Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

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Coyote doesn't realise that children are regularly used in the infrastructure of terrorism: as spotters, bomb/weapon builders, intelligence gatherers, transporters, and of course, as human shields. Meanwhile, he's worried about them being "mistreated" by Israel when arrested.

And it's absolutely wrong. Children should never be used in the conduct of war whether it's in the Congo, Sudan, Palestine or Israel. Are you now justifying mistreatment because this occurs in other countries? Two wrongs make a right sort of argument? Or is this an attempt at deflection?
What I'm saying is that children who are part of the infrastructure of terrorism are valid targets for liquidation, or in some cases, for arrest and interrogation. They are certainly not eligible for due process rights in such circumstances.
Do you even know what WP is and what it's used for?

I do. If you are uncertain, do a search on some of the threads here - it's been argued ad nauseum.

Anyone who invokes WP is a Johnny-come-lately who just recently began paying attention to this issue, throwing out Al-Jazeera/Guardian buzz words. The use of WP in Cast Lead was entirely lawful and moral. If you don't want to be affected by it, it's quite simple... stay inside.
More Coyote double-standards and distortions.

Israel used white phosphorus for smokescreens. There is NO EVIDENCE of it being used against human targets. Indeed, if it had been, there would have likely been hundreds of resulting casualties. Instead, at most, there was a claim (made by "human rights" agencies who were not actually in Gaza) that about a dozen Gazans were killed by white phosphorus. Israel, to avoid future controversy over the subject, elected to cease using it.

People like you, however, will translate all of that to: Israel attacked civilians with white phosphorus. When you phrase it in such a manner, you're a liar.

Meanwhile, in Syria, thousands of people are being targeted and killed through the use of every means possible, including chemical weapons. That does not seem to concern you nearly as much as Israel's supposed wrongs.

In the end, you just come accross as a condescending jerk who pretends to have Israel's interests at heart when, in fact, you are engaging in libel.

I'm starting to think that I may have spoken too soon when I said that I didn't think you are an anti-Semite. If you're not one, you're doing a great impression of one.
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Might as well be honest about it, Coyote hates Israel but has deluded himself into thinking that he is a friend of Israel and the Jewish people. Much like Bill Clinton.
Do you even know what WP is and what it's used for?

I do. If you are uncertain, do a search on some of the threads here - it's been argued ad nauseum.

Anyone who invokes WP is a Johnny-come-lately who just recently began paying attention to this issue, throwing out Al-Jazeera/Guardian buzz words. The use of WP in Cast Lead was entirely lawful and moral. If you don't want to be affected by it, it's quite simple... stay inside.

WP has been discussed on a number of threads, for example:

Feel free to resurrect one.
Thought we all agreed on that Al-Durah was not killed by the IDF> ?

Or are there still morons out there who believe otherwise?

I have no idea - I just posted those threads becuase there was discussion of WP, rather than rehashing those arguments here and derailing the thread :)
krych3k, your signature photo is sooooooooooooooooooooo last season!

here, have the modern one!

[ame=]Gilad Atzmon Questions Students Defaming Him - CU Boulder - YouTube[/ame]
Thought we all agreed on that Al-Durah was not killed by the IDF> ?

Or are there still morons out there who believe otherwise?

I have no idea - I just posted those threads becuase there was discussion of WP, rather than rehashing those arguments here and derailing the thread :)

We know you have no idea. Thankfully, the truth is the truth whether or not you realise it or are willing to accept it.
Thought we all agreed on that Al-Durah was not killed by the IDF> ?

Or are there still morons out there who believe otherwise?

Coyote is waiting for a report from the UNHRC before rendering judgment. As a trained monkey he cannot exercise independent thought after doing independent research.
More Coyote double-standards and distortions.

Israel used white phosphorus for smokescreens. There is NO EVIDENCE of it being used against human targets. Indeed, if it had been, there would have likely been hundreds of resulting casualties. Instead, at most, there was a claim (made by "human rights" agencies who were not actually in Gaza) that about a dozen Gazans were killed by white phosphorus. Israel, to avoid future controversy over the subject, elected to cease using it.

Israel had access to a plentiful supply of smoke shells which would have provided a less damaging and equally effective "smoke screen" in urban areas. In a densely populated area, where people are fleeing from building to avoid shelling - the chances of injury from WP is likely and there were a number of injuries reported. WP causes horrendous injuries. It's a horrible way to die. Israel lied about, denied it, claimed it was only for smoke and ultimately - after the evidence was brought into the open - elected to cease using it. They could have used smoke shells.

People like you, however, will translate all of that to: Israel attacked civilians with white phosphorus. When you phrase it in such a manner, you're a liar.

I'm pointing out they chose to use WP when they had other alternatives available. They CHOSE to use it, in a way that was contraindicated, in a densely populated area.

Meanwhile, in Syria, thousands of people are being targeted and killed through the use of every means possible, including chemical weapons. That does not seem to concern you nearly as much as Israel's supposed wrongs.

Yes. They are. And where is your concern? Where are all your threads and posts regarding these horrors? Why is it you only seem to post in IP on behalf of Israel, and the Palestinians atrocities to Israel?

In the end, you just come accross as a condescending jerk who pretends to have Israel's interests at heart when, in fact, you are engaging in libel.

I'm starting to think that I may have spoken too soon when I said that I didn't think you are an anti-Semite. If you're not one, you're doing a great impression of one.
You are entitled to your opinion.
Did you really just ask me why I post about Israel and not about Syria?


Well, gee... maybe because its because I have a personal stake in Israel's security.

I'm pretty sure that you're not posting here because you claim to be a "Palestinian," though. You just post here because you hate Israel.
Did you really just ask me why I post about Israel and not about Syria?


Well, gee... maybe because its because I have a personal stake in Israel's security.

I'm pretty sure that you're not posting here because you claim to be a "Palestinian," though. You just post here because you hate Israel.


You apply one standard too yourself and completely different standards to others.

Posters here have their own areas of interest or concern - I don't question that or their motives for that concern or interest. It's their right. Yet coming from you and other’s here – it’s OK for a “pro-Israeli” advocate to post only or primarily on those topics but it’s not ok for a “pro-Palestinian” advocate to do the same and it has nothing to do with whether or not they are citizens of said areas (and most aren’t). Somehow, in your world, if they are concerned about Palestinians, they must be concerned about injustices worldwide. Do you see the real double standard here?
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