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Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

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OK, so in sherri's fanatasy HAMAS propaganda world, nobody in Gaza has been abused by HAMAS - not the children who watch the HAMAS kiddy show featuring a rip-off of Mickey Mouse, nor the kids dressed as 'martyrs' complete with simulated automatic weapons and explosive vests - and not the kids in HAMAS'summer camp', learning how to low crawl, shoot automatic weapons and infiltrate....

The UN is not the sole arbiter of what is or is not 'child abuse' anywhere in the world. The 'reports' are largely unsubstantiated accusations: no matter how frequently such allegations are made, there doesn't seem to be anything approaching evidence. One may as well be reading the reports of investigations in Salem MA circa 1692.....
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et al,

Since a time before the LoN Covenant, there has always been a question as to whether the Arab/Palestinian has what it takes to "stand on their own."

I (personally) do not think they do.

This entire affair with the discussion of the poor and deprived children of Palestine (Gaza, West Bank, Golan Height, etc) demonstrates to me that they don't.

If the were, and the children were such a big deal, the Palestinian as a collective, would have demonstrated that they can take care of their own (standing alone).

That is not self evident.

Children in Islam: Their Care said:
[Al-Shura (Council): Verses 49-50] Hence, it is not surprising that Islamic Shariah (law) pays utmost attention to securing all that is needed to guarantee a wholesome psychological climate for the rearing of children, a climate wherein they learn about the world and formulate their customs and norms.

As such Islam affirms:
  • - A child’s right to health and life.
  • - A child’s right to a family, kindred, name, property and inheritance.
  • - A child’s right to healthcare and proper nutrition.
  • - A child’s right to education and the acquisition of talents.
  • - A child’s right to live in security and peace, and enjoy human dignity and protection under the responsibility of the parents.
  • - The caring role of society and the state to support all these rights and support families incapable of providing appropriate conditions for their children.
The Islamic Shariah states all of these rights, which are evident in the Quran and the sublime Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad through his sayings and actions.

SOURCE: http://www.unicef.org/egypt/Egy-homepage-Childreninislamengsum(1).pdf

Maybe they need to follow the book and refrain from actions that have consequences.

