Pa. church to bless couples with their A-R 15s

Maybe i just WANT a badass rifle.
That's the problem, right there.
A rifle is a tool, not a status symbol of how "badass" you are. Or it shouldn't be. That's why so many people want them and have them and that is what is so fucking sick about our country.
It is a tool. Do you apply that same logic to saws and pliers? Lol
Some people want the best. Some people just arent frugal. It has nothing to do with dick size or being a gun nut or anything. The hyperbole ruins discussion..
You're the one that brought up ALL of that hyperbole, not me. I don't go into the hardware store dreaming of the biggest BADASS Philips screwdriver in the place. LOL
But SOME do. Thats just the way it is. How many rich people you know that shop at family dollar for groceries?
TN. Guns are a badass badge to too many people.
We can apply that to everything. People take pride in different things. Who are you to say theirs isnt OK?
For gawd sakes woman, we are NOT all the same. Every one of us are different.

But don't you see? The left likes the idea of everyone being the same. All inclusive and equal in their desired leftist utopia
It is a tool. Do you apply that same logic to saws and pliers? Lol
Some people want the best. Some people just arent frugal. It has nothing to do with dick size or being a gun nut or anything. The hyperbole ruins discussion..
You're the one that brought up ALL of that hyperbole, not me. I don't go into the hardware store dreaming of the biggest BADASS Philips screwdriver in the place. LOL
But SOME do. Thats just the way it is. How many rich people you know that shop at family dollar for groceries?
TN. Guns are a badass badge to too many people.
We can apply that to everything. People take pride in different things. Who are you to say theirs isnt OK?
For gawd sakes woman, we are NOT all the same. Every one of us are different.

But don't you see? The left likes the idea of everyone being the same. All inclusive and equal in their desired leftist utopia
equally miserable...
You're the one that brought up ALL of that hyperbole, not me. I don't go into the hardware store dreaming of the biggest BADASS Philips screwdriver in the place. LOL
But SOME do. Thats just the way it is. How many rich people you know that shop at family dollar for groceries?
TN. Guns are a badass badge to too many people.
We can apply that to everything. People take pride in different things. Who are you to say theirs isnt OK?
For gawd sakes woman, we are NOT all the same. Every one of us are different.

But don't you see? The left likes the idea of everyone being the same. All inclusive and equal in their desired leftist utopia
equally miserable...

They're not much on individuality and personal freedom that's for sure
I didn't say anything about fake. Religion makes its own rules.
I know you didn't. My posts are based on the OP's assumption of 'fake Christians'.

What I said was that they've always managed to make religion fit what they want it to fit, and they want guns to fit their religion, they'll simply ignore a whole load of stuff and make it happen, if they have to.
Welcome to Religious Sects 100..take a seat at the front.

That's why Christianity, especially, is not only the most popular religion in the world, but also the most violent.
Most Violent...would you care to listen to our first speaker?...Mohammad from 7th Century Arabia.

Take the Far East. There's only one Christian country out there, the Philippines. It's got the second highest murder rate, behind Burma,
Do you have a tie in? Do you have any citations from the Cardinals and Bishops in the PI calling on their flocks to murder each other? Correlation does not mean causation.

Burma, which I don't understand why it has a high murder rate and if this is really the murder rate.
They are Buddhist...Correlation does...well you know.

You have to get to number 27 on the list (yeah, some of those aren't countries) to get to a non-Christian country, South Sudan, in the throws of civil war.
pssst...South Sudan is Majority Christian. ~18% Muslim

Do you want to know something else about every country you listed...HUGE rice eaters. These people L-O-V-E them some rice!
I think it may be the rice that I mentioned it...Air...they alll love air too!

Yes, Christianity is more violent than Islam. That's not to say that Islam isn't aggressive or violent either. However Muslim countries has less violence internally. This is simple to prove and I've done that.

Externally the US is the biggest threat to world security right now. There are certain conflicts going on involving Muslim countries, or have happened recently, Yemen, Sudan/South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Mali, Syria, for example. However Afghanistan has involved the US, UK, USSR over a period of time too.
But that would be avoiding looking at conflict areas with Christian countries, DRC, Mexico's drug war, Columbia's drug wars, Ukraine and so on.

The worst conflict right now is happening in Burma, more people are dying there than anywhere else. It's not big news because it's Muslims getting killed, rather than Muslims doing the killing. Were it the other way around and it'd be top story, day in, day out, because this is what people want to hear. They don't care if Muslims are being slaughtered.

