Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

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holston, et al,

What do the Arab/Palestinians expect to achieve by continued struggle? Greater prosperity?

I discount the ancient claims presented by both sides; biblical - historical - or otherwise.

The conflict between the Jewish and the Arab over the region is basically about a decision that was made nearly a century ago (90 years +). All these various issues that have popped-up since then, are merely ancillary to the decision that really was the theme.

"Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connexion of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;"

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist Organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate shall be recognized as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.​

This decision was made by the powers-that-be at the time; the Allied Powers (called that for a reason). What we call the Arab/Palestinian today, simply wasn't in control. They were the enemy population of the Empire that fell.

Forget all this other stuff. The Allied Powers saw a need and made a decision which was their right and authority at that time. You simply can't apply todays standards to a protocol establish a century ago.

Of course, we don't expect the Palestinian of today to understand that. And there are many that would today, disagree with the decision made back then. But the fact of the matter is, it was made. And all the end-fighting the Arabs have initiated since that time, has done nothing helpful for the Arab/Palestinian; they just made it worse for themselves.

Most Respectfully,

So what gave Britain the right to give away anybody elses land?

You obviously ascribe to the idea that might makes right.

I suppose I do to. That's why I believe that anyone who wants to be free must be willing to fight for it.
If the other guy has the upper hand, one must decide whether he is ready to pay the cost in the attempt to gain it.

I further suppose the Palestinians have a choice. They can submit to Jewish hegemony or to slow genocide.

In the US, as the strangle hold of Zionism tightens it's grip, we the gentiles are faced with the same proposition.
Obviously those who are in bed with them choose the comfort of slavery as opposed to the cost of resistance.
The country has been Judaized to accept the multicultural agenda. Too many are willing to sacrifice tomorrow to avoid facing conflict today.

They are afraid of the brown forces being amassed against them by ZOG and figure it is easier just to lay down and be rolled over as to risk going against the Zionist establishment. The primary reason for this cowardice is due to the fact that too many white gentiles are either strung out on drugs, on the dole, too ignorant to understand what is happening to them, feel cozy enough getting screwed, or are too wicked in their own ways to care.

Let me be clear about this. I am not a Muslim. I am as unwilling to submit myself to Islam as I am to a Jewish Plutocracy. I do not accept the option of accepting one or submitting to the other as is implied by the media propaganda called "the war on terror".
The prospects of a Jewish "Messianic Age" is terrifying all by itself.

What difference would it make to me whether an insane Muslim chopped my head off with a sword for not professing Muhammed or to have it removed by a Jewish guillotine for failure to comply with the "Noachide Laws"?

There are multiple reasons why this country is headed down the path it is headed. I have already pointed out a few. The power of social taboos and ability of pop culture to restrict freedom of thought is powerful.

They fear the blacks. They fear the Mexicans. They fear being ostracized. They fear being labeled "racist" or antisemitic. They fear being ridiculed by their peers. They fear the consequences of being politically correct.

Perhaps most troubling of all, they fear their own government.

Whites have been brainwashed and programed to contend against one another, to conform to standards impressed upon them by TV, movies, and other forms of media.

Rather than face their fears, many of the gangsta wanna bees had rather express their insolence and desire to debauch by attacking the least able to defend themselves, among their own people. So they follow the Tinsel Town Pied Piper down the road to their own destruction. And the only people they are willing to go up against are their own kind.

This is how I read the times we are in. Tell me that I am misdiagnosing the problem.

Do you really think that I wouldn't prefer to believe otherwise?
I just cannot bring myself to listen to the ZOG sirens telling me all is well. There are too many reasons to think otherwise that simply won't go away. Should I doubt my own eyes to placate them?
How can I bring myself to be lulled by false reassurances urging me to shut up and go back to sleep when they give me constant reminders that amount to so many slaps in the face?

No. I am not a Muslim. But I don't blame them for shooting bottle rockets at Israelis. That's about all they can do besides just laying down and dieing.
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Israel | A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman speaks
Well, England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that. Seriously! They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and -- I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn't believe what I'm saying is at all possible -- the Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.”

The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They [Zionists] told England: “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.”

In other words, they made this deal: “We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.”

