Palestine Today

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Has this woman ever talked rationally?


A top society Palestinian bourgeois running her Sharia government, blames it all on Jews.
We're not supposed to ask hard questions.
A Christian woman in a "Muslim" country.

I bet your over active typing fingers could hardly contain themselves researching that tidbit.

Queen of delusion
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Has this woman ever talked rationally?


A top society Palestinian bourgeois running her Sharia government, blames it all on Jews.
We're not supposed to ask hard questions.
A Christian woman in a "Muslim" country.

A bourgeois government employee who's family never left the position of power since the Ottoman days.
Since when did Sharia become a Christian thing?

Tinmore's oust is tantamount to pointing the finger at Muslims.
Has this woman ever talked rationally?

The Lady in question is the most rational of all the spokespersons in this schism from both sides(had you ever bothered to listen to her,without your blinkered Zionist position) she would make an excellent 1st Prime Minister of Palestine,in my opinion.

Mindie,we all have a view but if we all wish to move forward,ridicule of personalities(which I am one) has to cease...I and thee are similar,our passion sometimes rule our grey cells...I need to Stop and so do move forward...Soon Forward

I WILL TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY to wish you and your family and friends Sincere Seasons Greetings,take care and enjoy...steve
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Has this woman ever talked rationally?


A top society Palestinian bourgeois running her Sharia government, blames it all on Jews.
We're not supposed to ask hard questions.
A Christian woman in a "Muslim" country.

A bourgeois government employee who's family never left the position of power since the Ottoman days.
Since when did Sharia become a Christian thing?

Tinmore's oust is tantamount to pointing the finger at Muslims.
No it isn't,he was merely stating a fact,No More,No Less st
Has this woman ever talked rationally?


A top society Palestinian bourgeois running her Sharia government, blames it all on Jews.
We're not supposed to ask hard questions.
A Christian woman in a "Muslim" country.

A bourgeois who's family never left the position of power since the Ottoman days.
Is it a Christian thing to rule over people with Sharia?
STOP friend being silly...steve
Has this woman ever talked rationally?


A top society Palestinian bourgeois running her Sharia government, blames it all on Jews.
We're not supposed to ask hard questions.
A Christian woman in a "Muslim" country.

A bourgeois who's family never left the position of power since the Ottoman days.
Is it a Christian thing to rule over people with Sharia?
STOP friend being silly...steve

Enemies of the Jewish people are not my friends.
If You can't answer the question don't bother me.
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Palestinian Civil Society Urges World Governments to Impose a Military Embargo on Saudi Regime Over Khashoggi Murder and War Crimes in Yemen, On Israel for War Crimes and Apartheid Against Palestinians

States and international institutions should not be selective in championing the dignity of human life. Yemenis and Palestinians are not lesser humans.

Palestinian Civil Society Urges World Governments to Impose a Military Embargo on Saudi Regime Over Khashoggi Murder and War Crimes in Yemen, On Israel for War Crimes and Apartheid Against Palestinians
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The "Palestinian Civil Society (PCS) boasted of a partnership (?) with the United Nations Development
Programme / Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP) and wants to be considered as a National and international non-governmental organization (NGO).

Palestinian Civil Society Urges World Governments to Impose a Military Embargo on Saudi Regime Over Khashoggi Murder and War Crimes in Yemen, On Israel for War Crimes and Apartheid Against Palestinians

States and international institutions should not be selective in championing the dignity of human life. Yemenis and Palestinians are not lesser humans.

Palestinian Civil Society Urges World Governments to Impose a Military Embargo on Saudi Regime Over Khashoggi Murder and War Crimes in Yemen, On Israel for War Crimes and Apartheid Against Palestinians

One has to be careful that you do not get confused between multifaceted the organization, the NGO proper, and its many faces, → with the → concepts of a society that organizes the resources at the local community level for the purpose of enhanced development. The PCS (the organization) is a non-profit organization. PCS is NOT apolitical. PCS is clearly involved in political - as well as - humanitarian work (in some communities, there is economic and social development and advice). The organization has three legs that do not (yet) seemed to be directed by an effective central leadership.

◈ The HAMAS Friendly Face that support HAMAS
◈ The Palestinian Authority Freindly Face (basically the Ramallah Government
◈ An affiliated (yet independent) supporting democratic views with a liberal twist​

So depends on who you talk to, you might get different answers to the questions of influence and control. It is not an NGO that is unbiased. It has an agenda, trying to open-up communication lines to organizations like the UN Palestinian Rights Commission, to help the citizens to move forward through a kind of Palestinian Development Gateway (PDG).

Most Respectfully,
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