Just My Thought,
Pg 2 of UN Report addressef in OP. The Committee sets forth 4 legislative measures Israel has implemented they view favorably. The Committee positively notes Israel has ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities. And the Committee welcomes four institutional and policy measures. Paragraph III. The Committee identifies difficulties impeding the implementation of the Convention, rights children are entitled to under intl law, AS the longlasting Occupation of Palestine and the Syrian Golan Heights, the continued expansion of unlawful settlements and the construction of the Wall in the WB as well as land confiscation, destruction of houses and livelihood of Palestinians that the Committee labels as severe and continuous violations of the rights of Palestinian children and their families. The Committee further states the Occupation and settlements and other Iidentified human rights abuses feed the cycle of humiliation and violence and jeapordize a peaceful and stable future for all children in the region. The Committee urges Israel to end the Occupation of the OPT and Syrian Golan Heights, to withdraw all settlements illegally established that present an existential threat to the viability of a future Palestinian State and to cease the transfer of Israels population into the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
The report addressed in the OP is by The Committee on the Rights of the Child and I am going try to discuss the contents of this report. The link is provided in a prior post. GENEVA: United Nations Report - June 14, 2013 - Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel
From page 1, I read that the Committee asked Israel for information and data on children living in the OPT, to include Occupied East Jerusalem and the Occupied Golan Heights, before writing this report. The Committee states on Pg 1 that Israel refused to provide requested information. And the Committee advises Israel to comply with the 2004 Intl Court of Justice Opinion on The Wall and to abide by her obligations under The Geneva Convention in Israel and the OPT, to include the WB and Gaza and the Golan Heights. (These comments clarify the UN views all of these areas as remaining under Israeli Occupation). Pg 1 ends with the Committee speaking favorably of specific Israeli legislation favorable to children. On Pg 1 and Pg 2 six legislative measures are addressed that the Committee speaks favorably of. Amendment 14 to the Youth Law gives priority to rehabilitation over punishment for children accused and/or convicted of committing a crime and prohibits detention of children below 14 without a court order, enacted in 2009, A second legislative measure establishes the right for a child victim of sexual violence to receive immediate assistance in crisis centre. I find myself wondering the extent to which these two measures actually in practice operate to benefit Palestinian children, as I continue to read of young children imprisoned and children sexually molested, with seeming impunity for settlers or IDF officials who sexually abuse/ molest children.
Are you sure, Frau Sherri, that you are not actually reading what happens in Muslim countries when it comes to torturing and sexually abusing children. Oh, I forgot, you don't care about the children in these countries -- no matter what is done to them -- because the Jews are not involved.
Pg 2 of UN Report addressef in OP. The Committee sets forth 4 legislative measures Israel has implemented they view favorably. The Committee positively notes Israel has ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities. And the Committee welcomes four institutional and policy measures. Paragraph III. The Committee identifies difficulties impeding the implementation of the Convention, rights children are entitled to under intl law, AS the longlasting Occupation of Palestine and the Syrian Golan Heights, the continued expansion of unlawful settlements and the construction of the Wall in the WB as well as land confiscation, destruction of houses and livelihood of Palestinians that the Committee labels as severe and continuous violations of the rights of Palestinian children and their families. The Committee further states the Occupation and settlements and other Iidentified human rights abuses feed the cycle of humiliation and violence and jeapordize a peaceful and stable future for all children in the region. The Committee urges Israel to end the Occupation of the OPT and Syrian Golan Heights, to withdraw all settlements illegally established that present an existential threat to the viability of a future Palestinian State and to cease the transfer of Israels population into the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
Since you are asking a question, I feel I can ask you a question. Since you are so busy running around the Internet day and night bashing the Israelis and the rest of the Jews, how come you don't spend a little of your time on forums condemning what is happening to children in the Muslim world? By you conveniently being quiet about this on other forums which are available for you, it just shows you are a hypocrite when it comes to caring about children.
Reading more about Sheeba Farms, I have concluded the UN is considering it part of the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights for purposes of the UN Report addressed in the OP. .l However, between Syria and Lebanon I believe these two nations consider Lebanon to have sovereignty rights in this landd called Sheeba Farms. http://www.shebaafarms.org/briefhistory.html
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This thread is showing the pro Zionist posters up for what they are.
These people are excusing murder, torture and hate in the name of their god and their right to occupy land they have no claim to.

It's really interesting to see the racism, hate and total support for criminal acts by these posters.
I believe it gives a snapshot of real Zionism, a nasty, bigoted, extremist version of the Jewish faith and one that has no place in a civilised world.

So many people hate Jews because of the extremist morons in your ranks.
This thread is showing the pro Zionist posters up for what they are.
These people are excusing murder, torture and hate in the name of their god and their right to occupy land they have no claim to.

It's really interesting to see the racism, hate and total support for criminal acts by these posters.
I believe it gives a snapshot of real Zionism, a nasty, bigoted, extremist version of the Jewish faith and one that has no place in a civilised world.

So many people hate Jews because of the extremist morons in your ranks.
Show us Fred where anyone is excusing or condoning your charges. I detect a hint of Turnspeak in your charges.
This thread is showing the pro Zionist posters up for what they are.
These people are excusing murder, torture and hate in the name of their god and their right to occupy land they have no claim to.

It's really interesting to see the racism, hate and total support for criminal acts by these posters.
I believe it gives a snapshot of real Zionism, a nasty, bigoted, extremist version of the Jewish faith and one that has no place in a civilised world.

So many people hate Jews because of the extremist morons in your ranks.

Care to show us which posts you are referring to ????
But Shebaa Farms is more about securing water. There is no human rights issue.

Most Respectfully,

The truth be known, I think that most conflicts are about just those types of things;
land, water, resources, etc.

The State of Georgia is contesting water rights with Tn.

At one time, some folks from Georgia heisted a Civil War period locomotive from Chattanooga and never returned it.

Look at how many law suits involve disputes over things like money or property.

Then there are the intangibles like "love", ie jealous rivals, wounded pride, games of one-ups-manship. I digress.