Now England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody, as the United States would have to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It's absolutely absurd that Great Britain -- that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine -- should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war.

However, they made that promise, in October of 1916. October, nineteen hundred and sixteen. And shortly after that -- I don't know how many here remember it -- the United States, which was almost totally pro-German -- totally pro-German -- because the newspapers here were controlled by Jews, the bankers were Jews, all the media of mass communications in this country were controlled by Jews, and they were pro-German because their people, in the majority of cases came from Germany, and they wanted to see Germany lick the Czar.

What's that you say??!!

Surely there should be a way to verify what has been said here, or have all the news archives been destroyed?

Now those same Jews, when they saw the possibility of getting Palestine, they went to England and they made this deal. At that time, everything changed, like the traffic light that changes from red to green. Where the newspapers had been all pro-German, where they'd been telling the people of the difficulties that Germany was having fighting Great Britain commercially and in other respects, all of a sudden the Germans were no good. They were villains. They were Huns. They were shooting Red Cross nurses. They were cutting off babies' hands. And they were no good.

Well, shortly after that, Mr. Wilson declared war on Germany.

If the truth of this could be shown, how many people in the US being made aware of it would be willing to continue on the manner MANDATED by the Jewish Lobby, regardless of how much it cost in terms of blood and money?

And how many of them are willing to relinquish US sovereignty?
How many whites alive today are willing to allow themselves to be made a minority and third class citizens in their own country?

How many of them want to be at the mercy of Jewish overlords and the caprice of invaders from third world countries?

If the answer is the majority, then we may as well resign ourselves to the fact that in the future, our children and grandchildren will be subject to the same kind of treatment that the Palestinians are receiving today.
Do you really trust your welfare in these peoples hands?

Sorry, I don't.

Just listen to the way they are going on here and you should get an idea as to why I don't.
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holston, et al,

What do the Arab/Palestinians expect to achieve by continued struggle? Greater prosperity?

I discount the ancient claims presented by both sides; biblical - historical - or otherwise.

The conflict between the Jewish and the Arab over the region is basically about a decision that was made nearly a century ago (90 years +). All these various issues that have popped-up since then, are merely ancillary to the decision that really was the theme.

"Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connexion of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;"

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist Organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate shall be recognized as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.​

This decision was made by the powers-that-be at the time; the Allied Powers (called that for a reason). What we call the Arab/Palestinian today, simply wasn't in control. They were the enemy population of the Empire that fell.

Forget all this other stuff. The Allied Powers saw a need and made a decision which was their right and authority at that time. You simply can't apply todays standards to a protocol establish a century ago.

Of course, we don't expect the Palestinian of today to understand that. And there are many that would today, disagree with the decision made back then. But the fact of the matter is, it was made. And all the end-fighting the Arabs have initiated since that time, has done nothing helpful for the Arab/Palestinian; they just made it worse for themselves.

Most Respectfully,

So what gave Britain the right to give away anybody elses land?

You obviously ascribe to the idea that might makes right.

I suppose I do to. That's why I believe that anyone who wants to be free must be willing to fight for it.
If the other guy has the upper hand, one must decide whether he is ready to pay the cost in the attempt to gain it.

I further suppose the Palestinians have a choice. They can submit to Jewish hegemony or to slow genocide.

In the US, as the strangle hold of Zionism tightens it's grip, we the gentiles are faced with the same proposition.
Obviously those who are in bed with them choose the comfort of slavery as opposed to the cost of resistance.
The country has been Judaized to accept the multicultural agenda. Too many are willing to sacrifice tomorrow to avoid facing conflict today.

They are afraid of the brown forces being amassed against them by ZOG and figure it is easier just to lay down and be rolled over as to risk going against the Zionist establishment. The primary reason for this cowardice is due to the fact that too many white gentiles are either strung out on drugs, on the dole, too ignorant to understand what is happening to them, feel cozy enough getting screwed, or are too wicked in their own ways to care.

Let me be clear about this. I am not a Muslim. I am as unwilling to submit myself to Islam as I am to a Jewish Plutocracy. I do not accept the option of accepting one or submitting to the other as is implied by the media propaganda called "the war on terror".
The prospects of a Jewish "Messianic Age" is terrifying all by itself.

