Palestine Today

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Good morning from the occupied Palestine ✌


No Palestine to be occupied.
The damage that caused by Zionist colonizers after attacking Palestinian home in the village of Nahalim near Bethlehem.


The Damage done by Jordanian occupiers in E. Jerusalem in 1948

Islamization of Jerusalem - Wikipedia

Comment? Of course not; there never is

Third Islamization of Jerusalem under Jordanian rule[edit]
Main articles: Islamization of East Jerusalem under Jordanian occupation and Jordanian annexation of the West Bank

The Arab Legion in the process of destroying the synagogue.
Jordan, although mandated by the UN to let Israeli Jews visit their holy sites, refused access to them. They also led a systematic destruction of the Jewish Quarter including many ancient synagogues.[29] Under Jordanian rule of East Jerusalem, all Israelis (irrespective of their religion) were forbidden from entering the Old City and other holy sites.[30] Between 40 000 and 50 000 tombstones from ancient Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery were desecrated.[31] In the Old City of Jerusalem, the Jewish Quarter was destroyed after the end of fighting. The Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue was destroyed first, which was followed by the destruction of famous Hurva Synagogue built in 1701, first time destroyed by its Arab creditors in 1721 and rebuilt in 1864.[32][33][34] On its part, Israeli authorities destroyed part of Mamila Muslim cemetery, near the armistice line.[35] Altogether, the Jordanians destroyed 56 Synagogues in Jerusalem, while the remaining synagogues were used as toilets, stables and chicken coops.[36] All Jewish inhabitants from the parts of city occupied by Jordan, including residents of Old City Jewish Quarter were expelled. Christian charities and religious institutions were prohibited from buying real estate in Jerusalem. Christian schools were subject to strict regulations.[citation needed]

An Arab Legion soldier in ruins of Hurva Synagogue.
Islamization of the Temple Mount[edit]
Main article: Islamization of the Temple Mount
Muslim appropriated Islamicize the Temple Mount for exclusive Muslim use after the conquest of the city.[37] Originally an Israelite and subsequently Jewish holy site, as the location of the First and Second Temples, under the Byzantine Empire the site was essentially deserted,[38] though a public building may have been erected, perhaps a church, with an elaborate mosaic floor, some of the remains of which have been discovered by the Temple Mount Sifting Project.[39] In 682 CE, 50 years after Muhammad’s death, ‘Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr rebelled against the Caliph of Damascus, conquered Mecca and thus, according to Ignaz Goldziher, stopped pilgrims from coming south to the Hajj in Mecca.[40] ‘Abd al-Malik, the Umayyad Caliph, responded by creating a new holy site.[citation needed] He chose sura 17, verse 1, “Glory to Him who caused His servant to travel by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We have blessed, in order to show him some of Our Signs, He is indeed the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.”[citation needed] And designated the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as the "Farthest Mosque" mentioned in that verse.[citation needed]

Dome of the Rock[edit]
Main article: Dome of the Rock
Monumental constructions made on the Temple Mount, exemplifying what Gideon Avni calls 'an outstanding manifestation of Islamic rule over Jerusalem,'[41] climaxed at the end of the seventh century, with the construction of the Dome of the Rock in the early 690s when Abd al-Malik was developing his program of Islamization. It was built over the Foundation Stone, the site of the historic Jewish Temple.[42] The al-Aqsa mosque was built at the southern end of the mount in the 8th-century.

Throughout the entire period of the Muslim conquest until the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, various structures were built on the mount including memorial sites and gates.[43]

From the 13th-century onwards, after the Muslims had regained control of the city, building projects in Jerusalem and around the Temple Mount sought to further establish the city’s Islamic character.[44]

After the conquest of the city by Saladin, non-Muslims were permitted to set foot on the Temple Mount.[45]

Al-Aqsa Mosque[edit]
Main article: Al-Aqsa Mosque
It is unknown exactly when the al-Aqsa Mosque was first constructed and who ordered its construction, but it is certain that it was built in the early Umayyad period of rule in Palestine. Architectural historian K. A. C. Creswell, referring to a testimony by Arculf, a Gallic monk, during his pilgrimage to Palestine in 679–82, notes the possibility that the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, Umar ibn al-Khattab, erected a primitive quadrangular building for a capacity of 3,000 worshipers somewhere on the Haram ash-Sharif. However, Arculf visited Palestine during the reign of Mu'awiyah I, and it is possible that Mu'awiyah ordered the construction, not Umar. This latter claim is explicitly supported by the early Muslim scholar al-Muthahhar bin Tahir.[16]

