Palestine Today

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Hamas promises:
"On this day, as we are witnessing all that is happening with the grace of Allah, we are looking forwards to two important things, which are within sight:
  • Cleanse Palestine of the "filth of the Jews" by 2022
  • From the River to the Sea - establishment of Caliphate
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is just more Arab Palestinian sulking!

It is Israel's war. Everything the Palestinians do is a response to Israel's aggression.

The problem we have here with the Arab Palestinians is that one cannot accurately respond to the claim of aggression because the event is never identified by a place and date. So no real answer is possible.

The Arab Palestinians, like a dysfunctional family, frequently make false accusations and allegations in a public forum, which - in itself - is a form of hostile propaganda and an act of hostility. In the movie The Bad Seed, a sociopathic child (here playing the part of an Arab Palestinian) has an angelic demeanor yet manages to destroy many lives. They like to use "Front Women," with a pleasant presentation and soft voices, that can hide sadistic impulses they justify as "resistance."

They have latched onto this term "aggression." And they use this term to conceal the fact that the Arab League's use of armed force (1948) against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of in less than 24 hours after the creation of the State of Israel. The Arab Palestinian use this terminology to imply that the Jewish People, following the guidance of the UN and the Palestine Commission, exercised their Right to Self-Determination, as if the Jewish People had no Right to Self-Determination. They use this claim to then justify allegations that Israel used an act of aggression is as a means of territorial acquisition or special advantage; when in fact it was the Arab League that captured territory for their control.

Using the special advantage, the Arab League and the Arab Palestinians in particular, use Criminal Acts conducted with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious injury to the Israeli population, with an eye to intimidate to compel a government to furthers the criminal objective and hostile political agenda.

If you are a sheep, then you will just blindly follow these outrageous claims made by the Hostile Arab Palestinians. But if you can exercise your own thought processes, you can individually connect the dots and draw your independent conclusions; unincumbered by Arab Palestinian propaganda.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is just more Arab Palestinian sulking!

It is Israel's war. Everything the Palestinians do is a response to Israel's aggression.

The problem we have here with the Arab Palestinians is that one cannot accurately respond to the claim of aggression because the event is never identified by a place and date. So no real answer is possible.

The Arab Palestinians, like a dysfunctional family, frequently make false accusations and allegations in a public forum, which - in itself - is a form of hostile propaganda and an act of hostility. In the movie The Bad Seed, a sociopathic child (here playing the part of an Arab Palestinian) has an angelic demeanor yet manages to destroy many lives. They like to use "Front Women," with a pleasant presentation and soft voices, that can hide sadistic impulses they justify as "resistance."

They have latched onto this term "aggression." And they use this term to conceal the fact that the Arab League's use of armed force (1948) against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of in less than 24 hours after the creation of the State of Israel. The Arab Palestinian use this terminology to imply that the Jewish People, following the guidance of the UN and the Palestine Commission, exercised their Right to Self-Determination, as if the Jewish People had no Right to Self-Determination. They use this claim to then justify allegations that Israel used an act of aggression is as a means of territorial acquisition or special advantage; when in fact it was the Arab League that captured territory for their control.

Using the special advantage, the Arab League and the Arab Palestinians in particular, use Criminal Acts conducted with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious injury to the Israeli population, with an eye to intimidate to compel a government to furthers the criminal objective and hostile political agenda.

If you are a sheep, then you will just blindly follow these outrageous claims made by the Hostile Arab Palestinians. But if you can exercise your own thought processes, you can individually connect the dots and draw your independent conclusions; unincumbered by Arab Palestinian propaganda.

Most Respectfully,
Load of hooey.

Israel is a settler colonial project. Settler colonialism, by its very nature, is an act of aggression. It can only be imposed by military force.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You simply don't understand the words and their meaning.

Load of hooey.

Israel is a settler-colonial project. Settler colonialism, by its very nature, is an act of aggression. It can only be imposed by military force.

(by a Colonial Power) and "Settlements" (by self-determination) are two different things.

