Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

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Posters here have their own areas of interest or concern - I don't question that or their motives for that concern or interest. It's their right.

Well, you know what, Peyote... I DO question YOUR motives, which is my right.

Yet coming from you and other’s here – it’s OK for a “pro-Israeli” advocate to post only or primarily on those topics but it’s not ok for a “pro-Palestinian” advocate to do the same and it has nothing to do with whether or not they are citizens of said areas (and most aren’t).

I'm not just a "pro-Israeli," though... I'm a Jew who has studied and worked in Israel, has family members who live there and who contributes financially to Israel's development.

You, on the other hand, have no connection to the "Palestinians." You simply use them as a platform to oppose Israel.

I've said it to you before, and I'll say it again...

You're not fooling anyone.
Being "pro-Palestinian" automatically makes one anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and with virtually no exceptions, a hater of Jews.
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The whole artificial "Palestinian" national identity is one thing: anti-Zionism. "Palestinians" are, hilariously and ironically, a product of Zionism. Without Zionism there would be no "Palestinians". They define themselves exclusively by what they are against.
Being "pro-Palestinian" automatically makes one anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and with virtually no exceptions, a hater of Jews.

No, it doesn't. No more than being "pro-Israeli" makes one a racist.
I have no idea - I just posted those threads becuase there was discussion of WP, rather than rehashing those arguments here and derailing the thread :)

Okey Dokey Pokey!


Posters here have their own areas of interest or concern - I don't question that or their motives for that concern or interest. It's their right.

Well, you know what, Peyote... I DO question YOUR motives, which is my right.

Of course it's your right.

I'm not just a "pro-Israeli," though... I'm a Jew who has studied and worked in Israel, has family members who live there and who contributes financially to Israel's development.

Good for you.

You, on the other hand, have no connection to the "Palestinians." You simply use them as a platform to oppose Israel.

Now will you apply that same standard to "Pro-Israeli's" here who aren't even Jewish much less have family members or citizenship in Israel?

I've said it to you before, and I'll say it again...

You're not fooling anyone.

It's not my intent to.

What motivates me is a sense of fairness and justice on both sides. Make of it what you will.

Ironically, growing up my I had a lot of interaction with Israeli's. My mother was involved in collaborative research with Israel, and we frequently hosted visiting scientists and she in turn spent time in Israel. While I'm not intimately involved with Israel nor do I know many Palistinians, I have gained an appreciation for their points of view.
What motivates me is a sense of fairness and justice on both sides.


She's here all week, folks! Make sure you tip your waitress and try the veal!

Is this kind of childish retort all you are capable of?

If the report on Israel is wrong, maybe you can show us evidence that specific aspects are false?
Guess you've never heard of "innocent until proven guilty."

Stop dodging.

If the report on Israel is wrong, maybe you can show us evidence that specific aspects are false?

For example - one allegation made was that the IDF used Palestinian children as human shields and, in one case specifically, the charge was investigated by Israeli authorities, the soldier found guilty, but his only punishment was demotion and a mild sentence.

That is easy to prove one way or the other.
Israel is not required to prove the falsity of every made-up accusation.

As for the report of the matter that was investigated by Israeli authorities... if true, you are only proving my point. Its an internal issue handled by Israel through its judicial and/or military tribunal system.

In other words, its none of your damn business, and nobody is required to prove anything to you.
Israel is not required to prove the falsity of every made-up accusation.

I'm not asking Israel. I'm asking *you* as someone who is posting on a political messageboard.

As for the report of the matter that was investigated by Israeli authorities... if true, you are only proving my point. Its an internal issue handled by Israel through its judicial and/or military tribunal system.

So you feel the same when Pakistani authorities ok the stoning of blasphemers? It's an "internal issue"?

In other words, its none of your damn business, and nobody is required to prove anything to you.

In other words you have no argument except insults.
I'm not asking Israel. I'm asking *you* as someone who is posting on a political messageboard.

Same answer. I'm not required to present evidence to DISPROVE every made-up accusation against Israel.

So you feel the same when Pakistani authorities ok the stoning of blasphemers? It's an "internal issue"?

So you want me to compare a situation in which a government condones acts of violence to one in which acts of violence are punished?

In other words you have no argument except insults.

You are way too easily insulted.

I find your "arguments" to be an insult to my intelligence, and that of every other person on this forum.
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Here's the problem: This Falk person has expressed anti-Semitic attitudes on at least four occasions cited in this one article. And NO, it's not impossible to be born of Jewish parents and have bias against Judaism and Jews: perhaps it's illogical or inconsistent, but since when is *that* unusual among humans?

So, there are at least four instances of 'prejudicial' statements by this individual - and they are PUBLIC and DELIBERATE and 'official'. He HAS to know he is 'a public figure', and the POV he has chosen to present is a biased one.

When the Secretary-General of the UN is chastising Falk for his bias *publically* as well, I think Mr. Moon ALSO knows he himself is 'a public figure' and is well aware of the implications.

The headline of the ARTICLE cited in the OP, which was used for the title here, is one of those misleading 'grabber' things. It's not the OP's fault that the headline was so misleading. The 'report' alleges: there doesn't appear to be much in the way of actual proof nor opportunity to provide any proof. It is far from comprehensive and not necessarily factual.

This report addressed in the OP is not the Falk Report. The Falk Report addressed other human rights abuses of the past year and thst are ongoing, but was not focused on abuses against children.
I gave up on the UN completely as any type of fair arbiter in this after the Goldstone report, not that there wasn't other writing on the wall, but, that was the last straw for me.
Shall we run down the list of countries where those people compiling the report are citizens and look at the charges made against their nations with regard to human rights?

The US DOES NOT CARE about that sort of thing, not at all. Not the State Dep't, not DoD: nobody. Or we wouldn't still be so buddy-buddy with nations whose citizens have *kidnapped* children who are US citizens and held them without allowing them to contact their American parent.

Japan?s Child Kidnapping Problem - The Daily Beast

International Custody Disputes on the Rise -- Families Fight to Get Their Kids Back - ABC News
GHook93 said:
Don't worry soon the entire world will be using Muslims for target practice! The Muslim genocide is just around the corner!

Too cowardly to post in open forum, hooky posts hopes of mass murder in rep comments.
All we see from the extremists on this forum is hate and excuses for terrible crimes by the IDF and Israeli government.

This from the same people who accuse Muslims of not speaking out against extremism.
Being "pro-Palestinian" automatically makes one anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and with virtually no exceptions, a hater of Jews.

No, it doesn't. No more than being "pro-Israeli" makes one a racist.

I already explained why being pro-"Palestinian" necessarily makes one anti-Zionist, any by natural extension, anti-Jewish. Just as being pro-Nazi makes one anti-Jewish, so does being pro-"Palestinian". The "Palestinian" identity is predicated on hatred of Jews and a desire to destroy Israel. That's it, that's all. Without Zionism, there are no "Palestinians". Sorry to burst your bubble.
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