They don't care Muslims are being killed in China either. It's just not news.

Concerning the Philippines. No, I don't have evidence that religious people are calling for violence. That's not what I'm talking about. You're trying to make like for like when these things are polar opposites. You're trying to justify something because it's not something else.

Christianity and Islam are totally different. Islam is very controlling. It says you have to do this, that and the other and tries to make sure they don't lose their control.

Christianity is like "do what the fuck you like, we don't care, as long as you come back at the end of the week and pay your money".

Violence exists within Christianity because you can commit this violence, and turn up at the end of the week and be told you're going to heaven. The Italian Mafia is famous for it, you watch those films and they're doing religious stuff on a Sunday, and then going out killing for the rest of the week.

Islam doesn't accept this. Within society if you kill, you're killed. Crime is low because they simply won't allow you to get away with it, usually.

As for Burma, I'm not sure you do know, to be honest. If all you write is nothing.

Yes, the religion of South Sudan is something I've never looked up, majority Christian.

As for your rice bullshit argument......
Yes, Christianity is more violent than Islam.
When? Let's just cover the second half of the 20th century. If you wish to delve deeper...we can.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia
This list is not nearly thorough enough...but you get the point.
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia
Compare the numbers...not even close.

I invite your examples of mass murder conducted in the name of Christianity.

That's not to say that Islam isn't aggressive or violent either. However Muslim countries has less violence internally. This is simple to prove and I've done that.
No you have have not shown deaths directly as a result of Christianity. You have taken countries with a Christian majority and laid the blame on the shoulders of Christianity. Correlation does not indicate causation. What part of that dont you understand?
I have provided deaths numbers that are a DIRECT RESULT of aggression in the name of religion.

Externally the US is the biggest threat to world security right now.
The US is a secular nation as per the Separations Clause in our Constitution. We have never officially engaged in foreign conflict in the name of Christianity. If you can find an example, please show me.

The worst conflict right now is happening in Burma, more people are dying there than anywhere else.
No...there is a little Muslim nation named Syria...where ~450K or 11% of the population have been killed.

They don't care if Muslims are being slaughtered.
Spare me and take no offense from this...but if YOU know about the conflict in Myanmar...everybody knows about it.
But I bet you dont know anything about this?

"In Iraq, where Christians are being butchered in mass executions by the Islamic State, their number has plunged from one million to just 275,000 in the last 12 years alone."
Christians face being wiped out from the Middle East within 10 YEARS as they are killed by ISIS | Daily Mail Online

They don't care Muslims are being killed in China either. It's just not news. you know about
China June 29 Tianjin Airlines Flight 7554 is diverted after an attempted hijacking which led to a fight with the 6 Uyghur men subsequently being restrained 2 killed
or this?
China October 28 A 4x4 vehicle crashed into a crowd and burst into flames in Tiananmen Square in Beijing 5 killed 40 injured
or these?
China March 1 A group of 8 individuals attacked civilians at Kunming Railway Station 28 killed 128 injured
China April 30 Two assailants attacked passengers and detonated explosives at the Ürümqi railway station 3 killed 7 injured
China May 22 Two SUVs which carried 5 assailants were driven into a street market in Ürümqi and up to a dozen explosives were thrown at shoppers through the windows of the SUVs. The cars then crashed into shoppers and collided into each other and exploded. 39 k 90+i
China July 28 A gang armed with knives and axes attacked a police station and government offices in Elixku Township, and some moved onto Huangdi Township, attacking civilians and smashing vehicles as they passed. 37k 1i

Yet! Christians right?

Concerning the Philippines. No, I don't have evidence that religious people are calling for violence. That's not what I'm talking about. You're trying to make like for like when these things are polar opposites. You're trying to justify something because it's not something else.

Of course you dont! But...Christians right?
Do you know what a Fatwa is? In case you don't a Fatwa is a decree handed down by a Muslim scholar regarding an interpretation of the Hadith or Quran.

Wanna see a real fatwa that calls for the killing of people? Eating people? You wanna see a fatwa that permits you to not only kill, but rape too? You wanna see a fatwa which permits you to be raped so that explosives will better fit into your anus? Well I have a list for you! I will show you a religion which doesn't fuck about!
Happy viewing!
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Now lets see those Christian preachers who tell their followers to the dead!

Wait...I have one more for you!

