Pa voter id law struck down

Next stop, Pennsylvania's state supreme court.

Judge Bernard L. McGinley is a Democrat. No surprise there.
I think it was Pa was where they found some areas had more votes for Obama than people living there? Or that he took 100% of the votes? Of course they don't want to show ID!!!!
Commonwealth Court Judge Bernard L. McGinley, a Democrat, said the law would unreasonably burden the fundamental right to vote, and the state had been unable to convincingly explain why it was necessary.

So by the judge's logic, having to show an ID and have a background check run also unreasonably burdens the fundamental right to bear arms, yes?
I think it was Pa was where they found some areas had more votes for Obama than people living there?


Or that he took 100% of the votes?

The GOP tries to suppress the votes of minorities and it shocks you that 99 percent of a black precinct decides to vote for Obama after this disgusting tactic? Really?

Of course they don't want to show ID!!!!

Voter ID does not stop the kind of voter fraud which occurs. So what do you suppose the REAL reason behind Voter ID is?
FOX NEWS: "This just in. 99 percent of the negroes in an all-negro Philly voting precinct voted for Obama. Now that just can't be right!"

The rubes scratch their heads quizzically. "Yeah, buddy! Sumfin' fishy dere!"
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Ask yourself what type of voter fraud Voter ID would stop.

Seriously. Do it.

Absentee ballot fraud? Nope.

A poll worker altering ballots? Nope.

Someone voting in more than one precinct or state? Nope.

Those are the most common types of fraud which occur, and Voter ID is completely ineffective against all of them.

I have shown in other topics that those states which have enacted Voter ID, including those states which have the strictest Voter ID laws, still have the same old fraud occurring.


So what kind of fraud would Voter ID stop?

It would stop someone else showing up at the voting booth on Election Day and voting in your name. This is the imaginary fantasy Voter ID proponents have in their heads. But spend ten seconds actually thinking about that kind of fraud, and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why that is an extremely rare type of fraud.

Think for another ten seconds and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why it would be impossible to commit this kind of fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election undetected.


How about dead people voting? That is easily solved by making sure when someone dies their name is removed from the voter registration rolls. Done!

So you finally, finally, finally have to ask yourself, "What is the REAL reason my puppet masters want Voter ID?"
The righties here are crying because they knew their voter suppression thug tactics were the only hope they had in Pennsylvania. And they can't win a presidential election without PA.
Ask yourself what type of voter fraud Voter ID would stop.

Seriously. Do it.

Absentee ballot fraud? Nope.

A poll worker altering ballots? Nope.

Someone voting in more than one precinct or state? Nope.

Those are the most common types of fraud which occur, and Voter ID is completely ineffective against all of them.

I have shown in other topics that those states which have enacted Voter ID, including those states which have the strictest Voter ID laws, still have the same old fraud occurring.


So what kind of fraud would Voter ID stop?

It would stop someone else showing up at the voting booth on Election Day and voting in your name. This is the imaginary fantasy Voter ID proponents have in their heads. But spend ten seconds actually thinking about that kind of fraud, and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why that is an extremely rare type of fraud.

Think for another ten seconds and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why it would be impossible to commit this kind of fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election undetected.


How about dead people voting? That is easily solved by making sure when someone dies their name is removed from the voter registration rolls. Done!
So you finally, finally, finally have to ask yourself, "What is the REAL reason my puppet masters want Voter ID?"

And when local election boards try to do this progressive howl about voter suppression and the wrong people being taken off the list.
Do you know what the largest source of Voter Fraud was in 2012??

It was old elderly people (a lot of whom vote republican) who voted twice unknowingly, and when questioned about it later turned themselves in to correct the problem.

Voter ID laws do "nothing" to stop this.
And when local election boards try to do this progressive howl about voter suppression and the wrong people being taken off the list.

When they take off dead people? No.

When they take off people "because they moved apartments" or "because they're in a different precinct now"? Yes.
And when local election boards try to do this progressive howl about voter suppression and the wrong people being taken off the list.

When they take off dead people? No.

When they take off people "because they moved apartments" or "because they're in a different precinct now"? Yes.

When you change adresses you may change voter districts. Its your responsibility to correct this. If you are at an improper address and the rolls note that, you should be removed. Its not that hard to get back on.
The need for voter id laws are based more illusion than fact.

IF that were true, you wouldn't fight them.

democrats fight voter ID because you rely on fraud. If there truly were no fraud, you wouldn't bother objecting, as ID would be irrelevant. But you know the requirement for ID will stop impersonation fraud and multiple precinct votes. Fraud is a huge part of the election strategy of democrats - perhaps a fundamental aspect, without which democrats could not win elections.
And when local election boards try to do this progressive howl about voter suppression and the wrong people being taken off the list.

When they take off dead people? No.

When they take off people "because they moved apartments" or "because they're in a different precinct now"? Yes.

When you change adresses you may change voter districts. Its your responsibility to correct this. If you are at an improper address and the rolls note that, you should be removed. Its not that hard to get back on.

I think the proper thing to do would be remove them immediately following the next election. Doing it 1-2 months prior is BS.

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