Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Israel vs. Palestine with Norman Finkelstein​

Thank you for posting the interview with Finkelstein, one of my favorite experts on a right wing Israeli genocide that he admits is: "...not complicated" that Israel is committing genocide.

When Israel's genocidal right wing elements uses the phrase "mowing the lawn" as they have during Operations "Cast Lead", "Pillar of Cloud", "Cutting Edge" etc, it's "not complicated" that they mean indiscriminate genocide.

Finkelstein also discussed the genocidal nature of a quote I have frequently cited from Israel's Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant:

“Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.”

It's "not complicated" that systematically exterminating an entire population through starvation

Recognizing Netanyahu's genocidal agenda, too, is "not complicated" when he compared the Palestinians to the Amaleks of the Old Testament that were to be completely destroyed.

As I have frequently cited, ethical, moral and informed Jews and non Jews around the world are growing in their condemnation of Zionist genocide every day.

Recognizing the ignorance, bigotry and hate-filled nature of any individual supporting Netanyahu's transparent genocidal agenda is also...."not complicated".

Thanks again,

Palestinian Historian DEMOLISHES MSNBC: ‘They Make Me Puke’ With Rashid Khalidi​

When did I ever say that 7 October 2023 never happened or was exaggerated and why won't you answer simple questions?

I just posted irrefutable proof that the country to which you are most loyal, Israel, tortures thousands of hostages and has been long before the suspicious events of 7 October 2023 and you're still evading the facts.
I never said you said it . There have been links posted about 10/ 7 that it Never happened or was exaggerated. As a matter of Fact; the majority came from Tinmore 🥱Feel the same way about this. I want to see pictures physical injuries and proof of abuse

Jewish Interviewer CLASHES with Anti-Zionist Rabbi | “I’m Not Going To Answer That Question!”​


Richard Boyd Barrett: The Israeli Regime is out of control and has no place in the civilised world​


Israeli Violence & Western Hypocrisy: Where Are the Palestinian Flag Emojis? w/ Ali Abunimah​


Palestine, the Squad & How the Right To Resist Imperial Violence Is Universal, w/ Ali Abunimah​


Ongoing Nakba: Palestinian activist blasts Israeli violence at Al Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah​


The Intersection of Academic Freedom and the war on Gaza: A View from the Region -- Featuring: Sami Al-Arian​


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