Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini


Arafat admits the fake "refugees" in Chile and Kuwait would not "return",
but he only wants their money, because they're millionaires.

From the horse's mouth:

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Linda Sarsour to Guide Teens To "Violence-Free" Relationships


Yesterday I posted about Linda Sarsour announcing the upcoming release of a version of her memoir for young readers. It turns out this is not her only activity related to addressing young people; A group called End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin has announcedits annual Teen Summit in June, with Sarsour as one of its keynote speakers.

The idea of Sarsour guiding young people in creating violence-free relationships and communities is akin to having an avowed pyromaniac address a crowd on fire prevention.



Sarsour hugging Rasmeah Odeh, convicted of the murder of 2 students.

Remember when Linda Sarsour was just an ordinary

white girl from New York City?

She later found it politically expedient to refer to herself as a “woman of color”,
even to the point of having bad photoshop jobs portray her as “dark”:


Years later, and her transformation is complete: Linda Sarsour is now officially Black!

Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch exposed that the Palestinian Authority has been the driving force behind the recent wave of eight stabbing attacks since the start of March in Israel. The Palestinian terror climaxed in the horrific attack on Tuesday in which four Israelis were murdered.

As reported yesterday, the PA and Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah have been calling continuously for “popular resistance,” the PA term for knife and car ramming terror. To show their support for terror, not only didn’t the PA condemn any of the previous attacks – it publicized unqualified support for the terrorists, and condemned Israel for killing them to stop the attacks. Moreover, official PA TV and the official daily newspaper honored the terrorist murderer yesterday as a “Shahid” - Islamic Martyr.

Yet, when Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh met with Israeli Minister of Public Security Bar-Lev an hour after Tuesday’s terror attack, he told him he “was shocked” by the attack:

"This meeting opens with Hussein Al-Sheikh's saying at the very beginning to Minister Bar-Lev: "I am deeply shocked by this terror attack."
[Israeli TV KAN News, March 23, 20022]

(full article online)

While the article notes some accusations of questionable conduct by Ateret Cohanim in regard to other property purchases, the purchase itself was 100% legal and they have every right to take possession.

But the EU, so concerned about the law when it can be interpreted against Israel, wants it to be ignored when it supports the position of Jews. Buying a building and moving in is "settler occupation," and of course all "settler occupation" is illegal.

The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate is trying to incite violence over this, by "warning" that Jews buying property is likely to cause violence:

This act is extremely dangerous as it regards community relations on the ground. Acting in this illegally aggressive manner against a known Christian property and an Arab business –particularly ahead of Easter and Ramadan – could likely ignite local hostilities similar to what was witnessed last year in Sheikh Jarrah. Not to mention the timing that Mati Dan and his organisation, Ateret Cohanim, are choosing on the eve of Secretary Blinken’s arrival in the region.
In response to this illegal activity, local residents, business owners, and priests are demanding definitive action. Patriarch Theophilos III has been consulting heavily with the Council of Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem and receiving counsel from all sides. The Church is doing all that it can to stop these actions, protect the tenants, and come to a lawful and peaceful resolution. However, there is tremendous pressure to address these actions in a powerful way. The Church fears certain actions could quickly escalate and ignite a very turbulent scenario in the Old City.

This is a typical Palestinian response - not to call on Palestinians to be calm but to "warn" that what Jews do can cause Palestinians to turn violent. The racist subtext is that Jews want to avoid violence and Palestinians naturally engage in it.

The hotel itself looks like a dump. TripAdvisor reviews tell horror stories and show photos that are stomach-turning.

(full article online)


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