Palestinians and Jews are genetically the same people

Indonesia has a system of law which which is disgusting
excrement ---HOWEVER I do appreciate the fact that you
recognize the RIGHT of israel to declare islam to be an
I do foresee that soon India will declare ISLAM
to be an ILLEGAL RELIGION If the idea were
put to vote in my town----which has seen the filth of
meccaism up close--I have no doubt that ISLAM
would be voted out of existence here. Nice of you
to find that idea DELIGHTFUL

All religions should be illegal, then the wars could stop.

the Marxists tried that-----it did not work
Marxists are irrelevant. We should do it now.
All religions should be illegal, then the wars could stop.

the Marxists tried that-----it did not work
Marxists are irrelevant. We should do it now.

who is "we"? does that include the more than billion dogs with
an mindset like the two bombers bostoni? ----ie those who worship
the "god" of the poison nail bomb and glorious slit throat for
the Marxists tried that-----it did not work
Marxists are irrelevant. We should do it now.

who is "we"? does that include the more than billion dogs with
an mindset like the two bombers bostoni? ----ie those who worship
the "god" of the poison nail bomb and glorious slit throat for

We should deport anyone who claims to belong to a religion. That would be a start.
Marxists are irrelevant. We should do it now.

who is "we"? does that include the more than billion dogs with
an mindset like the two bombers bostoni? ----ie those who worship
the "god" of the poison nail bomb and glorious slit throat for

We should deport anyone who claims to belong to a religion. That would be a start.

go away , ima-----you are a waste of a click
who is "we"? does that include the more than billion dogs with
an mindset like the two bombers bostoni? ----ie those who worship
the "god" of the poison nail bomb and glorious slit throat for

We should deport anyone who claims to belong to a religion. That would be a start.

go away , ima-----you are a waste of a click

What has religion ever done for mankind? Anything positive?
the Marxists tried that-----it did not work
Marxists are irrelevant. We should do it now.

who is "we"? does that include the more than billion dogs with
an mindset like the two bombers bostoni? ----ie those who worship
the "god" of the poison nail bomb and glorious slit throat for

I don't believe I could live a life of pure hate against people I don't even know.
Marxists are irrelevant. We should do it now.

who is "we"? does that include the more than billion dogs with
an mindset like the two bombers bostoni? ----ie those who worship
the "god" of the poison nail bomb and glorious slit throat for

I don't believe I could live a life of pure hate against people I don't even know.

who is it you want to hate that you don't know? I am fascinated by your comment---
I was 19 years old (a very long time ago) when I first encountered people who
HATE PEOPLE THEY DID NOT KNOW------I discovered that of the scores and scores
of muslims fresh from islamic countries I was encountering----the ones who
hated jews the most were those coming from places that had no jewish population
at all at that time. Way back then (long before 1979) Iranians did not hate
jews much at all. ------but Iran did have a jewish population back then.

Back then the people who could quote hardcore nazi propaganda ---
the stuff written by escaped nazi war criminals ---like Mengele and
Aribert Heim-----were mostly pakistanis and muslims from northern
India They knew far more nazi propaganda than any american
I had ever met and they knew stuff even the nazis did not know---
but just as ludicrous. Of course since they had no idea about jews---
I got to hear it because they always took me for a christian
Indonesia has a far less than perfect record but most of the bad stuff is down to a minority, not the majority.
Most people here are exactly the same as most people anywhere else, they don't give a toss about politics and don't hate anyone at all.
Sadly, as you see with the ugly end of American politics and the British EDL, there are nut jobs, intent on mob violence and destruction.
I'll stick to England rather than America because I know it so well.
In England, the EDL mobs run around, smashing up Asian areas in the name of preventing Islamic extremism.
To those who don't know, I could post a load of videos showing that bunch of morons and claim the the UK is full of mad idiots who like to get pissed and smash up Asian restaurants.
Of course, whilst there is a minority of idiots, it isn't the majority.

Is this "the British"?

Muslamic Ray Guns EDL ( Original ) - YouTube

I can't resist posting that video. It's a classic example of an uneducated idiot, told to believe whatever BS he's primed with and not having enough brain power to work out he's an moron.
The sad thing is, people use that type of moron the world over to act as pawns in their dangerous game of hate.

