Palestine Today

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It sure didnt take long for the new darlings of the radical left to announce their agenda.

Rashida Tlaib's New Office Map: Israel Renamed 'Palestine' | Breitbart

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was joined by political activist Linda Sarsour during her swearing-in ceremony on as a congresswoman on Thursday in Washington, DC. On the same day, a map in her new congressional office was photographed with an attached sticky note identifying Israel as “Palestine.”

It's no surprise that the only apparent agenda of the Arab-Moslem haters is to join forces to press their Jew hating pathology.
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It sure didnt take long for the new darlings of the radical left to announce their agenda.

Rashida Tlaib's New Office Map: Israel Renamed 'Palestine' | Breitbart

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was joined by political activist Linda Sarsour during her swearing-in ceremony on as a congresswoman on Thursday in Washington, DC. On the same day, a map in her new congressional office was photographed with an attached sticky note identifying Israel as “Palestine.”

It's no surprise that the only apparent agenda of the Arab-Moslem haters is to join forces to press their Jew hating pathology.

So much for “ International Law” and the “ Two State Solution “. Notice how quiet Tinmore suddenly is?? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It sure didnt take long for the new darlings of the radical left to announce their agenda.

Rashida Tlaib's New Office Map: Israel Renamed 'Palestine' | Breitbart

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was joined by political activist Linda Sarsour during her swearing-in ceremony on as a congresswoman on Thursday in Washington, DC. On the same day, a map in her new congressional office was photographed with an attached sticky note identifying Israel as “Palestine.”

It's no surprise that the only apparent agenda of the Arab-Moslem haters is to join forces to press their Jew hating pathology.

So much for “ International Law” and the “ Two State Solution “. Notice how quiet Tinmore suddenly is?? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
When did they ever mention Jews?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ ding, et al,

These are related questions of the same family tree.

Israel's claim to the land is based upon a fairy tale.
The international decision-making processes is responsible for the bad fruit. What basis did it have for granting Israel any land?

After the cessation of hostilities of the Great War (the guns come to a halt gradually) and political remnants began to solidify out of the four Great Empires that collapsed and fell [Imperial German (Kaiser Wilhelm II), Imperial Russian (Tsar Nicholas II), Ottoman Empire,(Sultan Abdulmejid II, Caliph), & Austro-Hungarian (Karl Franz Joseph)], the Allied Powers presented the Treaty of Sevres to the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic. The treaty was accepted and signed by:

Senator and General HAADI Pasha;
Senator RIZA TEVFIK Bey;
Minister RECHAD HALISS Bey, Special Envoy and Ambassador of Turkey at Berne;​

However, the Treaty was rejected by Field Marshal Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and at the conclusion of the Turkish War of Independence, Field Marshal Atatürk, founded the new Republic. The Treaty of Sevres was never ratified by the Turkish Senate (ie President Atatürk), and a new Treaty (the Treaty of Lausanne) was concocted.

The applicable paragraph in the Treaty of Sevres:


Outside her frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty Turkey hereby renounces in favour of the Principal Allied Powers all rights and title which she could claim on any ground over or concerning any territories outside Europe which are not otherwise disposed of by the present Treaty.

Turkey undertakes to recognise and conform to the measures which may be taken now or in the future by the Principal Allied Powers, in agreement where necessary with third Powers, in order to carry the above stipulation into effect.​

This essentially replaces the Armistice of Mudros, which was considered the Surrender of the Ottoman Empire and the conclusion of that theater of the Great War.

Article XVI - Mudros Agreement: Armistice with Turkey, October 30, 1918

Surrender of all garrisons in Hedjaz, Assir, Yemen, Syria, and Mesopotamia to the nearest Allied Commander; and the withdrawal of troops from Cicilia, except those necessary to maintain order, as will be determined under Clause V.​

After the Armistice went into effect, the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) took responsibility and relinquished it on July 1920 to the Civil Administration which would become the authority, under which the Mandate for Palestine would be assigned.

