Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

There are societies you can go to where discrimination is all the rage. However the US has the Bill of Rights enshrines into the Constitution that was designed, and took a long to to get to, a situation where discrimination is seen as bad.

I think we should start forcing people like you to wear a giant L on their heads, and for no one to serve them in any shop. See how you'd like it.
The bill of rights is a limitation on government. You are not guaranteed rights from individuals.

Maybe so, but the theory of Human Rights still exists. When businesses decide to set up business they agree to terms and conditions of setting up their business, don't they? Are part of this is that they don't discriminate. Hence why these people broke the law. They not only broke the law, but went against the principles of Human Rights that have been a part of America since 1791!
In 1791 nobody ever floated the insane notion that government should regulate every transaction between private individuals. In fact no Leftist, communist ideas were part of our foundation.

So.... what? Some things have changed, and other things haven't.

In 1791 they had said "all men are created equal" and yet had slavery, are you suggesting we go back to slavery?
Forcing private businesses to patronize those they don't want to is slavery.

It clearly isn't.
I feel no pity for them. None. Zip. Nada. They brought this on themselves and now they can live with it.

Am I against the LGBT community? Nope. But I am against idiots that want to force themselves onto people when a LGBT bakery would have LOVED to have had their business. Why not support them with baking their cake? Why MAKE someone go against their own beliefs with a lawsuit?
I second this. How did going after those on the other side of the situation help those who stand on their side? It didn't. All that it did was make their side of the situation an even more hated camp.

Blowing out one candle will not make another one shine brighter.

God bless you always!!!

Why should they be forced to seek out a business that follows the law and would accommodate them? Why can't they enjoy the same high level of service this business offers to every other customer?

What if your standard applied to motels and the customer was Black? What if the business was a hospital and the injured was Islamic? Should this nation allow public businesses to treat customers differently because of who they are? These women came as paying customers. Their money is just as green as anyone else's. Yet there are some misguided Americans who stil believe that some American customers are not worthy of doing commerce simply because they are different.
Being black is not perverted behavior. Should a motel have to rent a room to a man and a goat wearing a black lace bra and fishnet stockings?
Most normal people would have simply went on to the next baker. This is America, there will always be another business that wants your patronage and will give you exactly what you want.
These two women created the situation that caused the hysteria and the division.
Can we have a collective "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

In all seriousness, I am absolutely against anyone harassing these women, but they are the ones who went after the Klein's.

The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case

It's just a cake, Laurel Bowman-Cryer used to tell her wife, Rachel. But three and a half years have passed, and the hate mail keeps coming.

Back in 2013, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa made headlines when they refused to make the lesbians' wedding cake. A state official, in a move that's redefined his political career, eventually ordered the bakers to pay $135,000.

The Bowman-Cryers have received thousands of Facebook messages, each one calling them fat or evil, the dumb lesbians who ruined those Christian bakers' lives.

As they waited for their daughter's school bus this May, Rachel's cell phone dinged with a new missive.

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."

The Bowman-Cryers say they never wanted the money, which remains locked in a government account. They say they never wanted a war.

For three and a half years, they have hidden, believing in time their names would disappear from the headlines. They didn't answer the phone. They declined hundreds of intuerviews, quit their jobs and stopped leaving the house.

Their silence has not protected them. As the Bowman-Cryers retreated, the fury over their case grew louder.

The bakers, Aaron and Melissa Klein, appealed their fines and hired former President George H.W. Bush's White House lawyer. They toured the country with presidential candidate Ted Cruz as the face of a new fight for business owners' religious freedom.

The legalization of same-sex marriage isn't the end of the story, the Kleins told crowds from Iowa to Washington, D.C. The government, they said, wants to force Christian business owners to help gay people marry. The solution, the Kleins warned receptive lawmakers, would be legislation protecting religious liberty. Arkansas, North Carolina and Mississippi have approved bills since then, curtailing the civil rights gay people fought to win.

The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case
Hopefully the $100,000+ from the Sweet Cakes bigots has helped alleviate their pain.
. The bigotry comes from your side. These lesbians started this war and finding there is plenty of push back for religious freedom.
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Most normal people would have simply went on to the next baker. This is America, there will always be another business that wants your patronage and will give you exactly what you want.
These two women created the situation that caused the hysteria and the division.
We should applaud their willingness to stand up for their rights.
What? Eh whatever. You're on the wrong side of history again. Go pound sand
History is about to change under President Trump and our new overly conservative court. You folks may as well plan on moving to Sweden's utopia. Be sure to ask for those new Muslim citizens to show you the ropes.
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In 1791 nobody ever floated the insane notion that government should regulate every transaction between private individuals. In fact no Leftist, communist ideas were part of our foundation.

So.... what? Some things have changed, and other things haven't.