Indonesia is my chosen or adopted country but, at least for the moment, I hold a red, British passport. This is going to really bug those who are trying to make out I'll defend extremists but I'm hanging on a while before I go WNI as I'm still a little concerned with the potential power a few extremist groups may grab. These people would totally ruin the country.
They've already tried a failed (pathetic, half wet) coup and their bombing campaign is designed to destabilise the country.
That's where many make a mistake about the Bali bombs, the idiots that did it may well have been indoctrinated into thinking they were murdering evil kafir who drink, use drugs and fornicate but it was nothing to do with that at all.
The tourist trade brings millions to the Indonesian economy and the evil bastards who set up the attack knew this and knew it would take jobs from Indonesians, mostly Muslims, as the attacks cleared tourists from the whole of Indonesia.
It takes much less effort to radicalise a man who has no money and no chance of earning any.
As a note, I was informed by a senior policeman here, the terrorist suicide bomber's family are paid off by the terrorist group as compensation for the loss of their husband/father. A man with no hope for the future may well take this terrible step to take care of his family.

Last common error.
I converted about a year before marriage (In that I stopped drinking alcohol, only ate halal food and wandered to mosques) but before I proposed to my girlfriend.
My official conversion was a couple of months before I got married but that was a tad late as I'd been a good boy for a while.

The reasons for conversion.
I held a very poor opinion of Muslims until I actually met a good few. This told me the Daily Mail and so on were telling fibs. That prompted me to look at Islam and I found out I was a Muslim anyway.
The truth as in Al Qur'an fits with what I felt to be right so I came to the conclusion it was right for me.

The big problem with so many people is simple enough and tends to be two fold:
They know they're so right, everyone else must be wrong
They live for religion, not use religion as a means to lead a good life

These two serious errors aren't reserved for Muslims but for many people in religious and even political groups.

I think that boring post about covers things but let me know if I've missed anything.
With your very long explanation, Fred, you left one important thing out. Many times in your posts (along with your constantly calling Israeli leaders "bastards" even though you have never called any Muslim leaders "bastards" and what do the people in Indonesia even have to do with Israel) there were things you brought up that were obvious lifted from hate sites. All those reading boards for a while have seen what you have said time and time again brought up by anti-Semites. So while you were busy dragging up things from hate sites, your fellow Muslims who might not even know about the hate sites and who have no Jews or so few in their country hate the Jews also. What have the Jews done to them for this hate? Do their clerics incite them to hate the Jews? If anything, they should be hating Muslims who are murdering people of the same sect they are. Why is all this hate focused on Israel and Jews in general and not focused on what is happening in the Muslim world, especially with so many Muslims being killed by each other?

As far as the EDL group in English, are they murdering people en masse like we see Muslims do? If you are going to bring up England, why not mention how the Pakistanis are forcing young English girls into prostitution. As one Paki Brit on another forum said -- these women are just White meat. Why not also tell us, since you want to discuss England also, why Muslims have no go areas that even the police and firemen are hesitant to enter. As for radicals being poor, so many of these radicals have probably a higher degree of education than you have and came from well-to-families
well---at least indofred has learned KHUTBAH JUMAAAT IDIOT
SOPHISTRY-----used every friday to justify filth
you have never called any Muslim leaders "bastards"

I sure have but I'll add a few more:

For starters, Ahmadinejad is a silly bastard.

Noordin Top (yes, I know the uneducated will have to google) is a dead daft bastard (Good riddance to bad rubbish)

Mohammad Nuh (min E+C, Indonesia) is a clearly a thick bastard. To be honest, I firmly believe he has an agenda designed to keep the masses uneducated in some sort of attempt to get a more radical version of Islam to the fore.

and what do the people in Indonesia even have to do with Israel

That's simple enough. The vast majority of both populations have something in common. Neither group are extremist morons and most in both groups just want to get on with the business of their lives without killing or otherwise hurting anyone.
Both groups are plagued by the bloody idiot, extremists from within their population.

there were things you brought up that were obvious lifted from hate sites.

I tend to read as much as I can about any subject in question so I can get a variety of opinions from various groups. That involves reading sites from the very pro and very anti any given group.

One of my favourites is Muslims who support David Duke. That idiot is anti Jewish so some of my moronic brothers and sisters use him to promote their mass hatred.
I have terrific fun with them when I post his anti Muslim rants and ask his Muslim advocates why, if his crap is so right, why they don't sod off out of Europe.
Of course, they can't answer without destroying their own anti Jewish rants.