What difference would it make to me whether an insane Muslim chopped my head off with a sword for not professing Muhammed or to have it removed by a Jewish guillotine for failure to comply with the "Noachide Laws"?

There are multiple reasons why this country is headed down the path it is headed. I have already pointed out a few. The power of social taboos and ability of pop culture to restrict freedom of thought is powerful.

They fear the blacks. They fear the Mexicans. They fear being ostracized. They fear being labeled "racist" or antisemitic. They fear being ridiculed by their peers. They fear the consequences of being politically correct.

Perhaps most troubling of all, they fear their own government.

Whites have been brainwashed and programed to contend against one another, to conform to standards impressed upon them by TV, movies, and other forms of media.

Rather than face their fears, many of the gangsta wanna bees had rather express their insolence and desire to debauch by attacking the least able to defend themselves, among their own people. So they follow the Tinsel Town Pied Piper down the road to their own destruction. And the only people they are willing to go up against are their own kind.

This is how I read the times we are in. Tell me that I am misdiagnosing the problem.

Do you really think that I wouldn't prefer to believe otherwise?
I just cannot bring myself to listen to the ZOG sirens telling me all is well. There are too many reasons to think otherwise that simply won't go away. Should I doubt my own eyes to placate them?
How can I bring myself to be lulled by false reassurances urging me to shut up and go back to sleep when they give me constant reminders that amount to so many slaps in the face?

No. I am not a Muslim. But I don't blame them for shooting bottle rockets at Israelis. That's about all they can do besides just laying down and dieing.

What do they plan on accomplishing by launching rockets ??
What do they plan on accomplishing by launching rockets ??

Maybe they hope that someday they will attract the attention of the world to their plight so that the world may at some time lend a hand. Maybe they realize that they are only clutching at straws, but lack any other means of expression.
Maybe this is an expression of bitter resentment.

Maybe it is merely a gesture of defiance, much as the Jewish forces in the US have been defying their gentile hosts for the past century or so.

The only difference there would be that in a country which has been steeped in Christian traditions, such means have worked.

But in a country that is a religious state such as Israel is, there is a snow ball's chance in hell that such protests and complaints will ever work without outside intervention.
This IS the point you are trying to impress upon me isn't it?
If so, then I agree with you. The chances of the Jews giving an inch in negotiations are zero. The only hope the Palestinians have is to turn the tide of public opinion in the US against the Jewish Lobby. Which incidentally makes the whole mission of 9/11 alleged to have been carried out by Arabs seem ridiculous. How could they be slick enough to pull it off and too stupid to see the consequences at the same time?

So I find myself in a situation similar to the Palestinians in hoping that my words here will have any impact on the ZOG establishment in the US. Already the Jews in this country are calling themselves the "New WASPS", which is a clear indication that they believe that the US is theirs to do with as they please. Natural born white gentiles in America are viewed upon by the Jewish Supremacists as so many chattel available to them to dispose of as they please.

Imagine that. Christians and Muslims agreeing on anything. Adversity makes strange bed fellows. But then, the "white" Jews being in bed with the blacks for so long has been an unlikely union too.
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holston, et al,

What do the Arab/Palestinians expect to achieve by continued struggle? Greater prosperity?

I discount the ancient claims presented by both sides; biblical - historical - or otherwise.

The conflict between the Jewish and the Arab over the region is basically about a decision that was made nearly a century ago (90 years +). All these various issues that have popped-up since then, are merely ancillary to the decision that really was the theme.

"Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connexion of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;"

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist Organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate shall be recognized as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.​

This decision was made by the powers-that-be at the time; the Allied Powers (called that for a reason). What we call the Arab/Palestinian today, simply wasn't in control. They were the enemy population of the Empire that fell.

Forget all this other stuff. The Allied Powers saw a need and made a decision which was their right and authority at that time. You simply can't apply todays standards to a protocol establish a century ago.

Of course, we don't expect the Palestinian of today to understand that. And there are many that would today, disagree with the decision made back then. But the fact of the matter is, it was made. And all the end-fighting the Arabs have initiated since that time, has done nothing helpful for the Arab/Palestinian; they just made it worse for themselves.

Most Respectfully,

So what gave Britain the right to give away anybody elses land?