Post 1948 period of Jordanian rule to 1967[edit]

An Arab Legion soldier in ruins of Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue.
Destruction of Temple Mount antiquities, 1995–2001[edit]
See also: Temple Denial
Between 1995 and 2001, the Islamic Waqf carried out extensive construction work in order to build the biggest mosque in the region named Marwani mosque, with a capacity of 10,000 worshippers in an area of about 5,000 square meters. During unsupervised construction, the Waqf obliterated many of the antiquities at Solomon's Stables section of Temple Mount. The original Herodian structure was converted into a mosque. The structure stones were stripped of its original surface.[46] At eastern Hulda gate, the Waqf destroyed the original Herodian ornamentation and later plastered them and painted them over.[47] Tens of truck loads of dirt were dumped into Kidron Walley. Thousands of artifacts from the First Temple period until today[when?] were later rescued in the operation named Temple Mount Sifting Project. The findings included some 1000 ancient coins, Israelite bullas with ancient Hebrew inscriptions, 10,000-year-old tools like a blade and scraper, as well as Hasmonean, Ptolemaic and Herodian artifacts, ancient stones with signs of Second Temple destruction and other important artifacts.[48] The Waqf justified its action by calling the site a "mosque from the time of Adam and Eve" and by rejecting Jewish historical connection with the site.[49]
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

I tend to think that there is confusion as to the question when we ask about the "solution to the conflict." The conflict we see today is a direct outcome that was triggered by the adoption of the final decision to impose an Independent Arab and Jewish States; → and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem. Or a Two-State Solution and a City State. You see this clearly in the Part One "A" paragraph 3 of General Assembly Resolution 181 (II) 29 November 1947.

This outcome is not the "root" of the dispute, which is historical in nature dating back to the run-up of the Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917.

This dispute is ever made more complex as the international economic and political interests take hold.
The conflict has entangled many countries outside the region, especially:
◈ The United States,
◈ The Russian Federation,
◈ Great Britain,
◈ France,
◈ The economic-political organizations of the:
United Nations,
European Union,
Arab League,
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
and The Quartet (United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)

Two key events of 1974: (Page 233, Dictionary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Culture, History, and Politics, MACMILLAN REFERENCE USA)

◈ PLO implicitly accepts two-state solution. At the Palestinian National Council (PNC) in 1974, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) modifies its goal of liberating all of Palestine and focuses on creating a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.

◈ The UN and Arab League accept PLO as sole legitimate representative of Palestinians. Yasir Arafat makes first appearance at the UN proposing peace. (Seventh Arab League Summit Conference
Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974)


“There is always something good in whatever happens.”
..............................................~ Anonymous Arab Proverb
(13 June 2019) The Secretary-General of the Arab League warned against any peace plan that ignores a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But there is something shallow in this warning in that under the opposing demands placed on such a Two-State Condition set of negotiations, neither side (Israeli-Palestinian) can reach a consensus that will bring then to the table. By pretending to want peace, they intentionally insure conflict.

The Arab world, for many reasons, is not at all interested in giving
the Palestinian Arabs a state.
The Palestinian Arabs don't really want one either,
because why kill the "refugee"
Goose that lays the Golden Eggs?
..............................................................................~ Dr. Mordechai Kedar,
...............................................................................................Department of Arabic Studies at Bar-Ilan University

"The Arab world hatred of Israel stems from Israel's success in surviving despite wars, terror, boycotts and the enmity aimed at the Jewish state; it stems from the fact that there is an existing Jewish state even though Judaism has been superseded by Islam, the 'true religion.' It is exacerbated by Israel's being a democracy while they live under dictatorships, because Israel is rich and they are poor, because Israel is Paradise compared to Arab countries, many of which resemble nothing so much as the last train stop before Hell (see Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan – and the list goes on) …and most importantly, because Israel has succeeded in areas in which they have failed, and their jealousy drives them up a wall." (Dr. Mordechai Kedar)

From the Arab Palestinian standpoint (West Bank and Gaza) without the UNRWA, unemployment would double, and the influx of donor contributions would plummet. But most importantly, the Arab Palestinians don't actually feel the same hardships as do the people in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, etc.

It is what it is. Just pretending to want peace is good enough...

