Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

I know,
Arab supremacists think
they've given birth to the dinosaurs.

But if you need to redefine every term to fit
the narrative, here's already a clue you know it's void.

There is no "redefinition" going on.
Arabs are the original Mideast race, going back to the Biblical origins of Noah and his son Shem.
Doesn't matter if they did not really exist or not.
The point is the original tribes of the Levant were defined to be Arabs.
Their language were defined to be Semitic.
And Hebrew were only one small part of the whole Arab grouping.
And since the Hebrew left for a very long time, and came back as evil invaders, they lost any aspects of natural rights to the region that natives would have.
Then Jews did the same thing.
They left for thousands of years, and came back as evil invaders. Which forfeits any rights at all.
There is no "redefinition" going on.
Arabs are the original Mideast race, going back to the Biblical origins of Noah and his son Shem.
Doesn't matter if they did not really exist or not.
The point is the original tribes of the Levant were defined to be Arabs.
Their language were defined to be Semitic.
And Hebrew were only one small part of the whole Arab grouping.
And since the Hebrew left for a very long time, and came back as evil invaders, they lost any aspects of natural rights to the region that natives would have.
Then Jews did the same thing.
They left for thousands of years, and came back as evil invaders. Which forfeits any rights at all.
Arab supremacist lunacy at its best...

"...we gave birth to everything before us,
so we deserve exclusive domination over
the entire Middle East, Africa, and then some..."
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Arab supremacist lunacy at its best...

"...we gave birth to everything before us,
so we deserve exclusive domination over
the entire Middle East, Africa, and then some..."

That is ridiculous.
Ancient Canaanites were the first in the Levant, and by definition, they were defined as Arab.
All those who then followed their language group are also considered Arab.
Arabs then do not have or want dominion over anything except where they have traditionally lived, which is mostly the Levant.
And clearly Jews are only slightly related to ancient Hebrew, and have lost all connection or claim to anything in the Mideast.
If Jews had kept connection, then they would understand the Hebrew were Arabs.
That is ridiculous.
Ancient Canaanites were the first in the Levant, and by definition, they were defined as Arab.
All those who then followed their language group are also considered Arab.
Arabs then do not have or want dominion over anything except where they have traditionally lived, which is mostly the Levant.
And clearly Jews are only slightly related to ancient Hebrew, and have lost all connection or claim to anything in the Mideast.
If Jews had kept connection, then they would understand the Hebrew were Arabs.

The only reason Arab supremacists claim everyone else before them were Arabs,
is to compensate for their late appearance, centuries after the region had
already been developed by much advanced civilizations before them.

Because Arab imperialism spread by conquest and colonization of several continents,
forcing their language on numerous ancient cultures they've decimated.
their rule remains foreign everywhere outside Arabia - by definition.

Jews understand this, exactly because despite centuries of Arab agression
they've managed to maintain a continuous presence in the region
to witness it all first hand.

So besides arrogant racism and imperialist greed, there's no justice to
the Arab supremacist demand for domination over the entire Middle East and Africa.

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The only reason Arab supremacists claim everyone else before them were Arabs,
is to compensate for their late appearance, centuries after the region had
already been developed by much advanced civilizations before them.

Because Arab imperialism spread by conquest and colonization of several continents,
forcing their language on numerous ancient cultures they've decimated.
their rule remains foreign everywhere outside Arabia - by definition.

Jews understand this, exactly because despite centuries of Arab agression
they've managed to maintain a continuous presence in the region
to witness it all first hand.

So besides arrogant racism and imperialist greed, there's no justice to
the Arab supremacist demand for domination over the entire Middle East and Africa.


You lie when you claim that the natives of the Levant are not Arab.
Arabs, like Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, Amorites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Edamites, Nabatians, etc., were the first in the Levant.
They do not come from the Arabian Peninsula, but the Arabian Peninsula was populated from the Levant.
Anyone looking at a map knows it has to be that way because ALL humans came from Africa, and the Levant is the only land route to the Arabian Peninsula.

You lie when you claim Arabs are imperialists.
Liberating the Mideast from Greek and Roman imperialists is not imperialisms.
The native Arabs had a right to be free from imperialism.
Moslem imperialism did not happen until the Asian invaders took over Islam, like the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks, after 1200 AD.
They were NOT Arab.
The native Arabs have never left their homes in the Levant. and they have a 12,000 year long occupation of those lands.
You lie when you claim Arabs want dominion over the entire Mideast and Africa.
Arabs from the Levant never left and only want to remain there forever, without being molested by illegal European immigrants.

You lie when you claim Jews kept a continual Mideast presence, and that the original Hebrew were not Arab.
The fact the original Hebrew were Arab is undeniable.
Lineage is traced mostly by language, and Hebrew is a Semitic Arab language.
But clearly the Hebrew left the Mideast at some point, to later return as imperialist invaders who constantly got kicked out for their arrogance and pride.
And in the constant coming and going, Jews lost all touch with their history.
The Ashkenazi no longer spoke a Semitic language, but spoke the Germanic Yiddish, do not remotely look Arab any more, and they denied their Arab roots.
So they no longer are native to the Mideast at all and lost any claim of being native there.
Modern Jews are not even remotely descendants of Hebrew any more.
They have totally denied their Arab heritage.
If Jews had remained, they would still be Arab and have totally integrated.
But they are the invaders who renounce their Arab origins in their greed to steal from the native Arabs.

You lie when you claim that the natives of the Levant are not Arab.
Arabs, like Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, Amorites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Edamites, Nabatians, etc., were the first in the Levant.
They do not come from the Arabian Peninsula, but the Arabian Peninsula was populated from the Levant.
Anyone looking at a map knows it has to be that way because ALL humans came from Africa, and the Levant is the only land route to the Arabian Peninsula.