You obviously ascribe to the idea that might makes right.

I suppose I do to. That's why I believe that anyone who wants to be free must be willing to fight for it.
If the other guy has the upper hand, one must decide whether he is ready to pay the cost in the attempt to gain it.

I further suppose the Palestinians have a choice. They can submit to Jewish hegemony or to slow genocide.

In the US, as the strangle hold of Zionism tightens it's grip, we the gentiles are faced with the same proposition.
Obviously those who are in bed with them choose the comfort of slavery as opposed to the cost of resistance.
The country has been Judaized to accept the multicultural agenda. Too many are willing to sacrifice tomorrow to avoid facing conflict today.

They are afraid of the brown forces being amassed against them by ZOG and figure it is easier just to lay down and be rolled over as to risk going against the Zionist establishment. The primary reason for this cowardice is due to the fact that too many white gentiles are either strung out on drugs, on the dole, too ignorant to understand what is happening to them, feel cozy enough getting screwed, or are too wicked in their own ways to care.

Let me be clear about this. I am not a Muslim. I am as unwilling to submit myself to Islam as I am to a Jewish Plutocracy. I do not accept the option of accepting one or submitting to the other as is implied by the media propaganda called "the war on terror".
The prospects of a Jewish "Messianic Age" is terrifying all by itself.

What difference would it make to me whether an insane Muslim chopped my head off with a sword for not professing Muhammed or to have it removed by a Jewish guillotine for failure to comply with the "Noachide Laws"?

There are multiple reasons why this country is headed down the path it is headed. I have already pointed out a few. The power of social taboos and ability of pop culture to restrict freedom of thought is powerful.

They fear the blacks. They fear the Mexicans. They fear being ostracized. They fear being labeled "racist" or antisemitic. They fear being ridiculed by their peers. They fear the consequences of being politically correct.

Perhaps most troubling of all, they fear their own government.

Whites have been brainwashed and programed to contend against one another, to conform to standards impressed upon them by TV, movies, and other forms of media.

Rather than face their fears, many of the gangsta wanna bees had rather express their insolence and desire to debauch by attacking the least able to defend themselves, among their own people. So they follow the Tinsel Town Pied Piper down the road to their own destruction. And the only people they are willing to go up against are their own kind.

This is how I read the times we are in. Tell me that I am misdiagnosing the problem.

Do you really think that I wouldn't prefer to believe otherwise?
I just cannot bring myself to listen to the ZOG sirens telling me all is well. There are too many reasons to think otherwise that simply won't go away. Should I doubt my own eyes to placate them?
How can I bring myself to be lulled by false reassurances urging me to shut up and go back to sleep when they give me constant reminders that amount to so many slaps in the face?

No. I am not a Muslim. But I don't blame them for shooting bottle rockets at Israelis. That's about all they can do besides just laying down and dieing.

What do they plan on accomplishing by launching rockets ??

Very simple. To kill Israelis. :mad:

or failing that.... to get a reaction from Israel and in that way obtain more propaganda for their twisted cause.
so what gave britain the right to give away anybody elses land?

You obviously ascribe to the idea that might makes right.

I suppose i do to. That's why i believe that anyone who wants to be free must be willing to fight for it.
If the other guy has the upper hand, one must decide whether he is ready to pay the cost in the attempt to gain it.

I further suppose the palestinians have a choice. They can submit to jewish hegemony or to slow genocide.

In the us, as the strangle hold of zionism tightens it's grip, we the gentiles are faced with the same proposition.
Obviously those who are in bed with them choose the comfort of slavery as opposed to the cost of resistance.
The country has been judaized to accept the multicultural agenda. Too many are willing to sacrifice tomorrow to avoid facing conflict today.

They are afraid of the brown forces being amassed against them by zog and figure it is easier just to lay down and be rolled over as to risk going against the zionist establishment. The primary reason for this cowardice is due to the fact that too many white gentiles are either strung out on drugs, on the dole, too ignorant to understand what is happening to them, feel cozy enough getting screwed, or are too wicked in their own ways to care.

Let me be clear about this. I am not a muslim. I am as unwilling to submit myself to islam as i am to a jewish plutocracy. I do not accept the option of accepting one or submitting to the other as is implied by the media propaganda called "the war on terror".
The prospects of a jewish "messianic age" is terrifying all by itself.