.......•  Smaler then Smallest.png.
Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

I tend to think that there is confusion as to the question when we ask about the "solution to the conflict." The conflict we see today is a direct outcome that was triggered by the adoption of the final decision to impose an Independent Arab and Jewish States; → and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem. Or a Two-State Solution and a City State. You see this clearly in the Part One "A" paragraph 3 of General Assembly Resolution 181 (II) 29 November 1947.

This outcome is not the "root" of the dispute, which is historical in nature dating back to the run-up of the Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917.

This dispute is ever made more complex as the international economic and political interests take hold.
The conflict has entangled many countries outside the region, especially:
◈ The United States,
◈ The Russian Federation,
◈ Great Britain,
◈ France,
◈ The economic-political organizations of the:
United Nations,
European Union,
Arab League,
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
and The Quartet (United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)

Two key events of 1974: (Page 233, Dictionary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Culture, History, and Politics, MACMILLAN REFERENCE USA)

◈ PLO implicitly accepts two-state solution. At the Palestinian National Council (PNC) in 1974, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) modifies its goal of liberating all of Palestine and focuses on creating a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.

◈ The UN and Arab League accept PLO as sole legitimate representative of Palestinians. Yasir Arafat makes first appearance at the UN proposing peace. (Seventh Arab League Summit Conference
Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974)


“There is always something good in whatever happens.”
..............................................~ Anonymous Arab Proverb
(13 June 2019) The Secretary-General of the Arab League warned against any peace plan that ignores a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But there is something shallow in this warning in that under the opposing demands placed on such a Two-State Condition set of negotiations, neither side (Israeli-Palestinian) can reach a consensus that will bring then to the table. By pretending to want peace, they intentionally insure conflict.

The Arab world, for many reasons, is not at all interested in giving
the Palestinian Arabs a state.
The Palestinian Arabs don't really want one either,
because why kill the "refugee"
Goose that lays the Golden Eggs?
..............................................................................~ Dr. Mordechai Kedar,
...............................................................................................Department of Arabic Studies at Bar-Ilan University

"The Arab world hatred of Israel stems from Israel's success in surviving despite wars, terror, boycotts and the enmity aimed at the Jewish state; it stems from the fact that there is an existing Jewish state even though Judaism has been superseded by Islam, the 'true religion.' It is exacerbated by Israel's being a democracy while they live under dictatorships, because Israel is rich and they are poor, because Israel is Paradise compared to Arab countries, many of which resemble nothing so much as the last train stop before Hell (see Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan – and the list goes on) …and most importantly, because Israel has succeeded in areas in which they have failed, and their jealousy drives them up a wall." (Dr. Mordechai Kedar)

From the Arab Palestinian standpoint (West Bank and Gaza) without the UNRWA, unemployment would double, and the influx of donor contributions would plummet. But most importantly, the Arab Palestinians don't actually feel the same hardships as do the people in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, etc.

It is what it is. Just pretending to want peace is good enough...

.......View attachment 277361.
Most Respectfully,
This dispute is ever made more complex as the international economic and political interests take hold.
The conflict has entangled many countries outside the region, especially:
◈ The United States,
◈ The Russian Federation,
◈ Great Britain,
◈ France,
◈ The economic-political organizations of the:
United Nations,
European Union,
Arab League,
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
and The Quartet (United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)
External interference out the ass.
Two state solution?

What problem are they trying to resolve?

The infamous “ Two State Solution” which is DOA and always will be
The Palestinians have no intention of living “ in peace with their neighbors”
According to “ International Law” Jordan was supposed to let Israelis have access to their Religious Sites; something the PLO has rejected. For that reason alone; it’s DOA
Olmert offered them almost everything they demanded including control of most of E. Jerusalem and the West Bank
Two state solution?

What problem are they trying to resolve?

The infamous “ Two State Solution” which is DOA and always will be
The Palestinians have no intention of living “ in peace with their neighbors”
According to “ International Law” Jordan was supposed to let Israelis have access to their Religious Sites; something the PLO has rejected. For that reason alone; it’s DOA
Olmert offered them almost everything they demanded including control of most of E. Jerusalem and the West Bank
Is deflection all you got?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is just crazy.

External interference out the ass.

The Arab Palestinians are constantly accusing Israel of not following International Laws, and even make-up fake International Laws, to facilitate such claims. Now you are claiming that the International Community and its formulation of International Laws is now "external interference."

It is the case that: “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” You cannot attempt to invoke any Arab Palestinian interpretation of Customary, International Humanitarian (C&IHL) and Human Rights Laws (IHRL) against Israel and then, turn around an say that the International Laws are "external interference" with Arab Palestinian actions.