Love, Moroccan style: Fatwa allows sex with dead wife’s corpse

Why wouldnt he? Im pretty sure Jesus would have been ok with people defending themselves. He even spoke of owning maxairans for protection
Defending yourself with an assault rifle? A person must have made a lot of enemies if that`s what they need. If you own an assault rifle that`s all the evidence that`s needed to prove you`re insane because normal people don`t buy these.
An ar15 is not a assault rifle, it’s just a sporting rifle... You need to go back and educate yourself
I didn't say anything about fake. Religion makes its own rules.
I know you didn't. My posts are based on the OP's assumption of 'fake Christians'.

What I said was that they've always managed to make religion fit what they want it to fit, and they want guns to fit their religion, they'll simply ignore a whole load of stuff and make it happen, if they have to.
Welcome to Religious Sects 100..take a seat at the front.

That's why Christianity, especially, is not only the most popular religion in the world, but also the most violent.
Most Violent...would you care to listen to our first speaker?...Mohammad from 7th Century Arabia.

Take the Far East. There's only one Christian country out there, the Philippines. It's got the second highest murder rate, behind Burma,
Do you have a tie in? Do you have any citations from the Cardinals and Bishops in the PI calling on their flocks to murder each other? Correlation does not mean causation.

Burma, which I don't understand why it has a high murder rate and if this is really the murder rate.
They are Buddhist...Correlation does...well you know.

You have to get to number 27 on the list (yeah, some of those aren't countries) to get to a non-Christian country, South Sudan, in the throws of civil war.
pssst...South Sudan is Majority Christian. ~18% Muslim

Do you want to know something else about every country you listed...HUGE rice eaters. These people L-O-V-E them some rice!
I think it may be the rice that I mentioned it...Air...they alll love air too!

Yes, Christianity is more violent than Islam. That's not to say that Islam isn't aggressive or violent either. However Muslim countries has less violence internally. This is simple to prove and I've done that.

Externally the US is the biggest threat to world security right now. There are certain conflicts going on involving Muslim countries, or have happened recently, Yemen, Sudan/South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Mali, Syria, for example. However Afghanistan has involved the US, UK, USSR over a period of time too.
But that would be avoiding looking at conflict areas with Christian countries, DRC, Mexico's drug war, Columbia's drug wars, Ukraine and so on.

The worst conflict right now is happening in Burma, more people are dying there than anywhere else. It's not big news because it's Muslims getting killed, rather than Muslims doing the killing. Were it the other way around and it'd be top story, day in, day out, because this is what people want to hear. They don't care if Muslims are being slaughtered.

They don't care Muslims are being killed in China either. It's just not news.

Concerning the Philippines. No, I don't have evidence that religious people are calling for violence. That's not what I'm talking about. You're trying to make like for like when these things are polar opposites. You're trying to justify something because it's not something else.

Christianity and Islam are totally different. Islam is very controlling. It says you have to do this, that and the other and tries to make sure they don't lose their control.

Christianity is like "do what the fuck you like, we don't care, as long as you come back at the end of the week and pay your money".

Violence exists within Christianity because you can commit this violence, and turn up at the end of the week and be told you're going to heaven. The Italian Mafia is famous for it, you watch those films and they're doing religious stuff on a Sunday, and then going out killing for the rest of the week.

Islam doesn't accept this. Within society if you kill, you're killed. Crime is low because they simply won't allow you to get away with it, usually.

As for Burma, I'm not sure you do know, to be honest. If all you write is nothing.

Yes, the religion of South Sudan is something I've never looked up, majority Christian.

As for your rice bullshit argument......
Na, Islam is the most violent cult the world has ever experienced, that is why shit eating progressives like yourself admire it so much...
Yes, Christianity is more violent than Islam.
When? Let's just cover the second half of the 20th century. If you wish to delve deeper...we can.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia
This list is not nearly thorough enough...but you get the point.
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia
Compare the numbers...not even close.

I invite your examples of mass murder conducted in the name of Christianity.

That's not to say that Islam isn't aggressive or violent either. However Muslim countries has less violence internally. This is simple to prove and I've done that.
No you have have not shown deaths directly as a result of Christianity. You have taken countries with a Christian majority and laid the blame on the shoulders of Christianity. Correlation does not indicate causation. What part of that dont you understand?
I have provided deaths numbers that are a DIRECT RESULT of aggression in the name of religion.

