Palestine Today

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I wonder why no one discusses this:

Hurling Insults at Each Other...
by Khaled Abu Toameh

Palestinians: While Abbas and Hamas were Hurling Insults at Each Other...

  • The Action Group for Palestinians of Syria says that according to its research, there are at least 1,711 Palestinians being held in Syrian prisons.

  • The plight of the Palestinians in Syria is not difficult to fathom. What is difficult to fathom is: Where are the international media when those Palestinians are being brutalized?

  • One can make up excuses for the apathy of the international community toward the atrocities the Palestinians are facing in Syria. However, the indifference of Palestinian leaders to the suffering of their own people is harder to justify.

  • As the reports about the Palestinian victims were emerging, Abbas was in Cairo socializing with famous Egyptian actors and actresses.
No Jews to interest, no political gain.

Palestinian militias are fighting on both the side of the Syrian government while their people elect Hamas which promises a Caliphate, exactly like the Islamic State that is at war with Syria.

They have lost any sense decades ago.
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Self-determination of a peoples with a long history on that land. Again, did you want to argue against that principle?
No. I want to argue the basis of the boundaries.

They were not the only people with a long history of occupying those lands.

Do you want to argue against those people’s self determination?

I do not argue against any people's self-determination. I believe all of them should have it if they seek it. That most certainly includes BOTH the Jewish people and the Arab Palestinian people. It also includes Catalonia, Western Sahara, Northern Cyprus, Tibet, Kurdistan and all the First Nations of the Americas.

As to where the boundaries should be set between those seeking self-determination and existing states, it should be in a place negotiated between that particular state and the government of the peoples seeking the self-determination.

Do you disagree?
I agree that the creation of Israel was based upon biblical claims. Do you agree?

I think the terms "biblical claims" and "fairytales" are weaponized against the Jewish people for the purpose of diminishing and rejecting their legitimate historical claims.
My point is that if your own people believe it is a fairytale then the foundation for the belief that these are your ancient lands is built upon a fairytale and you have no valid claim.

Yes, I understand your point very well. If Jews have nothing but "fairytales" then they have no claim to that land. As, I said, it is weaponization of terms and concepts for the explicit purpose of denying the Jewish people a claim to a homeland.

But in order to hold that weaponized opinion, one must entirely ignore or reject three thousand years of factual, recorded, evident history of the Jewish people in their homeland.

It's a ridiculous position to hold.
No. I want to argue the basis of the boundaries.

They were not the only people with a long history of occupying those lands.

Do you want to argue against those people’s self determination?

I do not argue against any people's self-determination. I believe all of them should have it if they seek it. That most certainly includes BOTH the Jewish people and the Arab Palestinian people. It also includes Catalonia, Western Sahara, Northern Cyprus, Tibet, Kurdistan and all the First Nations of the Americas.

As to where the boundaries should be set between those seeking self-determination and existing states, it should be in a place negotiated between that particular state and the government of the peoples seeking the self-determination.

Do you disagree?
I agree that the creation of Israel was based upon biblical claims. Do you agree?

I think the terms "biblical claims" and "fairytales" are weaponized against the Jewish people for the purpose of diminishing and rejecting their legitimate historical claims.
My point is that if your own people believe it is a fairytale then the foundation for the belief that these are your ancient lands is built upon a fairytale and you have no valid claim.

Yes, I understand your point very well. If Jews have nothing but "fairytales" then they have no claim to that land. As, I said, it is weaponization of terms and concepts for the explicit purpose of denying the Jewish people a claim to a homeland.

But in order to hold that weaponized opinion, one must entirely ignore or reject three thousand years of factual, recorded, evident history of the Jewish people in their homeland.

It's a ridiculous position to hold.
It is a position being argued by Hollie.
I do not argue against any people's self-determination. I believe all of them should have it if they seek it. That most certainly includes BOTH the Jewish people and the Arab Palestinian people. It also includes Catalonia, Western Sahara, Northern Cyprus, Tibet, Kurdistan and all the First Nations of the Americas.

As to where the boundaries should be set between those seeking self-determination and existing states, it should be in a place negotiated between that particular state and the government of the peoples seeking the self-determination.

Do you disagree?
I agree that the creation of Israel was based upon biblical claims. Do you agree?

I think the terms "biblical claims" and "fairytales" are weaponized against the Jewish people for the purpose of diminishing and rejecting their legitimate historical claims.
My point is that if your own people believe it is a fairytale then the foundation for the belief that these are your ancient lands is built upon a fairytale and you have no valid claim.

Yes, I understand your point very well. If Jews have nothing but "fairytales" then they have no claim to that land. As, I said, it is weaponization of terms and concepts for the explicit purpose of denying the Jewish people a claim to a homeland.

But in order to hold that weaponized opinion, one must entirely ignore or reject three thousand years of factual, recorded, evident history of the Jewish people in their homeland.

It's a ridiculous position to hold.
It is a position being argued by Hollie.

I wouldn’t be so quick to post your nonsense claims when you don’t understand.
I do not argue against any people's self-determination. I believe all of them should have it if they seek it. That most certainly includes BOTH the Jewish people and the Arab Palestinian people. It also includes Catalonia, Western Sahara, Northern Cyprus, Tibet, Kurdistan and all the First Nations of the Americas.

As to where the boundaries should be set between those seeking self-determination and existing states, it should be in a place negotiated between that particular state and the government of the peoples seeking the self-determination.