.........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

I tend to think that there is confusion as to the question when we ask about the "solution to the conflict." The conflict we see today is a direct outcome that was triggered by the adoption of the final decision to impose an Independent Arab and Jewish States; → and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem. Or a Two-State Solution and a City State. You see this clearly in the Part One "A" paragraph 3 of General Assembly Resolution 181 (II) 29 November 1947.

This outcome is not the "root" of the dispute, which is historical in nature dating back to the run-up of the Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917.

This dispute is ever made more complex as the international economic and political interests take hold.
The conflict has entangled many countries outside the region, especially:
◈ The United States,
◈ The Russian Federation,
◈ Great Britain,
◈ France,
◈ The economic-political organizations of the:
United Nations,
European Union,
Arab League,
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
and The Quartet (United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)

Two key events of 1974: (Page 233, Dictionary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Culture, History, and Politics, MACMILLAN REFERENCE USA)

◈ PLO implicitly accepts two-state solution. At the Palestinian National Council (PNC) in 1974, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) modifies its goal of liberating all of Palestine and focuses on creating a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.

◈ The UN and Arab League accept PLO as sole legitimate representative of Palestinians. Yasir Arafat makes first appearance at the UN proposing peace. (Seventh Arab League Summit Conference
Resolution on Palestine, Rabat, Morocco 28 october 1974)


“There is always something good in whatever happens.”
..............................................~ Anonymous Arab Proverb
(13 June 2019) The Secretary-General of the Arab League warned against any peace plan that ignores a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But there is something shallow in this warning in that under the opposing demands placed on such a Two-State Condition set of negotiations, neither side (Israeli-Palestinian) can reach a consensus that will bring then to the table. By pretending to want peace, they intentionally insure conflict.

The Arab world, for many reasons, is not at all interested in giving
the Palestinian Arabs a state.
The Palestinian Arabs don't really want one either,
because why kill the "refugee"
Goose that lays the Golden Eggs?
..............................................................................~ Dr. Mordechai Kedar,
...............................................................................................Department of Arabic Studies at Bar-Ilan University

"The Arab world hatred of Israel stems from Israel's success in surviving despite wars, terror, boycotts and the enmity aimed at the Jewish state; it stems from the fact that there is an existing Jewish state even though Judaism has been superseded by Islam, the 'true religion.' It is exacerbated by Israel's being a democracy while they live under dictatorships, because Israel is rich and they are poor, because Israel is Paradise compared to Arab countries, many of which resemble nothing so much as the last train stop before Hell (see Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan – and the list goes on) …and most importantly, because Israel has succeeded in areas in which they have failed, and their jealousy drives them up a wall." (Dr. Mordechai Kedar)

From the Arab Palestinian standpoint (West Bank and Gaza) without the UNRWA, unemployment would double, and the influx of donor contributions would plummet. But most importantly, the Arab Palestinians don't actually feel the same hardships as do the people in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, etc.

It is what it is. Just pretending to want peace is good enough...

.......View attachment 277361.
Most Respectfully,
This dispute is ever made more complex as the international economic and political interests take hold.
The conflict has entangled many countries outside the region, especially:
◈ The United States,
◈ The Russian Federation,
◈ Great Britain,
◈ France,
◈ The economic-political organizations of the:
United Nations,
European Union,
Arab League,
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
and The Quartet (United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia)
External interference out the ass.

External interference out the ass.

Isn't that (kinda) how that gay Egyptian guy you liked so much got AIDS?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is just crazy.

External interference out the ass.

The Arab Palestinians are constantly accusing Israel of not following International Laws, and even make-up fake International Laws, to facilitate such claims. Now you are claiming that the International Community and its formulation of International Laws is now "external interference."

It is the case that: “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” You cannot attempt to invoke any Arab Palestinian interpretation of Customary, International Humanitarian (C&IHL) and Human Rights Laws (IHRL) against Israel and then, turn around an say that the International Laws are "external interference" with Arab Palestinian actions.

.........View attachment 277391
Most Respectfully,
Why is it then that the Palestinians want the laws enforced while Israel and it lackeys always say no.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are looking for one single answer to cover every claim.

Why is it then that the Palestinians want the laws enforced while Israel and it lackeys always say no.

No one reason covers each event you may be making an unspecified reference. Be specific, each specific action requires an individual examination.

.........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion.

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