Externally the US is the biggest threat to world security right now.
The US is a secular nation as per the Separations Clause in our Constitution. We have never officially engaged in foreign conflict in the name of Christianity. If you can find an example, please show me.

The worst conflict right now is happening in Burma, more people are dying there than anywhere else.
No...there is a little Muslim nation named Syria...where ~450K or 11% of the population have been killed.

They don't care if Muslims are being slaughtered.
Spare me and take no offense from this...but if YOU know about the conflict in Myanmar...everybody knows about it.
But I bet you dont know anything about this?

"In Iraq, where Christians are being butchered in mass executions by the Islamic State, their number has plunged from one million to just 275,000 in the last 12 years alone."
Christians face being wiped out from the Middle East within 10 YEARS as they are killed by ISIS | Daily Mail Online

They don't care Muslims are being killed in China either. It's just not news. you know about
China June 29 Tianjin Airlines Flight 7554 is diverted after an attempted hijacking which led to a fight with the 6 Uyghur men subsequently being restrained 2 killed
or this?
China October 28 A 4x4 vehicle crashed into a crowd and burst into flames in Tiananmen Square in Beijing 5 killed 40 injured
or these?
China March 1 A group of 8 individuals attacked civilians at Kunming Railway Station 28 killed 128 injured
China April 30 Two assailants attacked passengers and detonated explosives at the Ürümqi railway station 3 killed 7 injured
China May 22 Two SUVs which carried 5 assailants were driven into a street market in Ürümqi and up to a dozen explosives were thrown at shoppers through the windows of the SUVs. The cars then crashed into shoppers and collided into each other and exploded. 39 k 90+i
China July 28 A gang armed with knives and axes attacked a police station and government offices in Elixku Township, and some moved onto Huangdi Township, attacking civilians and smashing vehicles as they passed. 37k 1i

Yet! Christians right?

Concerning the Philippines. No, I don't have evidence that religious people are calling for violence. That's not what I'm talking about. You're trying to make like for like when these things are polar opposites. You're trying to justify something because it's not something else.

Of course you dont! But...Christians right?
Do you know what a Fatwa is? In case you don't a Fatwa is a decree handed down by a Muslim scholar regarding an interpretation of the Hadith or Quran.

Wanna see a real fatwa that calls for the killing of people? Eating people? You wanna see a fatwa that permits you to not only kill, but rape too? You wanna see a fatwa which permits you to be raped so that explosives will better fit into your anus? Well I have a list for you! I will show you a religion which doesn't fuck about!
Happy viewing!
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Now lets see those Christian preachers who tell their followers to the dead!

Wait...I have one more for you!

Love, Moroccan style: Fatwa allows sex with dead wife’s corpse


I said violent, you said terror attacks. You haven't read what I've written have you?

Everything you've written has been based on nothing I've said.
I said violent, you said terror attacks.


You haven't read what I've written have you?
You are simply, thick as pig shit and cannot debate me on point. Now kindly, fuck off.
Last edited:
Fake "Christians" can`t understand why their version of christianity isn`t taken seriously. Would Jesus bless their weapons of mass murder?
Pa. school district to move kids due to church honoring AR-15 rifles - Philly

That's really funny------- I mean YOU, Dope, their "weapons of mass destruction;" tell me, how many people have they killed with those guns?

Wow, what a lemming you are, really, too stupid to live. You just weaken the nation, August. Like the school district. What are they afraid, that the church will attract violence, that some kook will come there to start a gun fight and they want to get the children out of range of the bullets, or does the school district in all their illustrious ignoramity think that these people might attack the school? Wow. Total bozos.
I said violent, you said terror attacks.

View attachment 179487

You haven't read what I've written have you?
You are simply, thick as pig shit and cannot debate me on point. Now kindly, fuck off.

Oh, I could debate you. You're the one who's A) moving the goal posts and then B) insulting.

You're perfectly welcome to fuck off.
I moved no goalpost. You are too dense to recognize a goalpost anyhow.
I said violent, you said terror attacks.

View attachment 179487

You haven't read what I've written have you?
You are simply, thick as pig shit and cannot debate me on point. Now kindly, fuck off.

Oh, I could debate you. You're the one who's A) moving the goal posts and then B) insulting.

You're perfectly welcome to fuck off.
I moved no goalpost. You are too dense to recognize a goalpost anyhow.

Dude, you just insult. Ignore list for you.


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