In 1791 they had said "all men are created equal" and yet had slavery, are you suggesting we go back to slavery?
Forcing private businesses to patronize those they don't want to is slavery.
Thus spake the pro Jim Crow advocate.
He is right though. Unless you have some delusional statist outlook
Are businesses licensed? Are they to follow the law? Is creating a second class American citizen because a business finds them unworthy of commerce the way you want to see our society devolve?
What does a license have to do with anything? That doesn't mean the state owns the business. Unworthy? You apparently need to put words into people's mouths, that's the sign of a weak argument. You don't create second class citizens by turning down work, that's just bizarre!
"Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices." — Proverbs 1:31 - The Bible
Oh, so they should just accept that they're allowed to be discriminated against because society hates them, and they should just toddle off to the places that will serve them. What if no places want to serve them? Oh, well then th
We are not living in the Democrat's Jim Crow era anymore. We all need to embrace freedom of association.
Can we have a collective "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

In all seriousness, I am absolutely against anyone harassing these women, but they are the ones who went after the Klein's.

Uh, no, the Kleins are the ones who published their names and addresses on social media.. which is part of the reason the fine against them was so heavy.
We are not living in the Democrat's Jim Crow era anymore. We all need to embrace freedom of association.

If you don't think there are a shitload of businesses that would deny people on the basis or race if htey could legally get away with it, you are delusional.

Hey, there's a simple way to avoid doing business with people you don't like. Don't be in business.
Most normal people would have simply went on to the next baker. This is America, there will always be another business that wants your patronage and will give you exactly what you want.
These two women created the situation that caused the hysteria and the division.

I agree, most normal people would shrug their shoulders and move on.

Most normal people don't report crime when they see it going on.

The point still being, the Klein's broke the law. After they had the law explained to them, they doubled down and began a campaign of harassment against the Cryer-Bowmans.

Here's the thing. if you want a great example of how the One Percent plays you fools, this is it. They get you all worked up about the gay marriage. Then they elect people who let the one percent loot the middle class between elections. But when the rubber hits the road, you guys still don't get your way on these things.

So you are sitting their with your underwater mortgage and your busted 401K wondering why it is the faggots can get married now.
They were customers! They wanted a cake for their wedding, nothing mor.

And the righteous bakers decided that these customers were not worthy of the same high level of service provided to all other customers.

Why? Because these righteous bakers believe that they must provide a mercantile impermatur in order for a couple to wed.
They were told no. And not in a rude manner.

They then went public, politicized it and unleashed the gay mafia on the bakers... Who received death threats and had their business destroyed. Just as this couple wanted and set out to achieve.

Now they are facing the backlash.

They can suck it up. They created the situation. And they don't even like cake,as they now claim since their shit back fired.
Why were they told 'no'? What Christian ethic was upheld? What American ethic was upheld?
The same as any religion, the right to live according to one's beliefs.
I'm a Christian. I have been for better than 59 years now. My minstrel has never admonished the congregation to avoid commerce with homosexuals.

Why are these people,twisting Christianity to serve such a vile purpose?
Now you're just lying. We're not talking about serving the public regardless of sexual orientation, we're talking about being forced to be directly involved in what Christians find sinful. I mean real Christians.
Directly involved? How is baking, decorating and delivering a cake ANYTHING like being directly involved?

And don't you DARE say that I am not a Christian! You don't know me at all and to make such an assumption reflects poorly upon you.
Directly involved? How is baking, decorating and delivering a cake ANYTHING like being directly involved?
How is that not being involved? It isn't magic.

I've turned down work for Planned Parenthood because I don't like their abortion policy. That was my choice, not your or the governments. Fortunately I didn't need to lie about why but I can see that day coming with left wing tyranny.
How is that not being involved? It isn't magic.

I've turned down work for Planned Parenthood because I don't like their abortion policy. That was my choice, not your or the governments. Fortunately I didn't need to lie about why but I can see that day coming with left wing tyranny.

Since that was a business to business transaction, it wouldn't fall under Public Accommodation laws.

Although we could get the anti-Abortion groups declared terrorist organizations and use the laws instituted under Bush to get the bad old Muslims on them.... that would be amusing.
Can we have a collective "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

In all seriousness, I am absolutely against anyone harassing these women, but they are the ones who went after the Klein's.

Uh, no, the Kleins are the ones who published their names and addresses on social media.. which is part of the reason the fine against them was so heavy.

They did so once they realized the couple was going after them.
That isn't the question. It's would you commit a sin because a customer demanded it of you?
Baking a cake is not a sin. Baking a cake as a bakery is part of your business.
Who appointed you the national Pope?

The lesbians won their case. Now they are complaining because they are getting just what they dished out.
They came as paying customers. Customers expecting the same high level of service provided to all other customers. What precisely did they " dish out"?
They instigated a terrorist campaign against this bakery. Perverts threatened the bakers, their vendors and even their customers. What these pervs are getting is mild.
A "Terrorist campaign"? You have to conced that hyperbole is the argument of the intellectually shallow. When you say things like that, you lose credibility. You are using hyperbole and lies, demonstrably untrue statements.

Why should you be taken seriously?

We can read the link at the OP. Would you consider the threats received by this couple a "terrorist campaign"? I read them as threats, but I cannot stoop low enough to invoke 'terrorism'. It adds nothing but fear and cheapens actual terrorism and the victims who have suffered it directly.

She has no credibility, and is a psychotic nut.

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