However, I rarely agree with anything on these sites because they blame "Jews", not the specific Jews that are guilty of any given crime.
Same goes for anti Muslims sites.

What have the Jews done to them for this hate?

Jews in general have done nothing. The Israeli government and Zionist have done a lot.
Lack of education and extremist teachings allow our extremists to push an anti Jewish rant instead of targeting the people who are actually responsible for the evil.
It's about the same as on this forum where some posters would have us believe all Muslims are responsible for the crimes of the extremists.

Do their clerics incite them to hate the Jews? If anything, they should be hating Muslims who are murdering people of the same sect they are.

Never in a mosque I've been to.
I have heard various clerics attacking extremist Muslim groups.
We should not hate any Muslims as such but terrorist murders must be executed as they've committed serious crime against people and, what is sometimes missed, against Islam as well.
That's why I hold Muslims terrorist murderers in greater contempt than the Israeli government.
Both bastards kill innocents but our idiots hurt all Muslims because they cause so many people to hate Islam.

Why is all this hate focused on Israel and Jews in general and not focused on what is happening in the Muslim world, especially with so many Muslims being killed by each other?

For exactly the same reason the west is being set up to hate Islam.
Propaganda, dear chap.
While ever the Israeli government is engaged in mass murder, the radicals can excuse whatever hey get up to. While ever our radicals are killing whoever and sending pointless rockets into Israeli, the Israeli government can get up to whatever it wants.
It's all very silly and it's both lots of idiots who cause the death and misery. If either one stopped, the other wouldn't have an excuse.

As far as the EDL group in English, are they murdering people en masse like we see Muslims do?

No, it's mostly firearms offences, wife beating, rape, violence, drugs offences and so on. I did a lot of research a while ago; their crime record is terrible.

If you are going to bring up England, why not mention how the Pakistanis are forcing young English girls into prostitution.

As you wish.
Some Pakistanis see white girls as meat or whores for the taking. Not even close to enough is being dome to combat this but there is a movement trying to educate the people most likely to commit this sort of crime and report such criminal activity to the police. For a series of reason, many immigrants in the UK are scared of being involved with the police in any way. This is a complex issue but must change so, if nothing else, these nasty rapists can be taken off the streets.

why Muslims have no go areas that even the police and firemen are hesitant to enter

I know of places where white people are scared to enter, mostly because they have no clue and I know there are gangs in some of these areas who are anti white.
Clearly a bunch of soft pillocks.
I'm unaware of any Muslim areas where the police are afraid to go but I've been out of the UK for some while.

As for radicals being poor, so many of these radicals have probably a higher degree of education than you have and came from well-to-families

Leaders, maybe. Foot soldiers are generally idiots. You'd have to be to believe extremist crap.
the Marxists tried that-----it did not work
Marxists are irrelevant. We should do it now.

Mindless, irrational bigots like you are irrelevant. You should self-deport now.

Sadly, mindless, irrational bigots are not irrelevant as they're the ones who cause/do most of the killing.
All sides have them and all the other sides need them as reason for their hate and murder.

The mindless, irrational bigots are the enemies of us all.
Rosie -

Have you ever considered that the Muslim emigrants that you meet through your work may not be representative of Muslim people in general?

As I mentioned earlier, I think that if I based my view of Americans on the thoughts of Americans who had chosen to move to Europe, I would have one very skewed impression.
Ok I get it-----the islamo nazi pigs are inventing a BIG TIME LIBEL --
against the christians who are descendants of the dutch in order to
make legal their RAPE AND MURDER of little christian girls ---<<<
somethings never change The pigs did the same thing in the
land in which my hubby was born----the same never ending filth
learned from "AL NABI"

Really, Rosie.....if you knew the first thing about the Dutch use of slavery in Indonesia you would not pretend it was a "big time libel".

The Dutch utilised massive numbers of slaves in Indonesia to farm not only spices like nutmeg and cloves, but also crops like tea and coffee.

I totally understand not everyone reads Indonesia history as a hobby, but denying the facts simply because you are not aware of them is no smarter than your claim to "know all about" Pancasila when you didn't even know it was a concept that only exists in Indonesia.
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Rosie -

Have you ever considered that the Muslim emigrants that you meet through your work may not be representative of Muslim people in general?