What difference would it make to me whether an insane muslim chopped my head off with a sword for not professing muhammed or to have it removed by a jewish guillotine for failure to comply with the "noachide laws"?

There are multiple reasons why this country is headed down the path it is headed. I have already pointed out a few. The power of social taboos and ability of pop culture to restrict freedom of thought is powerful.

They fear the blacks. They fear the mexicans. They fear being ostracized. They fear being labeled "racist" or antisemitic. They fear being ridiculed by their peers. They fear the consequences of being politically correct.

Perhaps most troubling of all, they fear their own government.

Whites have been brainwashed and programed to contend against one another, to conform to standards impressed upon them by tv, movies, and other forms of media.

Rather than face their fears, many of the gangsta wanna bees had rather express their insolence and desire to debauch by attacking the least able to defend themselves, among their own people. so they follow the tinsel town pied piper down the road to their own destruction. And the only people they are willing to go up against are their own kind.

This is how i read the times we are in. Tell me that i am misdiagnosing the problem.

Do you really think that i wouldn't prefer to believe otherwise?
I just cannot bring myself to listen to the zog sirens telling me all is well. There are too many reasons to think otherwise that simply won't go away. Should i doubt my own eyes to placate them?
How can i bring myself to be lulled by false reassurances urging me to shut up and go back to sleep when they give me constant reminders that amount to so many slaps in the face?

No. I am not a muslim. but i don't blame them for shooting bottle rockets at israelis. that's about all they can do besides just laying down and dieing.

what do they plan on accomplishing by launching rockets ??

very simple. To kill israelis. :mad:

Or failing that.... To get a reaction from israel and in that way obtain more propaganda for their twisted cause.

bingo !
Very simple. To kill Israelis. :mad:

or failing that.... to get a reaction from Israel and in that way obtain more propaganda for their twisted cause.

What's that, freedom from Zionist brutality?

Since Israel removed it's soldiers and settlers from Gaza, over 20 000 rockets have been launched into Israel. How has this helped the Palestinians and their cause ?
holston, et al,

Well, you have it wrong. The UK didn't give anybodies land away, least of all, anything the Palestinians owned.

So what gave Britain the right to give away anybody elses land?

You obviously ascribe to the idea that might makes right.

No. I am not a Muslim. But I don't blame them for shooting bottle rockets at Israelis. That's about all they can do besides just laying down and dieing.

The land was never under Palestinian sovereignty. Never! They may have been there for thousands of years, but they never governed themselves. For 800 years prior to the mandate, they were under the Ottoman Empire. Under the Treaty of Sevres, Articles 94 thru 97, and Article 132, the fate of the region called Palestine (it had no real outline or borders), was handed over to the Allied Powers.

When the UK withdrew from the Mandate, the Jewish Agency declared Israeli Independence. The UK did not give it away.

The UK helped Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Egypt and the Sudan gain their independence in much the same way. They were all protectorates of one sort or another. Jordan was part of the Palestine Mandate.

No. I am not a Muslim. But I don't blame them for shooting bottle rockets at Israelis. That's about all they can do besides just laying down and dieing.

Oh no. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes. Under General Assembly Resolution 181(II), which the Palestinians themselves see as legitimate, partitioned a peace of the remaining 23% of the Mandate to the Arab/Palestinian. They wanted the entire remainder and so went to war.

But the Palestinian had no inherent right to sovereignty. Never!

Further, land ownership and sovereignty are two entirely different things. The Allied Powers never took any land ownership away. That happened as a result of the Arab outbreak of violence when the General Assembly passed GA RES 181(II), and then more when Israel Declared Independence and the five (5) Arab Armies attacked. Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip happened in 1967, when the Arabs were massing troop concentrations on their borders.

There is a really nice condensed history of all this in: “The Question of Palestine and the United Nations”

There is also a UK perspective in the "Memorandum by His Britannic Majesty's Government presented in 1947 to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine" which is General Assembly item A/AC.14/8 2 October 1947.

This is not a case of "Might Makes Right." This is a case of the fall of an Empire. And in WWI, four (4) Empires fell within two years of each other. This is about who and how Empires were disposed of in the early 20th Century.

