Palestine Today

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Gaza City from above

All this and no government, WOW.

When the Israelis posted a photograph of Palestinians on August 2 holding aloft the Palestinian flag with a swastika painted on it, Hamas initially said nothing. It did not explode in outrage, it did not demand that that those who flew the flag with the painted swastika be punished, or even that the symbol of the mass-murdering Nazis be taken down.

That initial indifference of the Palestinian leaders to, or even approval of, the swastika on the flag was not surprising. The Palestinians have flown their flag with a swastika painted on it before, on April 20,2018. On the same day, they let loose an incendiary kite, also with a swastika painted on it. No Palestinian objected at that time, or since.

After all, the Palestinians and the Nazis go way back. The leader of the Palestine Arabs (the “Palestinian people” had not yet been invented) from the 1920s to the late 1940s was the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El Husseini. El Husseini, a great admirer of Hitler, spent the war years in Berlin, where he met with the Fuhrer and urged him not to let Jews escape to Palestine, but to keep them in Europe where they might be properly dealt with. The Mufti knew that Hitler would understand. While enjoying a comfortable life in wartime Berlin, the Mufti became friends with Heinrich Himmler and with Adolph Eichmann. He is even believed to have traveled with Eichmann to see Auschwitz up close. It must have been a most inspiring visit.

Among his contributions to the Nazi war effort, the Mufti raised three S.S. brigades among the Bosnian Muslims. After the war he somehow managed to escape being charged as a war criminal by the Allies, and ended up, safe and sound like so many Nazi war criminals, in an Arab land, where the Allies could not reach him. And he lived out his days, in Cairo, without ever being called to account.

The photograph of the swastika flag raised by Palestinians attempting to breach Israel’s security fence was first posted online by Israelis, then picked up and reposted by many others. It took several days for Hamas to figure out that this was damaging to their cause. It made them look bad, as if Hamas supported the Nazi ideology, which, of course, some of its members do.

The message went out from Hamas: no more swastikas. And why was this? Not because Hamas had anything against them. Not because Hamas was ashamed that some Palestinians would identify with the Nazis. No, the swastika should no longer be painted on Palestinian flags “so that the Israeli occupation cannot take advantage of it.”

But it’s too late. The Israelis can tell the world that the reason the swastika flag is no longer being flown by the Palestinians in Gaza is not moral revulsion, but only so that, in Hamas’ own words, “the Israeli occupation cannot take advantage of it.”

That swastika’ed flag leads naturally to another Nazi-related topic that Israel should bring up.

Here’s what the Israelis can now post:

Worried About its Image, Hamas Now Says No to Swastikas

Another stupid post; does this approx once a month. He likes to infer that Hamas and the Religious Jewish Community have the same reasons which is not true.
To post the above without any explanation is a prime example of ignorance and stupidity
A billboard honoring Palestinian nurse Razan Najjar, who was shot dead by Israeli snipers while she was helping injured Palestinian protesters during the #GreatReturnMarch, is seen in Boston, Massachusetts.

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