Upon establishment of the new Republic, President Atatürk, accepted the negotiated terms of the Treaty. The applicable paragraph in the Treaty of Lausanne:


Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

The provisions of the present Article do not prejudice any special arrangements arising from neighbourly relations which have been or may be concluded between Turkey and any limitrophe countries.​

While the wording is different, the effect was essentially the same. The "rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories" were relinquished to the Allied Powers. This is the "basis did it have for granting Israel any land." The sovereign over the former territory of the Ottoman Empire renounced the Title and Rights to the Allied Powers by Treaty (one sovereign to a collective of sovereigns).

I hope this answered your questions

Most Respectfully,
No. It doesn’t. Clearly the people living there did not agree with the right of anyone to establish boundaries. Especially boundaries that were based upon biblical texts.

If as people such as yourself believe these biblical accounts were fairytales then those boundaries are fairytales themselves.

You can’t have it both ways.
Israel's claim to the land is based upon a fairy tale.

Israel's claim is based on the same claim of self-determination that the Arab Palestinian claim is. (Though the Jewish claim is the stronger claim). Did you want to argue against the principle of self-determination?
I want to argue the basis for the boundaries and the claim that Israel is entitled to that land based upon fairytales.

You people may not believe that the establishment of the nation of Israel after WWII was based upon biblical texts, but I can assure you that the powers who granted Israel that land did.

So which is it? Are those boundaries a fairytale or not?
The international decision-making processes is responsible for the bad fruit. What basis did it have for granting Israel any land?

Self-determination of a peoples with a long history on that land. Again, did you want to argue against that principle?
No. I want to argue the basis of the boundaries.

They were not the only people with a long history of occupying those lands.

Do you want to argue against those people’s self determination?
Khalida Jarrar speaks on Israeli Restrictions, Collective Punishments and Palestinian Resistance.

Israel's claim to the land is based upon a fairy tale.

Israel's claim is based on the same claim of self-determination that the Arab Palestinian claim is. (Though the Jewish claim is the stronger claim). Did you want to argue against the principle of self-determination?
I want to argue the basis for the boundaries and the claim that Israel is entitled to that land based upon fairytales.

You people may not believe that the establishment of the nation of Israel after WWII was based upon biblical texts, but I can assure you that the powers who granted Israel that land did.

So which is it? Are those boundaries a fairytale or not?

The only person discussing boundaries based on "fairy tales" is you. The rest of us are discussing law. The establishment of Israel as a State is based on the international legal principle of self-determination of peoples. It is exactly the same principle from which the right of the Arab Palestinian claim derives. It is exactly the same principle which gave us Czech Republic and Slovakia; Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia and Croatia and Montenegro and Kosovo and Slovenia and Macedonia; Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon; East Timor; South Sudan; Pakistan and India; and pretty much every state in Africa. There is not a fairy tale in sight.
The international decision-making processes is responsible for the bad fruit. What basis did it have for granting Israel any land?

Self-determination of a peoples with a long history on that land. Again, did you want to argue against that principle?
No. I want to argue the basis of the boundaries.

They were not the only people with a long history of occupying those lands.

Do you want to argue against those people’s self determination?

I do not argue against any people's self-determination. I believe all of them should have it if they seek it. That most certainly includes BOTH the Jewish people and the Arab Palestinian people. It also includes Catalonia, Western Sahara, Northern Cyprus, Tibet, Kurdistan and all the First Nations of the Americas.

As to where the boundaries should be set between those seeking self-determination and existing states, it should be in a place negotiated between that particular state and the government of the peoples seeking the self-determination.

Do you disagree?
By the way the Jihadis really want war, even after being warned by Netanyahu that they should keep quiet during the elections time...yeah unlike the rest of the middle east, Israelis actually have elections.

The message was sent clearly - and the Arab answer was firing rockets at Israel last night.

And they are the ones to impeach the American president?
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