Palestine Today

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Which Arab Muslims?

The ones who are present on the Temple Mount who harass Jews there. The ones who smuggle weapons in (stones, firebombs, rifles). The ones who throw hissy fits should a Jew DARE to mouth a prayer to G-d in the most sacred, holy place, or bring a Torah scroll there, or wear a Magen David. Or (the HORROR) use a water fountain. Those Arab Muslims.
You are leaving out what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

On the Temple Mount? Giving the Arab Muslim Palestinians the EXCLUSIVE right to pray on the Temple Mount? To remove Jews who exercise their inherent, human right to practice their religion at their own Holy Places? To bring weapons to a Holy Place and use them to kill Jews?!

The only thing Israel is doing to the Arabs on the Temple Mount is restricting Jewish rights so that the Arab Muslims don't have violent temper tantrums.

The right to pray and practice one's religion, at one's own most Holy Place is not the slightest bit controversial. It is a well-established right in international humanitarian law and in all of the relevant treaties.

The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality. The Temple Mount issues of today are evidence that they can not. That Arab Muslim Palestinians, in particular, are not capable of that.
Which Arab Muslims?

The ones who are present on the Temple Mount who harass Jews there. The ones who smuggle weapons in (stones, firebombs, rifles). The ones who throw hissy fits should a Jew DARE to mouth a prayer to G-d in the most sacred, holy place, or bring a Torah scroll there, or wear a Magen David. Or (the HORROR) use a water fountain. Those Arab Muslims.
You are leaving out what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

On the Temple Mount? Giving the Arab Muslim Palestinians the EXCLUSIVE right to pray on the Temple Mount? To remove Jews who exercise their inherent, human right to practice their religion at their own Holy Places? To bring weapons to a Holy Place and use them to kill Jews?!

The only thing Israel is doing to the Arabs on the Temple Mount is restricting Jewish rights so that the Arab Muslims don't have violent temper tantrums.

The right to pray and practice one's religion, at one's own most Holy Place is not the slightest bit controversial. It is a well-established right in international humanitarian law and in all of the relevant treaties.

The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality. The Temple Mount issues of today are evidence that they can not. That Arab Muslim Palestinians, in particular, are not capable of that.
The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality.
You are ignoring the difference between Israelis and Jews.
Which Arab Muslims?

The ones who are present on the Temple Mount who harass Jews there. The ones who smuggle weapons in (stones, firebombs, rifles). The ones who throw hissy fits should a Jew DARE to mouth a prayer to G-d in the most sacred, holy place, or bring a Torah scroll there, or wear a Magen David. Or (the HORROR) use a water fountain. Those Arab Muslims.
You are leaving out what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

On the Temple Mount? Giving the Arab Muslim Palestinians the EXCLUSIVE right to pray on the Temple Mount? To remove Jews who exercise their inherent, human right to practice their religion at their own Holy Places? To bring weapons to a Holy Place and use them to kill Jews?!

The only thing Israel is doing to the Arabs on the Temple Mount is restricting Jewish rights so that the Arab Muslims don't have violent temper tantrums.

The right to pray and practice one's religion, at one's own most Holy Place is not the slightest bit controversial. It is a well-established right in international humanitarian law and in all of the relevant treaties.

The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality. The Temple Mount issues of today are evidence that they can not. That Arab Muslim Palestinians, in particular, are not capable of that.
The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality.
You are ignoring the difference between Israelis and Jews.

You are dodging the point. The Temple Mount is the perfect place for the Arab Muslims to demonstrate how they will treat people who are not Arab Muslims. When people show you who they are, believe them.
I guess this thread was created just to avoid any normal discussion?
Discuss away. Slime and name calling are not legitimate issues.

If You are willing to apply the same standard, I'm more than open for a pleasant interaction.
Should we discuss the demand for complete Arab domination, and its logical conclusion for minorities?
Sure, what evidence do you have that that would be true in Palestine?

  • The practice on the Jewish holiest site.
  • The demand to establish a Caliphate and "rid Palestine of Jewish filth"
  • The fact that all Arab societies ethnically cleansed Jews from allover the middle east, and among the least tolerant states for other minorities.
The simple logical conclusion that the realization of the demand for Arab domination is at the expense of the largest Jewish population in the world, and the only independent minority nation in the middle east.
You are being too vague and speculative.

What is vague about the demand for a Caliphate and "rid Palestine of Jewish filth"?
What is vague about the fact that any land ceded to control of Arabs ends up being Judenrhein?
What is vague about the fact that 77% of Mandatory Palestine under Arab control already bans Jews by law?

I don't have any indication to suggesting that an Arab domination would not be the downgrading of status and rights at the expense of all minorities, as wee see all around the Arab controlled lands in the middle east. It's 2nd grade calculation quiz.

99% of Jews in the middle east were ethnically cleansed by Arabs, while there are more Arabs living now in Israel than ever before under any non-Jewish rule, and with much higher quality of life and benefits of the citizen than in any Arab state.

I do argue that Israel is already the best and most advanced 'Arab' country,
there's simply no excuse to turn it into another Arab'stan, just because they dream of an Arab USSR Caliphate style empire. 2nd grade calculation quiz.

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Which Arab Muslims?

