Palestine Today

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Mushir Al-Farra admits their war is against Jews,
"Zionists" is only used to deceive the west

In November 2000, Israel murdered Faris Ouda for fighting back an Israeli tank. Faris was 15.

In November 2000, Israel murdered Faris Ouda for fighting back an Israeli tank. Faris was 15.

Such lame propaganda, he was shot for throwing stones at soldiers.
The picture with the tank is a mere staged act.

Faris Oudah's father said all his son wanted to do was to die in the name of a mosque.
Both the father and the son got what they asked for.

This is what happens when parents teach their children that killing Jews is a highest form of religious war.

"Palestinian" father tries to sacrifice his son for "Palestinian" Propaganda
ODS Zurich Conference May 2014 Ghada Karmi

As long as it's a Jewish country.
Israel is already the single best Arab country in the entire middle east, it just happens to be a Jewish state by coincidence ;)

What need is there to create another Arab state?
Just to erase the only country not run by Islam in the entire region,
so that they dominate it all just to spite the non-Muslims?

Even Karmi knows that a Jewish State is better than anything Islam and Arab rule can ever suggest.
Israel is one of the best countries by western standards, Arab and Muslim countries are by far among the worst.

Karmi is simply a bourgeoisie princess who wants to return her family to the past glory of their feudal rule.
Nothing noble about such a cause.
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Amani Al-Khatahtbeh: Daring to speak out on campus.

So vague, where's the specific article?
The image that the Muslims try to depict in the US is 180 degrees opposite to the majority of the middle eastern Islam.

And Palestinians are among the most extremist Islamist societies among the radicals.
Ask Coyote she'll show You the data.
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