Do you disagree?
I agree that the creation of Israel was based upon biblical claims. Do you agree?

I think the terms "biblical claims" and "fairytales" are weaponized against the Jewish people for the purpose of diminishing and rejecting their legitimate historical claims.
My point is that if your own people believe it is a fairytale then the foundation for the belief that these are your ancient lands is built upon a fairytale and you have no valid claim.

Yes, I understand your point very well. If Jews have nothing but "fairytales" then they have no claim to that land. As, I said, it is weaponization of terms and concepts for the explicit purpose of denying the Jewish people a claim to a homeland.

But in order to hold that weaponized opinion, one must entirely ignore or reject three thousand years of factual, recorded, evident history of the Jewish people in their homeland.

It's a ridiculous position to hold.
It is a position being argued by Hollie.

Unlikely in the extreme that Hollie is arguing against the rights of the Jewish people to their own homeland.
I agree that the creation of Israel was based upon biblical claims. Do you agree?

I think the terms "biblical claims" and "fairytales" are weaponized against the Jewish people for the purpose of diminishing and rejecting their legitimate historical claims.
My point is that if your own people believe it is a fairytale then the foundation for the belief that these are your ancient lands is built upon a fairytale and you have no valid claim.

Yes, I understand your point very well. If Jews have nothing but "fairytales" then they have no claim to that land. As, I said, it is weaponization of terms and concepts for the explicit purpose of denying the Jewish people a claim to a homeland.

But in order to hold that weaponized opinion, one must entirely ignore or reject three thousand years of factual, recorded, evident history of the Jewish people in their homeland.

It's a ridiculous position to hold.
It is a position being argued by Hollie.

Unlikely in the extreme that Hollie is arguing against the rights of the Jewish people to their own homeland.
She calls Genesis a fairytale. Last time I checked Genesis is where the boundaries are listed, right?
I think the terms "biblical claims" and "fairytales" are weaponized against the Jewish people for the purpose of diminishing and rejecting their legitimate historical claims.
My point is that if your own people believe it is a fairytale then the foundation for the belief that these are your ancient lands is built upon a fairytale and you have no valid claim.

Yes, I understand your point very well. If Jews have nothing but "fairytales" then they have no claim to that land. As, I said, it is weaponization of terms and concepts for the explicit purpose of denying the Jewish people a claim to a homeland.

But in order to hold that weaponized opinion, one must entirely ignore or reject three thousand years of factual, recorded, evident history of the Jewish people in their homeland.

It's a ridiculous position to hold.
It is a position being argued by Hollie.

Unlikely in the extreme that Hollie is arguing against the rights of the Jewish people to their own homeland.
She calls Genesis a fairytale. Last time I checked Genesis is where the boundaries are listed, right?

I never called Genesis a fairytale.

Consider that your false statements make you appear quite desperate.
Last time I checked Genesis is where the boundaries are listed, right?

The boundaries are listed in the legal documents of the time. No mention whatsoever in those documents about Genesis or any other religious text to my knowledge.

How do you think the boundaries of sovereign nations based on the self-determination of peoples should be established, if not through agreements, treaties and legal documents?
She calls Genesis a fairytale.

No, I don't believe she did. She confirms that she did not.

However, even if she did, her personal religious beliefs have no bearing whatsoever on the historical and legal claim of the Jewish people to their homeland.
Last time I checked Genesis is where the boundaries are listed, right?

The boundaries are listed in the legal documents of the time. No mention whatsoever in those documents about Genesis or any other religious text to my knowledge.

How do you think the boundaries of sovereign nations based on the self-determination of peoples should be established, if not through agreements, treaties and legal documents?

Fairytale, right?
"...From our many talks over the past year, I knew that five factors dominated Truman’s thinking. From his youth, he had detested intolerance and discrimination. He had been deeply moved by the plight of the millions of homeless of World War II, and felt that alone among the homeless, the Jews had no homeland of their own to which they could return. He was, of course, horrified by the Holocaust and he denounced it vehemently, as, in the aftermath of the war, its full dimensions became clear. Also, he believed that the Balfour Declaration, issued by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in 1917, committed Great Britain and, by implication, the United States, which now shared a certain global responsibility with the British, to the creation of the Jewish state in Palestine. And finally, he was a student and believer in the Bible since his youth. From his reading of the Old Testament he felt the Jews derived a legitimate historical right to Palestine, and he sometimes cited such biblical lines as Deuteronomy 1:8: “Behold, I have given up the land before you; go in and take possession of the land which the Lord hath sworn unto your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.”..."

President Truman’s Decision to Recognize Israel
No taking snakes? Which edited / revised bibles are you worshipping?

Have you ever read the Ark tale?

The Torah, Hollie.

But it is interesting that you accept the boundary for Israel described in Genesis as the basis for the nation of Israel.

Your beliefs are contradictory.

Rather telling that you use "..... it's allegorical" to sidestep the rather glaring inconsistencies in your new-fangled bibles.

There are no inconsistencies in the Torah.

The allegorical account of the fall of man captures the truth that man is unique in the creation of space and time. A new thing.

They knew 6000 years ago what you never knew or understood; that the significance of man and the differences which distinguishes us from every other creature tells us that there is a universal truth which exists independent of man.

You forgot that “... it’s allegorical” refutes your all-knowing, all-seeing Bibles. “They” wrote the Bible’s in allegorical terms. Did you forget what you wrote?

Waiting for the exact citation.
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