The ones who are present on the Temple Mount who harass Jews there. The ones who smuggle weapons in (stones, firebombs, rifles). The ones who throw hissy fits should a Jew DARE to mouth a prayer to G-d in the most sacred, holy place, or bring a Torah scroll there, or wear a Magen David. Or (the HORROR) use a water fountain. Those Arab Muslims.
You are leaving out what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

On the Temple Mount? Giving the Arab Muslim Palestinians the EXCLUSIVE right to pray on the Temple Mount? To remove Jews who exercise their inherent, human right to practice their religion at their own Holy Places? To bring weapons to a Holy Place and use them to kill Jews?!

The only thing Israel is doing to the Arabs on the Temple Mount is restricting Jewish rights so that the Arab Muslims don't have violent temper tantrums.

The right to pray and practice one's religion, at one's own most Holy Place is not the slightest bit controversial. It is a well-established right in international humanitarian law and in all of the relevant treaties.

The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality. The Temple Mount issues of today are evidence that they can not. That Arab Muslim Palestinians, in particular, are not capable of that.
The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality.
You are ignoring the difference between Israelis and Jews.
How do Arabs know if they're assaulting Jews on the Temple Mount
with or without Israeli citizenship?

Or when they throw stones on Jews praying at the Western Wall, do they differentiate?
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Discuss away. Slime and name calling are not legitimate issues.

If You are willing to apply the same standard, I'm more than open for a pleasant interaction.
Should we discuss the demand for complete Arab domination, and its logical conclusion for minorities?
Sure, what evidence do you have that that would be true in Palestine?

  • The practice on the Jewish holiest site.
  • The demand to establish a Caliphate and "rid Palestine of Jewish filth"
  • The fact that all Arab societies ethnically cleansed Jews from allover the middle east, and among the least tolerant states for other minorities.
The simple logical conclusion that the realization of the demand for Arab domination is at the expense of the largest Jewish population in the world, and the only independent minority nation in the middle east.
You are being too vague and speculative.

What is vague about the demand for a Caliphate and "rid Palestine of Jewish filth"?
What is vague about the fact that any land ceded to control of Arabs ends up being Judenrhein?
What is vague about the fact that 77% of Mandatory Palestine under Arab control already bans Jews by law?

I don't have any indication to suggesting that an Arab domination would not be the downgrading of status and rights at the expense of all minorities, as wee see all around the Arab controlled lands in the middle east. It's 2nd grade calculation quiz.

99% of Jews in the middle east were ethnically cleansed by Arabs, while there are more Arabs living now in Israel than ever before under any non-Jewish rule, and with much higher quality of life and benefits of the citizen than in any Arab state.

I do argue that Israel is already the best and most advanced 'Arab' country,
there's simply no excuse to turn it into another Arab'stan, just because they dream of an Arab USSR Caliphate style empire. 2nd grade calculation quiz.

The thing about Israeli propaganda organizations like MEMRI and PMW is that they will scrape the bottom of the barrel and portray those as typical.
Which Arab Muslims?

The ones who are present on the Temple Mount who harass Jews there. The ones who smuggle weapons in (stones, firebombs, rifles). The ones who throw hissy fits should a Jew DARE to mouth a prayer to G-d in the most sacred, holy place, or bring a Torah scroll there, or wear a Magen David. Or (the HORROR) use a water fountain. Those Arab Muslims.
You are leaving out what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

On the Temple Mount? Giving the Arab Muslim Palestinians the EXCLUSIVE right to pray on the Temple Mount? To remove Jews who exercise their inherent, human right to practice their religion at their own Holy Places? To bring weapons to a Holy Place and use them to kill Jews?!

The only thing Israel is doing to the Arabs on the Temple Mount is restricting Jewish rights so that the Arab Muslims don't have violent temper tantrums.

The right to pray and practice one's religion, at one's own most Holy Place is not the slightest bit controversial. It is a well-established right in international humanitarian law and in all of the relevant treaties.

The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality. The Temple Mount issues of today are evidence that they can not. That Arab Muslim Palestinians, in particular, are not capable of that.
The point that you challenged rylah with is whether or not the Arab Muslim Palestinians were capable of not acting with typical Arab domination, but could treat Jews with respect and equality.
The problem with the Israelis is if you let them get their toe in the door the next thing you know is that they act like they own the place.
The problem with the Israelis is if you let them get their toe in the door the next thing you know is that they act like they own the place.

Well, lets talk about "owning the place", then.

We agree that people, all people, have the right to pray and worship as they choose in places that are Holy to them, yes? We agree that this right is inherent, inviolable and entrenched in international humanitarian law, yes?

We agree, then, that the Temple Mount, being Holy to people of more than one religious faith, should be a shared space and that all people have the right to be present there, to worship, to pray, to praise G-d, in their own language and with their own holy practices, symbols and books, yes?

And you DO understand that the Muslims who frequent the Temple Mount harass Jews when present and actively prevent them from worship, prayer and even possessing their holy books and symbols and from using their language in prayer. And they do so with the threat of violence (backed up by actual violence).

If you are trying to sell us on the idea that Arab Muslim Palestinians will lead a society which is not dominating or erasing of other cultures (particularly the Jewish culture), you are doing a poor job of it. In fact, you seem to be digging in and saying that Arab Muslim Palestinians MUST dominate the Jewish people (Israelis).
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