Palestine Today

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U.S. vs Holy Land Foundation

This feature video reveals the greatest terrorism trial on United States soil, in which the largest islamic charity in the United States was indicted and found guilty. It shares excerpts from actual documents accepted as valid by the defendants and submitted at trial without protest.

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Wallowing in their own excrement while setting priorities about the importance of gee-had.

PA to again allow Gazan patients to be treated in Israeli hospitals
Outcry after deaths of three babies prompts Palestinian Health Ministry to issue more permits and funding for treatment

The Palestinian Authority will reportedly once again allow patients from the Gaza Strip to be treated in Israel after three babies died on Tuesday in the enclave controlled by the Hamas terror group.

Following an international outcry over the deaths, the Palestinian Health Ministry will on Sunday increase the number of permits it issues for Gaza residents to receive medical care in Israel, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Friday.

The Palestinian Authority has severely cut back on medical aid to the Gaza Strip as part of a series of tough measures aimed at forcing Hamas to cede control of the coastal enclave, including reducing the amount of electricity it provides the Strip and slashing PA salaries to Gaza residents.

The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry blamed the Palestinian Authority for the deaths of the three babies, all less than a year old, saying Ramallah has refused to grant permits for them to be treated in Israel.

To leave Gaza and travel to Israel for medical treatment, or to receive treatment in the West Bank or abroad, Gazans must first get confirmation from the PA that it will pay for the treatments.
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The Palestinian Authority says it has detained a Palestinian American for more than a month on suspicion of selling property to Jewish buyers, and this week, it extended his arrest another 45 days.

Israeli officials say Issam Aqel was arrested Oct 11.

The Palestinian Authority Attorney General’s office says Palestinian officials detained Issam Aqel in early October on suspicion of transferring Palestinian property to what it deems a hostile state.

Aqel is accused of selling property in the Old City of Jerusalem to Jewish settlers, a move that Palestinians condemn in the Israeli Palestinian battle over the city. When contacted by NPR, Aqel’s family declined comment.

Aqel is a Palestinian resident of Jerusalem, with Israeli residency, and a US citizen. A State Department official says US consular officials in Jerusalem are providing assistance to a US citizen detained by the Palestinian Authority.

According to court documents, Israeli officials say they are seeking Aqel's release. Israeli police arrested the Palestinian Authority governor of Jerusalem, whom they suspect of being involved in Aqel’s arrest.

Daniel Estrin on Twitter
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