Palestine Today

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Who is that guy? Imao.
Don't remember the guy's name, it's Caroline Glick's project.
Imagine her in the UN...

I doubt they'd get it.

They're not into satire.
I mean Glick herself.
Whenever she speaks it's almost as a war between strong sincere emotion (on the brink of tears) , and sharpest intellect that leaves no lie shuttered. Emblem Jewish mama with no pretense.

The reptiloids wouldn't know where to start with her, and she won't be left in debt.

Students at Terra Santa College with Professors, Amin Sidawi, standing in white in the middle of top row, and George Shahla, seated just below him, Jerusalem, c. 1913


That college didn't exist for another 10 years, and was finished only 20 years after that fake date
When attempting to falsify history at least do it with things not so easy to refute.

Do You find any integrity or pleasure in constant compulsion to manipulate and lie so boldly?

Not the first time and it won’t be the last. He’s desperate and pathetic

You should tell your lot to not start wars of aggression, and then whinge and moan when they lose.

The UN recommended that the area that became the West Bank become part of a future Arab state, but this proposal was opposed by the Arab states at the time. In 1948, Jordan occupied the West Bank and annexed it in 1950. In 1967, Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan in the Six-Day War.

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