The "Jews" want the land that Palestinians have been living on (that which hasn't been confiscated already).

What is the basis for this claim?
Why some passages in the Old Testament as they interpret them!

What's ironic about this is that in the US, there are so many atheistic Jews, like the late Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov who ridicule the Bible as so much superstitious nonsense. Other Jews have equal or greater contempt for the New Testament scriptures which the "Christians" hold with as much reverence as the Jews are supposed to the "Torah" (the Old Testament).
They don't want any Biblical nonsense in the schools or the halls of government. But they stand on it as the bed rock of their claim on Palestinian land! (Those ignorant Bible thumpin' hypocrites.)

Even more absurd is that so many Jews campaign for the removal of all public displays of what they call Christian icons from view. They do all this in the name of "Separation of Church and State".
At the same time the ignorant Christians bow and scrape to the very people who would do them in!
They give huge sums of money as well as the blood of their own children for the defense and upkeep of a nation whose stated purpose is to preserve Israel as a JEWISH STATE at the same time the Jews in the US are doing all they can to secularize and multiculturalize the US as fast as they can.
Ridiculous isn't it?

They attack religion in government at every turn. Yet Chabad Lubavitch, one of the most militant Jewish religious organizations are having Bush Sr declare the NOACHIDE LAWS as the LAW of the LAND.

Dig It!

Can you count the contradictions inherent in all of this Jewish activity or would you like for me to enumerate them for you?
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Sheeba Farms is land Israel has no sovereignty rights in which she is an Occupier of under intl law. We all must recognize there are human beings who live in all of these occupied lands and that includes children. The UN Report discussed in the OP addresses rights of the child violated within all of these lands Israel occupies within the meaning of intl law. The thread topic is abuses against children.
Sheeba Farms is land Israel has no sovereignty rights in which she is an Occupier of under intl law. We all must recognize there are human beings who live in all of these occupied lands and that includes children. The UN Report discussed in the OP addresses rights of the child violated within all of these lands Israel occupies within the meaning of intl law. The thread topic is abuses against children.
Please point us to UN coverage of the abuse of children on the Sheeba Farms.
Indofred, et al,

I'm not entirely sure that you read the report.
Concluding observations on the second to fourth periodic reports of Israel, adopted by the Committee at its sixty-third session (27 May – 14 June 2013)

Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N. | Reuters

Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields.

It's official - Israel tortures kids.

Torture and other cruel or degrading treatment or punishment Paragraph 35 said:
The Committee expresses its deepest concern about the reported practice of torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian children arrested, prosecuted and detained by the military and the police, and about the State party’s failure to end these practices in spite of repeated concerns expressed by treaty bodies, special procedures mandate holders and United Nations agencies in this respect. The Committee notes with deep concern that children living in the OPT continue to be:
(a) Routinely arrested in the middle of the night by soldiers shouting instructions at the family and taken hand-tied and blindfolded to unknown destination without having the possibility to say good bye to their parents who rarely know where their children are taken;
(b) Systematically subject to physical and verbal violence, humiliation, painful restraints, hooding of the head and face in a sack, threatened with death, physical violence,
and sexual assault against themselves or members of their family, restricted access to toilet, food and water. These crimes are perpetrated from the time of arrest, during transfer and interrogation, to obtain a confession but also on an arbitrary basis as testified by several Israeli soldiers as well as during pre-trial detention; and
(c) Held in solitary confinement, sometimes for months.​


  • Committee expresses its deepest concern about the reported
  • Committee expresses concern about reported

Yes, the Committee "expresses its concern." Notice, not once did the report suggest it had evidence of any torture. Only reports from undisclosed sources. If I make a claim in this discussion group without a citation, I get raked over the coals. But some members of the group are more than willing to accept hearsay. The Committee did not actually observe any wrong doing.

Did some of these things happen. I have no doubt they did. The are investigated and some are found to be in-policy, some are found to be unsubstantiated allegations, and some are found to be outside of policy and are dealt with as may be appropriate.

For those of you who have never been to a Juvenile Detention Center (JDC) in the Middle East, I guarantee you that the best are found in Israel.