You lie when you claim Arabs are imperialists.
Liberating the Mideast from Greek and Roman imperialists is not imperialisms.
The native Arabs had a right to be free from imperialism.
Moslem imperialism did not happen until the Asian invaders took over Islam, like the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks, after 1200 AD.
They were NOT Arab.
The native Arabs have never left their homes in the Levant. and they have a 12,000 year long occupation of those lands.
You lie when you claim Arabs want dominion over the entire Mideast and Africa.
Arabs from the Levant never left and only want to remain there forever, without being molested by illegal European immigrants.

You lie when you claim Jews kept a continual Mideast presence, and that the original Hebrew were not Arab.
The fact the original Hebrew were Arab is undeniable.
Lineage is traced mostly by language, and Hebrew is a Semitic Arab language.
But clearly the Hebrew left the Mideast at some point, to later return as imperialist invaders who constantly got kicked out for their arrogance and pride.
And in the constant coming and going, Jews lost all touch with their history.
The Ashkenazi no longer spoke a Semitic language, but spoke the Germanic Yiddish, do not remotely look Arab any more, and they denied their Arab roots.
So they no longer are native to the Mideast at all and lost any claim of being native there.
Modern Jews are not even remotely descendants of Hebrew any more.
They have totally denied their Arab heritage.
If Jews had remained, they would still be Arab and have totally integrated.
But they are the invaders who renounce their Arab origins in their greed to steal from the native Arabs.

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That is stupid.
It would not matter if it were even true, because the evil foreign invader is still Israel.
They are the monsters causing all the problems, killing or exiling natives so their homes can be stolen.

Of course, the merchants of the 'Palestinian cause'
couldn't care less about Gazans, if not to blame
their corruption on Israel. While also openly
admitting they're Saudis and Egyptians.

Arab supremacists - are just greedy imperialist frauds -

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Of course, the merchants of the 'Palestinian cause'
couldn't care less about Gazans, if not to blame
their corruption on Israel. And as they openly
admit they're Saudis and Egyptians.

Arab supremacists - are just greedy imperialist frauds.

The Palestinians are not Saudis or Egyptians.
They are the people who took up the call by the Allies in WWI, to defeat the Ottoman Empire.
They joined with Lawrence of Arabia, and defeated the Ottoman Turks.
For that, they were PROMISED a free and independent Palestine, at the Treaty of San Remo and Treaty of Serves, in 1920.
And frankly, it would not matter who they were, because they still earned their liberation, and the Allies still owe it to them.

The Jews in Israel helped no one, are owed nothing, and there is no legal document to grant any validity to their claims at all.

By 1930, before the Jewish immigration, Palestine was over a million, with less than 5% Jews.
The Palestinians are not Saudis or Egyptians.
They are the people who took up the call by the Allies in WWI, to defeat the Ottoman Empire.
They joined with Lawrence of Arabia, and defeated the Ottoman Turks.
For that, they were PROMISED a free and independent Palestine, at the Treaty of San Remo and Treaty of Serves, in 1920.
And frankly, it would not matter who they were, because they still earned their liberation, and the Allies still owe it to them.

The Jews in Israel helped no one, are owed nothing, and there is no legal document to grant any validity to their claims at all.

By 1930, before the Jewish immigration, Palestine was over a million, with less than 5% Jews.

Gazans Admit They're Foreigners



Back in October, I posted how Israel-hating celebrity real estate developer Mohamed Hadid was ordered to do community service, pay fines and put forward a plan to stabilize a Bel-Air hillside after pleading no contest to criminal charges tied to his mansion in the hills of Bel-Air.

At the time, his lawyer said

“We’re interested in one thing and one thing only … bringing this building into compliance…I can assure you that when this building is complete, it will be one of the most beautiful homes in Bel-Air, if not the country.”
About that assurance..

Mohamed Hadid‘s controversial Bel-Air mansion is being demolished.
Photos taken this week show the beginnings of the process of dismantling the illegally constructed 30,000-square-foot behemoth, following a judge’s 2019 ruling the cliffside structure was a “danger to the public.”
The 73-year-old real estate developer and father of supermodels Gigi and Bella purchased the property in 2011 and gained approval to build a smaller house on the site. Instead, he began illegally constructing a 30,000-square-foot mansion without the correct permits, according to Dirt.
In 2017, he plead no contest to criminal charges and was ordered to do 200 hours of community service and pay $3,000 in fines as well as other hefty fees, the Los Angeles Times reported.
At the time, Hadid was also ordered to organize a plan to help “stabilize” the hillside on which the property was built after neighbors expressed concern that the size of the mansion was posing a possible danger.
He was later hit with a civil lawsuit from multiple neighbors in 2018 for not sticking to the terms of that deal. The neighbors were eventually awarded nearly $3 million.
In 2019, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Craig D. Karlan ordered the mansion to be demolished, detailing that the structure put his neighbors at “legitimate risk of suffering damage and harm to their homes.”
The property was sold at auction in December 2021 for $5 million to developer Sahara Construction Co., which agreed to pay to have the home demolished within nine months of the sale.
A day after this news came out, Hadid posted the below to Instagram, which seems to blame one of his neighbors for his legal battles with the house, but at the same time includes a screenshot from this report stating Hadid won a court case regarding it:


This post seems to have confused the hell out of all and sundry, with most of his supporters congratulating him for this “victory” from September, without realizing the house is being demolished.

I guess if the Israelis were demolishing it, he and his kids would be all over the story.


Anti-Israel Dumbass of the Day

I don’t think the dumbassery of this tweet needs any explaining.


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