Most Respectfully,
But you are living in the past, today is the day for those living inside Middle East Nations indigenous to those lands, the Palestinian people still live and their numbers grow larger every single day that passes. God takes care of them, as He cares for all of his treasured and precious creations. Empires certainly do rise and they certainly do fall, we are watching one falling right now. The only question, is when shall our end come? That certainly shall be a day for celebration by many, in so many lands we have visited to attack and kill the innocent within. I cant help but see some Justice in the future I know that shall be unfolding. We none of us are invincible, not any of us individuals or any of our nations. And to try and get back to the topic, that is Israels human rights abuses against children inside Israel and Occupied lands. This is day in and day out and not one day passes but that I do not but read yet more stories of abuse. Pg 5 of the June 13 UN Report addresses the systematic underpinnings of these human rights abuses. ISRAEL has Basic Laws that do not grant rights to nonJewish children and all nonJews to live in the land free from discrimination. And numerous specific Israeli laws and practices have been adopted and institutionalized that deliberately discriminate and treat unequally nonJews in the land, to include children. "While taking note of court decisions on discrimination, the Committee however reiterates its concern (CRC/C/15/Add.195. par. 26, 2002) that non-discrimination is not expressly guaranteed under the Basic Laws of the State party. The Committee also expresses its concern about the adoption of numerous discriminatory laws over the reporting period as pointed out notably by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD/C/ISR/CO/14-16 pars. 11, 15, 16, 18, 27, 2012) and which affect primarily Palestinian children in all aspects of their life but also Arab Israeli, Bedouins, and Ethiopian children as well as children of migrant workers and asylum seekers. The Committee is deeply concerned that the establishment of separate means of transport and road services as well as the implementation of two seperate legal systems and institutions amount to de facto segregation and lead to inequality between Israeli and Palestinian children in the enjoyment of their rights." These laws and practices are the lynchpins of Apartheid in Palestine. Here is that link to that UN Report again.
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Instead of hyperbole, let's talk specifics, Sherri.

What specific rights are denied to non-Jewish children under the Basic Laws?

In responding, please quote the laws themselves, as opposed to some secondary source or commentary.
Instead of hyperbole, let's talk specifics, Sherri.

What specific rights are denied to non-Jewish children under the Basic Laws?

In responding, please quote the laws themselves, as opposed to some secondary source or commentary.

To start, here is one, the childrens military court system is the only one of its kind in our world and it sets forth different processes to treat children suspected of crimes when the child is a Palestinian child living in the Occupied West Bank versus an Israeli Jewish settler child.
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UN report documents Israeli regime’s abuse and torture of Palestinian children

By Jean Shaoul*25 June 2013

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) published areport*last week accusing Israel of committing abuses against Palestinian children, including torture, solitary confinement and threats of death and sexual assault in prisons.The committee’s 18 independent experts examined Israel’s record of compliance with a 1990 treaty as part of its regular review of a pact signed by all nations except Somalia and the United States. They obtained their evidence, which relates to the 10-year period from 2002, from other UN rights bodies, military sources and Israeli and Palestinian rights groups, including the Israeli soldiers’ group Breaking the Silence. UN report documents Israeli regime?s abuse and torture of Palestinian children - World Socialist Web Site

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This is from another UN Report discussed and referenced in Paragraph 21 of the Report documenting abuses against the child. "11. The Committee notes with increased concern that Israeli society maintains Jewish and non-Jewish sectors, which raises issues under article 3 of the Convention. See more at:"Racial Discrimination Convention - Consideration of Israel's 14th to 16th periodic reports/Occupied Palestinian Territory, Jerusalem, Golan heights - CERD concluding observations (Adv. unedited version - excerpts) (9 March 2012)

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Sherri, if you want people to read your posts, you need to structure them better. Posting one big paragraph is annoying to read. Just saying
Instead of hyperbole, let's talk specifics, Sherri.

What specific rights are denied to non-Jewish children under the Basic Laws?

In responding, please quote the laws themselves, as opposed to some secondary source or commentary.

The problem with your demand is that it isn't necessarily the laws themselves - it's the fact that they are not enforced and that children are prosecuted in military courts.
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