The issue really is the attention the Arab/Palestinian parents show towards their children. If there is so much concern, why is there not one word written to explain how it came to be that any of the children were left without proper parental supervision and then performed some act as to come to the attention of the IDF? Where were the parents. We use to have TV commercials in the US that pictured a child in handcuffs being lead into a (JDC). All it said was: "Do you know where your children are?"

Well, I say, after you're all done spinning the relative importance of the report on what hearsay was reported: Palestinians! Do you know where your children are now?

This type of propaganda is the same old "I am a victim" claim for the last nine (9) decades. The Palestinian has never done anything wrong, and the big bad Israeli came along and arrested me for no reason at all. That pipe-bomb isn't mine, I don't know how it got in my bag. I didn't throw that rock which hit the soldier in the face. It just fell out of the sky. That rocket didn't come from my street, and I don't know how that tunnel got there.​

The Palestinian is never caught doing anything wrong, and when they are, they claim some none existent right to violence by any means.

The Israelis, yes, from time to time will make mistakes. In the last 60 years of combatting hostile Arab/Palestinians, I'm sure there will have been many mistakes. There are no angels on the front line. Do the Palestinians have some legitimate grievances, of course they do. But I find it hard to hold sympathy for the Palestinians that openly advocate violent confrontations. The occupation and quarantine needs to remain in place to separate, not Israeli from Palestinian, but to separate the dangerous threat that is the Palestinian from the potential harm they will do to the peaceful. And that may require, from time to time, the hard hand.

I'm still waiting for the Palestinian to demonstrate the pathway to peace.

Most Respectfully,
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Kondor3, SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I usually read these reports, in a quick scan.

Sheeba Farms is land Israel has no sovereignty rights in which she is an Occupier of under intl law. We all must recognize there are human beings who live in all of these occupied lands and that includes children. The UN Report discussed in the OP addresses rights of the child violated within all of these lands Israel occupies within the meaning of intl law. The thread topic is abuses against children.
Please point us to UN coverage of the abuse of children on the Sheeba Farms.

When you raised the question, I went back and re-read the report, line-by-line, all 21 pages, and 79 paragraphs.

Sheeba Farms is not mentioned even once, let alone relative to the children in any way.

Most Respectfully,
The Sheeba farms was NOT part of the withdrawal line that the U.N drew concerning the withdrawal of Israel from Lebanon following Operation Litani
Kondor3, SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I usually read these reports, in a quick scan.

Sheeba Farms is land Israel has no sovereignty rights in which she is an Occupier of under intl law. We all must recognize there are human beings who live in all of these occupied lands and that includes children. The UN Report discussed in the OP addresses rights of the child violated within all of these lands Israel occupies within the meaning of intl law. The thread topic is abuses against children.
Please point us to UN coverage of the abuse of children on the Sheeba Farms.

When you raised the question, I went back and re-read the report, line-by-line, all 21 pages, and 79 paragraphs.

Sheeba Farms is not mentioned even once, let alone relative to the children in any way.

Most Respectfully,

Of course it's not. Sherri just likes to make shit up to demonize Israel. Nothing new here
holston, et al,

What do the Arab/Palestinians expect to achieve by continued struggle? Greater prosperity?

But Shebaa Farms is more about securing water. There is no human rights issue.

Most Respectfully,

The truth be known, I think that most conflicts are about just those types of things;
land, water, resources, etc.

... ... ...
The "Jews" want the land that Palestinians have been living on (that which hasn't been confiscated already).

What is the basis for this claim?
Why some passages in the Old Testament as they interpret them!

What's ironic about this is that in the US, there are so many atheistic Jews, like the late Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov who ridicule the Bible as so much superstitious nonsense. Other Jews have equal or greater contempt for the New Testament scriptures which the "Christians" hold with as much reverence as the Jews are supposed to the "Torah" (the Old Testament).
They don't want any Biblical nonsense in the schools or the halls of government. But they stand on it as the bed rock of their claim on Palestinian land! (Those ignorant Bible thumpin' hypocrites.)

... ... ...

