Palestine Today

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Fatah Celebrates 52nd Anniversary of First Terror Attack

Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists.

The party’s official Facebook page commemorated the January 1, 1965 attack by “parading some of the movement’s role models, among them several ‘Martyrs,’ all of whom were either murderers or heads of murderous terror organizations,” Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported.

The page shared a banner that describes “a real Palestinian” as someone who is “self-sacrificing fighter.”
Traditions of Liberation Education - Professor Karma Nabulsi (Oxford University)


I am VERY tired of you posting this same video over and over and over.

The people in Gaza have all the freedom in the world to build their nation any way they want it to be. The "March of Return" is a perfect example of them exercising that very freedom. They already have freedom. Its that simple.

What they really want is the ability to "resist" (aka be violent) while experiencing no consequences. Not. Going. To. Happen.
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