists” more than the attitudes of the poster.

Try to stay grounded.
Nope. She always posts negative crap. She is a downer. But you’re free to believe what you choose. Free country. I know You hate that.
Not to butt in Zog, as I said my bit, but you mentioned without quantifying other trials in progress. Did a cheap search earlier, but it kept coming back to this same story without answer what I was asking. How may Phase III trials (counting the one on temp hold) are going on right now? Anybody got this?
Nothing matters until it becomes reality.
Israel said that would have a vaccine in May and I called bullshit.
If Israel says they'll have a device in a month I believe it.
A medication? Not so much.
All the people I know who work in the pharma industry are shrugging their shoulders and wearing masks.
I got mine. Wore it today. I can wait for the real thing.

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