◈ There has never been "Colonies" in the territories formerly under British Mandate. The British Government was not acting as a "Colonial Power" in the territories formerly under British Mandate.
◈ There are competing arguments (legal wrangling) over the nature of the Area "C" "Settlements" in territory under complete Israeli civil and security control by agreement with the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This is based on the literal meaning of complete Israeli civil and security control; Palestinians, of course, are complaining that Israel does not have such civil and security control → and thus cannot establish areas allocated for a voluntary settlement. The Arab Palestinians have never liberated any territories formerly under British Mandate.
Again, you need to look at the C-24 outcomes. The more you ignore the express intent and meaning of the political inventions, the more you will become confused.

The Arab Palestinians absolutely refuse to avail themselves of the Conflict Resolution Processes the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people agreed to nearly three decades ago.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is just more Arab Palestinian sulking!

It is Israel's war. Everything the Palestinians do is a response to Israel's aggression.

The problem we have here with the Arab Palestinians is that one cannot accurately respond to the claim of aggression because the event is never identified by a place and date. So no real answer is possible.

The Arab Palestinians, like a dysfunctional family, frequently make false accusations and allegations in a public forum, which - in itself - is a form of hostile propaganda and an act of hostility. In the movie The Bad Seed, a sociopathic child (here playing the part of an Arab Palestinian) has an angelic demeanor yet manages to destroy many lives. They like to use "Front Women," with a pleasant presentation and soft voices, that can hide sadistic impulses they justify as "resistance."

They have latched onto this term "aggression." And they use this term to conceal the fact that the Arab League's use of armed force (1948) against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of in less than 24 hours after the creation of the State of Israel. The Arab Palestinian use this terminology to imply that the Jewish People, following the guidance of the UN and the Palestine Commission, exercised their Right to Self-Determination, as if the Jewish People had no Right to Self-Determination. They use this claim to then justify allegations that Israel used an act of aggression is as a means of territorial acquisition or special advantage; when in fact it was the Arab League that captured territory for their control.

Using the special advantage, the Arab League and the Arab Palestinians in particular, use Criminal Acts conducted with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious injury to the Israeli population, with an eye to intimidate to compel a government to furthers the criminal objective and hostile political agenda.

If you are a sheep, then you will just blindly follow these outrageous claims made by the Hostile Arab Palestinians. But if you can exercise your own thought processes, you can individually connect the dots and draw your independent conclusions; unincumbered by Arab Palestinian propaganda.

Most Respectfully,
Load of hooey.

Israel is a settler colonial project. Settler colonialism, by its very nature, is an act of aggression. It can only be imposed by military force.

Israel is a project of re-constitution of an indigenous nation in its land.
If it truly was a colonial project, then it strangely succeeded better,
than the various attempts of Arab-Muslim colonialism.

Why would the land keep her best fruits for Israel?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You simply don't understand the words and their meaning.

Load of hooey.

Israel is a settler-colonial project. Settler colonialism, by its very nature, is an act of aggression. It can only be imposed by military force.

(by a Colonial Power) and "Settlements" (by self-determination) are two different things.

◈ There has never been "Colonies" in the territories formerly under British Mandate. The British Government was not acting as a "Colonial Power" in the territories formerly under British Mandate.
◈ There are competing arguments (legal wrangling) over the nature of the Area "C" "Settlements" in territory under complete Israeli civil and security control by agreement with the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated. This is based on the literal meaning of complete Israeli civil and security control; Palestinians, of course, are complaining that Israel does not have such civil and security control → and thus cannot establish areas allocated for a voluntary settlement. The Arab Palestinians have never liberated any territories formerly under British Mandate.
Again, you need to look at the C-24 outcomes. The more you ignore the express intent and meaning of the political inventions, the more you will become confused.

The Arab Palestinians absolutely refuse to avail themselves of the Conflict Resolution Processes the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people agreed to nearly three decades ago.


Most Respectfully,
Is deflection all you got?
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