They attack religion in government at every turn. Yet Chabad Lubavitch, one of the most militant Jewish religious organizations are having Bush Sr declare the NOACHIDE LAWS as the LAW of the LAND.

Dig It!

Can you count the contradictions inherent in all of this Jewish activity or would you like for me to enumerate them for you?

I discount the ancient claims presented by both sides; biblical - historical - or otherwise.

The conflict between the Jewish and the Arab over the region is basically about a decision that was made nearly a century ago (90 years +). All these various issues that have popped-up since then, are merely ancillary to the decision that really was the theme.

"Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connexion of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;"

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist Organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate shall be recognized as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.​

This decision was made by the powers-that-be at the time; the Allied Powers (called that for a reason). What we call the Arab/Palestinian today, simply wasn't in control. They were the enemy population of the Empire that fell.

Forget all this other stuff. The Allied Powers saw a need and made a decision which was their right and authority at that time. You simply can't apply todays standards to a protocol establish a century ago.

Of course, we don't expect the Palestinian of today to understand that. And there are many that would today, disagree with the decision made back then. But the fact of the matter is, it was made. And all the end-fighting the Arabs have initiated since that time, has done nothing helpful for the Arab/Palestinian; they just made it worse for themselves.

Most Respectfully,
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Sheeba Farms is land Israel has no sovereignty rights in which she is an Occupier of under intl law. We all must recognize there are human beings who live in all of these occupied lands and that includes children. The UN Report discussed in the OP addresses rights of the child violated within all of these lands Israel occupies within the meaning of intl law. The thread topic is abuses against children.
Please point us to UN coverage of the abuse of children on the Sheeba Farms.

The Report addresses human rights conditions of children throughout the territories Israel occupies, which is clear from page 1 of that UN Report. Read the report for yourself.
holston, et al,

What do the Arab/Palestinians expect to achieve by continued struggle? Greater prosperity?

But Shebaa Farms is more about securing water. There is no human rights issue.

Most Respectfully,

The truth be known, I think that most conflicts are about just those types of things;
land, water, resources, etc.

... ... ...
The "Jews" want the land that Palestinians have been living on (that which hasn't been confiscated already).

What is the basis for this claim?
Why some passages in the Old Testament as they interpret them!

What's ironic about this is that in the US, there are so many atheistic Jews, like the late Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov who ridicule the Bible as so much superstitious nonsense. Other Jews have equal or greater contempt for the New Testament scriptures which the "Christians" hold with as much reverence as the Jews are supposed to the "Torah" (the Old Testament).
They don't want any Biblical nonsense in the schools or the halls of government. But they stand on it as the bed rock of their claim on Palestinian land! (Those ignorant Bible thumpin' hypocrites.)

... ... ...

They attack religion in government at every turn. Yet Chabad Lubavitch, one of the most militant Jewish religious organizations are having Bush Sr declare the NOACHIDE LAWS as the LAW of the LAND.

Dig It!

Can you count the contradictions inherent in all of this Jewish activity or would you like for me to enumerate them for you?

I discount the ancient claims presented by both sides; biblical - historical - or otherwise.

The conflict between the Jewish and the Arab over the region is basically about a decision that was made nearly a century ago (90 years +). All these various issues that have popped-up since then, are merely ancillary to the decision that really was the theme.

"Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connexion of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;"

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist Organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate shall be recognized as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.​

This decision was made by the powers-that-be at the time; the Allied Powers (called that for a reason). What we call the Arab/Palestinian today, simply wasn't in control. They were the enemy population of the Empire that fell.

Forget all this other stuff. The Allied Powers saw a need and made a decision which was their right and authority at that time. You simply can't apply todays standards to a protocol establish a century ago.

Of course, we don't expect the Palestinian of today to understand that. And there are many that would today, disagree with the decision made back then. But the fact of the matter is, it was made. And all the end-fighting the Arabs have initiated since that time, has done nothing helpful for the Arab/Palestinian; they just made it worse for themselves.

Most Respectfully,

I see no clear agreement of the Allied Powers about Palestine 90 years ago, the Mandate itself contained clauses which was adopted by The League Of Nations within it sending mixed messages to people Iin the land.
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