Palestine Today

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The Palestinian Youth Movement is running campaigns against "countering violent extremism"?!

Case in point,
and they still act surprised when their organizations get banned worldwide.

The whole Pali shabang has turned into a grotesque circus of Jihadi princesses who think identity politics are enough to cover for their open call to violence.
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Congress should be wary of Palestinian youth group (PYM)

Is the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terrorist group designated by the State Department and Treasury, about to co-host an event on Capitol Hill? The answer is a bit blurry.

The Palestinian Youth Movement - USA (PYM-USA) is now collecting donations to co-host a “Palestine Advocacy Day” on Capitol Hill on May 1. The group calls itself “a transnational, independent, grassroots movement of young Palestinians,” but its activities should raise some questions about whether they may have any affiliation with the Palestinian-Marxist organization, which has been on the U.S. government’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations since 1997.

Here is what we know for sure: PYM-USA sponsors the “Ghassan Kanafani Scholarship,” named after a Palestinian writer who was also a leader of the PFLP. In an April 8 email to its subscribers, PYM-USA explicitly endorsed Kanafani’s terrorist activities, writing, “Kanafani dedicated his life to the Palestinian struggle both through his work with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) as well as his writing. The two were never politically exclusive.”

PYM-USA then expressed support for violent, “resistance…whether by pen or gun.”
Palestine Solidarity: Tough Questions & Ways Forward

Another "they harvest the organs of dead Arabs" blood libel.
What's next scholars on Holocaust denial or Bloody Matzos "experts"?

It's like they look for the most ridiculous antisemitic blood libels and wear them as a badge of nobility.

Frigging freak show.
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Women's March founder calls on Linda Sarsour, other activists to resign over anti-Semitism, anti-gay beliefs

The Women’s March founder is urging the group’s leadership to resign over anti-Semitism and anti-gay rhetoric, just days after Linda Sarsour suggested Jewish people have dual loyalties.

Teresa Shook, a retired lawyer who was behind the nationwide women’s march following the election of President Trump, published a statement on Monday urging the current leaders of the movement to step aside.

Jihadi radicals posting as "feminist activists" to promote Sharia
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Linda Sarsour Caught Lying about Female Genital Mutilation in Islam

Is it any wonder she's also responding with the most misogynistic verbal attacks on women who go against Sharia?

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Palestinians: Do you know the Palestinian National Movement
originated with the Nazis?

The international decision-making processes is responsible for the bad fruit. What basis did it have for granting Israel any land?

Self-determination of a peoples with a long history on that land. Again, did you want to argue against that principle?
No. I want to argue the basis of the boundaries.

They were not the only people with a long history of occupying those lands.

Do you want to argue against those people’s self determination?

I do not argue against any people's self-determination. I believe all of them should have it if they seek it. That most certainly includes BOTH the Jewish people and the Arab Palestinian people. It also includes Catalonia, Western Sahara, Northern Cyprus, Tibet, Kurdistan and all the First Nations of the Americas.

As to where the boundaries should be set between those seeking self-determination and existing states, it should be in a place negotiated between that particular state and the government of the peoples seeking the self-determination.

Do you disagree?
I agree that the creation of Israel was based upon biblical claims. Do you agree?

I think the terms "biblical claims" and "fairytales" are weaponized against the Jewish people for the purpose of diminishing and rejecting their legitimate historical claims.
My point is that if your own people believe it is a fairytale then the foundation for the belief that these are your ancient lands is built upon a fairytale and you have no valid claim.
Pro-Palestinian Students Hate Jews | Campus Unmasked

Why is she being so deceptive?
Intifada is a call to murder plain and simple, and they openly use that term when calling for violence in the US.
Their leaders clearly and openly declare that their goal of intifada is to rid the land of Jews and establish a Caliphate. It's their national agenda:
  1. Cleanse Palestine of the "filth of the Jews" by 2022
  2. From the River to the Sea - establishment of Caliphate
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I wonder why no one discusses this:

Hurling Insults at Each Other...
by Khaled Abu Toameh

Palestinians: While Abbas and Hamas were Hurling Insults at Each Other...

  • The Action Group for Palestinians of Syria says that according to its research, there are at least 1,711 Palestinians being held in Syrian prisons.

  • The plight of the Palestinians in Syria is not difficult to fathom. What is difficult to fathom is: Where are the international media when those Palestinians are being brutalized?

  • One can make up excuses for the apathy of the international community toward the atrocities the Palestinians are facing in Syria. However, the indifference of Palestinian leaders to the suffering of their own people is harder to justify.

  • As the reports about the Palestinian victims were emerging, Abbas was in Cairo socializing with famous Egyptian actors and actresses.
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