As I mentioned earlier, I think that if I based my view of Americans on the thoughts of Americans who had chosen to move to Europe, I would have one very skewed impression.

I hear that.
If I based my view of Americans on some I met in London, Malaysia and Indonesia, I think they were all total dicks.
I had the misfortune to come across one who, upon seeing one of her majesty's Bentley motor cars, commented on how badly we treat our royalty because we give them old,crap cars.
Several people heard the uneducated idiot and strongly suggested he sod off back to his idiot pals in yank land. That daft twat had absolutely no clue what a Bentley was.
What a moron.
Another prime idiot was a marine, flashing off his marine ring in front of a load of Muslims, and that was just after the American illegal invasion of Iraq. A time when America was even less popular (because of its foreign policy) than usual.
Ones I've met here, always bleating on about America is so much better.
Well, if you don't like it, fuck off home.

Of course, these are just the idiot end and, like all the idiot end of any group, are the ones who shoot their gobs off and make the rest look stupid.
Here's a link to the article. I couldn't link before I had 15 posts.

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese
It's amazing how people don't even bother reading what they post here. Does this mean Jews and Palestinians are THE SAME PEOPLE? Wow

"The study also revealed that despite the complex history of Jewish migration in the Diaspora (the time since 556 B.C. when Jews migrated out of Palestine), Jewish communities have generally not intermixed with non-Jewish populations. If they had, then Jewish men from different regions of the world would not share the same genetic signatures in their Y chromosome."

See, here is that marker that makes Jewish people separate from others. :clap:

All that this article is doing is saying Jews and all Arabs aka semetic people share "common genes" going back to Abraham. Did you need someone to tell you that?

If they share common genes, they are the same people in my opinion.

The genetic marker differentiates Jews from Europeans, not Arabs.

My interpetation of this study gives you no justifiable reason to be so hateful.
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Rosie -

Have you ever considered that the Muslim emigrants that you meet through your work may not be representative of Muslim people in general?

As I mentioned earlier, I think that if I based my view of Americans on the thoughts of Americans who had chosen to move to Europe, I would have one very skewed impression.

I hear that.
If I based my view of Americans on some I met in London, Malaysia and Indonesia, I think they were all total dicks.
I had the misfortune to come across one who, upon seeing one of her majesty's Bentley motor cars, commented on how badly we treat our royalty because we give them old,crap cars.
Several people heard the uneducated idiot and strongly suggested he sod off back to his idiot pals in yank land. That daft twat had absolutely no clue what a Bentley was.
What a moron.
Another prime idiot was a marine, flashing off his marine ring in front of a load of Muslims, and that was just after the American illegal invasion of Iraq. A time when America was even less popular (because of its foreign policy) than usual.
Ones I've met here, always bleating on about America is so much better.
Well, if you don't like it, fuck off home.

Of course, these are just the idiot end and, like all the idiot end of any group, are the ones who shoot their gobs off and make the rest look stupid.
Here's a tribute to the Sons of Old Blighty, Mr. Fred.

[ame=]Battle of New Orleans, In 1814 - YouTube[/ame]
It's always been interesting for me to meet Americans who have moved to live in Europe (or Africa), because they tend to be quite an interesting bunch - generally very highly educated and skilled, but also often quite left wing. Which is probably why they left the US, of course. They have often been academics, often very well travelled, and often very European in manner and attitudes.

I've met many who almost began by apologising for Bush, Reagan or the US in general.

Funnily enough, I've rarely met people like them when I have been in the US itself.

I am sure this is true of all countries, and no doubt contributes to Rosie having got a terribly warped impression of the modern Islamic world.
It's always been interesting for me to meet Americans who have moved to live in Europe (or Africa), because they tend to be quite an interesting bunch - generally very highly educated and skilled, but also often quite left wing. Which is probably why they left the US, of course. They have often been academics, often very well travelled, and often very European in manner and attitudes.

I've met many who almost began by apologising for Bush, Reagan or the US in general.

Funnily enough, I've rarely met people like them when I have been in the US itself.

I am sure this is true of all countries, and no doubt contributes to Rosie having got a terribly warped impression of the modern Islamic world.
You meet and mingle with some interesting lunatics. It's no wonder some of it has rubbed off on you. Apologize for what?
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