Palestine Today

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Does Israel Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish State? - Ali Abunimah on Reality Asserts Itself

The destruction of Israel with a Palestinian Majority telling the minority they have no rights or access to their Religious Sites ( Pre 1967)
Won’t happen .

However, this is OK? There will be no response; there never is
Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state - Reuters

Notice that he did not say no Jews as the propagandists claim.
Does Israel Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish State? - Ali Abunimah on Reality Asserts Itself

The destruction of Israel with a Palestinian Majority telling the minority they have no rights or access to their Religious Sites ( Pre 1967)
Won’t happen .

However, this is OK? There will be no response; there never is
Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state - Reuters

I thank you for finally acknowledging the Racist Palestinian Double Standard
Does Israel Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish State? - Ali Abunimah on Reality Asserts Itself

The destruction of Israel with a Palestinian Majority telling the minority they have no rights or access to their Religious Sites ( Pre 1967)
Won’t happen .

However, this is OK? There will be no response; there never is
Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state - Reuters

Notice that he did not say no Jews as the propagandists claim.

I never claimed Abbas said No Jews
You don’t think no Israelis isn’t a Racist Double Standard? Typical Pro Palestinian mentality.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Interesting question.

Does Israel Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish State? - Ali Abunimah on Reality Asserts Itself

An Islamic state is a state that has adopted Islam as its state religion, and Islamic law as the foundation for political institutions. Current examples of such states see: Islamic muslim countries Names With Their Capital City and Muslim Population.

Convention on Rights and Duties of States said:
States are juridically equal, enjoy the same rights, and have equal capacity in their exercise.

Charter of the United Nations said:
Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.

Each State has equality with regard to selecting its nature and charater. And no state has the right to intervene in purely domestic matters.

........View attachment 277123
Most Respectfully,
You are missing the issues.
]RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, If I missed your point, then I apologize...

Each State has equality with regard to selecting its nature and character. And no state has the right to intervene in purely domestic matters.
You are missing the issues.

Maybe you need to explain to me what I missed.

........ Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
]RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, If I missed your point, then I apologize...

Each State has equality with regard to selecting its nature and character. And no state has the right to intervene in purely domestic matters.
You are missing the issues.

Maybe you need to explain to me what I missed.

........View attachment 277149
Most Respectfully,
How about the violence required to create Israel and the violence required to maintain Israel?
How about the violence required to create Israel and the violence required to maintain Israel?

That is a ridiculous inversion of reality. No violence is needed to sustain Israel. Nor is any violence required to create a(nother) Palestinian State (or two).
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Violence can be discussed from two perspectives; the actual (such as knife attacks, savage beatings, shootings, bombings, rocket attacks, kidnap and murder, vehicular homicide, and torture) and the theoretical (motivations - triggers and suppressers - what might be, what could be).


Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Version 1.0, London and New York: Routledge (1998)

How about the violence required to create Israel and the violence required to maintain Israel?

The two most common types of of painful, or threatening violence are:

◈ Psychological pressure producing overpowering effects in a physical way; either:

• Inflected upon a victim

• Incured as a result of flight.
◈ ‘Verbal violence’ is, in a literal sense, the expressions that produces; either:

• Mental anguish from the terror or horror.

• Irrational responses from extreme distress.​

Most Respectfully,
A protest in the occupied WestBank against the Apartheid Wall and the Zionist settlements west of Ramallah .

Israeli occupation forces banned Madlin Abu Issa ( right ) from entering Al Aqsa mosque compound for 4 months and Shefaa Abu Ghalia ( left ) for 2 months.

HSBC invests nearly £100 million in Caterpillar - who supply Israel with bulldozers used to demolish Palestinian homes.

The damage that caused by Zionist colonizers after attacking Palestinian home in the village of Nahalim near Bethlehem.

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